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Task 1. Read and memorize the words:

diabetes mellitus – цукровий діабет;

one of the main threats – одна з основних загроз;

diabetes is to blame for – діабет звинувачують;

leg amputation – ампутація ноги;

grim results- невтішні наслідки;

the loss of kidney function – припинення ниркової діяльності;

impaired eyesight – погіршення зору;

to secrete the insulin hormone – виробляти інсулін;

Task 2. Skim through the text and choose the key sentences:

Diabetes Mellitus

The disease appears to exhibit a hereditary factor. The incidence is high among obese individuals and sedentary workers under emotional strain. Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by high blood sugar hyperglycemia) due to either insulin deficiency, insulin resistance, or excessive secretion of insulin-inhibiting factors, such as a hormone of the anterior pituitary or adrenal glands.

Diabetes mellitus is now one of the main threats to human health and is the third on the list of killers after cardiac and tumorous illnesses. What perhaps people don’t know is that diabetes is to blame for three-quarters of insults (cerebral haemorrhages), half of all heart attacks and for live of every six leg amputations due to gangrene. To these grim results of diabetes we can add the loss of kidney functions and impaired eyesight, right to total blindness. Diabetes is no respecter of age; it attacks both children and the elderly alike.

We have known for a long time that this disease is connected with the malfunctioning of the so-called beta-cells of the pancreas which secrete the insulin hormone.A healthy pancreas produces as much insulin as is needed. But diabetes patients have to lake a definite dose of this hormone at a definite time without any consideration of the organism's needs at the moment. So often these injections fail to produce the necessary effect.

Task 3. Read the text closely and answer the questions:

1. What is one of the main threats to human health? 2. What is diabetes to blame for? 3. What can we add to these grim results? 4. What is the disease connected with? 5. How much insulin does a healthy pancreas produce? 6. What do the patients have to take? 7. Do these injections always produce the necessary effect?

Task 4. Replace the Ukrainian words by suitable English equivalents:

1. Diabetes mellitus is now (одна з основних загроз) to human health. 2. We can add the loss of kidney function and (погіршення зору) to these grim results. 3. This disease is connected with the malfunctioning of the so-called beta-cells of the pancreas which (виробляє інсулін). 4. A healthy (підшлункова залоза) produces as much insulin as is needed. 5. But diabetes patients have to take a definite dose of this hormone at a definite time without any consideration of the (потреб організму) at the moment. 6. So often (ці ін’єкції) fail to produce the necessary effect.

Control Tests. Endocrine System. Cell.

Physiological Functions of the Organism

What substances are produced by endocrine glands?

A. Enzymes. B. Hormones. C. Proteins. D. Vitamins. E. Glucose.

What glands are not endocrine?

A. Hypophisis. B. Hypothalamus. C. Epiphysis. D. Thymus. E. Sweat.

What is the English for “щитовидна залоза”?

A. Adrenal gland. B. Pituitary gland. C. Pineal gland. D. Thyroid gland. E. Pancreas.

What glands are situated above the kidneys?

A. Sex. B. Parathyroid. C. Adrenal. D. Thyroid. E. Thymus.

What does the endocrine system consist of?

A.Reproductive organs. B. Glands of internal secretion. C. Glands of external secretion. D. Glands of mixed secretion. E. All glands of the body.

What gland is the regulating center of all glands?

A. Hypophysis. B. Hypothalamus. C. Thymus. D. Epiphysis.

E. Encephalon

What disease belongs to diseases of the endocrine system?

A. Myocarditis B. Cholecystitis C. Bronchitis D. Diabetes

E. Pneumonia.

What medicine is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus?

A.Glucose. B. Diasolin. C. Insulin. D. Analgin. E. Dimedrol.

What hormones are produced by the female sex glands?

A.Corglycoids. B. Thyroidine. C. Estrogen. D. Testosteron. E. Adrenalin

Where is the thyroid gland situated?

A. Under the heart. B. In the front part of the neck. C. In the chest.

D. In the kidney. E. Under the stomach.

What is another name of the epiphysis?

A. Pineal. B. Pituitary. C. Adrenal. D. Ovary. E. Testis.

What part of the pancreas is endocrine?

A. Left. B. Right. C. Islets. D. Middle. E. Central.

What is the English for “наднирники”?

A. Epiphysis. B. Pituitary. C. Hipophysis. D. Adrenals. E. Parathyroid. 14. The sex glands in males are __.

A. Prostate. B. Ovary. C. Testes. D. Pinial. E. Thyroid.

15. Progesteron is produced in the __.

A. Uterus. B. Ovary. C. Placenta D. Corpus luteus. E. Follicle.

16. The enlarged thyroid is __.

A. Addison’s disease. B. Myxedema. C. Tetany. D. Goiter. E.Cretinism.

17. What does the term polidipsia mean?

A. Intense hunger. B. Intense thirst. C. Loss of blood. D. Anemia.

E. Secretion.

18. The functions of all endocrine glands are interconnected and the glands make up __.

A. An organism. B. A single system. C. Blood circulation.

D. Different things. E. Control over the organism.

19. The hormones are carried throughout the organism with __.

A. Water. B. Lymph. C. Urine. D. Gall. E. Blood.

20. The hypophysis is the chief … of the endocrine system.

A. Gland. B. Brain. C. Cell. D. Organ. E. Receptor.

Without that substance our organism cannot be.

A. Alcohol. B. Nicotine. C. Water. D. Beer. E. Spirit.

What is not harmful to your health?

A. Cigarettes. B. Alcohol. C. Water. D. Nicotine. E. Spirit.

23. We breath with __.

A. Water. B. Nitrogen. C. Oxygen. D. Hydrogen. E. Air.

24. Physiology studies __of the body.

A. The structure. B. The functions. C. The growth. D. The weight.

E. The reproduction.

25. The exchange of substances in organism is called __.

A. Heat action. B. Metabolism. C. Water balance. D. Immunity.

E. Nutrition.

26. What does the term myoma mean?

A. Muscle tumor. B. Bone tumor. C. Skin tumor. D. Malignant tumor.

E. Benign tumor.

What does not describe a kind of disease?

A. Cronic. B. Acute. C. Mortal. D. Infectious. E. Good.

This science studies body cells.

A. Pathology. B. Etiology. C. Biology. D. Physiology. E. Cytology.

29. The breakdown of nutrients or complex substances into simpler ones is called –

A. Metabolism. B. Botulism. C. Anabolism. D. Catabolism.

E. Organism.

What is the structural unit of the living matter?

A. Cell. B. Tissue. C. Organ. D. System. E. Organism.

What is there in the centre of each cell?

A.Ribosome. B. Lysosome. C. Centriole. D. Cytoplasm. E. Nucleus.

32. What does the term mitosis mean?

A. Cell activity. B. Cell division. C. Cell nutrition. D. Cell structure.

E. Cell membrane.

What do we call the scientist who studies all about tissues?

A. Histologist. B. Epidemiologist. C. Bacteriologist. D. Cytologist.

E. Embryologist.

34. The study of the cause of any disease or the theory of its origin is __.

A. Biology. B. Pathology. C. Etiology. D. Microbiology. E. Chemistry.

35. Vitamin __ deficiency leads to infertility.

A. A. B. B. C. C. D. D. E. E.

36. Vitamin __ prevents rickets.

A.A. B. B. C. C. D. D. E. E.

37. The __ excretes bile.

A. Stomach. B. Intestine. C. Kidney. D. Liver. E. Gland.

38. The __ carries oxygen round the body.

A. Lymph. B. Urine. C. Water. D. Vessel. E. Blood.

Where do we usually take our temperature?

A. In the oral cavity. B. In the armpit. C. In the anus. D. On the neck. E. In the groin

Where do we usually take our pulse?

A. On the wrist. B. On the neck. C. In the armpit. D. In the groin.

E. Under the knee


Ex.1. Read and memorize the words:

tiny tubulous – крихітні канали;

bean-shaped - квасолеподібний;

depending on smth. – залежно від чогось,

adipose tissue жирова тканина

ammonia - аміак;

outer cortex part – зовнішня частина кори

urea - сечовина;

nitrogen - азот;

renal ducts - сечівники;

urethra - уретра;

inner medulla part – внутрішній мозковий шар нирки

ureter - сечівник;

bladder – сечовий міхур;

kidney – нирка, urine – сеча


Ex.2.Match the word combinations:

the main function - участь у контролі;

to excrete urea - об’єм сечі;

a hollow muscular sac - основна функція;

bean-shaped organs - зовнішня частина кори;

outer cortex part - видаляти сечовину;

participation in the control - квасолеподібні органи;

the volume of urine - порожнистий м’язовий мішечок;

Ex.3.Read and translate the text:

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