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Hearing is the reception of sound vibration by the ear. This is the main function of this organ. Another function of the ear is that of providing sense of balance (equilibrium). The ear detects and analyzes noises by conversion of sound waves into electromechanical impulses. Sound waves and vibrations pass through the auricle (pinna); external auditory canal (meatus); eardrum (tympa­nic membrane); malleus (hammer); incus (anvil); stapes (stirrup); oval window; cochlea; auditory liquids and receptors in the organ of Corti; auditory nerve fibers; cerebral cortex (brain).

Usually the auditory system is subdivided into three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear consists of the auricle. The auditory canal leads from the auricle. It is closed at its inner end by the eardrum. There are many tiny glands in the skin that covers cartilage of the canal. They produce and secrete yellowish brown substance called cerumen (wax). Cerumen lubricates the ear, traps dust, small foreign particles and in such a way protects the ear.

The eardrum is between the outer and middle ear. It is a thin fibrous membrane covered with a thin layer of skin. As the eardrum vibrates under the influence of sound waves, it makes the three ossicles move. They conduct sound to the inner ear.

The inner ear is located deep within the bones of the skull. The front part, the cochlea, is a bony structure that contains special auditory liquids through which vibrations travel. A sensitive auditory receptor called the organ of Corti is provided in the cochlea for receiving vibrations from the auditory liquids and relaying the sound waves to auditory nerve fibers and then conveying message to the cerebral cortex.

Ex.11. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents:

the main function of this organ; provide sense of balance; sound waves and vibrations; produce and secrete yellowish brown substance; a thin fibrous membrane; deep within the bones of the skull; contains special auditory liquids; a sensitive auditory receptor; auditory nerve fibers.

Ex.12. Suggest the English equivalents:

сприйняття звукових коливань; перетворення звукових хвиль у електромеханічні імпульси; зовнішній слуховий канал; поділяється на три частини; захищає вухо; тонкий шар шкіри; передавати повідомлення; внутрішнє вухо; змушує три кісточки рухатися.

Ex.13. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is hearing? 2. What is another function of the ear? 3. How does the ear detect and analyze noises? 4. What do sound waves and vibrations pass through? 5. How many parts is the auditory system subdivided into? 6. Where is the eardrum located? 7. What is the front part of the inner ear? 8. What is conveyed to the cerebral cortex?

GRAMMAR.Незалежний дієприкметниковий зворот

The Absolute Participle Construction


Місце звороту Перекладається Приклади
На початку речення Підрядними реченням зі сполучниками: коли, після того, як тощо The work having been done, the students went home. (Після того, як роботу було зроблено, студенти пішли додому)
У другій частині речення (після коми) Самостійним реченням із сурядними сполучниками: при цьому, і, а The doctor examined the patients, the students helpinghim. (Лікар оглядав пацієнта, при цьому студенти допомагали йому)


Ex.14.Translate into Ukrainian:

The doctor having made the morning round, the nurses began to fulfill his prescriptions. 2. The case being urgent, the doctor gave some directions to the nurse. 3. The patient having fallen asleep, the nurse left the ward. 4. The doctor having performed the operation, the patient was wheeled to his ward. 5. The patient being very weak, the operation was postponed. 6. Grippe is a rapidly spreading disease, people of all ages suffering from it. 7. Our professor delivered two lectures about grippe, the students listening to him attentively. 8. The students helped the nurse to fulfill the doctor's prescriptions, the patients being satisfied with their help.


Ex.15.Translate into Ukrainian:

1. The work at the hospital having been done, the doctor went home. 2. Having operated this patient, the doctor said the nurse to give him an injection. 3. The course of treatment having been fulfilled, the patient's condition became better. 4. Having made the morning round, the doctor began to fill in the patients' case histories. 5. Having had an acute stage of the disease for several days, they presented an extremely difficult problem. 6. The operation being over, the doctor asked the nurse to use the heart apparatus. 7. My father suffering from the pain, I called in a doctor. 8. Examining the patients, the doctor was attentive. 9. The operation having been performed, the patient's condition began to improve. 10. Having examined all the patients, the doctor began to fill in some case histories

Control Tests. Nervous System and Sense Organs

What system is responsible for all activities of organs and

Systems of organs in the human bodies.

A. Endocrine. B. Muscular. C. Nervous. D. Reproductive. E.Digestive.

What is the role of the nervous system?

A. Regulation and control of all systems of the body. B. Metabolism. C. Nutrition. D. Respiration. E. Production of enzymes.

What is the structural unite of the nervous system?

A. Enzyme. B. Hormone. C. Nephron. D. Neutron. E. Substance.

What does the central nervous system consist of?

A.The brain. B. The brain and spinal cord. C. The spinal cord.

D. Nerves and ganglia. E. Ganglia.

5. The main property of the nerve fiber is __.

A. Dividing. B. Widening. C. Spreading. D. Reaction to pain.

E. Stimulation.

What is the largest portion of the brain?

A. Medulla oblongata. B. Cerebellum. C. Cerebrum. D.Ventricle.

E. Brain stem.

What conducts impulses from the cell body?

A. Afferent nerves. B. Efferent nerves. C. Motor fibers. D. Sensory fibers. E. Axon.

What conducts impulses to the cell body?

A. Dendrite. B. Axon. C. Nerve fiber. D. Bundle of nerves. E. All answers are right.

9. Nerve __ is an electric current that spreads along the nerve fiber.

A. Cell. B. Ending. C. Bundle. D. Impulse. E. Function.

10. The __ nervous system includes the brain, the spinal cord.

A. Central. B. Middle. C. Autonomous. D. Somatic. E. Peripheral.

11. Inflammation of the nerve is ___.

A. Nephritis. B. Meningitis. C. Myelitis. D. Neuritis. E.Neurosis.

How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?

A. 10. B. 30. C. 12. D. 20. E. 22.

13. The outer layer of grey matter of the cerebrum is called __.

A.Sheet. B. Envelope. C. Membrane. D. Clothes. E. Cortex.

What does the term “polio” mean?

A. Inflammation of nerves. B. Inflammation of the brain.

C. Inflammation of the spinal cord. D. Inflammation of the vagus.

E. Paraplegia.

15. Our responses to stress are regulated by the nervous and __ systems.

A. Digestive. B. Respiratory. C. Reproductive. D. Endocrine.

E. lymphatic.

Is a periodic resting condition of the body.

A. Pain. B. Stress. C. Insult. D. Sleep. E. Meal.

Is the lack of muscular coordination.

A. Aphasia. B. Ataxia. C. Epilepsy. D. Anosmia. E. Amnesia.

What does the term “narcosis” mean?

A. Hypnotic condition. B. Artificial deep sleep. C. Natural sleep.

D. Coma.

19. You can see with __.

A. Ears. B. Nose. C. Eyes. D. Brain. E. Fingers.

20. The organ with which we can feel heat or cold, pain or touch is the __.

A. Heart. B. Brain. C. Nervous system. D. Skin. E. Eyes.

21. We hear with __.

A. Eyes. B. Skin. C. Ears. D. Nose. E. Tongue.

22. The tongue has receptors of __.

A. Vision. B. Taste. C. Pain. D. Feeling. E. Hearing.


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