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Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Маркетинг включає в себе дії, звязані з рухом товару від виробника до споживача.

2. Маркетинг включає в себе транспортування, зберігання,рекламу, калькуляцію цін, продажу.

3. Вивчення ринку допомагає передбачити загальні напрямки попиту.

4. Реклама робить сильний вплив на покупця.

5. Ми не можемо встановлювати саму низьку ціну на цей товар.

6. Ми повинні розробити план виробництва нових продуктів.

7. Збут цього товару дуже реагує на зміну ціни.



Exercise 1. Transform the sentences of real condition into

the sentences of unreal condition. Model: If we promote this Tight, we will (well) get more sales.

a) If we promoted this right, we would get more sales.

b) If we had promoted this right, we would have got more sales.

1. If we are careful we will leave behind our competitors.

2. H we phone R.D., we will get the necessary information.

3. If we change the ingredient^, we will be ready for the price rise.

4. If the price of jam goes up. the increase will be passed on the con­sumer.

5. If they work hard, they won't lose any customers.

6. If we schedule the product development in time we will be ready for the change of the demand.

7. If we don't lose the chance, the competitors products will stay on the super-market shelves.


Exercise 2. Make transformations according to the model.

Model: Consumers wish prices would go down.

Consumers hope that prices will go down.

I wish I could work harder.

I hope I can work harder.

1. The head of the department wishes that competition would lessen.

2. The Market Research Department wishes the test results would be ready soon.

3. The Manager wishes that sales would improve.

4. We wish all the departments could fulfil their tasks.

5. Sally wishes that the Packaging Department could hurry up.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Наша фірма щорік приймає участь Лейпцігському ярмарку.

2. У вересні цього року в столиці Індії відбудеться виставка українських товарів. Вона розповість відвідувачам про промишленості і сільське господарство України, а також про науку і культуру нашої країни

3. Мені необхідно звязатись з фірмой “Браун і К” як можна скоріш.

4. В цьому році ми збираємось представити на всесвітній ринок нашу останню модель компресора.

5. Товари цієї української фірми користуються великим попитом на всесвітньому ринку.

6. Відділ кадрів нашої фірми найняв на роботу багото кваліфікованих спеціалістів.

Exercise 4. Supply the articles where necessary.

1. This actress has been... success in all performances.

2. All the Ukrainian newspapers wrote about …success of the ex­hibition.

3. We are proud of... progress which is made by our country in the field of heavy industry.

4. The fair was held under the motto: Peace and... progress to all nations of the world.

5. Ukraine has made much progress in the field of... heavy industry.

6.... industry of… western part of Ukraine has grown as compared

with previous years?

Exercise 5. Supply the correct tense-forms of the verbs.


1. The power of the queen of Great Britain (to limit) by Parliament.

2. "Who (to control) the power of the Prime Minister's Cabinet?" "It (to control) by Parliament".

3. Lately our company (to send) an invitation to take part in an ex­hibition of electronic equipment which (to hold) in London.

4. It (to give) me a lot of pleasure to read a very interesting book on the history of Ukrainian towns.

5. Mr Bell (to appoint) manager of the company lately.



(Гуртова тргівля)


Wholesaling is a part of marketing system. It provides channels of distribution which help to bring goods to the market. Generally, indirect channels are used to market manufacturer consumer goods. It could be from the manufacturer to the wholesaler, from the retailer to the consumer or through more complicated channels. A direct channel moves goods from the manufacturer or producer to the consumer. -^

Wholesaling is often a field of small business, but there is a grow­ing chain movement in the western countries. About a quarter of wholesaling units account for the one-third of total sales.

Two-third of wholesaling middlemen are merchant whole salers who take title to the goods the deal in. There are also agent middlemen who negotiate purchases or sales or both. They don't take title to the goods they deal in. Sometimes they take pos­session though. These agents don't earn salaries.' They receive commissions. This is a percentage of the value of the goods they sell

Wholesalers simplify the process of distribution. For example, the average supermarket stocks 5,000 items in groceries alone, a retail druggist can have more than 6,000 items. As a wholesaler handles a ­large assortment of items from numerous manufacturers he reduces'] the problem of both manufacturer and retailer. The store keeper does f / (,ot have to deal directly with thousands of different people. He usu­ally has a well-stocked store and deals with only a few wholesalers-



Wholesaling – гуртова торгівля

to provide channels – забезпечувати системою

indirect channels – не пряма опосередкована система

retailer– роздрібний торгівець

complicated channels – складна система

chain movement – рух до об’єднання

wholesale unit – контора по оптовій торгівлі

wholesaling middleman –– гуртовий посередник

Merchant wholesaler –– гуртовий скупник

to take title to ерe goods — купувати товар як власність

agent middleman — посередник між ввиробником і покупцем to negotiate purchases or sales –– вести переговори з приводу купівлі і продажі

to earn salary — заробляти платню

to receive commissions —отримувати комісійні

grocery — бакалійна торгівля

to handleуправляти

assortmen t — асортимент

total sales — сукупний продаж

middleman –– комісіонер





1. What is the aim of the wholesaling? t

2. How can you describe a direct channel of distribution?

3. What is an indirect channel of distribution?

4. What channel of distribution is preferable?

5. Is there any difference between a merchant Wholesaler and an agent middleman? What is this difference?

6. How does a wholesaler simplify the process ot distribution?

7. What would a retailer have to do without wholesalers?




Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put ft in the sentence (wholesalers, take title, retailer, stack, channels, assortment, to receive commissions, middleman).

1. They use both direct and indirect … of distribution.

2. Agent middlemen do not … to the goods they deal in.

3. Usually wholesaling …stands between the producer and the retailer.

4. A supermarket may...thousands of commissions items.

5. Usually a wholesaler handles a large…of items of numerous manufacturers.

6. Agent middlemen don't earn salaries, they ….

7. A wholesaler doesn't deal with the customers, he does with ….

8. …simplify the problems of manufacturers.



(John is explaining his new job to his wife, Susan. He is a sales trainee for company)

John It's a great job, you know. The salesmen are paid salaries

instead of being on commission.

Susan Why do you find it great? You can earn less money.

John Well, it's regular weekly salary. And besides we get reim­bursed

for everything — lunches and dinners, even the football

tickets, the car, gasoline, tolls.

Susan That's really great.

John And I'm going to get a raise in three months.

Susan And what are you going to see?

John Foam rubber.

Susan What is it used for?

John It is used to make couches and beds generally ideal with

furniture manufacturers.

Susan So you will travel much, won't you?

John No. Delivery is a part of our wholesaling operation. Foam is

sold and delivered by the truckloads. it is rather bulky and it is

expensive to have it shipped a long distance. We are going to

deal with buyers who are in this region.


Susan That's fine. I don't want you to travel too much. By the way I

want to know more about sales procedure.

John At first I go to see a buyer. We discuss what he needs. After

that 1 send him a written quote. If our prices suit him, he'll call

us and send an order.

Susan Do you take orders over the phone?

John Yes. The buyers are always in a hurry and a letter would take

too much time to come. If it's a verbal agreement we call it

gentleman's agreement.

Susan And what happens after the verbal agreement?

John We receive a written purchase order. It is called p. o. — and it

has a number that we use for all future corre­spondence

on that order. The office then retypes the order form and the p.o.

and order form are stapled together and filed.

Susan It sounds organized. Whom do you usually deal with in a


John Well, I'll deal with purchasing agents. But I could deal with any

administrator from the president on down, in some.



Список використаних джерел:


1. Англійська мова для повсякденного спілкування / за ред.

В.К. Шпака – К., 2001.

2. Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник английского

язика. Минск, 1992.

3. Буренина Л.Л. Учебник английского язика. М., 1978.

4. Бурова З.И. Учебник английского язика. М., 1980.

5. Верба Г.В., Верба Л.Г. Довідник з граматики англійської мови.

6. Ворончук А.П., Шабатіна К.М. Підручник англійської мови. –

К., 1975.

7. Гужва Г. Английские разговорные темы. К., 1997.

8. English Grammer through Practice. – М., 1976.

9. Качалова К.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка.

М., 1975.

10. Корнес П., Гайдачук Н. Спілкуємося англійською мовою. Л.,


11. Куліш Л.Ю., Друянова Є.О. та ін.. Прискорений курс

англійської мови. – К., 1995.

12. Лычко Л.Я. Английский язык. – Сталкер, 1997.

13. Христорождественная Л.П. Английский язык. Практический

курс. – Минск, 1995.

14. Шабатина К.М., Ворончук А.П. Підручник англійської мови.

К., - 1982.



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