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Уявіть, що ви головуєте на конференції чи наряді. Познайомте аудитора з доповідачем.

5. Прочитайте діалоги. Зверніть увагу на підкреслені вирази:



– Who is to chair the meeting today?

– Doctor Barton, he is a great authority in his field.

– Oh, yes, he knows his jobs from A to Z.

– Besides, he always makes some constructive suggestions. A pleasure to deal with him,

– I hope the meeting doesn't stretch out too long.

– Don't expect it'll be over soon. We have a wide range of problems to discuss at the top level.


– I say, Bill. Do you know who is engaged in this research problem?

You mean of those present? Sure. It's Professor Hewitt. He is one of the leading specialists in Ecology.

– Do you happen to know him well?

– Fairly well. I used to meet him at some scientific gatherings more than once.

– I have a favour to ask of you. I'd like to meet him. Could you arrange it?

– I guess I can. Though he's pretty filled-up I'm afraid.Well, with luck I'll introduce you to him.

– It'll be splendid. I have quite a few questions to ask him. So I'll be waiting for you at the auditorium during the coffee break.


Складіть власні діалоги, в яких ви розмовляєте з одним із учасників конференції під час перерви. Використовуйте підкреслені вирази та ситуації з наведених вище діалогів.


1. The chairman speaks of the work to be done by the session and of guests present at the conference.

2. Should the chairman rise, the member must step speaking and take his seat (if asked).


Використайте виділені моделі у власних реченнях.

8. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст В:

The Chairman and His Duties.

The success of the meeting depends a great deal on the chairman (when a lady takes me chair she should be addressed as Madam Chairman). The Chairman shall direct the debates, maintain order, close the debates when necessary, put questions to the vote and announce the results of the vote The Chairman's address to the audience should be much shorter than any of the speeches that follow.

Work to be done. Anyone who wants to take the floor should ask the Chairman beforehand or by simply raising his hand after the Chairman opens discussion. The Chairman requires every speaker to keep to the point, to avoid repetition and digression. Should the chairman rise while a member is speaking, the latter must stop and take his seat if asked so. Lately a new practice has been widely introduced for scientific gatherings with numerous participants: the papers are divided between sections and generalized by a principal speaker for each section with the discussion following afterwards.



– Mr. X, will you report, please, on the results of your...

– Now we come to item number one of the agenda.

– Anyone got anything to say?

– I give the floor to...

– Any other matters arising?

– May I remind you, gentlemen, that...

– I'm calling the meeting to order.

– Can we get this quite clear?

– That's not the point, I'm afraid.

– Will you keep to the point, please.

– The whole point is that...

– Please, come to the point.

– I'd ask the speakers to be brief.

– We move on to our third and main item...

– May I have your attention, please?

– Another important item to be considered is...

– Don't digress, please.

– You will minute that, Mr. M, won't you?

– Well, I think we all agree that...

– In the absence of any other business, I declare the meeting closed.

– Very well, the meeting is over. Thank you very much.


9. Дайте відповідь на запитання:

1. What are the Chairman's duties at the Conference?

2. What do you do if you want to take the floor?

3. What should the Speaker do if the Chairman rises?

4. How should a lady be addressed if she is the Chairman?

5. What does the success of the meeting depend on?


10. Розкажіть про:

а) обов'язки головуючого в цілому;

Б) те, як діяли б ви, якби головували на конференції.

Прочитайте та перекладіть на українську мову текст С.


What is a good style of speaking? It's the right word in the right place. Speakers may certainly choose any style to address the audience, but it is usual for English-speaking people to begin in moderate tone, pronouncing every word slowly and distinctly to attract attention.

Experienced speakers use many little stories, humorous comparisons and proverbs to make their listeners "see the point clearly". As good speaking is an art with two aspects – technical and intellectual – we must mention that this technique is mastered in Britain since school time. Students of British and American colleges are specially trained for public speaking. They are members of debating clubs and club meetings. Students' debating teams participate in intercollege debating contests. It is highly advisable to exercise one's speech beforehand, to avoid embarassment and confusion. For no amount of enthusiasm or knowledge can make up (compensate) for lack of speaking technique.



Starting your own position.

– The problem under discussion is of special importance for...

– The suject of today's discussion is...

– I'm going to talk about some of the...

– What I want to do is to try and show how...

– Let's look first of all at...

– I think I should make it clear right from the outset that...

– I think I ought to say right from the start that...

Making a point.

– I want to make it clear that …

– I would like to say here that...

– There is the other thing to think about...

– And I think you'll probably agree that...

– You should know that...

– You do realize that..

– We should always remember that.

– I believe you know that...

– The point is that...

Expressing an opinion.

– I'm inclined to think that...

– I rather think...

– I'm sure that...

– I'm certain that...

– I'm convinced that...

– I really do think that...

– There is no doubt in my mind that...

Completing the report.

– In view of all these facts...

– Summarizing the problem we can say that...

– Summing up I'd like to say that...

– In conclusion it's necessary to say...

– In conclusion I want to stress that...

– Well, I think that's all I have to say on...

– And that's really all I've got to say...

– Perhaps you'd like me to answer questions at this point...

– Anything else? Well, thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.

– Thanks very much for your attention.


12. Висловіть свою думку на подані нижче твердження. Ви можете використовувати при цьому такі фрази:

As a matter of fact; What really matters is...; On the one hand; On the other hand; In the first place; It's very hard to...; It's next to impossible to...; In this connection it's necessary to say that...; I'd like to add that...

1. All good speakers have their own style and manner of addressing the audience.

2. To attract the attention of the audience one should always begin in a very loud voice.

3. Experienced speakers begin their speech in a well-modulated voice, pronouncing every word clearly and distinctly.

4. Public speaking is an art which should be mastered and practiced since school time.

5. It's highly advisable to exercise your speech beforehand using a tape-recorder.

6. Very few speakers can speak from memory, without consulting their notes.

7. It's next to impossible to keep to the point when one must cover a wide range of problems.

8. Enthusiasm and good knowledge of the subject can make up for lack of speaking technique.

9. The personality of a speaker is of great importance for the success of the speech he is making.

10. The art of speaking is an inborn talent and can't be taught or acquired with practice.


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