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Make up sentences. Use Present Continuous.

I You He She We They to go to the cinema to go to the theatre to go out to go shopping to see the director to see the doctor to get married to meet one's friends to leave to return to Murmansk tonight this afternoon next Friday tomorrow evening in four days' time in a week's time in the evening next month on Sunday in a few minutes

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Continuous.

1. Please, don't make so much noise. I (study).

2. We (go) to the wedding on Saturday.

3. We (sit) in a traffic jam at the moment.

4. The population of the world (rise) very fast.

5. Our company (grow) and (we / look) for more staff.

6. I (take) classes in yoga at the moment.

7. Don't turn off the TV! I (watch) it.

8. She (always / forget) to turn her computer off.

9. Susan, (you / do) anything special now? If not, what about a short interview?

10. Dorothy (go out) with Phil.

11. (At a party) Hello, Ann. (You / enjoy) the party?

12. Hurry up! We (wait) for you. – OK, OK. I (come).

Present Simple / Present Continuous


Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. She always (wear) bright colours.

2. I (study) for an exam now.

3. (Your / boss / travel) on business?

4. I go to the gym. Sometimes I (do) a workout and sometimes I (do) yoga.

5. He (work out) at the gym now.

6. The number of TV channels (increase).

7. Frank (not / write) as many letters now that he has got email.

8. I've got a computer that (not / work) properly.

9. Things (not / usually / go) exactly to plan, something often (go) a bit wrong.

10. When (you / do) the housework? – I always (do) the housework on Saturday.

11. My father (be / not) very fit. He (not / do) any exercise.

12. I (not / spend) much money on clothes.

13. He never (reply) to my emails.

State Verbs

State Verbs – это глаголы, которые обозначают не действие,
не процесс, а скорее состояние. State Verbs – обычно не употребляются
во временах группы Continuous. К их числу относятся:

1) глаголы, выражающие чувства:

to like – нравиться, to love – любить, to dislike – не нравиться, to hate – ненавидеть, to prefer – предпочитать, to admire – восхищаться, to adore – обожать, to want – хотеть, to wish – желать, to fear – бояться, to need – нуждаться, to require – нуждаться, to care – заботиться.

Do you like your job?

How are you getting on at your new school? – I hate it.

2) Глаголы, выражающие физическое восприятие мира:

to see – видеть, to hear – слышать, to feel – чувствовать, to taste – иметь вкус, to smell – иметь запах, to notice – замечать (эти глаголы часто употребляются с модальными глаголами can и could).

I see what you mean.

I don't know what are you cooking, but it smells good.

3) Глаголы, выражающие умственную деятельность:

to know – знать, to think – думать, to remember – помнить, to understand – понимать, to believe – верить, to realize – осознавать, осуществлять,
to recognize – узнавать, to suppose – предполагать, to forget – забывать,
to expect – ожидать, to mean – значить, иметь в виду, to matter – иметь значение, to seem – казаться.

Sorry, I don't understand.

I don't know what flexitime means.

Tell me what you think of your new teacher.

4) Глаголы, выражающие принадлежность:

to have – иметь, to belong – принадлежать, to own – владеть, to possess – обладать, to owe – быть в долгу.

I have a big flat.

5) Глаголы, употребляющиеся для описания:

to be – быть, to consist of – состоять, to contain – содержать, to cost – стоить, to include – включать, to fit – подходить, to appear – производить впечатление, to look – выглядеть, to keep – продолжать.

He looks very tired.

Некоторые многозначные глаголы употребляются в форме Continuous в одном значении и не употребляются в другом.

Глагол Не употребляется в Continuous Употребляется в Continuous
Значение Примеры Значение Примеры
think думать полагать считать I think you work too hard. раздумывать обдумывать What are you thinking about? – I am thinking about the plan.
see видеть понимать I can see some people. I see his point but I don't agree with him. встречаться I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow.
have иметь обладать He has two cars. в устойчивых словосочета-ниях I am having breakfast.
smell пахнуть The perfume smells nice. нюхать Why are you smelling the cheese? Should we throw it away?
taste иметь вкус The food tastes delicious. пробовать I am tasting the rice to see if it is ready.
be быть He is a rude person. вести себя He is being rude.

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. I (see) there is a problem in this department.

2. I (see) the Personnel Manager tomorrow.

3. He (have) a motorbike.

4. I am afraid they (have) a meeting. Can I take a message?

5. I (not / have) any change. Can you lend me twenty roubles?

6. (You / to look for) the book? I (think) it is in the bag.

7. Mr. Jones (think) we should advertise this product.

8. Tracy (think) of leaving her present job in order to get a Master's degree in business administration.

9. That can't be right. I (not / believe) it.

10. Chemistry is hard. I (not / understand) it.

11. You are a great cook. This cake (taste) wonderful.

12. Mother (taste) the sauce to see if it needs more salt.

13. Stop doing that, Bill! You're (be) very silly.

14. I think Jim (be) at home. I (see) his car parked outside.

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. My friend and I (have) different tastes in music.

2. I can't work out the answer. (You / know) what it is?

3. He (be) a successful lawyer. Everyone in town (know) him.

4. I (not / like) fizzy drinks.

5. (They / have) computers in cars these days?

6. Hurry! The bus (come). I (not / want) to miss it.

7. He (enjoy) skiing in winter, swimming in summer.

8. I (not / belong) to a political party.

9. I can't stand horror films. I (think) they are silly.

10. This dress (fit) you perfectly.

11. I (not / have) much free time.

12. Tom (never / be late) for work. He always (get) to work in time.

13. The coffee (taste) very nice.

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. She (talk) on the telephone at the moment.

2. I (always / not / get up) early.

3. He usually (listen to) walkmans at the lessons.

4. I think my English (improve).

5. We (all / listen) carefully.

6. Car makers (reduce) prices these days.

7. (You / want) to improve your computer skills?

8. He (study) for an exam at the moment.

9. How much (it / cost)?

10. The hotel (have) a fitness room and a sauna.

11. How much time (I / have)?

12. It (get) colder and colder every day.

13. Mark (work) a lot of overtime these days. He must need the money.

14. People (love) this area and it (become) very popular with tourists.

15. They (make) a big mistake.

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. My music system (get) worse and I need a new one.

2. She usually (wear) smart suits.

3. The hotel (not / accept) credit cards.

4. Hey! You (stand) on my foot.

5. (Tom / work) for a construction company?

6. (You / enjoy) your job?

7. They (plan) to expand their business.

8. My dog is not dangerous. It (not bite).

9. He (talk) to some clients right now.

10. What (you / study) at the moment?

11. You (buy) goods on credit?

12. I (not / be) very sporty and I (not / do) any sports, but at least I (not / smoke).

13. More and more people today (turn) to the Internet to meet their employment needs.

14. Martin (work) long hours. He (not / earn) a high salary. He (not / happy) with his job.

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Where (he / live)?

– He (live) in the city centre.

2. (You / go) to the gym very often?

– Yes, I (go) twice a week.

3. What about parking?

– The hotel (have) its own car park.

4. I (have) a party tonight. Do you want to come?

– Yes. What time does it start?

5. Dave (leave) the company tomorrow.

– Oh, I didn't know that.

6. Have you made plans for Saturday yet?

– I (go) to the cinema with Jack.

7. How many languages (she / speak)?

– She (speak) 3 languages fluently.

8. I (think) about buying a new car soon.

– Why? I (think) your car is fine. You don't need a new one.

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