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Russian TV broadcasting is dominated by channels that are either run directly by the state or owned by companies with close links to the Kremlin. The government controls Channel One and Russia One - two of the three main federal channels - while state-controlled energy giant Gazprom owns NTV. Critics say independent reporting has suffered as a result.

For most Russians, television, especially via the national networks, is the main source of domestic and international news.

The broadcasting market is very competitive; state-owned or influenced TV networks attract the biggest audiences. Hundreds of radio stations crowd the dial; state-run networks compete with music-based commercial FM stations.

An English-language satellite channel, Russia Today, was launched in late 2005. The news-based station is funded by the Kremlin and aims to present "global news from a Russian perspective".

There are more than 400 daily newspapers, catering for every taste and persuasion. The major nationals are based in Moscow, but many readers in the regions prefer to take local papers. Several influential dailies have been bought by companies with close links to the Kremlin.

Around 38 million Russians use the internet (Internetworldstats, December 2008).

Сountry profile: Turkey

Прочтите следующий краткий обзор о Турции.

Once the centre of the Ottoman Empire, the modern secular (светская) republic was established in the 1920s by nationalist leader Kemal Ataturk.

Straddling the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey's strategically important location has given it major influence in the region - and control over the entrance to the Black Sea.

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Turkey's progress towards democracy and a market economy was halting (с переменным успехом) in the decades following the death of President Ataturk in 1938. The army saw itself as the guarantor [ˌgær(ə)n'tɔː] of the constitution, and ousted (изгоняла) governments on a number of occasions when it thought they were challenging secular values.

Efforts to reduce state control over the economy also faced many obstacles(препятствия). After years of mounting difficulties which brought the country close to economic collapse, a tough recovery programme was agreed with the IMF in 2002. Since then, Turkey has seen strong economic growth and a dramatic fall in inflation. However, huge foreign debt and unemployment remain major burdens.

Concerns over the potential for conflict between a secular establishment backed by the military and a traditional society deeply rooted in Islam resurfaced with the landslide election victory of the Islamist-based Justice and Development Party (AK) in 2002.

The secularist (атеистически настроенная) opposition has on several occasions since then challenged the constitutional right of the AK to be the party of government. In March 2008 the Constitutional Court narrowly rejected a petition by the chief prosecutor to ban the AK and 71 of its officials, including President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for allegedly seeking to establish an Islamic state.

In recent years there have been several allegations (заявлений) that members of the military - which has long seen itself as the guardian of the secular system - have been involved in plots to overthrow the government.

EU candidacy

Turkey became an EU candidate country in 1999 and, in line with EU requirements, went on to introduce substantial human rights and economic reforms. The death penalty was abolished, tougher measures were brought in against torture and the penal code was overhauled.

Reforms were introduced in the areas of women's rights and Kurdish culture, language, education and broadcasting. Women's rights activists have said the reforms do not go far enough and have accused the government of lacking full commitment to equality and of acting only under EU pressure.

After intense bargaining, EU membership talks were launched in October 2005. Accession negotiations are expected to take about 10 years. So far, the going has not been easy.

Turkey has long been at odds with (в противоречии) its close neighbour, Greece, over the divided island of Cyprus and territorial disputes in the Aegean.

The breakthrough in its EU membership talks came just weeks after Turkey agreed to recognise Cyprus as an EU member - though it qualified this conciliatory step by declaring that it was not tantamount [ˈtæntəmaunt] (тождественно) to full diplomatic recognition.

The Kurdish issue

Turkey is home to a sizeable Kurdish minority, which by some estimates constitutes up to a fifth of the population. The Kurds have long complained that the Turkish government was trying to destroy their identity and that they suffer from economic disadvantage and human rights violations.

Partly in a bid to improve its chances of EU membership, the government began to ease restrictions on the use of the Kurdish language form 2003 onwards. As part of a new "Kurdish initiative" launched in 2009, it pledged to extend linguistic and cultural rights and to reduce the military presence in the mainly Kurdish southeast of the country. Nonetheless fighting has continued.

Найдите в данной справке следующую информацию: Кем был Ататюрк, когда он умер, как развивалась экономика страны после его смерти? Какую роль играла армия в череде смены правительств? Какие меры помогли стране избежать экономического коллапса? Какую роль в этом сыграл Международный Валютный Фонд? Какая партия победила на последних выборах, как это повлияло на развитие страны? Как оппозиция относится к установлению исламского го порядка? На чьей стороне находятся военные – на стороне мусульманства или светской оппозиции? Какие требования Евросоюза должна выполнить Турция для вступления в зону? Каков итог переговоров? Является ли страна членом Евросоюза сегодня? Какие взаимоотношения с Грецией? Какая численность курдов проживает в Турции? В чем заключаются требования курдов?

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6. Прочтите следующую официальную информацию и ответьте на следующие вопросы: А) какова продолжительность жизни у женщин и у мужчин Б) какие основные города В) каково население Г) где расположена страна Д) кто является главой Е) какой язык является официальным Ж) какая религия З) какой город является столицей И) что экспортирует К) какая денежная единица Л) какова площадь М) какое официальное название страны Н) какой домен в интернете О) какой код страны П) какую дополнительную информацию о стране вы узнали.


Full name: Republic of Turkey

Population: 74.8 million (UN, 2009)

Capital: Ankara

Largest city: Istanbul

Area: 779,452 sq km (300,948 sq miles)

Major language: Turkish

Major religion: Islam

Life expectancy: 69 years (men), 74 years (women) (UN)

Monetary unit: Turkish lira

Main exports: Clothing and textiles, fruit and vegetables, iron and steel, motor vehicles and machinery, fuels and oils

GNI per capita: US $9,340 (World Bank, 2008)

Internet domain:. tr

International dialling code: +90

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