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The relationship between public relations and the media must be based on mutual coop­eration, trust, and respect. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. The following are some areas of frictions.

Many journalists openly disdain public relations people and call them "flacks", a de­rogatory term for press agents. It is somewhat akin to calling journalists "hacks". Due to protests from the public relations community, the Wall Street Journal has now ado­pted a policy that forbids the use of the word "flack" by reporters in their stories. Un­fortunately, many other newspapers have not followed suit.

Besides, journalists often refer to the activities or policies of organizations as "public rela­tions gimmicks", often connected with excessive hype and promotion. Editors receive hundreds of news releases that are poorly written, contain no news, and read like commercial advertisements. It is no wonder that after a while they form the opinion that the majority of publicists are incompetent.

Journalists also resent the use of gimmicks in sending materials to the news media. These gimmicks are meant simply to separate a news release or a press kit from the stack on the recipient's desk. However, gatekeepers complain that such gimmicks con­stitute gifts or "freebies", which their organizations, on principle, do not accept. Some newspapers even return such minor freebies as keychains, T-shirts, and coffee mugs. In sum, if you're thinking about using a gimmick with a news release, carefully assess the recipient's potential reaction.



assess - оценить

be akin to smth. - быть сродни ч.-л.

derogatory - пренебрежительный, унизительный

disdain - презирать

excessive - чрезмерный

flacks - презрительное прозвище «пиарщиков»

follow suit - последовать примеру

forbid - запрещать

freeby - бесплатная раздача образцов рекламируемого товара

friction - трения, разногласия

gimmick - рекламный трюк, уловка

hack - «писаки»

hype - шумная, крикливая реклама

minor - небольшой

promotion - продвижение, реклама

recipient - получатель

refer to - отзываться о ч.-л.

resent - возмущаться

stack - масса, куча



1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

в какой-то степени; в принципе; вследствие ч.-л.; футболка; кружка; оценить; возможная реакция; плохо написанный; не содержать новостей; неудивитель­но; коммерческая реклама; быть предназначенным для ч.-л.


2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

a trick or smth unusual that you do to make people notice someone or something; disagreement or angry feelings between people; something that you are given free, usually something small and not expensive; very similar to smth.; insulting and disapproving.


3) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

Pay is a continuing source of friction with the workers.

Psychologists will assess the child's behavior.

He disdains New York and the art that is produced there.

I resented having to work such long hours.

At that time, the state law forbade the teaching of evolution.


4) Match the words which are close in their meaning:

due to despise
akin disagreement
forbid owing to
disdain similar
friction ban


5) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

disdain different
forbid sender
akin respect
recipient minority
majority allow


6) Insert prepositions, where necessary (by; in; of; of; in; to; from):

Journalists also resent the use ___gimmicks ___sending materials ___the news media. Due ___protests ___the public relations community, the Wall Street Journal has now adopted ___a policy that forbids the use ___the word "flack" ___reporters ___their stories. Many other newspapers have not followed ___suit.


7) Make up a few sentences with the following words:

Commercial advertisements, to follow suit, to refer to smth., to assess, friction.


8) Complete the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

Unfortunately, many journalists _____. These gimmicks are used _____. The relationship between public relations and the media _____.


9) Write down 5 questions to the text.


10) Can you explain the following:

Unfortunately, many other newspapers have not followed suit.

These gimmicks are meant simply to separate the news release or press kit from the stack on the recipient’s desk.


11) Agree or disagree:

The relationship between public relations and the media is based on mutual coop­eration, trust and respect.

Make sure to use the following expressions:

It's all very well to say but...

It's not as easy as all that...

Yes, but look, that would mean…

Yes, but on the other hand…

Let's be realistic about this...


12) Prepare the topic Name-calling and hype for retelling.




It is a fact of economic life that media outlets are dependent on advertising revenu­es for survival. Increased competition, coupled with a soft economy in the 1990s, has created an environment where both media outlets and advertisers are willing to trade advertising for editorial space.

This is particularly true in the trade press and among specialized magazines. Beau­ty and fashion magazines, for example, are well known for running stories and fashion layouts that tend to feature their advertisers. Car magazines also have a penchant for reviewing cars that are advertised in them.

Supporting the publication through advertising and getting editorial plugs or fea­tures in return is also a good situation for fashion designers. For example, designer Michael Kors got his $10,000 cocktail dresses on the cover of Harper's Bazaar and im­mediately sold 15 of them.

Related to advertising pressures are the wining and dining of journalists for the ex­press purpose of favorable coverage. One public relations firm gave beauty editors $200 worth traveler's checks and a free night at a first-class hotel in New York as part of promotion for a new Cover Girl product. L'Oreal took 15 leading beauty edi­tors to Paris on the Concorde to visit the labs that created a new product.



be coupled with smth. – сочетаться с

coverage - освещение в печати

fashion layout - страницы моды

feature - помещать на видном месте

penchant - склонность (к ч.-л.), симпатия (к ч.-л.)

plug - реклама

put in a plug - рекламировать

revenue - доход

run a story - опубликовать статью

soft - зд. слабый, вялый, дряблый

survival - выживание

tend - иметь склонность к ч.-л., тяготеть к ч.-л.

wine and dine - угощать, потчевать, кормить-поить



l)Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

to entertain someone well with a meal, wine etc.; money that a business or organization receives over a period of time, especially from selling goods or services; the way in which a subject or event is reported on television or radio, or in newspapers; a way of advertising a book, movie, idea etc, by talking about it publicly, especial­ly on a television or radio program; a liking for something you do as a habit.


2) Translate the following words and combinations into Russian. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. to survive, survival, survivor, survival kit, survival rate, survival of the Middle Ages;

2. to run business, to run for elections, to run out of money, to run ashore, to run temperature, to run into smb.


3) Translate the following sentences:

1. Companies spend millions wining and dining their clients.

2. CNN intends to have continuous live coverage of the national party conventions.

3. He put in a plug for his new building project on Thursday.

4. Rain forest destruction is threatening the cultural survival of the people living there.

5. The newspaper featured the murder story.


4) Match the words which are close in their meaning:

related connected
penchant publish
willing reluctant
run fondness
dependent enthusiastic


5) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

true strong
related reluctant
soft diminished
willing false
increase alien


6) Write down 5 questions to the text beginning with:

what...; why...; how...; where...; how much....


7) Can you explain the following:

Car magazines also have a penchant for reviewing cars that are advertised in them.

Related to advertising pressures are the wining and dining of journalists for the purpose of getting favorable coverage.


8) Agree or disagree:

It is natural that media outlets are dependent on advertising revenu­es for survival.

Make sure to use the following expressions:

Just so

Just the other way round

Quite so

Certainly not

I quite agree here

Surely not


Nothing of the kind

Most likely

On the contrary


9) Write down one sentence summarizing the main idea of the text.


10) Prepare the topic Advertising pressures for retelling.



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