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The purpose of public relations is to inform, shape opinions and attitudes, and mo­tivate. This can be accomplished only if people receive messages constantly and con­sistently.

The media, in all their variety, are cost-effective channels of communication in an information society. They are the multipliers that enable millions of people to receive a message at the same time. Through the miracle of satellite communications, the world is a global village of shared information.

On a more specialized level, the media are no longer just mass communication. Thousands of publications and hundreds of radio, television, and cable outlets enable the public relations communicator to reach very specific target audiences with tailo­red messages designed just for them. Demographic segmentation and psychographics are now a way of life in advertising, marketing, and public relations.

The media's power and influence in a democratic society reside in their independen­ce from government control. Reporters and editors make independent judgements about what is newsworthy and what will be disseminated. They serve as screens and filters of information, and even though not everyone is happy with what they decide, the fact remains that media gatekeepers are generally perceived as more objective than public relations people who represent a particular client or organization.

This is important to you because the media, by inference, serve as third-party en­dorsers of your information. Media gatekeepers give your information credibility and importance by deciding that it is newsworthy. The information is no longer from your organization.

Consequently, your dependence on the media requires that you be accurate and honest at all times in all your public relations materials.



be designed for smb. - быть предназначенным для к.-л.

channels of communication - каналы связи

cost-effective - рентабельный

disseminate - распространять

endorse information - поддерживать, распределять информацию

gate-keeper - редактор

inference - заключение, вывод

make a judgement - сделать заключение

reside in smth. - принадлежать ч.-л., заключаться в ч.-л.

satellite communications - спутниковая связь

shape opinions and attitudes - сформировать мнение

tailored message - сообщение, составленное с учетом ситуации; рассчитанное на аудиторию

target audience - целевая аудитория

variety - разнообразие



1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

следовательно; представлять клиента или организацию; служить чем-то; цель чего-то; дать возможность; объективный; влияние; независимость от кого-то, чего-то; реклама; требовать.


2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

Bringing the best possible profits or advantages at the lowest possible costs -

Important or interesting enough to be reported as news -

A person at a publishing or broadcasting institution who decides whether to use news supplied by outsiders, typically public relations personnel sending material on behalf of their clients or employers -


3) Translate the following word-combinations into Russian. Use them in your own sentences:

channels of, satellite, mass communication
to endorse, shared, screens and filters of information


4) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

His talent resides in his story-telling abilities.

They made a judgment without knowing all the facts.

Teenagers' tastes, preferences and opinions are shaped by what they see in the media.

The kitchen is designed for two cooks, with double work areas.

These messages are widely disseminated via the Internet.

These days, he endorses products including health foods and sunglasses.


5) Match the words which are close in their meaning:

to disseminate precise
to perceive to spread
credibility to demand
to require trust
accurate to think of


6) Complete the sentences with the following words (target audiences; mass communication; accomplished; level; messages; outlets; designed; consistently):

This can be _______only if people receive _______constantly and _____. On a more specialized _______, the media are no longer just _______. Thousands of publications and hundreds of radio, television, and cable _______enable the public relations communicator to reach very specific _______with tailored messages _______for them.


7) Insert prepositions where necessary (at; in; to; as; on; from; by; of):

Your dependence ­­___the media requires that you be accurate and honest ___all times ___all your public relations materials. The media's power and influence ___a democratic society reside ___their independence ___government control. This is important ___you because the media, ___inference, serve ___third-party endorsers ___your information.


8) Write down the questions for these answers:

The purpose of public relations is to inform, shape opinions and attitudes, and motivate.

The media's power and influence in a democratic society reside in their indepen­dence from government control.

Media gatekeepers give your information credibility and importance by deciding that it is newsworthy.


9) Can you explain the following?

Through the miracle of satellite communications, the world is a global village of shared information.

Demographic segmentation and psychographics are now a way of life in adverti­sing, marketing and public relations.

The media, by inference, serve as third-party endorsers of your information.


11) Agree or disagree:

On a more specialized level, the media are no longer just mass communica­tion.

The media's power and influence in a democratic society reside in their indepen­dence from government control.

The working relationship between public relations and the media is built on trust, respect, and credibility.

Mass media have the capability of multiplying an organisation's messages and re­aching millions of people at the same time.

Make sure to use the following expressions:

I fully agree with it.

I disagree with it.

Beyond all doubt.

There's something in it, but...

I wouldn't say so.

Oh, that's all wrong, I'm afraid.

I agree with it on the whole, but it could be said that...


12) Render the following item in English:

Публикуя новости, присылаемые отделом паблик рилейшнз, средства мас­совой информации рассчитывают получить взамен информацию о самой орга­низации или о ее производственной деятельности. В некоторых случаях это просто текущая информация, хотя она может иногда оказаться рекламой, вы­годной для организации. Временами пресса проявля­ет интерес к вопросам, которые лучше всего было бы не затрагивать. Скрытность скорее всего утвердит их во мне­нии, что информация сенсационна, и сделает их еще более настойчивы­ми в своих поисках. При передаче информации журналистам необходимо разъяснить, могут ли они цитировать ее как официальное заявление и сделано ли оно частным ли­цом или же им нужно ссылаться на представителя организации. С другой сто­роны, журналисту можно сказать, что он может использовать полученную ин­формацию, не ссылаясь на источник, или указать, что она носит строго конфи­денциальный характер и не должна появляться в печати.


13) Prepare the topic Public relations dependence on the media for retelling.



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