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Занятие 1.2.2 Виды работы в офисе Types of work at the office

Цели занятия:

образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора через страноведческую информацию

развивающая: развитие речевых способностей в процессе овладения языком

воспитательная: поддержание интереса к учению и формированию познавательной деятельности

практическая: развитие умений монологической речи


1. освоить лексику по теме «Виды работы в офисе»:

- прилагательные для описания внешности и одежды: over-dressed, assertive, fashionable, dynamic, elegant, keen, smart, neat, girlie, conservative, adventurous, efficient, bold, unassertive, minimalist.

- лексика по теме «должности и квалификации»

interpersonal skills, on-the-job training, salary, commission, proficiency, essential, references, sales representative, experience, HR, staff

2. Научиться употреблять Present Simple (настоящее простое время)

3. Прочитать текст « What to wear to get that job?» и выполните упражнения № 3,4. Прочитать объявления и выполнить упражнения №7,8.

4. Выполнить упражнения №1,2,5,9.

5. Научиться формулировать свое мнение о дресс-коде в офисе, обсуждать дресс-код для собеседования на разные должности, выражать свое мнение о квалификациях кандидатов на должность банковского работника

6. Научиться переводить на родной язык резюме кандидатов на разные должности

Самостоятельная работа

Найти информацию и подготовить доклад или презентацию о дресс коде в офисах разных стран

Занятие 1.2.3 Техническое оснащение и меры безопасности Technical equipment and security measures

Цели занятия:

образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора

развивающая: развитие речевых способностей в процессе овладения языком

воспитательная: воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности

практическая: развитие умений монологической речи


1. Освоить лексику по теме: «Природные катастрофы; поведение в чрезвычайных ситуациях»

Disasters: earthquake, fire, flood, volcano eruption, famine, gas explosion

Other vocabulary: smoke inhalation, rescue operation, wiring system, minor burns, extinguish, debris, electrocution, evacuation map, escape, fire alarm, stairway, emergency personnel, flame, EHS, notify, re-enter, preventive measures

2. Научиться употреблять повелительное наклонение (Imperative Mood)

3. Прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы по тексту (упр. 4a,b); прочитать инструкцию по правилам техники безопасности и отметить утверждения как верные или неверные (упр. 8a,b)

4. Выполнить упражнения № 1, 2, 5, 6, 7

5. Прослушать комментарии людей о стихийных бедствиях и соотнести их с картинками (упр. 3)

6. Научиться называть разные виды бедствий и способы их возникновения, давать инструкции о способах избежать травм при пожаре, землетрясении и наводнении

7. Научиться переводить на родной язык план эвакуации при пожаре

Самостоятельная работа

Подготовить доклад или презентацию об одной из предложенных тем: а) средства пожаротушения б) меры эвакуации при землетрясении с) меры профилактики техногенных ситуаций

Дидактические материалы к занятиям 1.2.1, 1.2.2.,1.2.3

Lesson 1.2.1. Workplaces

Ex 1. Look at the picture. It shows the office of Force Architects. Match the descriptions 1-6 with the rooms a-f.

1. Eva’s office has a large desk and pictures of modern buildings on the walls. She’s got a laptop. There aren’t any books.   2. Yuri is responsible for the company website and the computer system. He’s got lots of computers in his office. 3. In the meeting room there’s a table with eight chairs. There is also a projector and a screen. Gary is giving a presentation.
4. Today is Chris’s first day in Force Architects. He doesn’t have any furniture in his office, but he’s got a computer. There are some boxes on the floor. 5. In reception there’s a coffee table and a sofa. There are some chairs and magazines. 6. Ana is the company lawyer. She’s got lots of bookshelves and law books in her office.

Ex 2. Today Chris’s first day at Force Architects. Rachel, the receptionist, comes to see him. She asks Chris some questions. Tick the things that Chris has in his office. Put a cross next to the things that he doesn’t have.

computer pens keyboard paper mouse diary printer calendar phone pictures on the wall

Ex 3. Chris asks Rachel some questions about the company offices. Listen and tick true or false.

1. There isn’t a canteen in the office True   False
2. There is a coffee machine upstairs.      
3. There aren’t any rooms with air conditioning.      
4. There is a car park in the next street.      
5. There’s one parking space in the office.      

Ex 4. a) Match the numbers (1-11) with words (a-k)

a. telephone b. Sellotape/Scotch tape c. white-out d. in box e. personal computer/PC f. rolodex g. desk calendar h. desk i. out box j. pencil holder k. desk lamp

b) Work in pairs. Look at the pictures of stationary. Put the words below in the correct order to match pictures.

  1.   2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8.   9.   10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18.   19. 20.


1. paper folders 2. stapler 3. hole punch 4. staples 5. rubber bands 6. highlighter pen 7. pencil sharpener 8. notebook 9. ruler 10. eraser/rubber 11. paper 12. paper clip 13. desk organizer 14. box cutter 15. glue stick 16. staple remover 17. correction pen 18. scissors 19. sticky note pads 20. binder clip

Ex 5. Work in pairs, tell your partner what office stationary people usually use at home/office/university.

Ex 6. Practice similar dialogues about buying office stationary with your partner.

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I’m looking for a pencil sharpener/(paper folders)

A: What color do you need?

B: I think yellow would be ok.

A: Here you are.

B: How much is it(are they)?

A: It’s £ 5.

B: It’s good, I’ll take it(them)..

Ex 7. Work in pairs. Look at the picture for one minute. Then close your books and write down everything in the office. Did you remember everything?


Ex 8. Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.

1) Do you prefer working with others or working alone?

2) What kinds of jobs can people do from home nowadays?

3) Do you know anyone who works from his/her home?

4) What are the pros and cons of working from home?

Ex 9. Listen to three people discussing the advantages and disadvantages of working from home or in the office and take notes about their comments.

  working from home working in the office
Marcus Paula Jake      

Ex 10. What things to encourage health and fitness could you have or do in the working place?

· in the café/restaurant?

· inside the building in general?

· at your desk or workstation?

· outside the building


Ex 11. Read the article The active workplace. Find out if the Ford Company encourage any of the things you listed in 2.

The active workplace

When the clock strikes twelve noon at the Ford Company’s New Zealand head office, a small group of employees gathers in the main lobby. They’re a mixture of men and women, old and young, office staff and shop-floor staff. They’re not waiting for an interdepartmental meeting or a business training seminar. They’re the “Lunchtime walking group ”, and they’re about to go on a thirty-minute walk in the local woods.

The company runs a “Worklife week” every year, where employees are shown how to balance work and life, and where information sessions are given on men’s and women’s health, on aromatherapy, on t’ai chi, and on massage. Funds of up to $200 per person per year are available for life skills development such as courses in cooking, yoga, kick-boxing, and pottery, as well as conventional team sports like netball and rugby.

Sport and fitness are encouraged at all levels: from the regular ‘Management versus the best-of-the-rest’ sports competition, to the arrangements for staff discounts at the local gym. Teams and individuals who compete in national and local sports competitions are given paid time off work and flexible working hours and arrangements. Flexibility extends to the onsite cafeteria, where healthy meals are provided, and even made-to-order meals for weight-watchers and athletes in training.

Meanwhile, the lunchtime walking group has set off. If they come back to work a little late, the managers won’t mind too much, because they know the employees will be more alert and rested, and will probably work more effectively in the afternoon. Ford is one of many companies who now realize that active workplaces can create a healthier and happier environment in which to work.

Ex 12. Find words or phrases in the article that mean:

1. come together in a group (verb)

2. an action which is taken to solve a problem or to improve a situation (noun)

3. the use of natural oils for controlling pain or rubbing into the body (noun)

4. traditional, normal (adj.)

5. specially created to suit to a particular person (adj.)

6. ready with full attention (adj.)

Ex 13. Work in groups. Discuss the questions:

1. What do you think of the Ford Company’s policy on encouraging health and fitness?

2. What are the advantages a. for the employer? b. for the employees?

3. Can you think of any disadvantages?

Ex 14. Work in small groups. Discuss your desirable working conditions. Include:

- working hours (start, finish, which days of the week)

- work clothes (uniform, custom)

- work breaks (coffee, lunch etc.)

- vacations

- perks (subsidized food, company car, company leisure facilities, expense account etc.)

Ex 15. Prepare a short report or make a presentation on the topic “The most comfortable working conditions for me”. Include the information about working equipment, co-workers, working hours, work clothes, perks etc.


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