New Gallery for Shelby MuseumMembers of the public 1) … (invite) to the opening of Shelby Museum’s new Whittaker Gallery next Wednesday, 18th March, at 6 pm. The gallery, on the top floor of the museum, 2) … (complete) in February, and 3) … (will/open) by the Mayor of Shelby. The Gallery 4) … (build) to display the Oriental Collection, which 5) … (give) to Shelby Museum by Mrs Whittaker in 1998. The collection 6) … (have/reorganize), and many paintings and statues 7) … (have not/show) to the public before. Opening hours at the museum are from 9 am to 6 pm daily. Admission is 2.50 for adults and 1 for children. Members of the Shelby Museum Society 8) … (admit) free of charge. Please note that cameras 9) … (not/allow) inside the museum. Ex 16. Look at the following advertisements, then in pairs act out a dialogue
Lesson 2.2.3. Sports and fitness Lead-in What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Can you think of any sports or hobbies? Which would you like to do and why? Reading Ex 1. Read this magazine article about extreme sports. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-D, for each part (1-4). A.Hidden adventures C. Thrilling free-time activities B.Positive fear D.Risky rewards Imagine this scene: a woman inside a cage in the sea, with sharks all around her. Wouldn’t you expect the woman to feel terrified? Not Gill Williams – she finds such experiences absolutely thrilling. Gill is an “extreme” sportswoman – an adventurer who takes sport to its most dangerous limits. 1) “I love scary animals”, says Gill. “I love being near them and touching them. Great white sharks come and attack the barsof the cage. I touch them, but I don’t let them bite me!” There are more people like Gill than you might think. They leave their offices and business to spend their free doing extremely dangerous things. Some of them fly jets across deserts or go diving in unexplored caves, while others explore African rivers. All of them want to experience something more than their normal lives can offer. They want adventure. 2) Bob Card is a skydiving trainer. He teaches people to leap out of aeroplanes and let themselves fall through the air without opening their parachutes until the very last minute. “I believe there us an adventurer inside every one of us,” he says. “it doesn’t matter how old or strong you are. The adventurer is there – it’s just hidden away somewhere. If you find that spirit, your life will take on new meaning.” One advantage of doing extreme sports to satisfy your need for adventure is that you can completely forget about your everyday problems. As Bob says: “You can’t be concerned about business phone calls or examination results when you’re jumping out of a plane.” 3) How much danger can a person take? According to Sandra Quiggen, panic is rare, even when you come face to face with a bad-tempered hippopotamus on the Zambezi River. “You get scared,” she says. “Those hippos have big teeth. But a little fear makes the brain work faster, as long as you don’t let it turn into panic.” 4) There is an element of risk in all extreme sports. “If you don’t do things right, you are asking for trouble,” says Card. But training and proper equipment help to make these sports safer. The difference between extreme sport and “normal” sport is that, although there are organized competitions for these sports, most extreme sports people are more interested in testing their own abilities than in winning prizes. I fact, most of them would agree with mountaineer Sir Edmund Hilary’s reply when asked why he wanted to climb Everest: “Because it’s there.” Ex 2. Read the text again, then talk about the reasons why people get involved in extreme sports. Vocabulary practice Ex 3. Match the numbers to the letters. 1. thrilling a. worried 2. trainer b. very exciting 3. leap c. teacher 4. concerned d. jump 5. abilities e. skills Ex 4. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once. scary, to ask, to satisfy, face, business, to test, to go, to do, take on, everyday, examination, to win 1. …………..for trouble 7. …………….…………diving 2. ……….extreme sports 8. ……………...…..phone calls 3. ……………...animals 9. your life will …new meaning 4. ……............problems 10. ………….their own abilities 5. ……………....to face 11. ……………….….your need 6. ………………a prize 12. …………..…..………results Ex 5. a) Look at the list of sports/hobbies and their equipment, and underline the odd words out. Wind-surfing: board, camera, wetsuit, sail Knitting: needles, ropes, wool, patterns Rafting: paddles, life-jacket, raft, binoculars Fishing: trainers, boat, fishing rod, hooks Stamp-collecting: album, stamps, helmet, magnifying glass Scuba-diving: mask, oxygen tank, life-jacket, flippers Rock-climbing: ropes, boots, light clothes, bat Painting: palette, canvas, brushers, club Skydiving: skis, parachute, gloves, goggles Football: shorts, stick, trainers, ball Jet-skiing: life jacket, jet ski, flippers, swimming suit b)Now read the list of skills/qualities and say which are needed for the above sports and hobbies. Skills/qualities needed: fit, patient, imaginative, courageous, good sense of balance, cooperative, strong, determined, good, training, adventurous e.g. You need to be fit and strong and you must also have a good sense of balance to go wind-surfing. Ex 6. Organize these words and put them in the correct columns below. Football, golf, racket, net, course, court, pitch, clubs, tennis, training, shoes, boots, whistle, athletics, track, vest, shorts, running shoes, motor racing, circuit, crash helmet, swimming, pool, swimming costume, trunks, boxing, ring, gloves, boots, ice hockey, rink, sticks, skates, puck, skiing, ski slopes, skis, ski suit, ski boots. Sport Place Equipment Ex 7. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb. 1. Do you … much exercise? 2. I only … volleyball in the summer. 3. If possible, I’d like to … a fitness club. 4. A: I love football. B: Do you? Which team do you …? A: Liverpool. 5. My dad played football but he … last year. He said he was too old. 6. We used to … camping in the mountains. 7. Why don’t you … hiking or swimming, or something? You need more exercise. 8. If you want to … fit, you need to run three or four miles every other day. Ex 8. Complete these sentences with a suitable word. e.g. Do you still do a lot of weight training? 1. I enjoy jogging and it keeps me …. 2. Liz doesn’t have much opportunity now to go rock …. 3. Nigel loves dangerous sports; I’m the complete …. 4. He has played for several good teams and he takes it very …. 5. I used to play a lot of ice …. 6. We still like watching motor …. 7. I played for years, then I injured my ankle and I had to give …. 8. In the summer I go jogging in the park. I the winter I exercise indoors and go to the …. 9. I love swimming, and it’s really good for …. Grammar Ex 9. Complete the table with the correct forms. Infinitive past tense past participle win lose beat catch draw Ex 10. Fill in the correct prepositions, then choose any three and make sentences. 1. to leap … of an aeroplane; 2. to fall … the air; 3. a need … sth; 4. to forget …sth; 5. to be concerned … sth; 6. to be interested …sth; 7. to agree … sb. Speaking Ex 11. Read the following information and decide what hobby/sport would be best/worst for each person, giving reasons as in the example. Then say which hobby/sport you would like to do and why. 1. Jim likes adventure a lot and is in excellent physical condition. He works well with others but he is impatient. e.g. I think that the best hobby for Jim would be rafting because you have to be fit and cooperative. I think that fishing would be the worst hobby for him because he isn’t patient. 2. Antony is a very active person and quite fit, but he can’t afford to buy expensive equipment. 3. Peter is a very energetic person who enjoys taking risks. He loves anything to do with the sea. 4. David is very adventurous. He loves being close to nature, especially in the mountains. Ex 12. Answer these questions. Discuss your answers with someone else. 1. What sport do you do? 2. Do you take sport seriously or do it just for fun? 3.Are you very competitive? 4. Are you good at any sports? 5. Have you taken up a new sport recently? 6. Have you ever had to give up a sport for any reason? Ex 13. Act out the similar dialogue. A: I take sport very seriously (sport is very important to me) and when I play team games I’m very competitive (I try hard and always want to win). What about you? B: No I’m the complete opposite (I’m completely different). I only play for fun (for pleasure/enjoyment)./I’m exactly the same. Listening Ex 14. Read the table, then listen to the tape and fill in the missing information. Finally, looking at the table, talk about each sport.
Writing Ex 15. Write down six things you can do with a ball. Ex 16. Write down: 1. Five games where you can hit the ball (with various kinds of equipment) 2. Four games where you can pass the ball (with hands or feet) 3. Three games where you can catch the ball 4. Two games where you can kick the ball 5. One game where you can head the ball Ex 17. Complete these sentences with a suitable word. 1. I think the final … was 3-1. 2. The Czech Republic … Holland 2-1, so they are in the semi-final. 3. Bayern Munich … 1-1 with AC Milan last night. 4. The Maracana … in Brazil is the biggest in the world. It holds over 100,000 people. 5. Many of the … ran onto the pitch after the game. 6. Paris St Germain will play the …of the game between Barcelona and Roma. 7. United score first and they are still … 1-0 with five minutes to go until half-time. 8. With 20 minutes to go, the … score we have is 2-1 to Real Madrid. Тема 2.3. Отпуск Holiday ![]() ![]() ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ, КОГДА МЫ ССОРИМСЯ Не понимая различий, существующих между мужчинами и женщинами, очень легко довести дело до ссоры... ![]() ЧТО ТАКОЕ УВЕРЕННОЕ ПОВЕДЕНИЕ В МЕЖЛИЧНОСТНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЯХ? Исторически существует три основных модели различий, существующих между... ![]() Что будет с Землей, если ось ее сместится на 6666 км? Что будет с Землей? - задался я вопросом... ![]() Что делать, если нет взаимности? А теперь спустимся с небес на землю. Приземлились? Продолжаем разговор... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: