Mini – project: opinion pollEx 11. Class survey and results display. Do you like shopping? Step 1. Talk as many people as you can. 1. Do you like shopping? 2.How often do you go shopping? 3. Do you prefer to use the Internet for shopping? 4. What sort of food do you buy online? 5. Where do you buy food: at the market or at the supermarket?
Step 2. Summarise the results (%) Step 3. Display them for the whole class. Reporting results I interviewed … people to learn what they think about shopping. …. % answered positively. …% answered negatively. Several people said that… Pronunciation Ex 12. Listen and repeat. Hat - have – hot – hear | Who hit her? | I haven’t heard from Henry for ages. Harriet has got a hundred hats. | He hasn’t had a holiday for years. | Harry hates hot dogs. Writing
Ex 13. Fill in the delivery order. Speaking Ex 14. Discuss the following statement. Give your arguments: “Shopping is a waste of time, except for things you need, like food”. Lesson 3.1.2. Spending money Reading Ex 1. a )Read the title and the first paragraph of the article. Britain’s Young Consumers What do you think British teenagers spend their money on? Read to find out. b)Read the teenagers' quotes (1-6) in the text and match each one to A. I have borrowed money, which I will pay back when I start working. B. I'm such a keen fan that I spend my pocket money on buying tickets for all their matches. C. It's not that I'm too lazy to work, I just don't have the time. I need to get good grades. D. I want one that takes photos and has an MP3 player on it. E. I don't mind earning my pocket money. I think it's only fair! F. I've just bought some fantastic new jeans. I spent two weeks' wages on them. Shopping is my favourite hobby. c) Who are you most like? Why? Britain’s Young Consumers There are over 9 million of them in Britain and they are the most powerful group of consumers. Who are they? Teenagers! A retailer's 'dream come true'. Each year they spend £6 billion. Sweets and chocolates are still the number one best seller, but sales of mobile phone cards are catching up quickly, and they are expected to overtake sweets and chocolates very soon. Modern technology is rapidly replacing traditional favourite pastimes such as board games and reading with video game consoles like PlayStation 2 and Xbox, which cost over £300. Quite a lot of teenagers have also joined clubs that involve extreme sports, such as I gliding and parachuting. This means that parents are digging deeper J into their pockets than ever before. They are handing out a massive I £3.3 billion to their teenagers every year, but is this enough? Obviously not, because this is only 60% of what they are spending! Students are making ends meet by doing odd jobs, such as helping with the chores around the house, delivering newspapers, and working weekends as sales assistants in shops. Although they earn and receive the same amount of money, girls spend more than boys. How about you? Do you get enough money? Are you a big spender or a saver? Here is what some students say: 1. 'I can neverresistbuying the latest fashions, and I eat out with my friends at least once a week. I guess I'm quite rich for a teenager! I earn £50 a week from my weekend job, and my parents give me an extra £20.' (Patricia, 15, Swansea) 2. 'I am a first year university student and I have tosurvive on mystudent loan, which is £70 a week. It's not really enough. I had a credit card but I cut it up. I spend my money on snacks, bus fares, going to the gym and going out.' (Hayley, 19, Middlesex) 3. 'I'm football crazy! I follow my team wherever they play.'' My parents give me £20 a week pocket money, and I earn " an extra £40 a week helping my dad in his shop.' (Lee, 18, Manchester) 4. 'I get £15 a week and I spend it on computer games, CDs, comics, going out - anything really. I can't get a job at the moment because I'm studying for my exams.' (Josh, 17, Enfield) 5. 'I earn £20 a week by doinghousehold chores for my parents. I'm mad about computer games and spend hours, playing with my friends. My parentscan't afford to splash out on expensive things for me, so I save the money Iearnfrom my Saturday job.' (Robert, 16, Kent) 6. 'I get £10 a week. I enjoy going onshopping sprees and buying magazines. At the moment I'msaving upfor а mobile phone.' (Andy, 18, Devon) V. Evans Spotlight. Express Publishing, - 2010 Language in use Ex 2. a ) What do you think students in your country spend their money on? Choose from the list. 1) clothes and accessories • household bills • eating out 2) mobile phone cards • sweets and snacks • rent • bus fares • petrol • computer games • CDs/DVDs • going out (cinema, concerts, sporting events) • magazines/ books/comics • supermarket shopping b) What do you spend your money on? A: I spend most of my money on... B: Me too. I also buy... Ex 3. a) Fill in: waste, pay, cost, lend, borrow, save, earn. Check in your dictionaries. 1. How do you……………for things you buy: in cash, by cheque or by credit card? 2. Do you ever………..money to your friends? 3. Do you ever…..money from your friends? 4. Do you ………..up to buy something you want, e.g. a new bike? 5. Do you think teenager…………. their money on things they don't really need? 6. Which of the things you buy …………..a lot and which are reasonably priced? 7. Do you have a part-time job to ……………extra money? b) Answer the questions (1-7) about yourself. Ex 4. Translate the following statement: “The art is not making money, but in keeping it”. Speaking Ex 5. Take the roles of two of the students from the text. Ask and answer questions about how they get their money and what they spend it on. A: How much money do you get, Josh? Listening Ex 6. a) Choose the correct response. Listen and check. 1. A: I’m on my way to the gym. Fancy coming along? B: Thanks, but I’m really tired / Yes, that’s great! 2. A: Would you like to come to the cinema tonight? B: I’d love to, but I really can’t / I’m sorry, I wouldn’t like it. 3. A: How about going shopping this afternoon? B: I think you’re right / That would be really great! b) Listen again and underline the stressed words. Ex 7. Listen to the conversation between two friends and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). 1.Katie goes to the supermarket with her parents every week. 2. Katie thinks that if s safe to buy goods on the Internet. 3.Goods that Katie orders online sometimes get lost in the post. 4.Ron is happy to buy something that he's only seen in a photograph. 5.Ron and Katie agree that returning items is a disadvantage of online shopping. 6. Katie is going to help Ron choose a present for his brother. Writing Ex 8. Write a short paragraph about yourself (50 words). Include: • how much money you get • where you get your money from • what you spend your money on • whether you are good with money Speaking Ex 9. Work in groups. Discuss the following statement, give your reasons. The art is not in making money, but in keeping it. Grammar in use Ex 10. -ing form/to -infinitive/infinitive a) Read the problem page letter and reply. What's Andrew's problem? What does Claire suggest? Your problems... SOLVED! Dear Claire, I'm always broke! I love being sociable and I'd like to go out shopping more with my friends but I've never got any money. I s don't mind working but I live in a small town and there just aren't many part-time j jobs. Is there anything I can do? Help me! Andrew, 16, Cardiff Don't despair, Andrew! How about doing some odd jobs around your neighborhood like cleaning windows or cars if you want to earn some extra cash? You'll have more money and help your neighbours out, too! Let me know how you get on! b) Use the structures to complete the rules (1-7) with: to -infinitive, infinitive without to or -ins form. 1. preposition +….. 2. verb of preference (like/love/ hate/enjoy) +…… 3. would love/like/hate, etc +……4. modal verb (can, will, must, etc) +….. 5. can't stand/help/imagine, look forward to, don't mind +…. 6. want, can't wait, remind +…. 7. let, make +…. Ex 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Compare with your partner. 1. Do you mind… (help) me with some jobs today, Sam? 2. I'm not keen on....(read) prefer (watch) TV. 3. I must.... (finish) this essay tonight. I have to hand it in tomorrow. 4. He left without…..(say) goodbye. 5. I'd hate ….(do) archery. 6. Brian really enjoys. …(Play) hi 7. Please let me….(go) out tonight! 8. The story made me…(cry). 9. Remind me……(see) to it tomorrow 10. Would you like……(go) now? Ex 12. Use the phrases to complete the sentences: don’t mind, likes, wants, enjoys, hates, be alone, sail, be on time, work long hours, eat Chinese or Indian food 1. She never travels by ship. She….. 2. He always works overtime. He….. 3. Mary is afraid of large groups. She … 4. Bob is never late. He ….. 5. You decide! I…. Ex 13. Use the words below to make true sentences about your attitude to food shopping: look forward to, can't help, can't imagine, can, let, want Speaking Ex 14. Look at the two photos, which show different ways of shopping. Compare and contrast them, including the following points: availability / opening hours, prices, deliveries staff, guarantees ![]() ![]() Что будет с Землей, если ось ее сместится на 6666 км? Что будет с Землей? - задался я вопросом... ![]() Живите по правилу: МАЛО ЛИ ЧТО НА СВЕТЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ? Я неслучайно подчеркиваю, что место в голове ограничено, а информации вокруг много, и что ваше право... ![]() ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ ВО ВЗРОСЛОЙ ЖИЗНИ? Если вы все еще «неправильно» связаны с матерью, вы избегаете отделения и независимого взрослого существования... ![]() Что делать, если нет взаимности? А теперь спустимся с небес на землю. Приземлились? Продолжаем разговор... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: