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Тема 4.3. Создание имиджа Image creating

Занятие 4.3.1. «Отражение психологического портрета во внешнем облике специалиста» Reflection of a psychological portrait in an appearance of a specialist

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: Приобрести знания о влиянии облика человека на его карьерный рост, о культуре ношения одежды

развивающая: Развивать речевые способности в процессе овладения иностранным языком

воспитательная: Формировать способности воспринимать истинную красоту человека. Формировать систему моральных ценностей.

практическая: Формировать психологическую готовность реальному иноязычному общению в соответствующей ситуации. Овладевать тематической лексикой, приобретать навыки и умения межличностного обмена.


1. Освоить лексику по теме «Отражение психологического портрета во внешнем облике специалиста»: Thin in attractive way, dark-haired, fair-skinned, ugly, manliness, manly, adventurous, timid, talkative, neat, messy, nervous, awkward, unimaginative, suntanned, average height, handsome, clean-shaven, personality, flexibility, confidence, a sense of humor, intelligence, modesty, good manners, sincerity, reliability.

2. Научиться задавать общие, специальные, альтернативные, разделительные вопросы. Освоить употребление предлогов во фразах сравнения.

3. Прочитать текст «You are gorgeous» и определить правдивость послетекстовых утверждений.

4. Выполнить упражнения №1-3 (лексика)

5. Прослушать диалог и выполнить задания (упр. 1-2) (слушание)

6. Проработать грамматический материал и выполнить упражнения №1-3.(грамматика)

7. Обсудить с партнером ситуации, предложенные в упражнении №1 (практика устной речи)

8. Научиться писать статью – портрет.

9. Сделать адекватный перевод тематического текста с иностранного языка на родной.(“Clothes count for first impressions only”.

Самостоятельная работа

Написать статью-портрет преуспевающего современника в «Журнал для Успешных»

Занятие 4.3.2.Мимика и жесты. Mimicry and gestures

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: Приобрести знания о языке жестов, о влиянии язык на взаимопонимание людей. Повышать уровень учебной автономии, способности к самообразованию.

Развивающая: Развивать речевые способности в процессе обсуждения актуальных тем. Развивать когнитивные и исследовательские умения.

Воспитательная: Развивать информационную культуру. Формировать способности управлять своими эмоциями, контролировать поведенческие реакции.

Практическая: Совершенствовать психологическую готовность к реальному иноязычному общению в соответствующей ситуации. Научиться самостоятельно овладевать тематической лексикой, приобретать навыки и умения межличностного обмена.


1. Освоить лексику по теме: Body language, unconsciously reveal, to make an impression, sort of nonverbal, speech sounds, message, posture, eye contact, to lean, to tilt disrespect, to dart around, to look out for, repeatedly, expressive, wave, point, beckon, argue, to be affected, grip, physical space.

2. Обсудить ситуации, предложенные на картинках в упражнении №1.

3. Прочитать текст, определить правдивость информации (упр. №2).

4. Дать толкование тематической лексики (упр.№3)

5. Познакомиться с жестами, наиболее распространенными в США (упр. № 4)

6. Обсудить с партнером язык жестов, принятый в России.

7. Сделать реферативный перевод текста «Types of nonverbal communication and body language».

8. Составить тезисы к устному сообщению.

9. Выступить с презентацией темы «Язык жестов в разных странах и культурах».(ролевая игра)

10. Научиться писать эссе с элементами рассуждения “The efficiency of nonverbal communication”.

Самостоятельная работа

1.Подготовиться к презентации темы «Язык жестов в разных странах и культурах».

2. Составить тематический глоссарий.

Занятие 4.3.3. Мой стиль. My own style

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: Приобрести знания о стилях, тенденциях в моде, о нормах ношения одежды в различных ситуациях.

Развивающая: Развивать речевые способности в процессе обсуждения проблемы (дискуссия) «Как определить свой стиль?»,

Воспитательная: Развивать информационную культуру; расширять кругозор, повышать уровень общей культуры, толерантности и уважения к мнению и особенностям других людей.

Практическая: Развивать когнитивные и исследовательские умения; совершенствовать психологическую готовность к реальному иноязычному общению в соответствующей ситуации, овладеть тематической лексикой


1. Освоить лексику по теме: Order of the day, to invest, good quality, to keep going for years, to look dramatic, stylish, simple, casual, to browse, to keep things smart, uniform, dress code, to put together, individual style, bargain, sales, fashion designer, influence.

2. Проработать грамматический материал: Эмфаза. Модальность. Условные предложения. (упр.№1)

3. Соотнести высказывания с говорящими. Упр. №2.

4. Прослушать текст и заполнить пропуски (упр. №1).

5. Выразить основную тему прослушанного текста в 4-5 предложениях.

6. Сделать аннотированный перевод текста «Define your style”

7. Обсудить с партнером вопросы имиджа и стиля, принятые в России.

8. Вступить в диалог на тему «Мой стиль»

9. Написать аргументированное эссе “ Image is…

Самостоятельная работа.

1. Подбор тематического материала в интернет-источниках.

2. Составить тематический глоссарий.

3. Подобрать материал для написания эссе.

4. Пополнить Языковой портфель результатами работы над темой.


Дидактический материал к занятиям 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3

Image Making

Lesson 4.3.1. The mirror of physiological portrait in an appearance of a specialist


Who do you think is the most attractive man/woman in the world? Why? Which people in the pictures do you think are attractive? Why?


Ex 1. Each heading below summarizes one of the paragraphs in the text. Read the text and match the headings to the correct paragraphs.

Ideas of beauty 200-300 years ago

· The bigger the better

· Pale is beautiful!

· The importance of a long neck

· The perfect modern woman

· Showing your emotions

· The world’s handsome men

You’re Gorgeous


1. For many people, German-born supermodel Claudia Schiffer is the perfect beauty: tall and slim, blue-eyed, tanned and athletic-looking with long, blond hair. No wonder people have described her as “The most beautiful woman in the world”.

2. But people have not always had the same ideas about beauty. Until the 1920s, suntans were for poor people, “ladies’ stayed out of the sun to keep their faces as pale as possible. Five hundred years ago, in the times of Queen Elizabeth I of England, fashionable ladies even painted their faces with lead to make them whiter – a very dangerous habit as lead is poisoned.

3. And people in the eighteenth century would certainly not have thought much of Claudia Schiffer’s hair! Ladies in those days never went out without their wigs, which were so enormous – and so dirty – that it was quite common to find mice living in them! As for the “perfect beauties” painted by Rubens in the seventeenth century, if they wanted to be supermodels today they would have to spend months on a diet!

4. Ideas of beauty can be different according to where you live, too. For the Paduang tribe in South-East Asia, traditionally the most important sign of beauty was a long neck. So at the age of five or six, girls received their first neck rings, and each year they added new rings. By the time they were old enough to marry their necks were about twenty-five centimeters long!

5. And what about ideal man? If you ask women today to name an attractive man, most mention someone like Russell Crowe, Mel Gibson or Denzel Washington: someone tall and strong, brave and “manly”.

6. In the eighteenth century, however, “manliness” was different from what it is today. As well as wearing wigs, perfume and lots of make-up, a true gentleman showed his feelings by crying frequently in public. According to one story, when the British Prime Minister, Lord Spencer Percival, came to give King George IV some bad news, both men sat down and cried!

7. And even now, Russell Crowe might not find it easy to attract women if he visited the Dinka tribe of Sudan. They have always believed in the saying that “big is beautiful” traditionally, each year, men compete to win the title of the “fattest man”. The winner is sure to find a wife quickly: for a Dinka woman, if a man is fat, it’s also a sign that he is rich and powerful!

Ex 2. Read the text again and say if these statements are True or False? Explain your answers.

1. Pale skin was more popular than tanned skin until the twenties century. 2. Elizabethan make-up was not safe. 3. In the eighteenth century, fashionable ladies had mice as pets. 3. Women in Rubens’ time probably never went on diets. 4. Paduang women with short necks couldn’t get married. 5. In the eighteenth century it was OK for men to cry. 6. Dinka women from Sudan think that thin men are very ugly.

Vocabulary practice

Ex 3. Look through the text and try to explain the words in bold.

Ex 4. a) Find words in the text that mean:

(for hair) light-colored or yellow, pleasant to look at, having skin made darker by the sun, of more than average height, (for skin) light-colored, looking physically strong and good at sport, having the good qualities of a man, thin in an attractive way, having a lot of courage, with blue eyes.

b) Find opposites to the words in the box below in part a above.

cowardly dark-haired fair-skinned fat short ugly

Ex 5. Look at the words below and try to explain them. Use a dictionary if necessary. Match the words with their opposites.

adventurous careless
calm lazy
careful messy
creative nervous
flexible quiet
funny serious
hardworking stubborn
neat timid
talkative unimaginative


Ex 6. Matt and Diana are talking about six of their friends. When you hear a “beep”, write the missing word you think they say.


Alex _________________ Randy ________________



Kelly _________________ Chris _______________



Megan ___________________ Sam ___________________

Ex 7. Discuss the following questions.

· Which words in exercise 6 describe you?

· What other words describe you?


1. We use the question What does he/she look like? to ask about someone’s physical appearance.

What does your friend look like? He’s tall and handsome.

2. We use question How is ……? to ask about someone’s health.

How is your mother? Oh, she’s much better, thanks.

We also use How is/was…? to ask about someone/s work, or the day at school, or the journey.

How was your school today? I got an ‘A’ for English.

3. We use the question What’s he/she like? When we mean Tell me about … We use this question to ask about someone’s personality rather than their appearance.

What are your neighbors like? They seem very good.


We don’t use like in the answer.

What’s your new teacher like? She seems very nice.

4. We use the following prepositions in comparative phrases:

I think she’s more attractive than her sister.

Your eyes are very similar to your mother’s.

Are these glasses very different from your old ones?

She looks like a business woman.

Her earrings are the same as mine.

He’s the tallest in the class.

Ex 8. Match the questions in A to the answers in B.

1. What does he look like? No. He’s clean-shaven.
2. How is she? About average height.
3. What’s he like? He’s fine.
4. How old is she? He’s tall, dark and handsome.
5. How tall is he? He seems very nice.
6. What color are his eyes? Brown.
7. has he got a beard? About 22.

Ex 9. Which of the questions is about:

physical appearance? features (hair, etc.)?

height? personality?

health? the color of something?

Ex 10. And if possible, ask another person some questions on the topic.

Speaking and writing

Ex 11. Look at the adjectives and discuss with your partner:

a)How important are these qualities in a friend? Mark them

I (important), SI (somewhat important), NVI (not very important):

physical appearance, a sense of humor, beauty, manliness, flexibility, intelligence, reliability, blue eyes, modesty, good manners, confidence, sincerity.

b) What other qualities are important in a friend? And in a boss? In a partner?

c)What qualities do other people see in you?

d) What qualities do you like to develop? Why?

Ex 12. You have to write an article to a newspaper. You should describe an image of a successful person. Interview an image-maker and give a portrait of a prosperous person.

Ex 13. Write an essay “Everybody wants to succeed in life. Both physical and personality characteristics are equally important for it. What is necessary for making an image?”

Ex 14. Translate from English into Russian.

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