Сдам Сам



Jeff goes to pick up his briefcase.

Security (2): Would you mind opening your briefcase, sir?

Jeff: No, not at all... there you go.

Security (2): Would you mind turning on the MP3 player for me, sir?

Jeff: Oh. sorry. Yes.

Security (2): Thank you. And could you please remove your shoes for examination?

Jeff: Of course. There you are.

Security (2): Thank you for your co-operation, sir.

b)Workin pairs: Role-play a similar dialogue.

Ex 8. a)Fill in the Security Survey. Then compare your answers with a partner.

b) Discuss in groups of six an airport security system using the information from the survey:

How do you feel about airport security? Check (V) the boxes.

1. When you are at an airport, what do you prefer?

    Some security checks
    Very careful security checks
    No security checks

2. Do you mind opening your carry-on luggage?

  No, I don't mind   Yes, I feel embarrassed.

3. Do you mind when security ask you questions?

  Not at all.   Not if they are polite.   Yes

4. Are you embarrassed when they search you after you have walked through the scanner?

  No.   Yes.

5. How do you feel about airport security staff?

  They're doing a difficult but important job. I wouldn't like to do It. Why do they always stop me? I think they could be more polite.

Ex 9. Discuss:

• Is it important to have customs at international borders? Why? / Why not?

• What kind of items do people try to smuggle?

• Could more be done to stop smugglers?


Ex 10. Find the Customs Declaration form for entering the UK in the Internet and fill it in. Interview another student and find out what's on their form. Mind the given recommendations:

Before arriving in the UK, each traveler is required to fill out a Customs Declaration Form. You should complete the form In English and in capital letters. Most of the questions on the Customs Declaration Form can be answered by writing "Yes" or "No". Please remember to sign your name at the bottom of the reverse side. This form will be distributed during the flight.


Ex 11. Translate into English the following dialogue:

- Элен, офицер паспортного контроля просит показать твой паспорт. Покажи его пожалуйста.

- Ой, да, вот он. Я думаю, он спросит нас, куда мы направляемся.

- Это верно. Кроме того он спросит нас как долго мы планируем пребывать здесь.

- И я обязана ответить на все вопросы. Это так?

- Несомненно. Ты должна будешь сообщить ему цель своего визита.

- Что-нибудь еще?

- Больше ничего. Обычно они очень вежливы.

- Спросит ли он о наличии у меня визы.

- Конечно он может спросить. Он будет интересоваться какой тип визы у тебя.

- У меня Бизнес виза. Я недавно получила ее и собираюсь продлить.

- ОК. Не нервничай. Все будет хорошо.

- Это все?

- Нет, после паспортного контроля ты пройдешь через таможенный контроль.


Lesson 9.1.3. Reserving an Airline Ticket. Making a hotel reservation.

Lead in

Traveling by plane is the fastest and most comfortable means of transport for a businessman. You can sit back and relax, read, or even watch a video. Of course you have to pay more money and run the risk of being delayed. Some people refuse to fly for fear of accidents. However, According to statistics it’s a safe way to travel.

Do you agree with the above statement? Why/ Why not?

Ex 1. Expand your vocabulary for the topic:

hubs and spokes узловое расположение с направлениями по окружности
radiate out in different directions расходиться по окружности в разных направлениях
non-stop flights беспосадочный рейс
to catch a flight сесть на самолет
to change planes делать пересадку
connecting flight связующий перелет
delayed flight задержанный рейс
to take off/ to land взлетать/ садиться
domestic / international flight внутренний/ международный рейс
scheduled flight / charter flight регулярный рейс/ чартер
one-way/ round-trip поездка в один конец/ туда и обратно
fixed return date/ open ticket билет с фиксированной/ открытой датой
оvernight/ daytime ночью/ днем
to make a reservation забронировать
to book in advance бронировать заранее
to stay in a hotel остановиться в гостинице
have restrictions иметь ограничения
non-refundable невозмещаемый
to pay a cancellation fee плата за отказ
accommodation and transfers размещения и трансферы


Ex 2. a) Read the text and explain the advantages of hubs and spokes system of organizing the flights.

Hubs and spokes

Domestic flights in the USA are organised on the principle of hubs and spokes, like a bicycle wheel which has a hub at the centre and lots of spokes radiating out from it in all directions. One such hub is Houston in Texas: flights to over 100 other airports radiate out in different directions from there and half of these are non-stop flights.

For example, if you want to get from Miami to Los Angeles, you can catch a Continental Airlines flight from Fort Lauderdale (a few miles north of Miami and less hassle than Miami International Airport), change planes in Houston and fly on to Orange County (John Wayne Airport!) or Hollywood-Burbank Airport - both of which are much more relaxing and less crowded ways into Los Angeles than the appalling LAX (Los Angeles International Airport).

The hub and spoke network has made flights cheaper and means that even quite small places are connected to each other by a major airline or feeder service. Another advantage of the system is that connecting flights are to some extent guaranteed. If one incoming flight is up to one hour late, all the connecting flights (up to 30 or 40) will be held until it arrives. So if you're on a delayed flight, that's good news - but it's bad news for everyone else because they all have to wait for your plane to land.

From the point of view of overseas connections, many hubs also operate as entry points or 'gateways', where passengers flying in from another country can join the hub and spoke system.

The same type of system does operate in other parts of the world: for example, you can fly from one part of Europe to another via Frankfurt or Paris or Amsterdam or London, but the difference in other parts of the world is that the fares are not any cheaper so there's no special advantage.

Flying in to the USA it's advisable, if you possibly can, to avoid any major gateway, such as Los Angeles International, Miami and JFK (New York) in favour of a smaller gateway like Charlotte, Pittsburgh or Orlando.

b) Using the information in the text, complete each of these sentences. The first is done for you as an example:

1. If you want to get from Miami to Los Angeles, you can...

fly from fort Lauderdale and change planes at Houston, Texas,...

2. If you want to avoid flying into LAX (Los Angeles International), you should …

3. If your flight is less than an hour late, your connecting flight will.„

4. II you fly between London and Vienna via Frankfurt or Paris, instead of direct, the fare...

5. If you are entering the United States from abroad, you should...

c) Маке а short written summary of the text.

Vocabulary practice

Ex 3. Match the following words from the text to make the right collocations:

the principle in all directions
connected to each other flights
hub and spoke on the principle
to avoid of hubs and spokes
radiating out from it a continental flight
to be organised by a major airline
to catch late
to some extent any major gateway
to be one hour it arrives
non-stop connections
be held until guaranteed
overseas connections network

Ex 4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words given below:

business, flight, full-fare, Advance, Open, fare, restricted.

Air Tickets

1. …………tickets cost you more. All First and …………class tickets are open. i.e. you can change your ………… times. ………… Economy tickets are usually open. Cheaper tickets are usually …………, i.e. you can't change them. The best known-type is APEX (………… Purchase Excursion - a reduced airline or long-distance rail ………… that must be paid a specified number of days in advance). Often you have to stay overnight - something most business travelers won't want to do!


economy, excess, airlines, limit, departure, the plane, of charge, boarding pass, luggage, fasten.

Most ………… have at least 2 classes of travel: first class and ………… class which is cheaper. Each passenger of more than 2 years of age has a free ………… allowance. Generally this ………… is 20kg for economic class passenger and 30kg for first class passenger. ………… luggage must be paid for except for some articles that can be carried free …………. Each passenger is given a ………… to be shown at ………… gate and again to the stewardess when boarding …………. Watch the electric sign flashes when you are on board, when the "………… Seat Belts" sign goes on do it promptly and also obey the "No Smoking" signal.

Ex 5. Match the words and phrases (a-f) with the pictures (1-6).

a single room d family room
b double room e en suite room
c twin room f dormitory



Grammar in use

Ex 6. Choose the correct future tense forms:

The plane ………… in half an hour (leave). 2. I ………… to Bristol tomorrow morning (am flying). 3. They ………… my bags by 2 o’clock (check). 4. ………..you ………… to carry these bags yourself (carry)? 5. This time tomorrow I ………… across Atlantic (fly). 6. What day …………you ………… to leave for London (plan)? 7. I prefer economy. How much …………. it ………… (be)? 8. What is the London airport we ………… at? 9. Peter ………… in Moscow for 2 weeks by Friday (stay). 10. Yow many nights ………… you ………… for (stay)?

Ex 7. Translate the sentences unto English using correct future tense forms:

1. В это время завтра я буду лететь в самолете и читать газету. 2. Вы предпочитаете место у прохода или у окна? – У окна, пожалуйста. 3. Сэм собирается упаковывать свой чемодан через полчаса. 4. Во время полета будут подавать напитки и закуски? 5. В следующем апреле я буду работать в этой авиа компании уже 10 лет. 6. Самолет из Лондона приземляется в 5 часов вечера. 7. Сколько дней вы планируете пробыть в Москве? 8. На ваш рейс начнется посадка в 10.30 у выхода 24.

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