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Тема 9.2. Деловые контакты с зарубежными партнерами. Business contacts with foreign partners

Занятие.9.2.1.В гостинице In the hotel

Цели занятия:

образовательная: расширять лингвистический кругозор через страноведческую информацию

развивающая: развитие речевых способностей в процессе овладения языком

воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения

практическая: развитие умений поддержать разговор официального характера.


1.Выучить лексику: (Would you mind (if I)…? Would you like (me) to…? Would you prefer…? How are things? The reason I’m phoning is…, Give me a ring if you have any problems, Nice to hear from you, I look forward to V-ing…, Let me know if…); слова из перечня (Business and Finance Words)

2.Прослушать текст и заполнить таблицу после прослушанного текста.

3.Прочитать текст и определить его главную мысль

4. Составить разговор по телефону о предстоящей встрече или собрании;

5.Перевести на русский язык официальные тексты (обращения), адресованные коллегам, которые работают в зарубежных учреждениях смежного профиля.

Самостоятельная работа.

1) Составить факс-сообщение или написать официальное письмо на электронную почту деловых партнёров о предстоящей (планируемой) встрече.

2) Выбрать одну из тематических ситуаций и составить краткий диалог.

Занятие 9.2.2. Презентация университета Presentations of the University

Цели занятия:

образовательная: расширение лингвокультурологического кругозора (на основе знакомства и заимствования артефактов из другой культуры)

развивающая: развивать речевые способности вступать в иноязычное общение

воспитательная: воспитание культуры иноязычного общения

практическая: развитие умений монологической речи


1.Выучить лексику: a wide range of products/services, ability to meet quality standards, lower prices than anyone else, competitive prices, lengthy settlement terms, flexible payment arrangements, professional staff, specialized know-how, fast and a good after-sales service, reliable delivery dates, large stocks carried, ability to adopt products/services to meet special requirements, a good reputation in industry.

1. Прочитать текст и выделить его смысловые части (начало, основную часть, заключение).

2. Воспринимать на слух лексику по теме занятия, извлечь необходимую информацию из аудиотекста.

3. подготовить рекламное сообщение об университете

4.фиксировать ключевые слова при прослушивании текста; составить план прочитанного текста.

5. перевести на русский язык текст из Интернета по указанной тематике.

Самостоятельная работа студентов.

Подготовить презентацию университета

Занятие 9.2.3.Деловые переговоры Business talking

Цели занятия:

образовательная: расширение лингвострановедческого кругозора;

развивающая: развитие речевых способностей в процессе овладения языком делового общения;

воспитательная: поддержание интереса к формированию познавательной активности;

практическая: развитие диалогических умений ведения официального разговора.


1.Выучить лексику:речевые клише (Shall we do that or Will you…? We’ll leave that to you, I’m delighted to…, Please, do not hesitate to…, Says it can’t wait, We’re sorry for any inconvenience, I’m sure you realize…, It is due to circumstances beyond our control, We regret to inform you that…, What if we ordered more? What discount will you give us? No, that’s simply not feasible, That might be the answer, It’d enable us to…/ It wouldn’t…); слова из перечня (Business and Finance Words)

2. Понять на слух запрашиваемую информацию; воспринимать на слух лексику по теме; понимать высказывания зарубежных коллег в ходе деловых переговоров.

3.Прочитать текст и понять его основное содержание

4.Подготовить диалог по теме «Деловые переговоры».

5.Составить список дополнительных фраз и выражений для тематического диалога

6. Перевести рекомендации по планированию и ведению деловых переговоров.

Самостоятельная работа.

Подготовить план-сценарий деловых переговоров.

Дидактические материалы к занятиям 9.2.1,9.2.2, 9.2.3

Lesson 9.2.1. At the Hotel

Lead in

Can you name any famous hotels? Can you name the people who work in a hotel? Do you prefer luxurious hotels or cheaper, more friendly ones?

If you were to stay in a hotel for a week’s holiday in England, what would you be looking for?

Ex 1. Listen to the text and answer the following questions.

1. How much is a room in the Refuge? 2. Which type of hotel can be dangerous and why? 3. Why do the Bayswater hotels have a warm atmosphere? 4. Where is the Dorchester situated?


Ex 2. You are going to read some information about hotels. Answer the questions by choosing the types of accommodation. Some of the types may be chosen more than once.

Which hotel(-s): is for people who like sport? are not recommended for tourists?

have religious origins? is for those who don’t mind how much they spend? can offer services to non-guests? offers free shelter for the homeless? is for people who want to be near a park? is for those who want to prepare their own hot drinks? are for those who plan an extended stay in London? is for those who prefer formality? is for people who want to socialise? is for those who prefer a homely environment? only has single rooms?


The City Refuge

This Refuge was started in the 19th century by Methodist Missionaries in the East End of London. Traditionally, the East End has always been the poorest part of London and the people who started this Refuge went in aid of those who had no money, and nowhere to sleep. The Refuge still runs today on the same basis. There is no charge to stay there, and there is even tea and toast in the morning. The people who run the Refuge, however, do not accept anyone who has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs. They will only take people who are in desperate need of somewhere to sleep. The problem they face, however, is that nowadays there are more people needing this accommodation than the Refuge has room for.

Long Term Hotels

There are several streets around an area of London called King’s Cross that only have this type of accommodation. They used to be for tourists who were on a budget and wanted to be centrally located. But this has now changed. King’s Cross has turned into an area notorious for crime of all kinds, and tourists in particular are advised not to go there at all. Long Term Hotels in this area are fairly cheap due to the accommodation being very basic: a bed and a wash-basin in the rooms, with a shared bathroom. They are often dirty, damp and dangerous. They seldom have proper fire precautions and dealing in drugs is a common feature in these hotels. Not for the clean-living visitor!

The Bayswater Hotels

This area of London is a few minutes’ bus ride away from Hyde Park. The hotels here are reasonably priced and the area is a safe one which attracts many tourists. The Bayswater Hotels are often large houses which have been turned into small hotels. As a result they have a warm, friendly atmosphere. The rooms, though small, are kept very clean and have that special English touch – the tea-tray. This is to enable guests to make themselves a cup of tea or coffee at no extra charge. These hotels sometimes have a bar and restaurant which are reasonably priced, and can be used by people who are not even staying in the hotel. Very often guests of the hotels have their breakfast and evening meal included in the price of the room.


The Young Men's Christian Association has a very impressive complex in the heart of London's West End. Originally the YMCA met together for religious studies, but it has now grown into a huge international organization. The YMCA in Tottenham Court Road has some of the best facilities in Central London. It has a gym, squash courts and a swimming pool. It is a long term hotel and many residents, both men and women, stay there for months, even years. The rooms are for single people. They are very comfortably furnished and all have their own bathroom. It may seem an expensive place to live, but if you want lots of things to do and want to meet lots of people in a safe, central environment, then this is for you.

The Dorchester Hotel

The Dorchester, situated in the heart of London, is one of the most luxurious and expensive hotels in the world. A single night in one of their suites can cost you thousands of pounds. The services they offer are the best you can find, from serving you tea to driving you around London. The staff have a strict dress-code and always wear a uniform. The Dorchester offers every­thing the lover of luxury could want, especially as it's provided in a very discreet, professional and very friendly manner. This hotel is not for people who like the casual touch. The rooms are absolutely luxurious, with colour televisions, Jacuzzis, a fully-stocked bar, fresh flowers and fruit. Definitely a hotel for people with taste and a large bank account.

(Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Mission: FCE 1: Coursebook.

Express Publishing, 2000. P. 43.)


Ex 3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word(s) from the list below:

notorious, impressive, long term, accommodation, on a budget, casual, complex, uniform, discreet, suite

1. My brother is a shop assistant but his ……….. ambition is to become a lawyer (lasting a long period of time).

2. James is very …………. when he's with his friends and is always joking around (informal).

3. When I was working in a fast-food restaurant I had to wear a horrible red…………. (set of clothes worn by workers).

4. The film star stayed in a(n) ………… on the top floor of the Hilton hotel when she visited Paris (luxurious set of rooms in a hotel).

5. Some areas of New York City are ………… for their high crime rate (well-known for something bad).

6. Sarah wanted to buy an expensive new coat but she was ………… and couldn't afford it (unable to spend a lot of money).

7. The restaurant manager is very ………….. and never talks about his famous customers (polite and careful).

8. Sue's exam results were very………….; she has been offered a place at Oxford University (worthy of admiration).

9. A new shopping ………. is being built which will contain shops, restaurants and a cinema (large set of buildings).

10. Holiday …………… is often difficult to find, so it is wise to book in advance (housing).

Ex 4. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list: reasonably/ comfortably / extra / to run / a common /centrally / a fully-stocked / fire / fairly

1 ……………. a hotel. 2.It is ……………. located. 3. ……………….. cheap. 4. ……………..precautions. 5. ……………… feature. 6. …………….. priced. 7. No …………… charge. 8. ………………. Furnished. 9. ……………..bar.

Ex 5. Fill in the sentences with the appropriate word(s) associated with HOTELS.

The Hilton is a h …………- c ………….. hotel where the rich and famous stay.

А с ………….. is employed to clean rooms and make beds in a hotel.

Guests are asked to leave their keys at the reception desk in the l ………………..

The p ……………….. carried our suitcases up to our room.

When you с ………… i ………… the receptionist asks for your name and passport number.

The bill came to £9.20, so we left a £10 note and 80 p. t ……….. for the waiter.

In summer, it is best to make a r ………….. otherwise all the rooms may be booked.

I'm not very hungry so I'll just have а с ………….. b …………..; coffee and a croissant.

Let’s call r ……………… - s …………… and have coffee brought to our room.

When visiting a hot country it is essential to stay in a(n) a …………….. с ……………. hotel.


Ex 6. Read the text again and say:

1. What are the advantages of staying in the YMCA?

2. Which hotel would you choose to stay in and why? Which one wouldn't you choose and why?

3. Choose one of the hotels from the text, without telling your partner which one it is. Describe a stay there. Your partner guesses which hotel you are talking about.

Ex 7. Complete this conversation at a hotel front desk.

Check-in at a Hotel

A: Good morning. Can I help you?

B: Yes. …………………. any rooms available?

A: Sure. ………………….to stay?

B: For a week.

A: What. ………………….?

B: A double with a color TV?

A: All our rooms have a color TV.. ………………….?

B: By American Express.

Ex 8. What do you do with these cards? Match.

a room charge card. 1. You pay your bill

b credit card. 2. You complete your name and address, etc.

с guest registration card 3. You shop or eat in the hotel

Ex 9. a) Ask your groupmate do these things, using Could you... Find suitable answers.

1. Could you please give me your passport number?

Sure. …………………..
2..…………………. fill in this form?

. ………………….

3..…………………. show me some identification?

. ………………….

b) Consuela Rodríguez has just checked in. How will these people help her?

bring her some coffee turn down her bed take her bags to her room

give her the room key

1. Bell captain The bell captain will take her bags lo her room.

2. Front desk clerk.………………….

3. Housekeeper.………………….

4. Room service waitress.………………….

Ex 10. Put this phone conversation in the correct order.

Hotel Information

– Yes, and tomorrow night, too.

– $95 per night.

– Hey, wait! What's your name?

– A double with a king size bed. How much will that be?

– Hi. Do you have any vacancies?

– Pine Trees Motel. Wayne speaking.

– Sounds fine. See you tonight. Good-bye.

– For tonight?

– No problem. And what kind of room do you want?

Ex 11. You’re at a hotel. Ask for help, using Could you...? The Front Desk replies using I'll... Complete the conversation and use each verb once: tell, give, send, do, ask, phone, lend, change.

Hotel Lobby

You:Could you tell me when the airport courtesy buses leave?

Front Desk: I don't know, but I’ll phone the airport for you.

You: Thanks. ……………….. someone to get my luggage from my room?

Front Desk: Sure. I ……………….. someone up right away.

You: Great. And ……………….. a travelers check for me, please?

Front Desk: Yes. I ……………….. that for you right now.

You: Thank you. Oh, and ……………….. me a pen?

Front Desk: Yes, sure. Anything else I can help you with?

You: Well, ………………..me my bill? I’m checking out today.

Ex 12. Put prepositions into the sentences.

The Front Desk clerk looked after our passports while we were out.

They arrived ………………..the hotel ……………….. 9:30 p.m.
The Manager welcomed her ……………….. the hotel personally.

We had to wait ……………….. a cab at the airport.

He checked ……………….. late last night.

If you go ……………….. to the Front Desk, they’ll help you.

Ex 13. Complete the conversations at the front desk using can and a suitable verb.

Hotel Problems


Mrs. A: Can you do me a favor?

Clerk: Sure, if I ………………...

Mrs. A: ………………..I …………….. another night? I know you’re very busy.

Clerk: Well, I need your room, but I you another one.


Mr. B: Sorry to trouble you, but…….. you ……..after my luggage until 2 p.m.?

Clerk: Certainly, sir.


Mr. C: Manager! …………….. I ……………..to the manager?

Clerk: I'm sorry, sir, but you……………... He isn’t here.

Mr. C: Well, …………….. you……………..him immediately, please?

Clerk: Certainly, sir.

Ex 14. a) If these things happen, what will Sara do?

e.g. miss her train/take a cab → If she misses her train, she will take a cab.

1. have time/call home →………...2. have a lot of work/stay late →……….

3. rain/go to the movies after work →………..4. not rain/play tennis after work →………..

b) If these things happen, what might Tom do?

e.g. not like the hotel/go elsewhere →If he doesn't like the hotel, he might go elsewhere

1. go to the restaurant/have fish →………….. 2. work hard/get a pay rise→ ………... 3. not like his new boss/leave his job→ ………... 4. leave his job/go traveling for a year →…………………….


Ex 15. Write what Joanna has been doing.

e.g. try to get hot water/ten minutes → She’s been trying to get hot water for ten minutes.

1.talk on the phone/half an hour → ………………. 2. wait/twenty minutes→ …………….. 3. work in her job/four years → ……………………... 4. live in Seattle / five years →…………………….

Ex 16. These people are managers at a big hotel. Write sentences about them using who.

e.g. John Burns is the person who’s responsible for the bar.

John Burns Bar Manager
Kathy Pederson Restaurant Manager
Stephanie Gluck Sales Manager
Derrick Watt Pool & Garden Manager
Manuela García Rooms Manager

Ex 17. Match the complaints to the answers.

1. There are no towels in my room. a. I’ll contact the Room Service waiter.
2. I can’t get through to Japan. b. I’ll send the engineer from maintenance.
3. My breakfast is late. c. I’ll get the housekeeper for you.
4. I'm still waiting for my luggage. d. Please call the hotel operator.
5. The air-conditioning doesn’t work. e. The bell man is on his way.

Ex 18. Complete the conversation between Room Service and this guest, using will and a suitable verb.

Room service

A: This is Room Service speaking.

B: Hello. This is Room 541.Can I order a sandwich please?

A: ………….. that ………….. a Studio’s Club sandwich or a House Special?

B: I …………..the House Special, but without blue cheese dressing.

A: …………..you ………….. another dressing?

B: No thanks. That …………..all. Oh, and a cola, too.

A: You …………..cola in the mini-bar in your room.

B: Great.

A: Your sandwich …………..ready in ten minutes. Good-bye.

Ex 19. Rewrite the sentences using else.

e.g. There’s another person here to see you. → There’s someone else here to see you.

1.There are no other things in the room. → …………. 2. Do you have another place to visit before you leave? → ……………... 3. There is one other thing to do this afternoon →. ………………….. 4. There are no other people left→………………..

Ex 20. Put the verbs into the past tense. Use each verb once: make, leave, eat, check, stay, pay, have, call


Ted Malone stayed in Room 355 at the Studio Inns Hotel in L.A. for one night. He _____ a snack in his room last night and ______ breakfast at the buffet this morning. He _______ Tokyo yesterday afternoon and today he _______three calls to his boss in Salt Lake City before he ________ out. He _______ by American Express and ________ the hotel at eleven-thirty a.m.

Ex 21. Complete Ted Malone's hotel account using the information above, and these words: calls, total, charge, tax, due, buffet, room, International


Room Name: Ted Malone PAGE1
Method of payment:    
Date: October 30 Check out time $
Carry over from previous pages:   0.00
Room 10/29
Service 10/29
Breakfast 10/29
calls 10/29


  170.00 21.75 5.90 18.48
National 10/30   12.60
Grand   228.73
State   41.17
Amount   269.90

Ex 22. What were these people doing when you entered the hotel?

e.g. Front Desk clerk/fill in a form → The Front Desk clerk was filling in a form.

1. Bell Captain/call a cab → ……….. 2. Group of tourists/wait for their bus→

………. 3. Wilbur Meeks/phone his boss →…………...


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