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Listening and Speaking Practice

Ex 8. a) Read the conversation and then try to complete Nancy’s sentences.

b) After, listen to the recording and compare.

Nancy Lee is reserving an airline ticket from Los Angeles to Hong Kong. She has to make a lot of choices.

Travel Agent: Good morning. Can I help you?

Nancy Lee:..................................................................

Travel Agent: Hong Kong? Would that be a round trip ticket or one-way?

Nancy Lee:.................................................................

Travel Agent: And for what date?

Nancy Lee:.................................................................

Travel Agent: Friday, the eighteenth? Yes. That’s fine. What about the return date? Do you have a fixed date in mind, or do you want an open ticket?

Nancy Lee:.......................................

Travel Agent: OK. Do you want a morning flight, or an afternoon flight?

Nancy Lee:.............................................................

Travel Agent: Well, there’s a Cathay Pacific flight at ten-thirty and a US Air one at twelve-thirty.

Nancy Lee:.................................................................

Travel Agent: OK. If you’ll just hold on a minute, I’ll check to see if there’s room. Yes, that's fine.

Nancy Lee:................................................................:

Travel Agent: One thousand, eight hundred and seventy dollars.

Nancy Lee:......................................

Travel Agent: Now, can I have your details, please?

c) Listen again to the conversation. This time the recording only has the voice of the Travel Agent. You take the part of Nancy Lee. Role play a similar conversation.

Ex 9. Discuss in pairs:

In which class do you usually fly?

What are the differences between the three main classes - First, Business and Economy?

What’s the difference between an open ticket and a restricted ticket?

Ex 10. a)Reserving accommodation

The receptionist (R) at the Hotel di Lago is taking a telephone reservation from a guest (G). Read the first part of the dialogue below. How many functions (a-f) does (R) do, and in what order?

a Ask when the reservation is for.
b Ask for the guest's name.
c Give the price of the room.
d Ask how many nights the guest is staying.
e Give the name of the hotel.
f Ask for a credit card number.


R Hello. Hotel di Lago. Can I help you?

G Hello. I’d like to make a reservation, please.

R Certainly. When is it for?

G For the weekend of 25th and 26th June.

R OK. How many nights is that for?

G Three nights - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

R Is that a single or a double room?

G A double room, please. With a bathroom.

R All our rooms have a bathroom. That's 120 euros per night, including tax.

G That’s fine.

R Would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?

G Non-smoking, please.

R OK, so that’s a double room, non-smoking, for three nights, from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th June.

G That’s right.

b) Complete the second part of the dialogue with the words in the box.

confirmed, credit card, expiry date, name

R Can I have your _________, please?

G Yes, it’s Dowling, Anita Dowling.

R Sorry, can you spell that, please?

G Yes, it’s A-N-I-T-A, Dowling, D-O-W-L-I-N-G.

R OK. Can I take your _________ details?

G It’s a Visa card, number 4838 1867 3324 0089.

R Let me just check... 4838 1867 3324 0089.

G That’s right.

R And what’s the _________?

G It’s 09/05 - September 2005.

R OK, that’s all ________ for you, Ms Dowling. We’ll look forward to seeing you on 24th lune.

G Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Ex 11. Work in pairs. Read the reservation form and role play a dialogue between a guest and a receptionist.

Hotel Dubrovnik Customer reservations
Arrival date 16 March 18 March
Departure date single, non-smoking
Room type Tony Jamieson
Guest's name (00 44) 020 8769 7883
Telephone no. tdjamieson@totalize.co.uk
E-mail address Single 125
Room rates Double 150


Credit card details  
Type of card (Visa, Amex, etc.) Mastercard
Cardholder's name Mr T. Jamieson
Card number 5432 6172 2351 9846
Expiry date 11/04


Ex 12. Find out what types of hotels and room prices there are in your area. In writing create a short guide for business visitors. Remember to include a budget option, mid-range option, and a luxury option if you can.


Ex 13. Translate this paragraph into Russian using the active vocabulary:

A scheduled flight is a normal, regular flight; a charter flight is a special flight taking a group of people, usually to the same holiday destination. Apex fares normally have tobe booked a fixed number of days in advance and they оffer value f or money. Budget fares are usually cheaper but may have restrictions (e.g. you can only travel on certain days) and are usually non-refundable [you can’t get your money back] or if you cancel, you may have to pay a cancellation fee. Some tickets allow a stopover [you may stay somewhere overnight before continuing to your destination]. All-in packages normally include accommodation and transfers [e.g. a bus or coach to and from your hotel].

Ex 14. Translate this paragraph into English using the active vocabulary:

Чем я могу вам помочь? Я хотел бы снять номер. Я хотел бы забронировать номер. К сожалению, на эти выходные у нас все забронировано. Осталось только несколько свободных номеров. Советуем в сезон бронировать номера заранее. Сколько дней вы будете проживать в отеле? На сколько ночей вы хотите снять номер? Хотите одноместный или двухместный номер? Двухместный. Сколько это стоит? 129 долларов в сутки. У вас есть более дешёвые номера?


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