Английский язык. Немецкий язык», 1-02 03 06-03 «Английский язык. Французский язык»,Стр 1 из 20Следующая ⇒ 1-02 03 07-1 «Английский язык. Белорусский язык и литература»
Составление и общая редакция М.Д. Путровой
Новополоцк 2007 УДК ББК П
Д.Г. Богушевич, доктор филологических наук, профессор, руководитель Центра корпусных исследований Минского государственного лингвистического университета А.М. Федоров, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры лексикологии английского языка Минского государственного лингвистического университета
Рекомендован к изданию Советом историко-филологического факультета
П Коммуникативная лингвистика: Учеб.-метод. комплекс для студ. спец. 1-02 03 06-01, 1-02 03 06-03, 1-02 03 07-01 / Сост.: М.Д. Путрова, кандидат филолог.наук. – Новополоцк: ПГУ, 2007. – 148 с.
Представлены содержание курса, его цели и задачи, а также требования к студентам, нормы и критерии оценки. Приведены темы изучаемого курса, их объем в часах лекционных и практических занятий. Предложен материал, разъясняющий основные положения курса, включены задания для самостоятельной работы студентов, в том числе научно-исследовательского характера, а также краткие тесты для самоконтроля. Предназначен для преподавателей и студентов лингвистических специальностей.
FOREWORD Communicative Linguistics has been written for senior university of Philological departments as an introductory course into the theory of speech communication. Always with the students in mind the author has tried to show major topics in the theory which seem to be of special interest for future teachers, translators, philologists and all those who deal with language in use. The introductory chapters are concerned with the most basic concepts of communicative linguistics. As the English saying puts it, before you run, you must learn to walk. The first three units of the course cover those topics and terms that are necessary for understanding almost anything else that concerns communication and language in use. Thus units 1 and 2 present the concept of model and show how language and other codes work together to produce meaningful communicative events. Further, in unit 3, the course focusses on the basic unit of communicative linguistics which is speech act. Understanding the theory of speech acts gives basis for going deep into the origin of language in a communicative subject. Comprehension of the ontogeny issues together with the knowledge of the basic concepts uncovered in units 1-3 really allows students to ‘walk’ in communicative linguistics. Now the issue of the ontogeny is generally considered within the scope of acquisitional linguistics. But since the curriculum of philological departments normally doesn’t include the subject we thought it wise to have the issue of the ontogeny in our list of major themes in communicative linguistics for future teachers and philologists. It radically widens the horizons of the readers and helps them to understand much better the role of language as an activity and form of human behaviour. Besides it is of tremendous practical value for future teachers and parents, as well as for philologists and translators. The author also hopes that the theory of technological determinism and the theory of implicature with its four basic maxims of conversation will encourage students to reconsider their understanding of how language works to achieve effectively various goals of communicators, both speakers’ and listeners’. They will also encourage them to think of the impact modern media have on linguistical aspect of human messages, and hence on language. Final chapters are focussed on prime forms of communication, oral and written. The course gives the students an ample opportunity to get acquainted with fragments of important books and articles which present widely debated and often contradictory ideas of the issues covered in the book. The students also have a chance to try out the theories presented in the course in a series of case studies or discussion questions or else in specially devised tests. The latter are only seemingly easy and simple. The author has made a special effort to produce a course that students could enjoy and appreciate for its practical emphasis. The material incorporated in the book has been tested with students of the English department at Polotsk State University for five years. That’s why the improved version presented in the course is truly the result of a team effort. The author would especially like to thank a group of students of the English department who had the course in 2006/2007 academic year and who actively cooperated with the author to make the publication of the book possible. The most active and devoted ‘friends of communicative linguistics’ are on the photo at the back cover of the book. They are: K. Maksimovich, V. Botkina, M. Brykoon, T. Prashkovich, A. Pushnyakova, L. Anufrienko. The author would also like to thank the reviewers of the book for their helpful critiques. They are lecturers of Minsk Linguistic University: doctor of philological sciences, professor D.G. Bogushevich and candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor A.M. Fyodorov. The author is quite well aware of the fact that the units of the book only scratch the surface of the major field of study which is communicative linguistics nowadays. Yet, they are essential to set the stage for what is to come. A general understanding of the themes covered in the course is sure to provide the reader with a solid foundation from which further linguistic education within master courses or post graduate courses can start. In constructing our units we drew heavily from I. Tokareva (Minsk, 1997, units 1, 2, 4), M.A.K. Halliday (OUP, 1992, units 3, 7) and supported our presentation of linguistical theries with data given in a number of other well-known books. THE COURSE CONTENT Theme 1. Communicative Linguistics as a science. Objectives of Communicative Linguistics. Language as an object of modelling. Theme 2. Modelling of Speech behaviour. Branches or directions in Communicative Linguistics. Theme 3. The origin of language in a speaking subject. Theme 4. Speech Acts. Philosophical Background and limitations of the theory. Theme 5. The medium. What part does it have to play?..Medium and discourse (text) characteristics. Theme 6. Universal conversational principles. Rules of cooperation. Theme 7. Written Communication. The complexity of written language. Theme 8. Spoken language. Что способствует осуществлению желаний? Стопроцентная, непоколебимая уверенность в своем... Система охраняемых территорий в США Изучение особо охраняемых природных территорий(ООПТ) США представляет особый интерес по многим причинам... Что будет с Землей, если ось ее сместится на 6666 км? Что будет с Землей? - задался я вопросом... Живите по правилу: МАЛО ЛИ ЧТО НА СВЕТЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ? Я неслучайно подчеркиваю, что место в голове ограничено, а информации вокруг много, и что ваше право... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: