Сдам Сам





1. UNIT 1 (57) AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM................................ 2

2. UNIT 2 (58). NERVOUS DISEASES................................................... 4

3. UNIT 3 (59). SENSORY SYSTEM....................................................... 9

4. UNIT 4 (60). HEARING. SIGHT....................................................... 13

5. UNIT 5 (61). ENDOCRINE SYSTEM................................................. 21

6. UNIT 6 (62).GLANDS AND HORMONES........................................ 25

7. UNIT 7 (63). DISEASES OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM............... 29

8. UNIT 8 (64). URINARY SYSTEM................................................. 36

9. UNIT 9 (65). KIDNEY DISEASES. NEPHRITIS.URINE................ 39

10. UNIT 10 (66).DISEASES OF THE URINARY SYSTEM................. 44

11. UNIT 11 (67).REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS...................................... 50


13. UNIT 13 (69) CREDIT TEST............................................................... 61





Ex.1.Read the words and skim the text:

consciousness – свідомість;

involuntary – мимовільний;

alongside – поряд;

inhibitory – пригнічує;

excitatory – збуджує;

complementary – доповнюючий;

in nature – по природі;

rather than – скоріш ніж;

brake – гальма


Ex.2.Match the word combinations:

below the level – краще визначити
affects heart rate – свідомий контроль
conscious control – діють протилежно
function in opposition – впливають на серцебиття
is better termed – нижче рівня


The autonomic nervous system (ANS or visceral nervous system or involuntary nervous system) is the part of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) that acts as a control system functioning largely below the level of consciousness, and controls visceral functions. The ANS affects heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, micturition (urination), and others. Most autonomous functions are involuntary but a number of ANS actions can work alongside some degree of conscious control (breathing, swallowing etc.).

Within the brain, the ANS is located in the medulla oblongata in the lower brainstem.

The ANS is classically divided into two subsystems: the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) and sympathetic nervous system (SNS).


ANS functions can generally be divided into sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) subsystems. Within both there are inhibitory and excitatory synapses between neurons.Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions typically function in opposition to each other. But this opposition is better termed complementary in nature rather than antagonistic. (For an analogy, one may think of the sympathetic division as the accelerator and the parasympathetic division as the brake).

Ex.3. Answer the questions:

1. What acts as a control system functioning largely below the level of consciousness?

2. What does the ANS affect?

3. Where is the ANS located?

4. How can ANS functions generally be divided?

5. How do sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions typically function?

6. Is this opposition better termed as complementary in nature or as antagonistic?

7. Are there inhibitory and excitatory synapses between neurons?


Залежно від мети висловлювання в англійській мові розрізняють такі типи речень:

1.Розповідні (declarative sentences):

London is the capital of Great Britain. Лондон – столиця Великої Британії.

2.Питальні (interrogative sentences):

Have you been to this hospital? Ви були в цій лікарні

Where do you live? Де ти живеш?

3.Спонукальні (imperative sentences):

Open the window. Відчиніть вікно.

4.Окличні (exclamatory sentences):

What a beautiful room! Яка чудова кімната!

За будовою речення поділяються на прості (simple) та складні (composite). Просте речення може бути поширеним (extended) і непоширеним (unextended). Складні речення поділяються на складносурядні (compound) і складнопідрядні (complex).

Ex.4. Name the type of the sentence:

1. Who did you speak to? 2. After I had cleaned the rooms there was an interval in my work. 3. There was silence for a minute. 4. She was ill. 5. Go to the blackboard. 6. What a nice day! 7. I phoned her and there was no answer.8.I have no medical atlas.


Ex.1.Read and memorize the words:

dysreflexia - гіперрефлексія;

exaggerated response - надмірно підвищена реакція;

spinal cord injury - пошкодження спинного мозку;

lack of control - недостатність контролю;

to ascend - підніматися;

vasoconstriction - звуження судин;

the vagus nerve - блукаючий нерв;

vasodilation - розширення судин;

visceral contractions - скорочення нутрощів;

lesion - пошкодження (шкіри, органу);

an emergency condition - надзвичайний стан;

seizure - апоплексичний удар

the level of injured cord - рівень пошкодження мозку


Ex.2.Read and translate the text:

Autonomic Dysreflexia

Autonomic dysreflexia, also called autonomic hyperreflexia, is an exaggerated response of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system that occurs in about 85% of individuals with spinal cord injury. The condition is seen after recovery from spinal shock and occurs due to a lack of control of the autonomic nervous system by higher centers. When certain stimuli, such as occurs with a full urinary bladder, are unable to ascend the spinal cord, mass stimulation of the sympathetic nerves inferior to the level of the injured cord area takes place, and this triggers massive vasoconstriction. In response, the vagus nerve (parasympathetic) causes a decreased heart rate and vasodialation superior to the level of the injury. In addition to a full urinary bladder, the condition may also be caused by stimulation of pain receptors and visceral contractions.

Autonomic dysreflexia is characterized by headache, hypertension, flushed, warm skin with profuse sweating above the lesion; pale, cold, and dry skin below the lesion and anxiety. Autonomic dysreflexia is an emergency condition and requires immediate intervention If untreated, it can cause seizures, stroke, or a heart attack.

Ex.3. Translate into Ukrainian:

Autonomic dysreflexia; exaggerated response; superior to the level; occurs due to the lack; inferior to the level; profuse sweating; above the lesion; below the lesion; emergency condition; immediate intervention; can cause seizures; dry skin; heart attack; pain receptors; triggers vasoconstriction; occurs in individuals; recovery from spinal shock; visceral contraction

Ex.4. Translate into English:

надмірна реакція; одужання після травми спинного мозку; з повним сечовим міхуром; спричиняти масивне скорочення судин; масова стимуляція симпатичних нервів відбувається нижче рівня пошкодженої ділянки спинного мозку; на додаток до; стимуляція больових рецепторів; скорочення нутрощів; почервоніння шкіри з надмірним потовиділенням; суха шкіра під місцем пошкодження.

Ex.5. Say if it is true or false:

1. Autonomic dysreflexia, also called autonomic hyperreflexia, is an exaggerated response of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

2. The condition is seen after recovery from shock.

3. The vagus nerve (parasympathetic) causes a increased heart rate andvasodialation superior to the level of the injury.

4. The condition may also be caused by stimulation of pain receptorsand visceral contractions.

5. Autonomic dysreflexia is characterized by headache; hypertension; flushed, warm skin with profuse sweating above the lesion; pale, cold, and dry skin below the lesion; and anxiety.

6. If untreated, it can cause seizures, stroke, or a heart attack.

7. Autonomic dysreflexia is an emergency condition and requires immediate intervention.

Ex.6. Answer the questions to the text:

1. Why does dysreflexia occur?

2. How often does the disease occur?

3. What triggers massive vasoconstriction?

4. What causes a decreased heart rate?

5. What is autonomic reflexia characterized by?

6. What does autonomic dysreflexia require?

7. When is the condition of autonomic reflexia seen?

8. What can happen if this disease is not treated?

9. What disease requires immediate intervention?



Major depressive disorder (MDD), commonly called clinical depression if a person has one or more major depressive episodes.

Individuals with a major depressive episode or major depressive disorder are at increased risk for suicide. Seeking help and treatment from a health professional reduces the individual's risk for suicide. Epidemiological studies carried out in Europe suggest that, at this moment, roughly 8.5 percent of the world's population are suffering from a depressive disorder. Studies have found that depression appears even in infants as young as 6 months old who have been separated from their mothers.

Unrecognized depressive disorder may slow recovery and worsen prognosis in physical illness, therefore it is important that all doctors be able to recognize the condition, treat the less severe cases, and identify those requiring specialist care.

Diagnosticians recognize several subtypes:

Atypical depression (AD) is characterized by mood reactivity, significant weight gain or increased appetite ("comfort eating"), excessive sleep or somnolence, a sensation of heaviness in limbs known as leaden paralysis, and significant social impairment.

Melancholic depression is characterized by a loss of pleasure in most or all activities, excessive weight loss (not to be confused with anorexia nervosa), or excessive guilt.

Psychotic major depression (PMD) is the term for a major depressive episode wherein the patient experiences psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations.

Catatonic depression is a rare and severe form of major depression involving disturbances of motor behavior and other symptoms.

Postpartum depression (PPD) refers to the intense depression experienced by women after giving birth. Postpartum depression, which affects 10–15% of women, typically sets in within three months of labor, and lasts as long as three months.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is also known as "winter depression" or "winter blues". Some people have a seasonal pattern, with depressive episodes coming on in the autumn or winter, and resolving in spring. It affects more females than males.


Sense organs are the structures in the body which are influenced by certain factors in the environment. They are also well-known as receptors. The action of the environmental factor on the body is known as a stimulus. It results in the transmission of a nerve impulse to the nerve centre and from this point may influence appropriate reactions of the body or may be stored in memory.

Stimuli arise from contacts with solid objects, from chemical compounds, either dissolved or in the gaseous state, from the incidence of light rays, from factors that damage the body.

Tactile corpuscles located in surface tissues may be classed as organs of touch. They are sensitive to simple pressure of uneven and gross contours.

TASK 2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What are sense organs influenced by? 2. What is stimulus? 3. What do stimuli arise from? 4. Where are tactile corpuscles located? 5. What are organs of touch sensitive to?

Task 3. Finish the sentences:

1. Sense organs are also well-known as …. 2. The action of the environmental factor on the body results in the transmission …. 3.Tactile corpuscles located in surface tissues may be classed as …. 4.They are sensitive to simple pressure of ….

Human Eye

Our eyes provide us with a great deal of information about our environment. The eye is an extremely deli­cate organ. The eye and its muscles are set in the orbit formed by the skeletal bones of the face. The eyelashes and eyelids help protect the eye from foreign objects. Tears keep the eye moist and free of dust and minute objects.


The eyeball is formed by three layers of tissue: -the fibrous sclera and cornea; the choroid layer; the retina. A lens, ciliary body, iris, and inner fluid-filled cavities make up the rest of the structure.

The sclera,the "white of the eye," is a tough, fibrous tissue, supplied with nerve endings. The second layer of the eyeball is the choroid. This layer is made of black pigment cells that absorb light rays. Blood vessels of the choroid nourish the retina.

The iris is the colored part of the eye. The iris regulates the amount of light entering the eye.

The black spot is the pupil of the eye. When the eye is stimulated by bright light, the circu­lar muscle of the iris contracts decreasing the size of the pupil.

The lens of the eye is a transparent, elastic ball. It bends the light rays coming in and brings them to a focus on the retina. The anterior cavitybetween the cornea and the lens is filled with a watery substance — the aqueous humor. The larger posterior cavitybe­tween the lens and the retina is filled with a more viscous fluid — the vitreous humor. Both fluids are important in maintaining the shape of the eyeball by providing an internal fluid pressure. An abnor­mal accumulation of aqueous humor results in glaucoma,a disorder marked by increased pressure in the eye that can cause damage to the retina and optic nerve.


Ex.4. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents:

provide us with a great deal of information; extremely deli­cate organ; formed by the skeletal bones; protect the eye from foreign objects; lubricate the surface of the eye; inner fluid-filled cavities; nourish the retina; the black spot; internal fluid pressure.

Ex.5. Suggest the English equivalents:

cлізні залози; зволожує поверхню ока; утворений з трьох шарів тканини; поглинають промені світла; живлять сітчатку; регулює кількість світла; зменшує розмір зіниці; передня порожнина; в’язка рідина; підвищений тиск.

Ex.6. Fill in:

1. Our eyes provide us with a great deal of information about ….2. The … help protect the eye from foreign objects. 3. … keep the eye moist and free of dust and minute objects. 4. The eyeball is formed by … layers of tissue. 5. The sclera is a tough, fibrous tissue supplied with …. 6. The second layer of the eyeball is the …. 7. The black spot is the …of the eye. 8. The anterior cavitybetween the cornea and the lens is filled with … — the aqueoushumor.


Ex.7. Answer the questions:

1. What kind of organ is the eye? 2. What helps protect the eye from foreign objects? 3. How many layers of tissue is the eyeball formed? 4. What is the sclera like? 5. What does the iris regulate? 6. When does the iris increase the size of the pupil? 7. What is the anterior cavitybetween the cornea and the lens filled with?


Ex.8. Read and memorize the words:

ears – вуха; incus (anvil) – ковадло; hearing – слух; meatus – слуховий отвір; pinna(auricle) – вушна раковина; cochlea – завитка; hammer (malleus) – молоточок; deafness – глухота; eardrum – барабанна перетинка; ossicle –кісточка; sound vibra­tion – звукові коливання; sound waves – звукові хвилі; the inner ear – внутрішнє вухо; the outer ear – зовнішнє вухо; stirrup (stapes) – стремінце середнього вуха; Eustachian tube – Євстахієва труба; cerumen (wax) – вушна сірка; sense of balance – відчуття рівноваги.

Ex.9. Match the words-combinations:

detects and analyzes середнє вухо

the auditory system звукові хвилі

the influence of sound waves слуховий канал

the middle ear досліджує і аналізує

sound waves вплив звукових хвиль

conduct sound слухова система

the auditory canal проводить звук

Ex.10. Read and translate the text:

What covers the human body?

А.Hair. B. Nails. C. Skin. D. Glands. E. Sheet.

Endocrine System

The endocrine system regulates many functions of an organism by means of specific chemical substances released from glands into the bloodstream. The glands are located in different regions of the body. The chemical substances are called hormones. Some hormones stimulate the growth of bones, the others can control metabolism within the cells of the body. There are glands of internal secretion (endocrine glands) and glands of external secretion (exocrine glands). The endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. The exocrine glands secrete hormones into ducts which lead to the exterior of the body. Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, gonads, pineal gland and thymus gland belong to endocrine glands. Mammary, mucous, salivary, lachrymal and sweat glands belong to exocrine ones.


The pituitary gland is composed of adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis. Adenohypophysis produces hormone called somatotropine which stimulates protein synthesis in organs and tissues and causes growth. The thyroid gland secretes hormone called thyroxine. It intensifies the expenditure of carbohydrates, fats аnd proteins. Parathyroid hormone regulates calcium level in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. The pineal gland secretes melatonin which affects skin pigmentation.

Ex.4.Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents for:

by means of specific chemical substances released from glands; in different regions of the body; stimulate the growth of bones; control metabolism within the cells of the body; glands of internal secretion; glands of external secretion; directly into the bloodstream; belong to endocrine glands; intensifies the expenditure of carbohydrates, fats and proteins; regulates calcium level in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid; affects skin pigmentation.

Ex.5.Fill in:

1. The... are located in different regions of the body. 2. The chemical substances are called.... 3. There glands of... secretion and glands of.... 4. Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the.... 5.... stimulates synthesis of protein in organs and tissues. 6. Thyroxine intensifies the... of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. 7. The... gland secretes melatonin. 8.... hormone regulates calcium level in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid.


Ex.6. Translate into English:

внутрішня (зовнішня секреція); шишкоподібна залоза; загрудинна залоза; придаток мозку; молочна залоза; щитовидна залоза; слизова залоза; паращитовидна залоза; слинна залоза; надниркова залоза; слізна залоза; гонади; потові залози; рівень кальцію; хімічні речовини;вуглеводи, жири, білки; прямо у кровоток; розміщені в різних частинах тіла

Ex.7. Answer the questions to the text:

1. By what means does the endocrine system regulate different functions of an organism? 2. Where are hormones released from? 3. What can the hormones do? 4. What glands are of internal secretion? 5. What glands are exocrine ones? 6. What glands regulate calcium level in the blood? 7. What does somatotropine stimulate? 8. What is the function of the thyroid gland? 9. What is the function of the parathyroid gland?

Ex.8. Say if it is true or false:

1. The glands are located in different regions of the body.

2. The chemical substances are called s.

3. The endocrine glands secrete hormones into the ducts.

4. Mammary, mucous, salivary, lachrymal and sweat glands belong to endocrine glands.

5. The pituitary gland is composed of adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis.

6. Somatotropine stimulates carbohydrates synthesis in organs and tissues.

7. The pineal gland secretes melatonin which affects skin pigmentation.

TASK. Be ready to speak about the endocrine system.



The doctor said(that] Лікар сказав, що he examined the patients every day. він оглядаєпацієнтів щодня
he had examined the patients. він оглядав пацієнтів
he would examine the patients in this room. він буде оглядати пацієнтів

Ex. 9. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. The student said that this group studied in the chemical labora­tory twice a week. 2. He said that their group had studied here. 3. We knew that she had lived in the USA. 4. She said that he lived in Kyiv. 5. Comrade Petrenko did not know that he would work at this depart­ment. 6. Yesterday my friend said to me he had a medical dictionary and he would translate the text with its help. 7. The nurse said she had already given the medicines to those patients. 8. We knew doctor N. had visited the patients and prescribed them, the treatment.

Ex.10. Translate the second part of the sentences into English:

1. The surgeon said that Хірург сказав, що (to perform) він часто робить операції. він зробив багато операцій. він буде робити багато операцій.
2. He toldus that Він сказав нам, що (to use) вони вже застосували цей інструмент. вони будуть застосовувати цей інструмент. вони застосовують цей інструмент.
3. We knewthat Ми знали, що (to be) він (є) видатний лікар. він був видатним лікарем. він буде видатним лікарем.

GRAMMAR.Форми інфінітива

(The Forms of the Infinitive)

  Active Passive
Indefinite to write to be written
Continuous to be written  
Perfect to have written to have been written



(Human Growth Hormone)

Characteristics and Actions. Grorm contains growth hormone of human origin (Human Growth Hormone, HGH, or somatotropin), highly purified free of pyrogens and biologically and radioimmunologically standardized. The human growth hormone increases protein synthesis, influences the metabolism of carbohydrates, the metabolization of fats, it also influences the balance of minerals, including a retension of potassium and phosphorus and an increase in excretion of calcium ions. The treatment of patients with short stature with GRORM, in adequate doses and for a sufficiently prolonged period, induces an increase in growth rate. As GRORM contains human growth hormone of a high degree of purity, the formation of neutralizing antibodies is veiy unusual.

Indications. Short stature due to pituitary insufficiency.

Dosage. Dosage should be individualized. Generally, a weekly dose of at least 0.5 I.U. (International Unit) per kg of body weight is suggested. As a practical therapeutic schedule, it is recommended that the treatment be initiated by a weekly dose of 6. I.U. subdivided into three administrations. If, after 6 months of treatment, the growth rate appears inadequate, the dosage may be increased to 12. I.U. or more per week.

Contraindications. Diabetes mellitus may be considered a relative contraindication.

Warning. At the beginning of the treatment, anorexia and oliguria may be observed: these symptoms generally disappear within a few days after onset of treatment.

Ex.2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What hormone does Grorm contain?

2. What does the human growth hormone increase?

3. What are the indications for using Grorm?

4. How many International Units per kg of body weight is suggested?

5. What symptoms may be observed at the beginning of the treatment?


Indefinite Gerund збігається за формою з Present Participle (reading, writing, playing).

Перекладається герундій залежно від його форми та функції у реченні

Функції герундія у реченні

Функція Перекладається Приклади
Підмет Неозначеною формою дієслова або іменником Reading is useful (Читати (читання) корисне)
Додаток Неозначеною формою дієслова або іменником They decided reading this book. (Вони вирішили прочитати цю книжку) He succeeded in reading well. (Він вправний у читанні)
Означення Іменником, неозначеною формою дієслова або прикметником А reading hall (читальний зал) I like your idea of reading this book. (Мені подобається твоя ідея прочитати цю книжку)
Обставина Дієприслівником або підрядним реченням After reading I began to write an exercise. (Після читання (після того, як я прочитав) я почав писати вправу)
Іменна частина складеного присудка Неозначеною формою дієслова Our dream is reading this book. (Ми мріємо прочитати цю книжку)


Ex.3. Find the Gerund and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Reading is her favourite occupation. 2. Writing case history took him much time. 3 The doctor suggested discussing this question. 4. The surgeon insisted on examining this patient. 5. They use different methods of examining the patients. 6. There are some ways of solving this problem. 7. After taking blood the surgeon withdrew the needle. 8. In this case the doctor cannot make a diagnosis without palpating the abdomen. 9. This hall was used for performing the operations. 10. We never missed an opportunity of listening to the lectures of this professor. 11. I prefer going there by air. 12. Seeing is believing.

Ex.4. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. The students understood the article without translating it. 2. They insisted on calling the doctor. 3. We assisted the nurse in bandaging the patients. 4. I thought of going to see my friend today. 5. I had the pleasure of living with them the whole summer. 6. The date of my leaving for the country is uncertain. 7. Before leaving for France I called on my brother. 8. They discussed different methods of teaching foreign languages.


Ex.5. Порівняйте вживання герундія і дієприкметника в реченнях і перекладіть українською мовою:

1. The doctor examining the patients graduated from our Institute last year. — They discussed different ways of examining. 2. The doctor thinks of examining this boy. — Reading the article, we were trying to find answers to the questions put to us by the teacher. 3. Examining this patient is necessary. — Examining the patients, the doctor was attentive. 4. In examining the doctor was attentive. — Having examined the patient, the doctor prescribed him treatment. 5. After finishing this work, we were ready for walking. 6. When going home I met my friends.

Diabetes Mellitus

The disease appears to exhibit a hereditary factor. The incidence is high among obese individuals and sedentary workers under emotional strain. Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by high blood sugar hyperglycemia) due to either insulin deficiency, insulin resistance, or excessive secretion of insulin-inhibiting factors, such as a hormone of the anterior pituitary or adrenal glands.

Diabetes mellitus is now one of the main threats to human health and is the third on the list of killers after cardiac and tumorous illnesses. What perhaps people don’t know is that diabetes is to blame for three-quarters of insults (cerebral haemorrhages), half of all heart attacks and for live of every six leg amputations due to gangrene. To these grim results of diabetes we can add the loss of kidney functions and impaired eyesight, right to total blindness. Diabetes is no respecter of age; it attacks both children and the elderly alike.

We have known for a long time that this disease is connected with the malfunctioning of the so-called beta-cells of the pancreas which secrete the insulin hormone.A healthy pancreas produces as much insulin as is needed. But diabetes patients have to lake a definite dose of this hormone at a definite time without any consideration of the organism's needs at the moment. So often these injections fail to produce the necessary effect.

Task 3. Read the text closely and answer the questions:

1. What is one of the main threats to human health? 2. What is diabetes to blame for? 3. What can we add to these grim results? 4. What is the disease connected with? 5. How much insulin does a healthy pancreas produce? 6. What do the patients have to take? 7. Do these injections always produce the necessary effect?

Task 4. Replace the Ukrainian words by suitable English equivalents:

1. Diabetes mellitus is now (одна з основних загроз) to human health. 2. We can add the loss of kidney function and (погіршення зору) to these grim results. 3. This disease is connected with the malfunctioning of the so-called beta-cells of the pancreas which (виробляє інсулін). 4. A healthy (підшлункова залоза) produces as much insulin as is needed. 5. But diabetes patients have to take a definite dose of this hormone at a definite time without any consideration of the (потреб організму) at the moment. 6. So often (ці ін’єкції) fail to produce the necessary effect.


Ex.1. Read and memorize the words:

tiny tubulous – крихітні канали;

bean-shaped - квасолеподібний;

depending on smth. – залежно від чогось,

adipose tissue жирова тканина

ammonia - аміак;

outer cortex part – зовнішня частина кори

urea - сечовина;

nitrogen - азот;

renal ducts - сечівники;

urethra - уретра;

inner medulla part – внутрішній мозковий шар нирки

ureter - сечівник;

bladder – сечовий міхур;

kidney – нирка, urine – сеча


Ex.2.Match the word combinations:

the main function - участь у контролі;

to excrete urea - об’єм сечі;

a hollow muscular sac - основна функція;

bean-shaped organs - зовнішня частина кори;

outer cortex part - видаляти сечовину;

participation in the control - квасолеподібні органи;

the volume of urine - порожнистий м’язовий мішечок;

Ex.3.Read and translate the text:

Functions of Kidneys.

The kidneys are involved in the following processes:

1. Excretion of unwanted substances such as waste products from cell metabolism, excess salts, and toxins.

2. Maintenance of water balance.

3. Regulation of acid-base balance.

4. Production of hormones:

- renin, which is important in the regulation of blood pressure;

- berythropoietin, which stimulates the red bone marrow to produce red blood cells and thus prevents anemia.

Ex.4. Suggest the Ukrainian for:

the main function of the urinary system; to excrete urea; nitrogen-containing waste- product of protein metabolism; is formed in the liver; is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys; a hollow muscular sac for temporary collection of urine; a tube through which urine is discharged from the urinary bladder and passed out of the body; bean-shaped organs embedded in a cushion of adipose tissue; an outer cortex part and an inner medullar part; the filtration of waste products from the blood; the tiny tubules;: volume of blood and other fluids of the body; protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism; arterial pressure; coagulation of blood; depending on the water balance; the excretion of pigments.

Ex.5. Give the English equivalents for:

сечівник; квасолеподібний; жирова тканина; внутрішній мозковий шар нирки; виділяти сечовину; позаду черевної порожнини; виконують фільтрацію; крихітні канали; залежно від водного балансу; колір сечі; утворюється в печінці.

Ex.6. Fill in:

1. The main function of the urinary system is to excrete....

2. Urea is formed in the... from ammonia. 3. The... is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys. 4. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs embedded in a... of adipose tissue. 5. The kidneys perform of waste products from the blood. 6. Depending on the in the organism, the kidneys produce diluted and concentrated urine. 7. The volume of urine discharged by a healthy individual may and depends on the condition of water balance. 8. The colour of the urine depends on


Ex.7. Say if it is true or false:

1. The main function of the urinary system is to excrete urea.

2. Urea is formed in the kidneys.

3. The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular sac for temporary collection of urine.

4. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs embedded in a cushion of connective tissue.

5. The kidneys are located in front of the abdominal cavity.

6. The process of filtration and formation of urine takes place within the tiny tubules of the kidney.

7. Depending on the salt balance in the organism, the kidneys produce diluted and concentrated urine.

Ex.8. Answer the questions:

l. What is the main function of the urinary system? 2. Where is urea formed? 3. What does the urinary system include? 4. What are the kidneys like? 5. Where are the kidneys located? 6. What do the kidneys perform? 6. What does the renal function include? 7. What urea do the kidneys produce? 8. What does the volume of urine depend on?


Ex.9.Make up your own sentences:

I insisted on my going there.
He looked forward to his being sent there.
The nurse thought of her seeing the operation.
We objected to our being given this task.
You dreamed of your being invited to the party.
Students     their giving injections.


I am pleased with my giving injections.
He is sure of your having said it.
The nurse are surprised at his having been praised.
We was proud of our playing so well.
You were   their seeing the operation.
Students       Jane’s having won the match.


Ex.1. Read the words and translate the text:

inflammation – запалення;

nephron – нефрон;

complications – ускладнення;

retention – затримка;

leak out – витікати;

to require – вимагати

Ex.2. Read and memorize the expressions to the text:

autoimmune disorders – автоімун. порушення;

major organs – головні органи;

rare cases – рідкі випадки;

genetically inherited – генетично успадковані;

life-threatening symptoms – загроза для життя;

sudden stroke – раптовий інсульт;

is referred to as – називається;

surgical intervention – хірургічне втручання;

pus accumulation – накопичення гною;

admitted to the hospital – поступати у лікарню;

Nephritis i s inflammation of the nephrons in the kidneys. Nephritis can be caused by infection, but is most commonly caused by autoimmune disorders that affect the major organs. In rare cases nephritis can be genetically inherited. Complications. Nephritis is the most common producer of glomerular injury. This can lead to reduced glomerular blood flow, leading to reduced urine output (oliguria) and retention of waste products (uremia). As a result, red blood cells may leak out of damaged glomeruli, causing blood to appear in the urine (hematuria). Nephritis is a serious medical condition which is the eighth highest cause of human death. As the kidneys inflame, they begin to excrete needed protein from the body into the urine stream. This condition is called proteinuria. Loss of necessary protein due to nephritis can result in several life-threatening symptoms. Most dangerous in cases of nephritis is the loss of protein that keeps blood from clotting. This can result in blood clots causing sudden stroke.

Pyelonephriti s is an inflammation that results from a urinary tract infection that reaches the pyelum (pelvis) of the kidney.

It is a form of nephritis that is also referred to as pyelitis. Severe cases of pyelonephritis can lead to pyonephrosis (pus accumulation around the kidney), urosepsis, kidney failure and even death.

Pyelonephritis presents with fever, accelerated heart rate, painful urination, abdominal pain radiating to the back, nausea, and tenderness at the costovertebral angle on the affected side. Pyelonephritis requires antibiotic therapy, and sometimes surgical intervention.

Causes Most cases of pyelonephritis are due to bowel organisms that enter the urinary tract. Many cases of pyelonephritis start off as lower urinary tract infections, mainly cystitis and prostatitis.

People with acute pyelonephritis that is accompanied by high fever and leukocytosis are typically admitted to the hospital for intravenous hydration and intravenous antibiotic treatment.


Ex.3. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

Inflammation; nephron; complications; retention; leak out; to require; autoimmune disorders; major organs; rare cases; genetically inherited; life-threatening symptoms; sudden stroke; is referred to as; surgical intervention; pus accumulation; admitted to the hospital

Ex.4. Give the English equivalents:

запалення; нефрон; затримка; вимагати; порушення; генетично успадковані; загроза для життя; раптовий інсульт; хірургічне втручання; накопичення гною; ускладнення; головні органи; рідкі випадки; називається; витікати; поступати у лікарню

Ex.5. Answer the questions:

1. What is nephritis?

2. What is nephritis caused by?

3. What is nephritis the most common producer of?

4. Why is nephritis a serious medical condition?

5. In what can result loss of necessary protein due to nephritis?

6. What is most dangerous in cases of nephritis?

7. What is pyelonephritis?

8. What does pyelonephritis require?

9. How are people with acute pyelonephritis treated?

Ex.6. Say if it is true or false:

1. Nephritis is inflammation of the nephrons in the kidneys.

2. Nephritis can be caused by infection, but is most seldom caused by autoimmune disorders that affect the major organs.

3. Nephritis is the most common producer of glomerular injury.

4. Nephritis is a serious medical condition which is the second highest cause of human death.

5. Pyelonephritis is an inflammation that results from a urinary tract infection that reaches the pyelum (pelvis) of the liver.

6. PyeIonephritis is a form of nephritis that is also referred to as pyelitis.

7. Pyelonephritis requires antibiotic therapy, and sometimes surgical intervention.

8. Most cases of pyelonephritis are due to bowel organisms that enter the urinary tract.

9. People with acute pyelonephritis that is accompanied by high fever and leukocytosis are treated at home.


The urine is a yellowish liquid that is about 95 per cent water and 5 per cent dissolved solids and gases. The amount of these dissolved elements is indicated by specific gravity. The urine has a specific gravity that normally varies from 1002 (very dilute urine) to 1040 (very concentrated urine). The normal substances, found during the test of the urine, are nitrogenous waste products, electrolytes, and yellow pigment.

Urine examination is one of the most important parts of an evaluation of a person’s physical state. Here is a list of the most significant abnormal substances found in the urine:

1. Glucose (an indicator of diabetes mellitus). The presence of glucose in the urine is called glucosuria.

2. Albumin (indicates a kidney disorder). The presence of albumin in the urine is called albuminuria.

3. Blood (indicates nephritis or other urinary disorder). The blood in the urine is called hematuria.

4. Ketones are seen in diabetes mellitus or starvation.

5. Pus (гній), white blood cells, is the evidence of infection. Pus in the urine is called pyuria.

6. Casts (циліндри) indicate disease of nephrons.

Kidney Stones

German doctors developed two new techniques to remove kidney stones much less painfully and without the customary major surgery.

The techniques also promise to reduce by several weiks the recovery period for tens of thousands of patients. In one of the new methods the kidney stone is extracted directly through the skin, but the patient still must undergo general anesthesia. The other method, generally painless, involves no surgery at all. It relies on the delivery of high-energy electric shock waves monitored by X-rays.

The overwhelming majority of kidney stones pass out of the body on their own, often accompanied by excruciating pain. Surgery is necessary in about 20 per cent of kidney stone cases. In the operation that has been used for decades, the surgeon cuts through layers of tissue to reach the kidney in the lower back, then is able to reach into the organ to remove the stone by hand and with forceps. Patients usually stay in the hospital for one or two weeks and are limited in the amount of physical activity and work they can undertake for another four or five weeks.

In most cases the new techniques should do away with this major operation. But people who develop one kidney stone often develop another, and neither technique prevents the formation of new stones.

Task 5. Answer the questions:

1. Who developed two new techniques? 2. How is the kidney stone extracted in one of the new methods? 3. What must the patient undergo? 4. What does the other method rely on? 5. What does the surgeon remove the stone with? 6. How long do the patients stay in the hospital after the operation? 7. What should the new techniques do away with? 8. What can't any new techniques prevent?

Pre-text assignments

Ex.1. The following list gives you the suffixes from which most common conditions and operations are derived:


itis … inflammation of(bronchitis, appendicitis, rhinitis, otitis)

osis … a condition of(tuberculosis, dermatosis)

gram … an X-ray picture of(cardiogram, mammogram)

oma … a reformation of(myoma, papilloma, sarcoma)


Ex. 2. Study pathological terminology:

hypernephroma – renal malevolent tumor of the kidneys which occurs in adults. It is usually metastasizes to the bone, blood and lungs;

glomerulonephritis – inflammation of the kidneys, primarily involving the glomerula; this disease causes destruction of glomerular capillary walls; the complications are renal failure, retention of urea in the bloodstream (uremia);

hydronephrosis – enlargement and distention (swelling) of kidneys due to block of urine outflow;

pyelitis – inflammation of a kidney pelvis;

nephrolithiasis – the formation of renal calculi (stones) in the renal pelvis;

pyelonephritis – bacterial infection of one or both kidneys usually involving both the pelvis and the functional tissue. Pyuria is found in urinalyses;

polycystic kidney – the formation of numerous fluid filled sacs on and within the kidney;

gout – a disease resulting from a disturbance of uric acid metabolism, characterized by an excess of uric acid in the blood and deposits of uric acid in various tissues, especially in the joints.


Ex.3.Do you know that:

Uremia is a toxic condition in which waste products of protein digestion, such as urea, are retained in the blood instead of being excreted in the urine.


Nocturia commonly occurs in the elderly because the kidneys are less able to concentrate urine, and it becomes necessary to empty the bladder once or twice a night.


Oliguria is the excretion of abnormally small amounts of urine. It may occur as a result of a high fever, poisoning, or shock. Oliguria may also be a symptom of kidney disorder such as nephritis, pyelonephritis, or uremia.


Ex.4. Choose the proper terms for the definition and statements:

1. An examination of urine to determine the presence of abnormal elements. 2. It may be caused by infection of the kidney, pyelonephritis, cystitis or stone in the kidney or bladder. 3. They are quite dangerous if they accumulate in the body. 4. It is a symptom of diabetes mellitus. 5. A protein is found in the urine.6. It is not normally found in the urine. 7. Tube for giving and withdrawing fluids. 8. Another important function of the … beside removing urea from the blood is to maintain the proper balance of water, salts and acids in the body fluids.

(a – ketone bodies; b – kidneys; c – sugar; d –blood;e – pyuria; f – urinalysis; g –albuminuria; h – catheter;)


Ex. 5. Choose the proper terms for the definitions:

1) a method of removing the toxic materials from the blood in case the kidneys fail to perform their function; 2) necrosis (death) of the cortex region in kidneys; 3) excessive development, or growth of the kidney(s); 4) the presence of protein (albumin) in urea; 5) stones in kidney(s); 6) blood in the urine; 7) abnormal (small amount) of urine flow.8)urea in the blood.

(a – dialysis; b – oliguria; c – albuminuria; d – renal calculi; e – uremia; f –cortical renal necrosis; g – renal hyperplasia h -hematuria)

Ex.6. Match medical terms with the proper definition:

1. any disorder of metabolism causing excessive thirst and the

production of large volumes of urine;

2. a substance derived from creatine phosphate in muscles;

3. either of a pair of tubes, 25-30 cm long, that conduct urine from the pelvis of kidney to the bladder;

4. the branch of medicine concerned with the study, investigation and management of diseases of the kidney;

5. the fluid exerted by the kidneys, which contains many of the body’s waste products;

6. a hard mass formed within the body, particularly in the gallbladder or anywhere in the urinary tract;

7. either of the pair of organs responsible for the excretion of

nitrogenous wastes, principally urea, from the blood;

8. Bright’s disease – inflammation of the kidney.

(1. kidney, 2. nephritis, 3. urine, 4. stone, calculus 5. diabetes, 6. ureter, 7. creatinine, 8. nephrology)


Ex.7.Read the words, skim the text and do the exercises:

depend on – залежати від

waste products – відходи

kidney disorder – хвороба нирки

(to) cause – причина; спричиняти

increased – збільшений

(in)frequent – (не) частий

diminished – зменшений

acute pain – гострий біль

generalized edema – загальний набряк

(to) poison – отрута, отруїти

urgent – терміновий

fatal – смертельний

to occur – траплятись

(to) damage – ушкодити, ушкодження

to be damaged – бути ушкодженим

rarely – рідко

kidney failure – ниркова недостатність

nephrocalcinosis – microscopic crystals in kidney

inflammation – запалення

blood supply – кровопостачання

suspected disease – хвороба, що підозрюється

to be investigated – досліджуватись

to involve – включати


Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive system consists of organs whichproduce ova (the female sex cells) and provide a place for the growth of the embryo. Ova are produced by the ovary. Ovaries are the pair of reproductive glands in the lower abdomen. Besides the ovaries the major organs of the female reproductive system include the fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and the external genitalia (vulva). Vulva includes vaginal lips, clitoris and the vaginal and urethral orifices. The space between the vaginal orifice and the anus is called perineum. To the female reproductive system belong also the breasts. They are two milk-producing glands.

Ex.4. Answer the questions:

1. What does the female reproductive system consist of?

2. What are ova produced by?

3. Where are ovaries located?

4. Can you name the major organs of the female reproductive system?

5. What is called perineum?

6. How are the milk –producing glands called?

7. What are the other major organs of the female reproductive system?

8. What does the vulva include?

9. What are the breasts?


Ex 8. Read and memorize the words:

scrotum – мошонка; sperm – сперма;

semen – сім’я, сперма; penis(phallus) – статевий член;

urination – сечовиділення; reproduction – відтворення

epididymus – придаток яєчка;

glans penis – головка статевого члена;

foreskin (prepuce) – передня шкірочка (статевого члена)

male sex hormones – чоловічі статеві гормони

seminiferous tubule – сім’яний каналець

the prostate gland - передміхурова залоза


Ex. 9. Match the words-combinations:

a pair of testes - сприяє рухливості;

seminiferous tubules - через уретру;

are collected in the in ducts - пара яєчок;

is ejected from the body- м’яка чутлива частина;

through the urethra- сім’яні канальці;

aids the motility - збирається у протоках;

a soft sensitive part - виділяється з організму;

Ex. 10. Read and translate the text:

Male Reproductive System

The reproductive apparatus of males is different from female concerning not only primary but also accessory organs.

The primary organs include the gonades, or sex glands which produce the germ cells and manufacture hormones. The male gonads are testes. They are located outside the body between the thighs in a sac called the scrotum. In the testes there are seminiferous tubules in whose wall cells produce spermatozoa. Other cells in the testes secrete the male sex hormone testosterone.

Testosterone has two functions:

- the maintenance of the reproductive structures, including development of spermatozoa;

- the development of secondary sex characteristics (accessory).

In the scrotum there is also a greatly coiled tube (6 meters long) called the epididymis. While spermatozoa are temporarily stored in the epididymis, they mature and become motile (рухливі), that is, able to move by themselves. Semen is a combination of fluid spermatozoa which is ejected from the body through the urethra.

The two ejaculatory ducts enter the body of the prostate gland. Ducts from the prostate carry its secretion into the urethra. The urethra passes outside the body through the penis (phallus). It is composed of erective tissue and a soft sensitive part called the glans penis.

Ex.11.Fill in:

1. The primary organs include the …

2. In the testes there are….

3. Testosterone has … function.

4. The … passes outside the body through the penis.

5. Other cells in the testes secrete the male … … testosterone.

6. The epididymis is … meters long.

Ex. 12. Answer the following questions:

1) What belongs to the organs of the male reproductive system?

2) What are primary and accessory features of the male reproductive system?

3) What disorders in men do you know?

4) What is the main male sex hormone?

5) What are its functions?

Ex.13. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

male reproductive system; the interior of a testis; a large mass of the seminiferous tubules; contain cells which manufacture spermatozoa; a combination of fluid spermatozoa; aids the motility of the sperm.


TASK. Get ready to speak about the reproductive systems.



Task 1. Read the words and translate the text:

To increase – збільшувати; common – поширений; sign – ознака; enlarged – збільшений; lump - гуля; to indicate – вказувати; cure – одужання; rate – частота; STD – венеричні хвороби; consequents – наслідки; fatal – смертельний.

Cases of cancer of the tes tes have been increasing in recent years. It is one of the most common cancers in men 15 to 34 years of age. Early signs of this kind of cancer may be an enlarged scrotum or a hard, painless lump in one of the testes.

A change in the testes may be found by doing self-examination each month. Finding a change does not always indicate cancer, but any change should be checked immediately by a physician. Treatment and cure may include surgery and chemotherapy. If one testis has to be surgically removed, the other one will continue to function. Thus, a male's reproductive system can remain healthy. Early diagnosis and treatment of testicular cancer increase the rate of cure. When detected early, almost 100 percent of cancers of the testes can be prevented from spreading to other body parts.

There are many other diseases that can affect the male reproductive organs. These diseases may be transmitted through sexual contact and are called sexually transmitted disea

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