Section 1: Greenpeace and the Rainbow WarriorText 1
'Greenpeace' is the name of an ecology group which is based in Britain. Its members are people of different nationalities who wish to protect the environment we live in. They do research, bring problems to the attention of the public and take non-violent direct action on many issues related to environmental protection and pollution. One of the issues which particularly concerns Greenpeace is the damage to the environmentcaused by the use of nuclear bombs in experimental tests. In July 1985 the French planned a series of nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean. Members of Greenpeace decided to stop the tests if they could, and set off for the area in their boat - the Rainbow Warrior III. When Greenpeace was preparing for action in the Pacific, French secret agents attacked the boat with explosives while it was moored in Auckland Harbour, New Zealand. Fernando Pereira, the Greenpeace photographer on the expedition, was killed by drowning in the attack and the Rainbow Warrior was sunk.
Vocabulary notes
Suggested activities
a Find the answers in the text:
1 What is Greenpeace?.............................................................. 2 Where is it based?............................................................... 3 Does it unite people from different countries?............................................................... 4 What is the aim of this group?.............................................................. 5 What do they practically do?.............................................................. 6 In what way are their activities associated............................................................... with nuclear tests?.............................................................. 7 What was the practical aim of the Rainbow.............................................................. Warrior III expedition?.............................................................. 8 When did it take place?..............................................................
b Insert the missing words from the box:
This group wishes to protect the............we live in. They do............, bring problems to the attention of the public and take............action on many issues related to environmental protection and............One of the issues is the damage to the............caused by the use of............in experimental tests. In July 1985 the French planned a series of............in the Pacific Ocean. Members of Greenpeace decided to stop the tests and set off for the area in their boat –.............
с Find the English equivalents in the text:
группа, штаб-квартира которой......................................................................... находится в Великобритании......................................................................... среда, в которой мы живем......................................................................... вред для окружающей среды,......................................................................... причиняемый испытанием ядерных бомб......................................................................... вопросы, относящиеся к защите......................................................................... окружающей среды........................................................................
d Sum up what the text said about:
• the Rainbow Warrior III expedition • Greenpeace
Word study
e Say how the following words are formed:
f Give the word families of the following words:
g Add as many nouns as you can to the following:
environmental protection ( pollution,..........................................) damage to the environment ( ship,..............................................) to attack the boat with explosives ( bombs,..................................) the ship ( boat.............................................................) was sunk
h Encircle the correct word and make a short sentence: to do/ to make research the damage causing/caused by the use of nuclear bombs in/on the Pacific Ocean to set off to/for the area in/ on the boat the boat moored/was moored in Auckland he was killed in/by drowning the boat sank/was sunk i Make sentences of your own with the following words and expressions:
to be based................................................................................................................................ to bring to the attention of the public....................................................................................... non-violent action.................................................................................................................... to prepare for action.................................................................................................................. to drown.................................................................................................................................... to sink........................................................................................................................................
j Write down the synonyms of the following words and a few sentences with them: group................................... to relate............................... issue..................................... different.............................. to protect............................. non-violent.......................... to wish................................. to set off.............................. Text 2
Two French secret service agents using false names were arrested in New Zealand on 12 July 1985 and duly charged with passport and related offences. On 23 July they were further charged with conspiracy to commit arson, with wilfully damaging the Rainbow Warrior by means of explosives, and with the murder of Fernando Pereira. They pleaded not guilty and were remanded in custody. In mid-August the French press identified them as Alain Mafart and Dominique Prieur. The charges against Mafart and Prieur were altered to manslaughter and wilful damage at the hearing on 4 November 1985. The agents pleaded guilty and were sentenced on 22 November to ten years' imprisonment for manslaughter and seven years' for wilful damage, the terms to run concurrently. The French Defence Minister told them that the government would work for their release and on 28 November he urged negotiations for their return to France. The French government recognised the identity of the agents but found no evidence to indicate that their mission involved anything other than surveillance. On 6 September France notified New Zealand of its concern that Mafart and Prieur should enjoy all the guarantees of international law. After further press revelations France acknowledged on 22 September that the agents had obeyed orders, and declared that they should be exempted from blame. Meanwhile New Zealand had notified France that it would take legal steps to secure compensation from the French State. Further, the New Zealand Prime Minister, David Lange, said that he had prohibited extradition of the agents and political interference in the legal proceedings. After the convictions he remarked that New Zealand would consider repatriating the agents provided they continued to serve their prison sentences. Negotiations between New Zealand and France continued intermittently until 19 May 1986 when New Zealand suspended them in protest at continued economic sanctions by France. Early in 1986 France began impeding New Zealand imports. New Zealand formally complained to France on 26 February, and on 4 April the European Community Trade Commissioner upheld the complaint. France did not admit to imposing the trade barriers until 22 April. Other European States were concerned to see the dispute resolved, but efforts at mediation were hardly possible until the facts had been ascertained and the New Zealand proceedings completed. On 12 September 1985 the European Parliament condemned secret service activity against the Rainbow Warrior and demanded a full explanation from France. The UK government took little part in the dispute but on 24 September 1985 called on France to settle compensation without delay. During a visit to Europe in June 1986 Lange indicated that various governments had impressed upon him the need for an early resolution of the dispute. Between 31 May and 2 June, Ruud Lubbers, President of the European Council of Ministers of the Netherlands, explored with the parties a proposal for independent arbitration. France and New Zealand announced on 19 June that they had agreed to refer all matters without precondition to arbitration by the UN Secretary-General. The ruling was completed on 6 July 1986 and signed on 9 July. It required France to apologise and pay a fixed sum to New Zealand; required New Zealand to transfer Mafart and Prieur into French custody; and enjoined France not to impede New Zealand exports to the European Community. The terms were carried out on 22–23 July 1986, and France subsequently abided by the ruling on New Zealand exports. France reached a settlement with the family of Fernando Pereira on 12 November 1985, encompassing a formal apology, compensation totalling 2.3 million francs, and reimbursement of the insurers. France and Greenpeace agreed on 19 December 1985 to negotiate damages – France having admitted legal liability on 10 December. Unable to reach agreement, they referred the matter to a panel of three arbitrators on 10 July 1986.
Vocabulary notes
Words and Grammar
a Mark (with a tick) the meaning in which the following words are used in the text:
b Translate the following word combinations into Russian:
further press revelations............................................................................................................ continued economic sanctions.................................................................................................. passport and related offences.................................................................................................... ten years' imprisonment............................................................................................................ secret service agent.................................................................................................................. secret service activity.............................................................................................................. the European Community Trade Commissioner..................................................................... the Rainbow Warrior affair..................................................................................................... the UN Secretary-General.......................................................................................................
с Encircle the correct preposition and make short sentences:
a charge against/on smb.......................................................................................................... to be charged with/of passport offences.................................................................................. a charge is altered/or/to manslaughter..................................................................................... to be remanded at/ in custody.................................................................................................. to transfer smb in/ into French custody................................................................................... to sentence smb for/ to ten years' imprisonment..................................................................... to notify smb of/off smth......................................................................................................... to be exempted from/of blame............................. ...................................................................
d Insert the correct article and make short sentences:
without............delay.................................................................................... without............precondition........................................................................ ............ Rainbow Warrior............................................................................. ............ Rainbow Warrior affair................................................................... ............murder of the photographer............................................................. to be remanded in............custody................................................................ ............French Defence Minister................................................................. ................................to enjoy all the guarantees of............ international law.
e Underline the roots of the following words and make short sentences with them: f Choose the synonyms from the box:
manslaughter...................... to alter..................................... false.................................... identity..................................... wilful.................................. to exempt................................. custody.............................. subsequently........................... g Find the English equivalents in the text:
Франция заявила, что эти агенты должны быть освобождены от какой-либо ответственности. Их арестовали 12 июля 1985 г. Их обвинили в том, что у них поддельные паспорта. Затем их обвинили в участии в заговоре. Их снова отправили под стражу. Обвинение заменили на обвинение в непредумышленном убийстве. Агентов приговорили к 10 годам тюремного заключения. Решение суда было вынесено в июле 1986 г.
h Write down what parts of speech the words in italics are and translate the following into Russian:
the legal proceedings......................................................................... he ruling was completed on 6 July........................................................................... the agents using false names.......................................................................... He remarked that New Zealand......................................................................... would consider repatriating the agents.......................................................................... France began impeding New Zealand imports........................................................................... France did not admit to imposing the trade barriers............................................................................ France reached a settlement with his family........................................................................... encompassing a formal apology............................................................................
i Underline the infinitives in the following sentences and translate the sentences into Russian:
1 The agents were further charged with conspiracy to commit arson. 2 They were sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment for manslaughter and 7 years' for wilful damage, the terms to run concurrently. 3 The French government found no evidence to indicate that their mission involved anything other than surveillance. 4 New Zealand wanted to take legal steps to secure compensation from the French State. 5 New Zealand insisted the agents should continue to serve their prison sentence. 6 Other European States were concerned to see the dispute resolved. 7 The UK government called on France to settle compensation without delay.
j Write down the part of speech of the words in italics and translate the sentences into Russian:
1 The 2 The Minister urged negotiations for their return to France. 3 They suspended negotiations in protest at continued economic sanctions by France. 4 Various governments impressed upon Lange the need for an early resolution of the dispute. 5 It enjoined France not to impede New Zealand exports to Europe.
h Underline the predicates and write down the forms of the verbs:
2 France notified New Zealand of its concern that the two men should enjoy all the guarantees of international law. 3 France acknowledged that the agents had obeyed orders. 4 Efforts at mediation were hardly possible until the facts had been ascertained. 5 He remarked that New Zealand would consider repatriating the agents provided they continued to serve their prison sentence.
Suggested activities
l Write out all the information from the text (in short sentences) about:
• the two secret service agents • the policy of France in respect of the agents • New Zealand's stand on the matter • the way the dispute was resolved • the role the French press played in this case • the attitude of European countries to the dispute
m Answer the following questions:
The Rainbow Warrior sinking did not have serious consequences for peace. It was an officially inspired military operation with strictly limited intentions. Nevertheless, since the UN Charter was signed international lawyers have increasingly addressed the problem of low-level uses of force. French action clearly fell within the broad concept of «international delinquency» encompassing acts short of belligerency such as «violation of the dignity of a foreign State, violation of foreign territorial supremacy, or any other internationally illegal act». The attack and the infringement of New Zealand sovereignty were universally condemned as contrary to international law, and the French government's Memorandum presented to the Cuellar, UN General Secretary, conceded in section 5 that the abuse of New Zealand sovereignty had been illegal. The French government initially claimed that its agents had merely engaged in «surveillance». A more accurate description would be «spying». Unfortunately, as Richard Falk, a famous jurist, observed: «traditional international law is remarkably oblivious to the peacetime practice of espionage»; and while Articles 29–31 of the 1907 Hague Convention deal with spying in wartime, there is no peacetime equivalent. Many jurists, however, would agree with Falk who characterised espionage as illegal but tolerated in many countries. By contrast, Julius Stone argued that spying itself was not illegal and advocated «reciprocally tolerated espionage» for the superpowers as a kind of confidence-building measure. But such an approach is inappropriate to New Zealand and France for whom, as far as one can tell, reciprocal spying is hardly an assumed aspect of their relationship. In the event the New Zealand authorities ignored the «surveillance» by French agents and concentrated on the attack itself.
§ Vocabulary notes
Words and Grammar
a Give the word families of the following words and translate them into Russian: to contravene........................ to assume................................ to intend................................. to present................................ to toletare.............................. to act....................................... to condemn........................... to ignore.................................
b Form adverbs from the following adjectives, translate them into Russian and make a few sentences with them: initial....................................... appropriate................................................ mere....................................... increasing................................................... accurate................................. universal.................................................... reciprocal.............................. assumed......................................................
с Underline the roots of the following words and translate them into Russian:
ill egal –... незаконный......... inappropriate........................ superpower....................................... unfortunately........................ peacetime........................................... Zealand................................. wartime.............................................. low-level................................ nevertheless....................................... confidence-building............. espionage............................................
d Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text with a tick:
e Match the English and Russian equivalents:
f Explain the difference between the words in English and translate them into Russian: ![]() ![]() ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ ВО ВЗРОСЛОЙ ЖИЗНИ? Если вы все еще «неправильно» связаны с матерью, вы избегаете отделения и независимого взрослого существования... ![]() Живите по правилу: МАЛО ЛИ ЧТО НА СВЕТЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ? Я неслучайно подчеркиваю, что место в голове ограничено, а информации вокруг много, и что ваше право... ![]() Что вызывает тренды на фондовых и товарных рынках Объяснение теории грузового поезда Первые 17 лет моих рыночных исследований сводились к попыткам вычислить, когда этот... ![]() Конфликты в семейной жизни. Как это изменить? Редкий брак и взаимоотношения существуют без конфликтов и напряженности. Через это проходят все... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: