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Тема 9.3. Прием зарубежных партнеров в России

Acceptance of foreign partners in Russia

Занятие 9.3.1. Составление программы пребывания

Drafting of the visit

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: уметь понимать главное в тексте.

развивающая: развивать умение работать в команде

воспитательная: воспитание уважительного отношения к мнению коллеги

практическая: развитие диалогических умений


1. Выучить лексику:Asking someone for their opinion: What do you think of/ about? How do you feel about? Introducing your own opinion: I think, I don’t think, In my opinion. According to. Agreeing/ disagreeing with someone: I agree, I think you’re absolutely right, Yes, possibly (perhaps, maybe, you could be right), but don’t you think/ but I’m not sure that/ but don’t forget…/ Yes, I see what you mean, but… Yes, I take your point, but…/ I totally disagree with you. I’m afraid I don’t agree with you at all.

2. Прослушать и понятьпонимать микро-тексты тексты диалогического характера в различных ситуациях общения

3. Прочитать и детально понять текст «How to make a business tour»

4.Высказать свое мнение по поводу обсуждаемой темы; 2) вносить свое предложение; 3) вежливо высказывать несогласие с мнением коллег; 4) высказывать согласие.

Самостоятельная работа.

Разработать программу однодневного пребывания деловых партнеров в университете, используя изученные рекомендации

Занятие 9.3.2. Встреча и размещение гостей

Meeting and accommodation

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора

развивающая: развитие речевых способностей в процессе овладения языком

воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения

практическая: развитие умений воспринимать особую речевую информацию


1.Выучить лексику: flight number, departure times, weigh you luggage, boarding card, delay, lend, get off, terminal building, landing cards, runway, go through customs

2. Прочитать текст и определить тему текста в опоре на заголовок.

3.Прослушать текст и догадаться о значении незнакомых элементов сообщения (слов, морфем, словосочетаний, выражений, конструкций).

4.Представлять себя и коллег зарубежным партнеров, уметь объяснить цели встречи.

5Написать текст приветственной речи в аэропорту для партнеров.

6.Перевести на родной язык тексты, содержащие информацию о прилетах, вылетах самолетов

Самостоятельная работа.

1.Составить диалог на тему встречи в аэропорту «Welcome to Irkutsk»

2.Подготовить речь диспетчера аэропорта о задержке рейса, о приземлении, о том, что рей отложен.

Занятие 9.3.3. Экскурсия по городу City tour

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора

Развивающая: развитие речевых способностей в процессе овладения языком

Воспитательная: поддержание интереса к учению и формированию познавательной активности;

Практическая: развитие навыка употребления лексики в письменной речи


1.Выучить лексику: go sightseeing, place, market, cathedral, worth visiting, touristy, historic monuments, cosmopolitan, have a look around, go on an excursion

2.Прослушать текст и понять информацию о достопримечательностях.

3. Прочитать текст и понять детальную информацию, содержащуюся в описании памятников

4.Подготовить сообщение об историческом месте

5. Составить описание какой-либо достопримечательности

6. Перевести информацию о городе, данную в буклетах

Самостоятельная работа.

Подготовить мини-экскурсию по 3 примечательным местам города Иркутска.


Дидактические материалы к занятиям 9.3.1,9.3.2, 9.3.3

Lesson 9.3.1. On a businesstrip

Ex.1 What makes a good meeting? Suggest what you think are the characteristics of successful meeting?

«Two or more people getting together for a specific business purpose» Gower Publishing Ltd., 1988. Extracted from the Gower handbook of Management, p. 1185

«The fewer the merrier» Milo O. Frank.Extracted from How to run a meeting in Half the Time published by Corgi, a division of Transworld Publishers Ltd.


Ex. 2 Read the text and answer the questions:

a) 1)What is the most important thing one should know to make a successful business trip? 2) What one should take into consideration if he\ she is going to deal with international client? 3) What the employees should be prepared for? 4)Do the prospective clients need printed materials that summarize the tour?

b) Look at the words in bold and try to explain them.

How to Plan a Business Tour

by Arnold Anderson, Demand Media

Show a prospective client your business with a well-planned tour.

Prior to signing any kind of partnership or vendor agreement, some prospective clients will want to take a tour first to see how you operate and learn some specifics of your business. Even though you have piqued your prospective client's interest over the phone, this business tour will be your chance to make a good first impression... or a great one. Take time to plan a successful tour, and be sure it includes not only the things you would like your prospective client to see, but also the things the prospect needs to see.

Step 1

Plan the tour as far in advance as possible. Ideally you would like 30 days to put all of the details together. Collect information such as who the client is, what kind of product or service you are looking to provide the client, which departments the prospect will need to see and what kind of information you should have available for the client to take away in printed form. If the prospective client is an international one, you will need to check into cultural considerations, such as a proper greeting, the correct way to address your client, and if there is any particular food the client does not like. You might want to look into accommodations as well.

Step 2

Map a route of the tour, using a single point as the beginning and the end. Try to use an executive's office or a conference room as that single point.

Step 3

Move the tour through all of the departments that the prospective client would need to see and include departments you would like the client to see. For example, if your prospective client is looking to buy manufacturing parts from you, the tour should show your manufacturing facilities. But to give the prospective client an idea of your full capability, show your design department as well.

Step 4

Develop stations at each important part of the tour that will be manned by employees who will give short presentations to your prospective clients. The employees should practice their presentations until they are smooth and should incorporate many of your company's resources. For example, if the tour centers around your manufacturing equipment, integrate a demonstration of the equipment into the presentations.

Step 5

Create printed materials that summarize everything the prospective client has seen to take with him at the end of the tour. Summarize your business's mission to the prospect and be prepared to make a pitch before letting the prospect go.

Ex 3. Make the derivatives from the words: busy, print, equip, culture, prospect, impress.

Ex 4. Read the text again and make a summary. Is it necessary to add more steps or more detailed description?

Lesson 9.3.2. At the airport

Ex 1. Complete the following words or phrases below using the words from the box: control, number, desk, card, baggage, lounge, luggage, reclaim, locker

1) Boarding…….. 4) flight………7)baggage……..

2) Excess………...5) overhead…..8)passport………

3) Check-in………6) departure…..9)hand………….

Ex 2. Find the proper word to eхplain these:

1) The place where you go when you arrive at the airport with your luggage.

2) The card, which is given with the seat number on it.

3) What you have to pay if your luggage is heavy.

4) The bag you carry onto the plan with you.

5) The part of the airport where the plane accelerate and takes off/

6) The people who look after you on the plane.

Ex 3. Complete the sentences with a suitable word

1) There was a mechanical problem, and we ended up with a two-hour …….

2) Several passangers had to fill in landing ………………...

3) I went throught passport control and sat in the departure ……………..

4) If you have nothing to declare, you follow the green sign whtin you go through ……………..

5) A woman at the check-in desk weighed my …………….

6) I looked for our flight number on the departure ……………...

Ex 4. Answer the following questions

1) What is the most interesting part of the flight, and what is the most boring part? 2)Where do you often have delays, and why? 3) What do you usually do during the flights? 4) Do you always eat food they give you? 5)Do you ever drink alcohol on the flight?

Ex 5. a) Listen to the flight announcement. Tick the flight numbers you hear

1. 304 2. 401 3. 465 4. 173 5. 523

314 241 453 573 923

b) Listen to the flight announcement again and match the information with the flight number:

1. Please go to the departure lounge GP 435

2. The last call for CL 304

3. Boarding at Gate Seven JK 401

4. Mr. McQueen, please, go to the information Desk BA 523

5. The arrival of WV173

Ex 6. Read the text filling the gaps with a proper word:

forecourt, point, flight,, arrivals, entrance, landed, desk


Meeting at the airport

Where to meet

Stansted Airport does not have an official meeting ……….. However, Costa Coffee (international arrivals) and Caffè Alba(UK and Ireland arrivals) make ideal spots to meet in. Alternatively, many passengers find the BAA information………., in the international ………. area, a convenient meeting place with public seating close by.

Meeting someone from a flight

If you're meeting someone at the airport, check the flight is on time before you leave using our live ……….arrivals page. To stay updated on the way to the airport, use our Flying Messenger service to have flight status messages sent to your mobile. For directions to the airport by car, train or bus, visit our to and from Stansted section.

Picking up by car

For security reasons, waiting is not allowed on the terminal ……….. If you're picking someone up by car, please use the Short Stay Car Park. Alternatively, if you plan to be in the terminal 15 minutes or less you can use the 15 Minute Pick Up car park. Both are opposite the terminal ………. and sign posted from the approach road.

In the terminal

Information screens in the arrivals area display live flight status information. The status message may be:

Expected: The flight hasn't landed yet – you've time for coffee or a spot of shopping.

……….: The flight has arrived but passengers have yet to clear passport control (where necessary) and pick up baggage.

Baggage in hall: Passengers should be in the arrivals area shortly.

Ex 7. In pairs work out the list of “ the airport rules, using the text above

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