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Analysis of blood lactate, Glutathione, Catalase and SOD during and after the performance of Sudarshan kriya

The basal level of Glutathione was found to be 285.3 ± 35.99 nmoles/mg protein (Fig 2) and of catalase was 1.729 ±0.178 Units/mg protein/min (Fig 3) whereas that of SOD was 12.66 ± 1.35 Units/ml) (Fig 4) in these subjects. Blood lactate was found to be 0.47 ± 0.032 mmoles/L (Fig 5).

We looked for the changes in above parameters. For this, besides the 0 time point, the blood samples were taken at 45 min and at 65 min post initiation of SK. We observed that there was a slight increase in glutathione levels at 45 min (303.8 ± 12.73 nmoles/mg protein, p>0.05) which was more marked at 65 min (413 + 64 nmoles/mg protein, p>0.05) (Fig 2). An increase was seen for catalase at 45 min (2.218 ± 0.387 Units/mg protein/min, p>0.05) of kriya which returned to more or less basal level at 65 min (1.613 ± 0.152 Units/mg protein/min) of kriya (Fig 3). SPP showed a steady increase (13.586 ± 1.547 Units/ml, p>0.05) (Fig 4) at 45 min which increased further to 19.37 ± 0.353 Units/ml, p<0.05 at 65 min. However, the increase observed at 45 min was not statistically significant.

A significant drop in blood lactate was observed at 45 min (0.348 ± 0.032 mmoles/L, p<0.05) and 65 min (0.3 ± 0.026 mmoles/L, p<0.05) of Kriya (Fig 5). No statistically significant correlation was seen among various parameters or with theage of the individuals.


There is growing evidence to suggest that oxidative stress or free radicals / RPS induce PNA damage and contribute to the patho-physiology of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other chronic diseases associated with aging such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis and cataract (10). Many factors can contribute to the levels of oxidative PNA damage in cells (17). Stress reduction with TM program has been shown to decrease psychosocial stress (11). Epidemiological data (11) and controlled clinical trials (18) have suggested that lower rates of coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality are associated with long term practice of TM in older subjects. In addition rates of cancer and aging have also been reported to be lower in TM practitioners (19). However, there are no studies available on the effect of stress reduction with Sudarshan Kriya practice on oxidative stress. Pur findings suggest that persons who regularly exercise SK have a better antioxidant status.

Puring anxiety and tension there is a rise in the level of lactate in the blood. Blood lactate levels have been shown to be decreased during meditation compared with a pre-meditation control period in experienced meditator (19). An increase in 4 hour muscle blood flow, has also been reported (19,20) thus speeding oxygen delivery to muscles and reducing the need for anaerobic metabolism and consequent lactate production. The decrease lactic acid concentration being indicative of general hypo metabolism during meditation, and there may be a concomitant increase in metabolic activity in other regions of the body such as brain and skin, because they alongwith muscle tissue account for major portions of total cardiac output after renal and hepatic contribution have been subtracted (19,20). We have also seen a significant decrease in blood lactate levels at 45 and 65 min of kriya.

Pur results indicate that persons who practice SK have a better overall antioxidant status and lower levels of blood lactate. SK appears to improve the antioxidant status that can lead to better stress regulation, if SK is practiced regularly. The fall in blood lactate levels during SK suggests a relaxation response, perhaps due to a hypometabolic state leading to decreased plasma lactate levels by muscles and RBC. The blood glucose spared thus by the muscle and RBC may become available for utilization by the brain leading to mental alertness and bodily relaxation.

In conclusion, the findings of this exploratory study suggest that lower levels of blood lactate and a better antioxidant status in practitioners are associated with practice of SK technique. This technique may provide a mechanism for reducing incidence of coronary heart disease and improvements in other age-related and ROS associated disorders.


This work was inspired by his holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji and was carried out in collaboration with Ved Vignan MahaVidyapith, Bangalore. This work was funded by Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYM) and we are grateful to the Art of Living, Delhi Chapter who helped in the organization of the study, and the Delhi Police Training College volunteers for providing their blood samples.


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