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Table-1: Social-Demographic and Illness Characterstic Comparison Between Control vs. SKY Practitioners

Variables Control Group (N=30) SKY Group (N=30)
Age in years Mean (SD) 35.60(+8.07) 37.77(±7.34)
Marital Status M - Married; U - Unmarried M-25;U-5 M-23;U-7
Education yearsll. Mean (SD) 43(±2.60) 10.47(+3.01)
Work Status W - Working; U - Not working W-25; U-5 W-21; U-9
Habitat R - Rural; U - Urban R-14; U-16 R-12; U-18
Money spent/month (In Rupees)Mean(SD) 2533.33(±683.46) 2616.67(±654.47)
Duration of Drinking (Number of Years) Mean(SD) 10.83(±5.65) 11.43(+6.75)
SADQ Score Mean(SD) 33.20(+5.54) 31.73(+6.29)

Table-1, Indicates the data of individual social demographic and illness characteristic, comparison between Controls vs. SKY groups in age, marital status, education, occupation, habitat, amount of money spent for drinking per month, duration of drinking, SADQ scores (N=30). There was no statistically significant difference found in any of the variable between the groups.

Among the 60 patients (30 from each group) completed the study; there is a significant improvement in depression, anxiety levels. Significant reduction in BDI and BAI scores were observed in both groups at post treatment score


Variables Pre-treatment scores, atday7(N=30) Mean (±SD) t value Post-treatment Scores, at day 21 (N=30) Mean (+SD) P value
BDI scores Controls 39.8(+5.4) 16.4(±4.2)
27.3 0.000
BDI scores SKY 39.7(+5.7) 9.6(±3.7)
30.1 0.000

Analysis of co-variance However post treatment BDI scores were significantly lower in the SKY group (F=54.3; df= 1,57; p<0.001). Table-5.

B) Severity of anxiety Variables Pre-treatment session, Post-treatment Session, It was measured using BAI questionnaire. BAI score reduced atday7(N=30) at day 21 (N=30) at day 21 significantly in both groups. Mean (+SD) Mean (+SD)

Table-3 t value P value

Variables Pre-treatment session, Post-treatment Session,

ACTH Controls 285.57(+39.24) 245.63(±42.24)

atday7(N=30) at day 21 (N=30) °-000

ACTH SKY 286.43(+48.71) 171.53(±42.91)

Mean (±SD) Mean (+SD)

12.05 0.000

t value P value

24.9 0.000

Analysis of co-variance

Comparing the post treatment values of control and SKY groups by taking ACTH pre-treatment values as covariate. The SKY group showed statistically significant reduction

BAI Controls 34.9(+6.8) 15.7(+4.1)

BDI scores SKY 36.8(±7.4) 10.2(±3.0)

(F=39.7; df=l,57;P<0.001)

20.5 0.000

Analysis of co-variance

We compared the post treatment values of control and SKY groups taking BAI pre-treatment values as covariates. The SKY group had significantly lower scores at day 21 (F=39.5; df=l,57;p<0.001).

Biochemical Parameters

The hormone levels of Prolactin, ACTH, and Cortisol were compared between the two groups before and after the treatment. The post treatment values of both groups were compared with pre treatment values as covariates to demonstrate SKY effects on alcoholics. Significant changes were observed in hormones levels.

Prolactin Levels

There is significant increase in plasma Prolactin levels at post I treatment values of both groups when compared to pre- compared to pre-treatment values of both groups.


Variables Pre-treatment session, Post-treatment Session, f


td 7(N-30) td 21 (N-30) i

Variables Pre-treatment session, Post-treatment Session,

atday7(N=30) at day 21 (N=30)

Mean(+SD) Mean(+SD)

Mean (+SD) Mean (+SD)

t value P value,

t value P value

Prolactin Controls 6.8(±1.7) 9.0(±2.2)

Cortisol Controls 8.8(±3.5) 6.2(±2.1)

-5.8 0.000

3.94 0.000

Prolactin SKY 5.6(±2.4) 12.K+3.4)

Cortisol SKY 8.2(+3.1) 3.5(+1.6)

10.6 0.000

8-81 °-000

Analysis of co-variance

Comparing the post treatment values of control and SKY groups taking Prolactin pre-treatment values as covariates, I §rouPs hY takm§ cortlso1 pre-treatment values as covariates,

The SKY group showed statistically significant elevated level I The SKY grouP showed statistically significant lower cortisol (F=12.2;df=l/57;p<0.001). levels (F=3.5; df=29.3;df=l,57, p<0.001).

ACTH Levels


There was significant reduction in plasma ACTH levels at 1 Yoga is a living science that has evolved over thousands of post treatment values of both groups when compared to pre-years and continues to evolve in accordance with the needs of treatment values. 1 humanity. India is a large reservoir of traditional knowledge, which is not adequately applied due to the lack of awareness in the country. Long before the discovery of psychoanalysis by the West, Indian thinkers had understood the complexity of mind, the interplay of cognition, behaviour and emotion. Based upon this wisdom they applied various psychotherapeutic techniques akin to our modern cognitive and behaviour therapies.

Living with relaxed mind and body is our natural state. It is only the pace of our lives that has made us forget the relaxed state of mind. As we know, the state of our mind and the state of our bodies are intimately linked. If your muscles are relaxed, then your mind must be relaxed. If the mind is anxious, then the body suffers too7. All action originates in the mind. Yoga practice will help to be in touch with your body and mind, able to recognize tension and relaxation and thus to bring them under conscious control.

Yoga is also a systematic procedure through which one can experience the union of individual consciousness with the universal one. The practice of yoga leads to direct experimental knowledge of an absolute consciousness 8. In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness and appreciation of the utility of yoga not only in India but also worldwide. Yoga is found to be beneficial for the promotion, maintenance of health in certain psychosomatic disorders.

Pranayama forms the fourth limb of Patanjali's eight-limb Asthanga Yoga. Pranayama as defined in yoga sutras of Patanjali is the science of cleaning, balancing and gaining control over the prana in the human system. It is the science of harnessing the breath for gaining control over the prana and thereby, on the mind.

Sudarshana Kriya Yoga (SKY) is an advanced version of rhythmic breathing, developed by Sri Sri Ravishankar, Founder, International Art of Living Foundation. It is also known as Healing breath, and is taught as part of the Art of Living course spread over 24 hours. He points out that there are rhythms natural to all life processes. Yet because of the unnatural stresses of modern life the rhythms of body, breath, emotions, and environment rarely are synchronous. This makes us more vulnerable to disease. Perfect balance of this breath makes perfect health possible. One can choose to be in good health. SKY provides a unique system of mind, body and soul integration, using the healing breath.

One of the most common causes of relapse into heavy drinking is the experience of negative emotion often those caused by interpersonal stress. With different anxiety management strategies such as Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Behavioural Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, however, the relapse rate is still more than 50%2.

There is no systematic research conducted so far to document these therapeutic effects of SKY on alcohol dependence patients. Earlier studies on the SKY involved normal subjects or those suffering from depression. Some alcoholics who were practicing SKY had mentioned their success in achieving abstinence. The result of this study showed that depression and anxiety levels fell significantly lower after SKY practice of two weeks9.

This is in accordance with other reports. Recent studies showed that practicing asana, pranayama and meditation reduced anxiety and depression significantly in young fellowship trainees 10. Similar observation was reported that anxiety levels were reduced significantly in alcoholics who were practicing Transcendental meditation 11-12. The mood enhancing effects of SKY results in alleviation of both anxiety and depressive symptoms of alcoholics. It is well known that in major depressive disorder and chronic anxiety increase risk for alcoholism. In the clinical studies, it was reported that 40-70% of patients suffer from alcohol-induced anxiety. In our study we have observed significant reduction in BAI score in SKY group as compared to the control group in the end of treatment. Similar effect was observed following 3 weeks of SKY treatment in major depressive disorder13. However, there was no such study using SKY a treatment strategy on alcoholics.

The present study also showed that plasma ACTH levels decreased at post treatment session in control as well as SKY groups. However, in the comparison between the two groups at post treatment session, the SKY group showed significant decrease in the ACTH levels. Plasma ACTH levels were found to be raised in chronic alcoholics. There was positive and statistically significant correlation between depression rating scale and plasma ACTH. Usually in chronic alcoholism the negative feedback mechanism seems to be disturbed between plasma ACTH and Cortisol levels, which are not normalized after one week of total abstinence. Chronic ethanol ingestion might have a direct stimulatory effect on the adrenal cortex leading to deregulation of the HPA axis u.

SKY already has proven significant anti depressant effect6. There seems to be a delayed lowering of cortisol on continued practice of SKY as evidenced by lower cortisol level at day 21 compared to those at day 3 in depressive disorder15. It is also observed that cortisol concentration fall significantly after practice of 20 minutes of Transcendental meditation16.

The present study has pointed to the reduction in ACTH and cortisol significantly in SKY group, and led to conclude that SKY has an effect on HPA axis. Reduction in cortisol influence carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and nucleic acid metabolism; the cardiovascular system; bone and calcium metabolism17; the central nervous system; and growth, development, and reproduction, which helps to improve overall physical condition of alcoholic patients.

In the present study, SKY produced significant increase in prolactin secretion when compared to control group at day 21. Recent studies on SKY showed that it produces significant increase in prolactin secretion across one session in depressive disorders. The increase is almost two folds. This is similar to the response to Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) induced seizures, though the prolactin levels were much higher with the latter 15. From these studies it can be assumed that SKY could have direct effect on dopamine synthesis. It is in turn regulated by hypothalamus. It is from this understanding; we can conclude that SKY had an effect on the brain.

Finally, we can summarize entire study that Sudarshana kriya yoga was having an anti depressant and anxiolytic effect on alcoholics, which were mainly responsible for relapse. These results were supported by studying hormonal analysis such as ACTH, cortisol, and prolactin parameters, used as biological marker. However, there is no study on the relapse prevention. From this study we can conclude that it has an effect on psychological and physiological parameters. It can be used to treat withdrawal symptoms and to reduce the psychological as well as physical stresses of alcoholic patients during detoxification since it does not have any side effect, easy to practice, no money involved and can also be recommended to practice everyday to live healthy, happy life.


1. Vivek Benagal, Shantala.A, Pratima Murthy Janakiramaiah. N, (2000), Dimension of the alcoholism epidemic in Karnataka: The case For urgent action. De-addiction Quarterly, NIMHANS vol.5, No.l:l-6.

2.Janakiramaiah,N. (2000)De-addktion quarterly vol.3:3-5 Meti BL, Desiraju T. (1983), Study of changes in EEG and autonomic activity in the beginner of pranayama. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol; 27; 72-3

4. Naga Vankatesha Murthy PJ, B.N.Gangadhar, N.Janakiramaiah and D.K.Subbakrishna, (1997), Normalization of P300 Amplitude Following Treatment in Dysthymia. Biol Psychiatry:42:740-743.

5. Harish M G, (1997) Treatment effects on Sleep pattern abnormalities in melancholic depression. Thesis submitted to National Board of Examination, New Delhi

6. Naga Venkatesha Murthy,P.J, N.Janakiramaiah. B.N.Gangadhar, D.KSubbaKrishna. (1998), P300 amplitude and antidepressant response to Sudarshana Kriya Yoga (SKY). Journal of Affective Disorders 50,45-48.

7.Sri Sri Ravishankar; (1994), Amazing facts, Vyakti Vikas Kendra, India.

8.SriSri Ravishankar, (1998), Rishimukh, Vyakti Vikas Kendra India.

9. Janakiramaiah,N. Gangadhar,B.N, Naga Venkatesha Murthy,. Harish. Subbakrishna. D.K, Vedamurthachar.A, (2000), Antidepressant efficacy of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) in melancholia; a randomized comparison with electro- convulsive therapy (ECT) and imipramine. Journal of Affective disorders 57; 255-259.

10.Ray U.S, S.Mukhopadhyaya, S.S.Purkayastha, Vimla Asnani, O.S.Tomer, Rajendra Prasad, Lalan Thakur and W.Selvamurthy (2001), Effect of Yogic exercises on physical and mental health of Young Fellowship Course Trainees. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 45(1): 37-53 Wallace R.K et al., (1971), A wakefull hypometabolic physiologic state. Am J Physiology; 221(3); 795-799.

11.Wallace R.K. (1970), Physiological effects of transcendental meditation. Science, 167; 1751-1754.

13. Rohini Vangala. (2000), Therapeutic relevance of Sudarshana Kriya Yoga (SKY) and its Components in Major Depressive Disorder.MD Thesis, NIMHANS.

14. Shaw, J. A. Douly P;Margon D.W & Robinson J. A. (1998). Treatment of depression in alcoholics, American Journal of Psychiatry, 132, 641-644.

15. Sudarshan B, (1999). Biochemical effects of Sudarshana Kriya Yoga (SKY) in Depressive Patients. MD Thesis NIMHANS.

16.Jane.L Harte, George. H, Eifer, Roger Smith, (1995), The Effects Of Running and Meditation on Beta-endorphin, Corticotrophin-releasing hormone and cortisol in plasma, and on mood. Biological Psychology 40 251-265.

17.Halbreich U; Asnis G; Schindledecker R; Zumoff B; Nathan S. (1985), Cortisol secretion in endogenous depression. Arch Gen psychiatry; 42; 904-14.

Healing Experiences

Before coming here at Rishikesh, I got checked my spectacle number. Doctor said that in both eyes number have reduced by 0.25. When I heard Dr Vinod here at Rishikesh about benefits of Kriya including eye numbers i realized the reason. I am doing Kriya for last one year.

Jai Gurudev!

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