I. With your partner try to match the definition with the correct word or phrase. Guess if you are not sure.1. Biodiversity a) a plant that only lasts a year 2. A species b) an end to birth 3. Genetic resources c) many different forms of life 4. A perennial d) a legal agreement between countries 5. An annual e) a plant that grows every year 6. Extinction f) a group of animals, plants or microorganisms sharing a common genetic structure 7. A treaty g) the great variety of different species of animals, ants and microorganisms 8. A predator h) smb or smth that hunts II. Find the synonyms to the following words: 1. Strain a) sow 2. Strong b) type 3. Die out c) resistant 4. Opposing d) become extinct 5. Cultivated e) liability 6. Plant f) hardy 7. Responsibility g) grown
II. Read the text carefully and decide whether these statements are true or false. Make use of the following phrases: As far as I know, as you can see, as you know, on the whole, I’ll tell you the truth, I’ll tell you one thing. 1. The threat of extinction is limited to the few species that we can recognize in pictures or visit in zoos. 2. The earth is probably contains between 10 and 100 billion different species. 3. Organisms that live in the wild are weaker and less resistant to disease than domestic strains. 4. The best way of storing our genetic resources is to rely on scientists. 5. The genetic resources in the rainforests promise financial profits in the future if we invest in biodiversity today. 6. Man has the power to restore the balance of nature.
IV. Answer the following questions: 1. Why are whales, elephants and rhinos at risk of extinction? 2. What is a species? 3. What is biodiversity? 4. What does the balance of nature depend on? 5. What are the examples of the benefits of biodiversity? 6. Can we always rely on scientists to restore the balance of nature when it goes wrong? 7. When and where was the biodiversity treaty produced? 8. In what case will the genetic resourced in the rainforests coastal waters and agricultural landscapes promise financial profits? 9. Does extinction mean death? 10. When is species lost to the planet forever? V. Complete the following sentences with the given words. There are two extra words which you do not need: рredators, rainforests, natural habitat, bacteria, biodiversity, perennial, annual, cross-bred, strains, balance of nature, liability, species, insects, extinction, upset, ecosystem. 1. Dahlias are … plants. 2. Many … of plans and animals are at risk of …. 3. The treaty on … was signed in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. 4. Young rabbits provide food for a variety of ….. 5. Last year our enterprise … four new … of corn. 6. … exist in large numbers in air, water and soil, and also living and dead creatures and plants. 7. Colorado potato beetles, may beetles and dragonflies are …. 8. The Amazonian … are the lungs of the earth. 9. Dill is a … plant. 10. This creature’s … … is the jungle. 11. The … of our planet is very fragile. 12. We have the power to … the balance of nature but we cannot restore it. VI. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English: 1. Такі тварини як кити, слони та панди вимирають через жорстоке полювання людських хижаків. 2. Земля містить від 10 до 100 мільйонів різних видів тварин. 3. Рівновага в природі всередині екосистеми залежить від складної взаємодії між мільйонами видів тварин, рослин та мікроорганізмів. 4. Часто смерть одного виду може загрожувати виживанню багатьох інших. 5. Організми, які живуть у живій природі, набагато сильніші та стійкіші до хвороб, ніж свійські тварини. 6. Рослини в живій природі стійкі до морозів та вірусів, що уражають культивовані рослини. 7. Ми не можемо сподіватися на те, що вчені завжди зможуть відновити рівновагу в природі, бо світова екосистема дуже складна. 8. Ми повинні зберігати живу природу, бо це наше майбутнє.
VII. Discuss the following points: 1. Extinction, its causes and consequences for wildlife. 2. Think of any example where an animal may have become endangered because its particular feature was valued by humans (e.g. tusks, furs, horns). 3. What could you do to save a species if you were given such a possibility?
VIII. Discuss these questions: 1. Do you know of any other species that have been saved from extinction? How was this done? 2. What do you think is the best way to protect endangered species? Think about: – captive breeding programmes in zoos and aquariums; – creating wildlife reserves; – fund-raising for organizations dedicated to saving wildlife; – banning pesticides and encouraging traditional methods of farming; – encouraging tourism in countries with endangered wildlife habitats; – political campaigns.
IX. Choose an environmental issue that you think is particularly relevant to your country. Answer the following questions using the expressions to help you. What are the specific effects of the problem onyour country? Give examples. What is being done to improve matters? Is itenough, or should more be done? What? What is likely to happen if nothing is done? A major / An urgent environmental concern / issue / problem is …. One of the main / major causes of … is …. One / Another / A very worrying effect of … is …. Various solutions have been tried out, such as.... What really / urgently needs to be done is ….
X. Work in pairs. Look at this list of practical measures which individuals can take to help to preserve the environment and the world’s natural resources. Discuss what each measure can achieve, and choose the five measures you feel are the most effective in helping the environment. Add at least one more idea of your own to the list. – recycle paper; – travel by public transport; – use lead-free petrol; – refuse to accept plastic packaging; – insist on organically produced food; – turn off the lights when you leave a room; – don’t use disposable products; – ride a bicycle; – use natural ventilation instead of air conditioning; – don’t use disposable (одноразові) nappies for babies. SUPPLEMENT TEXT 1 THE MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEMS FACING THE The modern world faces many major problems to which there are no easy solutions. These include unemployment, health, over-population and of course the environment. All have an influence on all our lives, but is the environment really the most important? If people are unemployed, they are unable to earn money and it is a fuel of life because without an income it is difficult to live. Of course, work provides more than financial support; it gives people selfesteem and pride. However technological developments and other factors mean that the job market is shrinking world-wide and voting people have reduced prospects for work. Although this is certainly a major threat to people’s wellbeing, it needs to be addressed by individual governments rather than globally. Health is clearly an important concern that affects both individuals and the planet as a whole. Even though many illnesses have been eradicated, others remain a threat, and the overuse of antibiotics has led to the development of resistant strains of virus. However, on the whole, general health is improving, and in the developing countries medical aid programmes are already working towards creating a healthier population. Over-population has implications for the entire planet and improved general health means that people are living longer. However, as with health, there are already programmes in place implementing measures to deal with not only a rising population, but an ageing population. So what about the environment? There are urgent issues that need to be faced, including global warming, pollution and species loss. Unlike the other issues discussed, there is no global move to deal with these problems. Also, unlike the other issues, changes in the environment have a direct impact on the whole planet. Climate change and destruction of ecosystems could endanger all life on the planet if not dealt with quickly and at an international level. In conclusion, other problems primarily affect only the quality of life, whereas environmental issues affect the actual existence of life itself. It is clear, therefore, that protecting the environment is the most important problem facing the world today. Живите по правилу: МАЛО ЛИ ЧТО НА СВЕТЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ? Я неслучайно подчеркиваю, что место в голове ограничено, а информации вокруг много, и что ваше право... Конфликты в семейной жизни. Как это изменить? Редкий брак и взаимоотношения существуют без конфликтов и напряженности. Через это проходят все... Что делать, если нет взаимности? А теперь спустимся с небес на землю. Приземлились? Продолжаем разговор... Что делает отдел по эксплуатации и сопровождению ИС? Отвечает за сохранность данных (расписания копирования, копирование и пр.)... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: