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The history of the ecological movement in Ukraine in its many aspects reminds the development of the ecological organizations of the Eastern Europe. After the Chernobyl Accident the first independent ecological organizations appeared in Ukraine.

Ecological group «The Mama – 86» was created as a sort of the ecological self-protection society. At present the «mamas» (all the members of this organization are women) are in possession of a well-equipped laboratory for their independent observation of children’s health.

The Union of Rescuing from Chernobyl (URC) has dozens of branches and fourteen regional stations. At their well-equipped stations of independent radiation monitoring and survey of radioactive contamination they collect the data, which in many cases are more accurate than official ones.

Very interesting work is carried out under the Prosvita Ecological Center, which has passed over to a concrete project. Nowadays, on the Kaniv land, the construction of an «ecological village» is in progress where supermodern technologies like sun batteries and ancient methods of a pure agriculture will coexist.

More than twenty organizations have united into the Eco-Missia Network.

A famous ecological organization Greenpeace has its branch in Ukraine. The goal of this movement is too keep up the environment clean and to link man to nature.

Environmental protection is a task requiring the joint efforts of government agencies and public organizations. Controlling the observance of environmental legislation is an important role of nature-protection societies.

Many people have begun to reappraise their values and to understand that one of the central causes of the ecological crisis is a consumer’s attitude to nature. All ecological organizations agree on the point that environmental protection policies must be raised to the state level in all countries. The achievements of scientific and technological revolution must be used in the solution of ecological problems.

The most popular ecological movement in the entire world is Green Consumerism. At present it attracts attention of Ukrainian ecological groups and organizations. Green Consumerism is not the ultimate solution of the world’s environmental problems but still it can be helpful. The Green Consumerism Movement has its own set of «3 R’s»: refuse (refuse to buy products packaged in many layers of packaging, unrecycled, products that are made by companies with poor environmental records, products that make false or misleading claims about their «greenness»), reuse, recycle. Each of them plays a key role in our attempts to minimize the environmental problems caused by our purchases and life-styles.

It’s obvious that the very existence of the human race as a biological species is threatened. All together we may rescue the Earth and its inhabitants from a foreseeable disaster.



I. Read the words, say what parts of speech they belong to:

ecological, development, eastern, construction, agriculture, to reappraise, achievement, scientific, technological, helpful, to unrecycle, to threaten, foreseeable.

II. Find the antonyms to the following words:

1. To minimize a) dependent

2. True b) wrong

3. Helpful c) unrecycled

4. Recycled d) helpless

5. Accurate e) false

6. Independent f) to maximize


III. Find the synonyms to the following words:

1. Obvious a) advance

2. An inhabitant b) aim, objective

3. To rescue c) pollution

4. Ultimate d) to save

5. To attract attention e) basic

6. Entire f) to draw attention

7. To link g) whole

8. Goal h) to connect

9. Progress i) correct

10. Accurate j) evident

11. Contamination k) resident, dweller


IV. Translate into Ukrainian:

to remind the development, ecological self-protection society, well equipped laboratory, the observation of children’s health, independent radiation monitoring, ancient methods of pure agriculture, to link man to nature, to reappraise values, the entire world, green consumerism, false of misleading claims, to be obvious, to rescue the earth, foreseeable disaster.


V. Translate into English:

чорнобильська катастрофа, екологічне товариство, добре обладнана лабораторія, спостереження за дитячим здоров’ям, «Спілка порятунку від Чорнобиля», радіоактивне забруднення, виконувати роботу, огляд радіоактивного забруднення, бути точнішими за офіційні, давні методи, співіснувати, головна мета громадських організацій, розв’язок екологічних проблем, грати ключову (вирішальну) роль, спроби мінімізувати проблеми, стиль життя, існування людської раси, очевидно, передбачувана катастрофа.


VI. Write true (T) or false (F) for the sentences below according to the given information. Correct the statements if necessary using the phrases of agreement or disagreement:

1. The history of the ecological movement in Ukraine in its many aspects reminds the development of the ecological organizations of the Eastern Asia.

2. Ecological group «The Mama – 86» was created as a sort of the economical self-protection society.

3. Very interesting work is carried out under the Prosvita Ecological Center

4. Nowadays, on the Kaniv land, the construction of an «ecological village» is in progress where super modern technologies like san batteries and ancient methods of a pure agriculture will coexist.

5. The goal of Greenрeace is too keep up the environment polluted and to link man to his habits.

6. All ecological organizations agree on the point that environmental protection policies must be raised to the state level in all countries.

7. The most popular ecological movement in the entire world is Black Consumerism.

8. Green Consumerism is the ultimate solution of the world’s environmental problems but still it can be helpful.

9. It’s obvious that the very existence of the human race as a biological species is flourishing.

10. All together we may rescue the Earth and its inhabitants from a foreseeable disaster.

VII. Answer the questions:

1. What does the history of the ecological movement in Ukraine remind?

2. What is the goal of the ecological group «The Mama – 86»?

3. What are the objectives of «The union of Rescuing from Chernobyl»?

4. What kind of work is carried out under the Prosvita Ecological center?

5. What is the aim of a famous ecological organization Greenрeace?

6. What do you understand under the term «Green Consumerism»?

7. What is known under «3 r’s»? Explain the notions of «refuse», «reuse», «recycle».

8. How can we rescue the Earth and its inhabitants from a foreseeable disaster?


VIII. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Історія екологічного руху в Україні в багатьох аспектах нагадує розвиток екологічних організацій Східної Європи.

2. Члени екологічної групи «Мама – 86» – це виключно жінки, які мають добре обладнану лабораторію для незалежного спостереження за здоров’ям дітей.

3. «Союз Порятунку від Чорнобиля» має добре обладнані станції незалежного моніторингу радіації та огляду радіоактивного забруднення, на яких члени організації збирають дані, що у багатьох випадках виявляються більш точними, ніж офіційні.

4. Багато цікавої роботи виконується в екологічному центрі «Просвіта», серед проектів цієї спілки – «екологічне село», у якому будуть співіснувати надсучасні технології й давні методи чистого сільського господарства.

5. Захист навколишнього середовища – це завдання, яке вимагає спільних зусиль урядових агенцій та громадських організацій.

6. Усі громадські організації погоджуються, що політика захисту навколишнього середовища має обговорюватися на державному рівні у всіх країнах.

7. Очевидно, що саме існування людства як біологічного виду знаходиться під загрозою; усі разом ми зможемо врятувати Землю та її мешканців від передбаченої катастрофи.


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