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X. We are slowly destroying the world we live in. Write what we must or mustn’t do to solve these problems. Use the model.

Model: Farmers often spray chemicals on crops to protect them against pests (to protect crops with using many pesticides). – I suggest (demand, insist) that farmers should protect crops against pests without using many pesticides. It is necessary (important) that farmers should protect crops against pests without using many pesticides.

1. Too much car exhaust is pouring into the air (to put filter on exhaust pipes).

2. Too much smoke from factories is pouring into the air (put filters on factory chimneys).

3. Too many fish are dying from pollution (not to pour wastes into rivers).

4. Too many trees are being cut down (not to destroy forests).

5. Too much paper is burned in rubbish dumps (to recycle paper).

6. Too many fertilizers are used in farming (to use compost).

7. Radioactive waste isa serious environmental problem (to use safe storage of radioactive wastes).


XI. If you were the members of the Greener World organization what would you do in the situation? Give your reasons.

Andy: You know, there’s a factory outside town that's pumping chemicals into the river.

Carla: How can they do that? Isn't that against the law?

Andy: Yes, it is, but a lot of companies ignore those laws.

Carla: That’s terrible! What can Greener World do?

Andy: Well, one thing to do about it is to talk to the management.

Carla: What if that doesn’t work?

Andy: Well, then another way to stop them is to get a TV station to run a story on it.

Carla: Yes! Companies hate bad publicity. By the way, what’s the name of this company?

Andy: It’s called Apex Industries.

Carla: Oh no! My uncle is one of their top executives!

Carla: Wait a minute. Before Greener World does anything shouldn’t we make sure that we’ve gofacts straight?

Andy: Absolutely. The best thing to do is to monitor the situation over the next several weeks to see what exactly is happening.

Carla: How can we do that?

Andy: Well, we can take pictures of the river and even take water samples to see how bad the situation is.

Carla: OK. And maybe I could talk to my uncle about it.

Andy: Oh, no, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Not yet, anyway.

Carla: Why not?

Andy: I don’t think we want to say anything to anyone until we have a clearer picture what is going on. After we’ve monitored the situation for a while, we can decide whether we need to have a meeting with a representative of the company to tell them what we’ve discovered. OK, Carla?

Carla: OK.

XII. Discuss:

1. The problem of water pollution, its causes and effects.

2. The problem of drinking water and possible ways of its solution.

3. Whether it is possible for humans to fit into the water cycle without disrupting it.


In your answers make use of the following expressions: what do you think of...; there is nothing in it; I don’t think much of..., I’m not sure I agree with you. I mean…; I’m not sure you are right; you see…; look at it this way…; yes, but have you considered that...; not everybody will agree with me, but...; personally, I feel that….


XIII. Do you know that: What does the color of the water tell us?

The color and clarity of water can tell you a lot about whether it is polluted. Here are some signs to look for:

Greenish color may indicate that the water contains fertilizers, sewage or animal waste. The greenish color come from green algae (водорості) that eat nitrogen-rich substances (such as fertilizers, sewage or animal waste), which makes them multiply (розмножуватися) like crazy.

Orange-red color may indicate that the water contains oil, blood from meat-processing plants, or chemicals from mines. But don’t be fooled — orange-red water may just contain a lot of natural tannin (танін) from nearby trees, arid shrubs (сухі кущі) or iron from surrounding soil.

Multicolor may indicate that the water contains oil. Dark red, purple, blue, and black might mean that dyes (барвники) from a textile mill (текстильна фабрика) or lather-tanning factory (шкіряно-дубильний завод) have got into the water.

White foam may indicate that the water contains detergent (миючий засіб).

Milkiness may indicate that the water contains industrial waste from pulp (целюлоза) and paper mills (заводи з виготовлення паперу) or dairies (молокозавод). But keep in mind that the meltwater (вода, що розтанула) from some glaciers (льодовики) is naturally milky looking.

Muddiness (мулистість) may indicate that the water contains an excess of soil particles, sewage, algae, plankton, or industrial waste. Some water, however, is just naturally muddy looking.


XIV. Role play:

The local authorities have decided to make a landfill site (сміттєзвалище) not far from the place where you live. You know that it will cause environmental damage and are going to protest against it. The administration of a chemical plant takes interest in making a landfill site as it will economize on expensive equipment to purify water and air. Act out the situation as:

– common people not far from the place where the landfill site will be made;

– ecoactivists;

– mayor of the town administration of a chemical plant.

Make use of the following expressions: it’s obvious that; you must agree that; why don’t you …?; how about …?; be reasonable about it, please; but first, shouldn’t we …?; even so,...; I’m not sure І agree with you. I mean...; I’m not sure you are right. You see...; I see what you mean, but...; look at it this way. That’s all right for you, but...; yes, but have you considered that...?; yes, but on the other hand …; I can’t be certain, but I think …; I could be wrong, but I think...; if you want to know what I think...; I’m not at all sure that...; not everybody will agree with me but ….



I. Memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

1. Layer [‘leIq] – шар.

2. Fungus (fungi – множина) [‘fANgqs] – гриб, грибок.

3. Nutrient [‘njHtrIqnt] – поживна речовина.

4. Fertilizer [‘fE:tIlaIzq] – добриво.

5. Irrigation [IrI’geIS(q)n] – полив, ірригація, зрошення.

6. Drainage [‘dreInIG] – дренаж, сток, каналізація.

7. To evaporate [I’vepqreIt] – випаровуватися, розчинятися в повітрі.

8. To dispose [dIs’pqVz] – розміщати, розташовувати.

9. Discarded [‘dIska:dId] – відкинутий.

10. Hazardous [‘hxzqdqs] – небезпечний, ризикований.

11. Disaster [dI’za:stq] – біда, нещастя.

12. Bacterium (bacteria – множина) [bxk’tIqrIqm] – бактерія, мікроб, мікроорганізм.

13. Pesticide [‘pestIsaId] – пестицид, засіб боротьби зі шкідниками.

14. Spoil [‘spO:Il] – відкинутий ґрунт, відвал.


II. Translate the following international words:

farmer, bacteria, pesticides, organism, form, office, plastic, automobile, material, problem, method, toxin, radiation, metal, compost.


III. While translating the text keep in mind different meanings of the words:

Healthy – 1) здоровий (незабруднений);

2) корисний;

3) безпечний.

A layer – 1) шар, прошарок;

2) рівень.

Poor – 1) бідний, малозабезпечений;

2) поганий;

3) неродючий (про землю);

4) недостатній.

To pass – 1) іти, проходити;

2) перетинати, переїжджати;

3) циркулювати, розповсюджуватися;

4) переходити в інші руки (у спадок).


IV. Word-combinations to remember:

1. To break down wastes – перероблювати відходи.

2. To overuse fertilizers – зловживати добривами.

3. To dispose of solid garbage – розташовувати тверді відходи.

4. To account for smth – складати, становити.

5. Municipal solid waste – міські тверді відходи.

6. Junked automobile – непридатний, непотрібний автомобіль.

7. Scrap metal – залишки, шматки металу, металобрухт.

8. Leftover materials – залишки (їжі).

9. Disease-carrying animals – тварини, що переносять хвороби.

10. To seep into ground water – проникати, потрапляти у ґрунтові води.

11. To rotate crops – чергувати сільскогосподарські культури.

12. Genetically engineered plants – генетично модифіковані рослини.

13. To be resistant to pest – бути стійкими до шкідників.

14. Open dump – відкрите звалище відходів.

15. A landfill – сміттєзвалище.

16. The mishandling or accidental release – нераціональне, неправильне користування або випадковий викид.


Soil pollution is the destruction of the earth’s thin layer of healthy, productive soil, where much of our food is grown. Without fertile soil, farmers could not grow enough food to support people. Healthy soil depends on bacteria, fungi, and small animals; they break down wastes in the soil and release nutrients. These nutrients help plants grow. Fertilizes and pesticides can limit the ability of soil organisms to process wastes. As a result, farmers who overuse fertilizers and pesticides can destroy their soil’s productivity.

A number of other human activities can also damage soil. The irrigation of soil in the areas with poor drainage can leave water standing in fields. When this standing water evaporates, the soil is made too salty for growing crops. Many scientists believe that acid rain can also reduce soil fertility.

Solid waste is probably the most visible form of pollution. Every year people dispose of tons of solid garbage. Industrial wastes account for the majority of the discarded material. Solid waste from homes, offices and stores is called municipal solid waste. It includes paper, plastic, bottles and cans. Other waste consists of junked automobiles, scrap metal, leftover materials from agricultural processes, and mining wastes know as spoil.

The handling of spoil waste is a problem because most disposal methods damage the environment. Open dumps ruin the natural beauty of the land and provide a home for rats and other disease-carrying animals. Both open dumps and landfills may contain toxins that seep into ground water or flow into streams and lakes.

The mishandling or accidental release of hazardous waste has caused a number of disasters around the world.

Some hazardous waste can seriously harm the health of people, wildlife and plants. These pollutants include radiation, pesticides and heavy metals.

Pesticides can travel great distances and can be blown by the wind to other areas. They can also flow with rainwater into nearby streams or can seep through the soil into ground water. Some pesticides can remain in the environment for many years and pass from one organism to another.

Scientists and farmers are developing ways to grow food that require less fertilizers and pesticides. Many farmers rotate their crops from year to year reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. Some farmers use compost and other fertilizers that are less harmful to the soil. Scientists are also developing genetically engineered plants that are resistant to certain pests.



I. Find out synonyms:

1. Disaster a) strong

2. Hazardous b) to eliminate, to erase

3. Dump c) to arrange

4. Scrap d) leftover

5. To dispose e) landfill

6. Garbage f) dangerous

7. Healthy g) catastrophe


II. Translate the words; state their part of speech according to the word-building elements:

destruction, productive, healthy, productivity, activity, salty, industrial, fertility, agricultural, mishandling, hazardous, chemical, harmful, resistant, genetically, to overuse.


III. Match the words with their definitions:

1. Spoil a) an apparatus for obtaining metal from ore

2. To seep b) to fight or struggle against smb / smth

3. Smelter c) waste

4. To combat d) to flow slowly and in small quantities through smth

5. Hazardous e) thrown out oraway

6. Discarded f) dangerous


IV. Give Ukrainian equivalents:

soil pollution, thin layer of productive soil, fertile soil, to break down wastes, to process wastes, to overuse fertilizers, the irrigation of soil, standing water, to dispose of solid garbage, leftover materials, the mishandling of hazardous waste, to harm the health of people, to spray on crops, genetically engineered plants.


V. Give English equivalents:

знищення тонкого шару родючої землі, виробляти поживні речовини, обробляти відходи, автомобілі на металобрухт, тверді відходи, випадкове вивільнення шкідливих відходів, розпилювати на посіви, дощова вода, потребувати добрив, бути стійким до певних шкідників.



VI. Correct the statements if necessary using the phrases of agreement or disagreement:

1. Soil pollution is the destruction of the earth’s thin layer of healthy productive soil.

2. Farmer can always grow enough food without fertile soil.

3. Fertilizers and pesticides cannot limit the ability of soil organisms to process wastes.

4. Farmers who underuse fertilizers can destroy soil’s productivity.

5. Solid waste is the most visible form of pollution.

6. Every year people dispose of kilograms of solid garbage.

7. Paper, plastic, bottles and cans – all this discarded material can be called rural solid waste.

8. Open dumps and landfills may contain toxins that seep into ground water.


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