Сдам Сам



Renewable non-renewable verbal non-verbal

Polluting non-polluting fictional non-fictional

- Un-

Dress undress happy unhappy lucky unlucky

Fortunate unfortunate lock unlock usual unusual

- In-

Complete incomplete effective ineffective expensive inexpensive

Convenient inconvenient efficient inefficient sensitive insensitive

- Dis -

Agree disagree approve disapprove honest dishonest

Appear disappear connect disconnect like dislike

- il-

Legal illegal logical illogical literate illiterate

- Ir -

Responsible Irresponsible Regular Irregular Resistible Irresistible

Sub = Lower than Submarine/ subzero Pre = Before Prehistory

Bio = Life Biography / biology Re = Again Recycle / rewrite / retry

Mono = One Monopoly - monosyllabic Multi = Many multinational

Bi = Two Bilingual / bicycle Anti = Against Antibiotic / antibodies

Tri = Three Triangle – triple Under = Below Underground

12- power قوة- سلطة ـ نفوذ ـ طاقة ـ قوة محركة - Obama came into power استلم السلطة in the year 2009.

- The ship was destroyed by the power of the storm.

- force قوة ـ قوة عسكرية - The force of the explosion knocked them to the ground.

- An international force is keeping peace in the Darfur.

- force + Obj. + to + inf. يرغم ـ يجبر - The hot weather forced people to stay in their homes.

- energy طاقة - Oil, wind and the sun are sources of energy.

13 - other - I like helping other people. - He didn’t ask for other information.

صفـة يتبعهـا جمـع) و أحيانا اسم لا يعد((آخر بمعنى المتبقي)

- others - Some people are rich; others are poor. -Some writers are greater than othersالآخرين.

ضمير فاعل أو مفعول (آخر بمعنى المتبقي) و لا يأتي بعدها اسم

- another - I will buy another book. – She ordered another sandwich.

صفـة يتبعهـا اسـم مفـرد (آخر بمعنى مختلف أو اضافى)

- another (= one more / a different one) - This T-shirt is nice. I’ll buy another one.

- She lost her job. she’s trying to find another one.

- another + (few / number: two, three,….)

- The guest stayed for another ten days. - I’d like to stay here for another few weeks.

14- other than بخــلاف / غيــر

- We should use several sources of energy other than fossil fuels.

rather than أفضــل مــن / بدلا من - You should study your lessons rather than playing with children.

15- find / found / foundيجد - Scientists try hard to find a cure for cancer.

found / founded / founded يؤسس -The High Dam was founded by President Gamal Abd El-Nasser.

16- provide …… with …… يمد بـ ، يزود بـ - My parents provide me with money.

provide ……for …… يوفر -He is kind because he provides money for his poor neighbours.

17- lie - lied - lied يقــع - Egypt lies in north-east Africa.

lie to يكـذب علـى شخص - She lied to us about her job.

lie about يكـذب بخصوص شـئ - He lies about doing his homework.

lie - lay - lain ينـام ـ يرقـد - I lay on my bed for an hour.

lay - laid - laid تضـع البيـض يليهـا مفعـول بدون حـرف جـر - Hens lay eggs.

18- spell –spelled/ Spelt يتهـجـى - Spell your name, please.

spill – spelled / spilt يسكــب - Never cry over spilt milk.

split - split ينشطــر - Nuclear energy is made by splitting atoms.

19- made in صنـع في - This car is made in Korea.

made into = turned into تحول الي - Sand is made into glass.

made of (صنـع مـن(المادة المصنـوع منها لم تتغير طبيعتها - The bag is made of leather.

made from (صنـع مـن (المادة المصنـوع تغيرت طبيعتها - The cake is made from flour.

20- melt يصهر ـ ينصهر (بالحرارة) - The heat has melted the snow.

dissolve يذوب ـ يذيب (فى سائل) - Dissolve these pills in water.

molten (glass - lava – rocks – metals) منصهر في حرارة عالية جدا مثل الصخور والمعادن

- Molten rocks rushed out of the well.

melted (ice - snow - chocolate) منصهر في حرارة عادية (يذوب) مثل الشيكولاته والثلج مثلا

- The sun melts the snow and ice.

smelt يصهــر/ يستخرج المعدن من الخام - Iron ore is smelted in Helwan factory.

Asking for informationطلب معلومات Giving information تقديم معلومات
- Excuse me, could I ask you some questions about..? - Yes, of course.
- Can / Could you tell me.........? - Yes, that's fine..
- Do you know anything about.......? - Yes, certainly.
- How do you usually go to school? - I usually go to school by car.
- What does "…" mean? - It means.. - You can look it up in the dictionary.
- Do you think the price of oil will increase in the future? Why / Why not? - Yes, because it will soon be harder to find.
- How can people save energy? - They can use cars less. - They can switch off lights.
- How can we keep fit? - We can walk or cycle more.
- How often do you travel by car? - I travel by car two or three times a week.

Workbook: Unit 3

1- You are doing a survey about energy use in your town. You would like to ask someone some questions. Explain the situation.

Hello, I’m doing a survey about energy use in our town. Could I ask you some questions, please?

2- You want to know about a friend's energy-saving habits. What do you ask?

What do you do to save energy? How do you save energy?

3- You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is hydroelectric.

What does ‘hydroelectric’ mean? - Could you explain the word ‘hydroelectric’, please?

Could you tell me what ‘hydroelectric’ means?

4- Someone asks you how you usually travel to school every day. How do you reply?

I usually go / travel by bus. / I usually walk.

** Sympathyالتعاطف / المواساة

Sympathy التعاطف / المواساة Replies
- I'm sorry to hear about your bad news. انا حزين لسماع أخبار سيئة عنك. - I was so/terribly sorry to hear about… كنت حزيناً جداً عندما سمعت عن......... - I know, it's terrible/awful, isn't it? أعرف، إنه شئ فظيع، أليس كذلك؟ - Well, never mind. حسناً، لا عليك.

Your friend’s uncle has had an accident, you show sympathy.

You failed the exam your friend is so sorry for you.

** Thankingالشكر

Thanking الشكر Repliesالردود
-Thank you.شكراً لك. -Thanks a lot. شكراً جزيلاً. -Thanks a bunch.شكراً جزيلاً. -Thank you so much.شكراً جزيلاً. - You're welcome. على الرحب والسعة. - Not at all. العفــــــــو. - It's a pleasure.إن هذا من دواعى سرورى. - Don't mention it.لا شكر على واجب.

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