Сдам Сам



Choose the correct modal verb.

a A I don’t know where my school bag is, Mum.

B It’s not here. You might / can’t have left it on the train.

b A Look, Hesham’s keys are on the table.

B He can’t / must have seen them when he left this morning.

c A I rang you this morning, but you didn’t answer.

B Sorry, I can’t / must have been asleep.

d A He’s only been in the laboratory for ten minutes.

B Surely he can’t / must have finished his experiment already.

e A Ali fell off his bike this morning. Do you know if he’s OK?

B His mother says he must / might have broken his arm.

2. Read these situations and give reasons using must have or can’t have.

a Why is everyone putting their umbrellas up? It must have started raining.

b Leila took her driving test yesterday. Now she’s looking very unhappy.

c My friend told me the homework was on page 41, but there isn’t a page 41.

d Karim thought he had shut the gate to the field, but now the goats are all in the road.

Match these words with their meanings.

a base 1 high rock

b positioned 2 make light shine on something

c carve 3 put someone or something in a place

d cliff 4 a hard surface on which other things can be built

e illuminate 5 a large structure that is built to remind us of an important event or a famous person

f monument 6 move something to a higher position

g raise 7 cut stone or wood into a particular shape

Complete with the correct form of words from Exercise 1.

a The height of the ………………is 25 metres.

b The artist ………………the sculpture from a massive piece of stone.

c At night, bright lights always the front of the palace.

d If you want to ask the teacher a question, you should……………… your hand.

e The Sphinx is ……………… near the Pyramids of Giza.

f The statue of the pharaoh is a famous ancient……………….

g The statue is built on a hard ………………made of concrete.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning.

a The tunnel is about eight metres across. (diameter)

The diameter of the tunnel is about eight metres.

b The length of the Great Wall of China is 6,400 kilometres. (long)

c The width of the top of the wall is five metres. (wide)

d The length of the Cairo underground Line 1 is 44 kilometres. (long)

e The Great Pyramid is about 150 metres high. (height)


1 - لقد + فعل ماضى وفى الجملة إشارة تدل على الماضى البسيط تترجم إلى ماضى بسيط: He telephoned me yesterday.. لقد اتصل بى أمس هاتفياً

الدور عليك:-

- لقد قام الشباب المصرى بثورة عظيمة فى يناير 2011. ………………………………………………………….

2- لقد / قد + فعل ماضى بدون أى إشارة تدل على الماضي تترجم لمضارع تام:

الدور عليك:-

- لقد ساعد العلم الإنسان على أن يحيا حياة مريحة. ………………………………………………………………

- قد أصبح من الواضح أن الإدمان هو وباء العصر. ………………………………………………………………

3- قد + فعل مضارع فإن ذلك يدل على الاحتمال و نستخدم:may

قد يشهد هذا العام تطورات هائلة نحو السلام.

This year may witness immense development towards peace.

الدور عليك:-

- قد يتغير منهج اللغة الإنجليزية العام القادم.

- …………………………………………………………………………………….

4- لن + فعل مضارع يقابله فى الإنجليزية مستقبل بسيط منفى future simple:

I won’t do that again. لن أفعل ذلك مرة أخرى

الدور عليك:-

- لن نذهب الى المصيف فى عطلة الصيف القادم لأن أختى سيجرى لها عملية جراحية.

- …………………………………………………………………………………….

5- لم + فعل مضارع يقابله فى الإنجليزية ماضى بسيط:Past simple

لم يحضر أحمد حفل عيد ميلادى Ahmed did not attend my birthday party.

الدور عليك:-

- لم أحضر إجتماع الأمس لذلك كان المدير غاضباً.

- …………………………………………………………………………………….

** Translate into Arabic:

Vast areas of the desert have recently been reclaimed. The government is trying to plant these areas. So it sends university graduates to these new communities to achieve food security for Egypt in the coming years.

The promotion of international co-operation and peace through education is one of UNESCO’s basic aims. It is the only means for the accomplishment of prosperity, real and lasting peace among the peoples of the world.

Undoubtedly, tourism is a chief source of national income and hard currency. The government exerts great efforts to develop the tourist industry. The aim is to attract a greater number of tourists to visit Egypt, the land of civilization.

Arab countries must co-operate economically to achieve prosperity for the Arab world. They should solve their problems in the Arab League. Besides, they have to encourage the Arab scientists to make progress in the field of science.

The last decade of the twentieth century witnessed great efforts for the sake of children’s welfare. Many laws were passed to protect children against early employment. We have to sacrifice our comfort and happiness for the future generations.

**Translate into English:

1- تبذل الدولة ما بوسعها لتطوير التعليم و إنشاء المزيد من المدارس و الجامعات.

2- إن مشروع توشكي في جنوب الوادي هو أمل مصر في التغلب علي مشكلاتها الاقتصادية.

3- إن السياحة هي ثاني أهم مصدر للعملة الأجنبية لمصر بعد المنتجات البتروليـة.

4- يجب أن نقدر العمال الذين يعملون في ظروف الطقس السيئة في الصحراء لإقـامـة مشاريعنا العظيمة هناك.

5- لا بد أن نفعل شيئـا لحل مشكلات المرور و التلوث في المدن.

good خيــــــــر profession مهنــــــــــة permanent دائــــــــــــــــــم
evil شـــــــــر eventually أخيـــــــــــرا permanently بشكل دائــــــــم تتتتتتتتتد
appear يظهـــــــــــــر character شخصيـــــــة supernatural خارق للطبيعة
appearance مظهر / ظهـــــور personality شخصيـــــــة personnel شئون عاملين
biography سيرة ذاتية frightening مخيـــــــف science العلـــــــــــــم
autobiography سيرة بواسطة الكاتب frustrated محبــــــــط present يقدم / هدية /حاضر
bestseller الأكثر مبيعا frustration إحبــــــــاط presentation تقديم / عرض
admit يعتــــــــرف بــ campaign حملــــــــة comment on يعلق على
blackmail ابتزاز / يبتز own up يعتـــــــــــرف human nature طبيعة بشرية
bribe رشـــــــــــوة health الصحـــــــة post operation فترة النقاهة
badly بطريقة سيئة healthy صحــــــــي respected متميز
commit يرتكــــــــــــــب well بئــــــــــــر respectable جدير بالاحترام
confess يعتـــــــــرف will وصيــــة - يوصي sales مبيعات -اوكازيون
confession اعتـــــــــراف human beings البشريـــــة playwright كاتب مسرحى
author مؤلــــــــــــف recuperate يستشفـــى strife يناضــــــــل
personal شخصــــــــــــى recuperation النقاهــــــة temporary مؤقــــــــــت
complain يشكـــــــــو colleague زميــــــــــل guest ضيـــــــف
complaint شكـــــــوى secret ســـــــــــرى civilized متحضر - حضاري
Island: isle جزيــــــــرة knock on / at يطــــــرق denial إنكـــــــــــــار
conflict صـــــــــراع disappointed خائب الأمل/ محبط fortnight أسبوعــــــان
cure العـــــــــلاج disappointment خيبة الأمل violence العنـــــــــف
take medicine يأخذ دواء struggle يكافــح - كفاح violent عنيــــــــــف
humanity البشرية literature الأدب host مضيــــــف
approve of يوافــــــــــــــق living things الكائنات الحية hostess مضيفـــــــة
kidnapped مخطوف morality الاخــــــــلاق fight يقاتــــــــــــل
kidnappers مختطفون deny ينكـــــــــر crisis أزمـــــــــــة
disapprove of لا يوافق denial انكـــــــــــار crises أزمـــــــــات
make medicine يصنع دواء criticize ينتقــــد role model مثل أعلي


verb noun adj.
express يعبر عن expression تعبير expressive معبر
admit يقر بـ / يسمح بدخول admittance سماح بدخول admission اقرار / اعتراف  
  biography سيرة ذاتية biographicalخاص بالسيرة الذاتية
amaze يُدهش amazement دهشة amazing مدهش
injure يصيب injury إصابة injured مصاب
decide يقرر decision قرار decisive حاسم


recruit = take on = hire يوظف - يعين plastic operation جراحة تجميل
conflict of interests تعارض المصالح do terrible things يفعل أشياء فظيعة
crisis of conscience أزمة ضمير suggest: make a suggestion يقترح
respectful behaviour سلوك متسم بالاحترام have a suggestion لديه اقتراح
respectable profession مهنة جديرة بالاحترام live on the island يعيش علي الجزيرة
respected scientist عالم متميــــــــــــــــز look your best تبدو علي أفضل صورة
at the same time في نفس الوقت have health problems لديه مشكلات صحية
be committed to ملتزم بـ have interest in لديه اهتمام بـ
be wrong about مخطئي بشأن personal appearance المظهر الشخصي
conflicting results نتائج متضاربة personality traits سمات الشخصية
do experiments on يجري تجارب علي under control تحت السيطرة
do research on / into يجري أبحاث علي willful murder جريمة قتل عمد
commit suicide ينتحر / يُقدم علي الانتحار worn out مرهــــــــــــــق
behave towards others يتصرف تجاه الآخرين human race الجنس البشري
human rights حقوق الإنسان commit / do a crime يرتكب جريمة


admit agree or say that something is true, although you do not want to يقر / يقبل
appearance the way that someone or something looks or seems to other people مظهر
biography a book about a person's life سيرة ذاتية
blackmail to make someone pay you money or do what you want by threatening to tell secrets about them يبتز
colleague Someone you work with. زميل
commit a crime do something illegal يرتكب جريمة
human nature behaviour, faults qualities. etc. that are typical of ordinary people الطبيعة البشرية
in conflict a situation of disagreement or fighting between people or groups or ideas في صراع
knock (v) hit a door with your hand in order to attract someone's attention يطرق الباب
permanently for all future time, or for a very long time للأبد / بشكل دائم
personality someone's character, especially the way they behave towards other people شخصية
profession a job that needs special education and training حرفة
recuperate to spend time getting better after an illness, injury, etc. يشفي
respectable behaving in a way that people think is socially acceptable or morally right محترم
Will (n.) a legal document in which you say who you want to give your money and property to after you die وصية

Words & antonyms

approve (of) يوافق علي / يستحسن disapprove (of) لا يوافق علي
natural طبيعي artificial صناعي
admit يعترف deny ينكر
adequate ملائم inadequate غير ملائم
respect احترام disrespect عدم احترام
abundance وفرة lack نقص
pessimism التشاؤم optimism التفاؤل
sufficient كاف insufficient غير كاف
permanently بصفة دائمة temporarily بصفة مؤقتة

Places & Speakers

Place Speaker A Speaker B
bus أتوبيــــــــــس conductor محصل passenger راكب
college كليــــــــــة professor أستاذ جامعي student طالب
service center مركز صيانــــــــــة technician فني customer زبون
computer centre مركز كمبيوتر programmer مبرمج customer زبون
court محكمــــــــــة judge قاضي witness شاهد
customs الجمــــــــــرك customs official موظف الجمرك passenger راكب
fruitseller's محل فكهاني fruitseller فكهاني customer زبون
club نــــــــــادي coach مدرب trainee متدرب


1- suggest + v. + ing يقترح - Ali suggested going to the club.

- suggest + فاعل+ مصدر / should + مصدر يقترح

- Ali suggested we go to the club. - Ali suggested we should go to the club.

2- temporary مؤقت - He tries to find a temporary job during the summer holiday.

- permanent دائم - Their stay is not temporary, it is permanent.

3- agree to + (inf. - N) يوافق - He agreed to sign the papers. - He agreed to our plan.

agree with someone يتفق مع - I'm afraid I don't agree with you.

agree on (something) مجموعة تتفق علي شيء - We agreed on a price for the car.

agree that (sentence يوافق) - It was agreed that he was the thief.

accept (invitation / apology / condolences / bribes) يقبــل (دعوة ـ اعتذار ـ تعازي ـ رشوة)

- He didn't accept her apology.

4- quite – fairly + إلى حد ما صفة حسنة - He is quite (fairly) good at English.

- rather + صفـة غيـر حسنة إلى حد ما - He is rather bad at English.

5- complain to + يشكو لـ - She complained to her father about her money.

- complain about يشكومن - He complained about his work.

- complain of + يشكو من مرض - He complained of headache.

- complain that + يشكو من جمـلة كامـلة - He complained that he didn't get his salary.

6- foreigner أجنبـى (شخـص من دولة أخـرى) - He isn't from Egypt, he is a foreigner.

foreign أجنبـى (صفة لوصف البلاد / البضائع / اللغات) - Learning foreign languages is very important.

stranger غريـب (شخـص لا أعرفـه) - I'm a stranger here; I don't know where the post office is.

7- do/carry out/ conduct research into/ on يجري بحثاعلي / في - He is doing research into cancer.
8- cure (v.) (n.) يعالج - علاج recuperate يتسشفي- يستجم
heal (up) (v.) يلتئم للجروح والكسور recover from يشفي من
recovery شفاء    

9- good atجيد في - He is good at English.

- good to طيب مع - He is good to his friends.

- good for مفيد ـ صالح لـ - Taking exercises is good for you.

10- relation علاقة رسمية - Relations between the two countries have improved recently.

- relationship علاقة شخصية أو أسرية - I have a good relationship with my parents.

11- make + someone + inf. يُجبر شخص علي عمل شيء -They made her sign the cheque.

- make + Obj. + adj. يجعل - He did everything he could to make us happy.

- make = be / become - I don't think he will ever make a good doctor.

12- respected (adj.) يحظي بالإعجاب بسبب عمله أو انجازاته - He is one of the most respectedmanagers

- respectable (adj.) محترم (يتصرف بطريقة مقبولة اجتماعيا وأخلاقيا) - He comes from a respectable family.

- respectful (adj.) يُظهرالاحترام لـ - We should be respectful towards elderly people.

13- would rather + inf. = would prefer + to + inf. تفيد التفضيل

- I'd rather stay at home. = - I'd prefer to stay at home.

- would rather + inf. ………….than + inf. يفضل - We’d rather go to the park than watch TV.

- would rather + inf. +n. …….. than + n. يفضل - I’d rather have coffee than tea.

- rather + adj. / adv. = fairly / to some degree إلي حد ما - It's rather hot today, isn't it?

- prefer + to + inf. / V+ing. يفضل - He prefers to play tennis. - He prefers playing tennis.

- would prefer to + inf. يفضل - I'd prefer not to discuss this issue.

- prefer + V+ing. + to + V+ing - He prefers watching football to playing it.

14- It is time to + inf. لقد حان وقت - It is time to go home.

- It is time for + n. لقد حان وقت - It is time for dinner.

- It is time + فاعل. + Past simple كان يفترض أن - It is time she went home.

15- fault خطأ - I'm very sorry. It's my fault.

- foul خطأ في الرياضة - He had committed 3 fouls in the match.

16- fall / fell / fallen يسقط - The book fell from his hands.

- fail يفشل / يرسب - He failed the English exam.

- fell يقطع (شجرة) - A lot of trees along the road were felled.

17- human (adj.) بشري / إنساني - The accident was the result of human error

- humane (adj.) عطوف - The refugees اللاجئون receive humane treatment.

18- find + obj. + adj. - I find it easy to study English.

- defend (yourself) يدافع عن نفسه - You should be able to defend yourself in dangerous situations.

19- admit + v. + ing يعترف / يقر / يقبل - They admitted stealing the money.

- admit that + يعترف / يقر / يقبل جملة - They admitted that they had stolen the money.

- confess (v.) يعترف رسميا - He confessed the murder.

Communication Sklls

Making Suggestions Responding to Suggestions

- How about + V+ing……………………....? - I'd go along with that.

- Let's …………………………………………. - That sounds fine.

- Let's say………………………………………. - That's what I think

- Shall we + inf……………………………….? - I'm not sure about that. (Disagreeing)

- We could……………………………………. - I agree.

- What about + V+ing………………………...? - That's a good idea.

- Why don't we/you/they…………………...? - Personally, I'd prefer.. (Disagreeing)

Workbook: Unit 8

1- A friend asks you whether you would like to go somewhere together at the weekend.

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