Сдам Сам



The government is trying to solve the transport problem by constructing new roads and flyovers. The number of vehicles is increasing every day. Roads are becoming too crowded for drivers to use.

Experts always state that industry, agriculture and tourism are the main sources of our national income. Great projects are carried out to develop these sources. In the field of industry, Egyptian products are a source of pride not only for Egyptians but for all Arabs.

** Translate into English:

1- علي كل فرد في مجتمعنا أن يشارك في تحمل المسئولية للتغلب علي مشاكلنا الاجتماعيةو الاقتصادية و البيئية.

2- تبذل الحكومة أقصي جهدها لإيجاد فرص عمل للشباب و بناء مساكن لهم.

3- لن يمر وقت طويل حتى تصبح مصر دولة متقدمة.

4- تهتم الدولة بالعلماء اهتمـاما كبيرا و تمنحهم الكثير من الجوائز في المناسبات القومية.

5- إن العمل الجماعي يقوي الروابط بين الناس و يرسخ القيم الإنسانية بينهم.

adventure stories قصص مغامرات self confidence ثقة بالنفس surprise مفاجأة - يفاجئ
ambitious (adj.) طموح couple الزوجان pharaoh فرعون
architecture هندسة معمارية hold a debate يعقد مناظرة plenty of كثير من
area منطقــــــــــــة moral أخلاقــــي politics السياسة
as planned كما هو مخطط له sign إشــــارة immediately فـــــــورا
athletics العاب القوي rescue ينقـــــــــذ anxiety قلَــــق
castle قلعـــــــــــــة fiction خيــــال publisher ناشر- شركة نشر
available متاح - متوفر central مركــــزي neighbour جــــــــار
ceremony مراسم finance مالية - يمول pay a visit يقوم بزيارة
classical كلاسيكي forever للأبــــد factors عوامــــل
poet شاعــــــــر sort:kind: type نــــوع novel روايــــــة
discover يكتشـــــــف throne عــــرش pretend يدعــــــــــي
attacker مهاجـــــــم formal رسمــــي intend ينــــــــوي
publish ينشـــــــر guilty مُذنــــب propaganda دعايــــــــــــــة
identical متطابق / متماثل escapism هروب من الواقع locked in محتجـــــــز في
realize: realise يــــــــدرك fictional خيالــــي look alike يبدوا متشابه
candidates مرشحون literature الأدب married متــــــــــزوج
entertainment تسلية - ترفية remain يظل - يبقى morally أخلاقيـــــــــا
escape يهـــــــرب tiny ضئيــــــل organised منظــــــــــم
backbone عمــــود فقـــري immense هائل - ضخم discussion مناقشـــــــــــــــة
realism الواقعيـــــــة occasion مناسبـــــــــــــة lawyer محامــــــــى
remain يبقـــــــي publication طبع / نشر print يطبـــــــــع
replace يحل محل / يستبدل ready for مستعد لـ tropical استوائي
alike متشابـــــــه walk through يمشي خلال crown تـــــاج - يتوج
attend: go to يحضـــــــر tour جولــــة prisoner سجيـــــــــــن
attendance حضــــــور popular محبوب /شعبي innocent بــــــــــــريء
classics الأدب اليوناني astonishment دهشـــة دهشــــة kidnap يختطف شخص
coronation تتويج / حفل تتويج hero بطــــــــل public opinion الرأي العام
activities أنشطـــــــة confidence ثقــــــــــــة right حـــــــق
double efforts يُضاعف الجهود wealthy غنى / ثري be a fan of يشجع – يؤيد
early life حياة مبكرة well - to - do غنى / ثري the public الجمهور
educate يتعلـــــــم well - educated ذو تعليم جيد successful ناجــــــــح
educated متعلـــــــم cell زنزانــــة novelist روائـــــي
education تعليـــــــم novelist روائــــي leader قائـــــــــد
suspense تشويق imprison يَسْجِــــــــن local محلــــــــي




Verb Noun Adjective
intend ينوي intentionنية intentional مقصود / متعمد
prevent يمنع prevention منع / وقاية preventive وقائي
qualifyيؤهل / يتأهل qualification مؤهل qualified متأهل
require يتطلب/ يحتاج requirementمطلب required مطلوب
succeed ينجح successالنجاح successfulناجح


cruel: violent: harsh عنيف water crisis أزمة المياه
public library مكتبة عامة make…. sb. …….a lot of money يدر علية مالا كثيرا
attend a conference يَحضر مؤتمر hostage رهينـــــــــــــــــة
be aware of يكون على وعــــي بـ backwardness التخلف
vast majority الغالبية العظمي reach an agreement بصل إلى اتفاقيه
daily needs احتياجات يومية serious consequences عواقب وخيمة
double efforts يُضاعف الجهود side by side جنبا إلي جنب
attempt: endeavor يحاول take into consideration يأخذ في الاعتبار
have much success in يلاقي نجاحا كبيرا take preventive measures يتخذ إجراءات وقائية
heroic deeds أعمال بطولية in defence of دفاعا عن
condemn: convict يديـــــن enrich يُثْـــــــــــري
in all: altogether اجمالى interests مصالح - اهنمامات
book fair معرض الكتاب not in the least: not the least مطلقا – على الإطلاق
slimming machines أدوات تخسيس not at all مطلقا – على الإطلاق
strong ties روابط قوية maximum income اعلي دخل


alike - almost exactly, the same or similar. متشابهان
castle - a very large strong building built in the past to protect the people inside from attack قلعـــــــة
classics - study of the language and history of the ancient Greeks and Romans أدب الإغريق و الرومان
coronation - a ceremony when someone becomes a king or a queen. تتويج
couple - two people, two periods of times……………….. زوج
debate - formal, organized discussion on an important subject. مناظرة
escapism - entertainment that helps people to forget about their worries هروب من الواقع
fictional - not real, invented by a writer. خيالى
occasion - an important event or ceremony مناسبه
publication - when a book is printed and available to buy. طبع، نشر
the right to - you are morally or lawfully allowed to do something. له الحق
well-educated - having had a good education. ذو تعليم جيد
wealthy - having a lot of money. ثرى


break in يقتحم (بدون مفعول) lock ……sb……… in يحبس شخص في (مكان)
be crowned with success يُتَوج بالنجاح look in astonishment ينظر في دهشة واستغراب
belong to يخص / ينتمي إلي make friends يُكون أصدقاء
fall off his horse يسقط من علي حصانه make / pay regular visits يقوم بزيارات منتظمة
well - known for مشهور بـ at the same time في نفس الوقت
on the night before في الليلة التي تسبق an expert in خبير في
pay for يسدد ثمــــــن at the coronation في حفل التتويج
popular with محبوب أو شائع لدي break into يقتحم (بعدها مفعول)
talk about يتحدث عن (شيء أو شخص) protect from / against يحمــي من
talk to / with يتحدث إلي (شخص) ready for مستعد أو جاهز لـ
know nothing of/ about لا يعرف شيئا عن say goodbye to يودع

Words & antonyms

fictional خيالي real حقيقي / واقعي
guilty مُذنب innocent بريء
fair عادل unfair عالمي
at most علي الأكثر at least علي الأقل
escapism الهروب من الواقع realism الواقعية
justice العدل injustice الظلم


Places & Speakers

Place Speaker A Speakers B
motorway طريق سريع passenger راكب driver سائـــــــــق
bus stop محطة أتوبيس conductor محصل تذاكر passanger راكـــــــب
the underground مترو الأنفاق booking clerk موظف الحجز traveller مسافـــــر
club نــــــــــــادي referee الحكم player لاعب
playground: pitch ملعـــــــــــب referee الحكم player لاعب
stadium إستــــــــاد trainer مدرب player لاعب
work shop ورشة عمل mechanic ميكانيكى apprentice صبي - متدرب

1- die (v) يموت - dead (adj.)ميت

- death (n) الموت - deadly (adj.) مميت

- die of يموت بسبب مرض أو جوع أو عطش -The explorers may have died of thirst in the desert.

- die from (a wound / an injury / a spider bite…..) يموت من (جرح ـ إصابة ـ لدغة عنكبوت)

-The four robbers died from the spiders’ bites.

- die out ينقرض - Dinosaurs died out.

- die away يزول -The light of the candle died away.

2- imprison يسجن -The criminal was imprisoned for ten years.

capture يأسر/ يقبض على -The army captured about twenty enemy soldiers.

arrest يلقى القبض على - He was arrested for troublemaking.

3- be born in +المكان - السنة - الشهر -My father was born in Cairo in 1949.

- be born on + اليوم - My father was born on 23rd March.

- be born into + العائلة - She was born into a good family.

4- take part in: share in: participate in يشـارك - I’ll take part in the competition.

- take place: happen: occur يحـدث - The accident took place in the afternoon.

- take the place of = replace يحـل محـل - Omer took the place of his father when he was on holiday.

- take off يخلـع ملابس / تقلـع الطائرة

- I took off my shoes and went into the mosque.; -The plane will off at six.

- take over يتـولي مهمـة - After my father's illness I took over his responsibilities.

- take after يشبـه - She takes after her mother.

5- abroad الخارج (خارج حدود بلد ما); - I stayed abroad for seven years.

- broad فسيح ـ عريض ـ عام; - He has a broad vision.

- board لوحة (إعلانات) ـ سبورة - The competition results were put up on the board.

- on board علي متن (سفينة – طائرة) -There are twenty passengers on board.

6- hero بطل (محارب بارز ـ تاريخي ـ في فيلم ـ مسرحية ـ شخص محبوب لإنجازاته)

-The real hero of the war was the Egyptian soldier. - I loved with the hero of the novel.

champion بطل (رياضي) - Al-Ahly is the champion of the African club championship.

7- twins توأم - He and his sister are different twins.

- a couple زوجان (زوج وزوجته) -Walid and Rania are a happy couple.

- a couple of زوج / اثنان من نوع واحد (من نفس الشئ يمكن فصلهما - She bought a couple of silk blouses.

- double مضاعف / يضاعف - He can double his income if he work harder

- pair زوج من شيء لا ينفصل - I bought a pair of brown shoes.

8- occasion مناسبة - I gave him a present on the occasion of his marriage.

- event حـدث هــام مميـز - Winning the competition is an important event in my life.

- accident حــادث تصــادم - The accident took place at about six.

- incidentحـدث داخــل قصـة - The incidents of this story are not clear.

9- spend time + (v + ing) يقضي الوقت في - I spent the summer holiday playing on the beach.

- spend money on ينفق المال على - He spends most of his money on smoking.

10- politics السياسة (الخاصة بالدولة ونظام الحكم) - She studied politics at university.

- policy مبدأ أو قاعدة يسير عليها الفرد أو العمل - Honesty is the best policy.

11- like مثل - He is nervous like his mother.

- like يحب - I don’t like the way you speak to me.

- look like يشبه; - She looks like her mother.

- alike = like each other (v. to be) تستخدم بعد الأشياء أو الأشخاص الذين نتحدث عنهم ويسبقها

- She and her mother are alike.

- unlike مختلف عن / علي عكس - Unlike her sister, Aya is lazy.

12- a classic (n) عمل أدبي خالد (تعد) - Most of Shakespeare’s works are classics.

- classic (adj) نموذجي / يحتفظ بقيمته لمدة طويلة

example / mistake / style / design / films- تستخدم مع المسرحيات و الكتب و تأتي ايضا مع

- Classic films were more valuable. -I like classic designs in painting.

- classical (adj) متعلق بدراسة الحضارة اليونانية أو الرومانية القديمة تقليدي / قديم (كلاسيكي)

- Classical (architecture - symphony - composer…..)

- She studies classical architecture.

- Classics دراسة الحضارة اليونانية و اللاتينية (كلمة لا تعد) -We studied classics at university.

13- based in مقـره فـى - The main branch of the bank is based in Cairo.

- based on قائـم علـى - His opinion of life is based on religion.

14- life (الحيـاة بوجـه عـام (اسم لا يعـد ولا يسبقـها أداة; -There is no life on the moon.

- a life – (lives) نـوع معيـن مـن حيـاة (اسم يعـد) غالبـا يسبقهـا صفـه - We lead a nice Life there.

- I don’t know much about the lives of the Russians?

15 - decide to + inf يقـرر. -The professor decided to enter the tomb.

- decide on + n.يقـرر / يختار / يحدد - I decided on a name for the shop.

- decide that +جملة يقـرر - He decided that you should attend.

16- listen to ينصت إلي (سماع بقصد) - I like listening to the holy Quran recited by Elmenshawy.

- hear يسمع (سماع عارض ـ بدون قصد) - I heard a baby crying next door.

- hear from يتلقى رسالة من - Have you heard from your son, Mr. Ali?

- hear of / about يسمع عن - I have never heard of that man.

17 - famous for مشهـــــــــور بـــ - Italy is famous for its special macaroni and pizza.

- famous as مشهــــور كـ - She is famous as a good psychotherapist.

- well-known (postman / doctor / teacher / hairdresser معـروف و لكـن علي نطـاق محـدود مثل (

- The postman is well-known in our village.

- distinguished: eminent مميز - Shakespeare was a distinguished playwright.

- notorious مشهـور و معـروف بشـيء سـيء - His notorious friends made him addict drugs.

18- kidnap: abduct يخطف شخصا -The gang kidnapped the child and asked for much money.

hijack يختطف (طائرة- سيارة) snatch يخطف شيء من شخص

19-لاحظ استخدام التصريف الثالث بعد as أحيانا وهو هنا اختصار لجملة كانت مبنية للمجهول

- The coronation took place as planned.: The coronation took place as it has been planned.

20- fiction خيال قصصى - Novelsand plays are usually works of fiction.

- fictional (hero/country) خيالى -Abu Zeid Elhelaly is mostly a fictional hero.

21- borrow يستعير. يستلف - He borrowed some money from the bank

- loan يسلف /يقرض - This library loans books, CDs and videotapes.

- lend يسلف /يقرض - The bank lent the businessman 500000 pounds.

- owe يدين - I owe you ten pounds.

22- publish ينشر (كتاب أو صحيفة مثلا))- advertise يعلن عن (سلع أو خدمات

يستغرق مصدر + to + مدة زمنية+ اسم أو ضمير مفعول 23 - It takes / took /has taken/ will take…. +

- It took me two hours to do my homework. - How long does it take you to do this job?

- He was about to leave the house when the phone rang .تقريباً / على وشك مصدر 24- be about to +

25- It + be + صفة + to + مصدر

-It was easy to answer all the questions. - He was shocked to see the homeless poor people.

26- debate مناظرة - Conference مؤتمر

- seminar ندوة - forum منتدى

27- put down يضع جانبا - put away يسجن - put onيرتدى

- put up with يتحمل - put off يؤجل- put out يطفئ - put ……..away يضع شىء فى مكانه


Expressing Interest & Surprise

التعبير عن الاهتمام Expressing surprise

- How amazing! - How interesting! That’s very surprising

- Really? I didn’t know that - Good heavens! - That’s unbelievable!

التعبير عن الدهشة Expressing interest

- Is that right? - That’s very interesting - Really?

- Are you? - Is he? Are they?

التعبير عن عدم الدهشةLack of surprise

That’s hardly surprising. - It leaves me cold. هذا الامر لا يعنيني

التعبير عن عدم الاهتمام Lack of interest

- I'm not interested in…. - I'm not surprised.

Workbook: Unit 2

1- Your friend has joined a reading group. You want to know the number of people in the group.

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