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Exposition of Vratas to be observed on the Full Moon and the New Moon days

Sanatana said:

1. Henceforth, О Narada, I shall recount to you the holy rite to be observed on the Full Moon day. Listen. On observing these rites the performer of Vratas whether he be a man or a woman, attains series of happiness.

2. О leading Brahmana, the Full Moon day in the month of Chaitra is the day of the inauguration of the Manvan- tara. On this day, the observer of the Vrata should give a pot of water with cooked rice, for the propitiation of Soma (the Moon).

3. On the full moon day in the month of Vaishakha, the gift of all articles is the bestower of all things. Certainly, one attains those things which one bestows on a Brahmana.

4-5a. The holy rite of Dharmaraja Vrata is also to be performed on this day.- Listen to it. One should give cooked rice and pot of water to an excellent Brahmana on the Full Moon day in the month of Vaishakha. It is conducive to the propitiation of Dharmaraja and it yields the same benefit as the gift of a cow.

5b-7. On this very same day, one should give the hide of a deer alongwith its horn and the hoofs to a Brahmana alongwith gingelly seeds and gold. They should be covered with clothes. He who gives, in accordance with the prescribed injunctions, the hide of a deer after honouring the scholar who knows the Shastras, is actually the donor of the whole of the earth consisting of the seven continents, and rejoices in the world of Vishnu as long as the moon, sun and stars shine in the firmament.

8. He who gives to prominent Brahmanas pots full of water alongwith gold never meets with sorrow.

9. On the Full Moon day in the month of Jyesh(ha the holy rite of vapisavitrika1 is to be observed. The woman devotee observes fast and pours nectar like water at the root of the Vata (Banyan tree).

10. She should encircle with threads the holy tree and circumambulate it one hundred and eight times. Thereafter, she should pray to the divine and highly chaste lady Savitri:

11. “O Mother Savitri, who considered your husband a deity, you are the mother of the Universe. You are worthy of being worshipped by the whole universe. О gentle lady present in this Vata tree, obeisance to you. Grant me nonsepara­tion from my husband.

12. After praying thus she goes home. On the next day, she shall feed Suvasinls (married women whose husbands are alive) and take food herself. She shall be blessed with con­jugal bliss.

1. W. 9-12 briefly describe the famous Vafa-SAvtiri- Vralm, the main features of which are sprinkling water at the foot of a banyan tree, circumambulating the tree one hundred and eight times and weaving a thread round it all the while, prayer of Savitri (associated with the tree) for sparing oneself from widowhood and feeding Suvasinis the next day after which the lady observer of the Vrata breaks the fast.

This Vrata is observed on Jyestha Kr. 30 also (infra verse 85). The story of Savitri who brought back her husband from the god of death is extremely popular (vide Mbh.-Vana Chs. 293-299, Mt. P. Chs. 208-214 the SK. P.-PraBhasa Ch. 166). The Vrata consists of fast for three nights which the NP. fails to prescribe. Its mention in the AP. 194. 5-8 shows that the Vrata was in vogue before the 10th Gent. A.D. It is said that the Vrata is called Vafa-Savitrt as it was under the shade of a Va(a tree that Satyavan (Savitri’s husband) went and took hold of its branch before he collapsed.

The banyan tree with its spreading branches symbolises the spread of one’s race. Perhaps pre-Aryans worshipped this tree for increase and spread of their race and the story of Savitri came to be associated with it while it was being Brahminised.

1. VV. 13-17 describe the Go-Padma Vrata. The NP. fails to justify the title Go-Padma of this Vishnu Vrata. The girl or woman has to draw 33 figures of cows foot-print everyday during the Vrata. Hence its title; Gopedma. For details vide VRJ.f pp. 301-302.

13-15. The holy rite of Go-padma1 is prescribed for performance on the full moon day in the month of Asadha. After taking his bath the devotee meditates on Hari thus:

“He has four arms and a huge body. He has the lustre of gold. He appears beautiful with the conch, discus, iron club, lotus, goddess Lakshmi and Garuda. He is served by sages, Devas, Yaksas, Gandharvas and Kinnaras.”

(After meditation) he should worship the Lord by means of the PurusaSukta, and with scents and other Upacaras.

16 He should propitiate the preceptor with clothes, orna­ments and other things as well as with affectionate mind. He should feed Brahmanas and others with sweet cooked rice according to his capacity.

17. О Brahman a, by performing this Vrata, the devotee undoubtedly, derives his cherished desires both here and here­after, thanks to the grace of the Lord of (Kamala) Lakshmi.

18-21. The holy rite of Kokila Vrata is to be observed on this very same day. The rules of procedure are now described. The observance is from this full moon to the next full moon in the month of Sravana. The woman should take her bath in the water outside the house (i.e. in a river or a tank). She should meditate on goddess Parvatl as follows: tshGauri has the form of a cuckoo with golden wings, jewelled eyes, louts-like face, having the lustre of coral and the complextion of musk. She is born in the heavenly Nandana Park, seated on mango and Campaka trees cooking out exquisite song.” Her figure is painted in colours on cloth. The devotee worships her every day with scents and other things.

22. О Brahmana, when the Vrata is concluded, she de­voutly should give a Brahmana the image of the goddess in gold or ground flour of gingelly seeds, alongwith a gold piece as Daksina. The following Mantra is uttered.

23. “O Goddess Kokila, born in the park of Citra- ratha, О beloved wife of Нага, you have been worshipped and given to a Brahmana. Be the cause of happiness to me.”

24. He should then feed the Brahmana and thirty Sanya- sinls if possible, otherwise one, and give clothes etc. and Daksina in accordance with her capacity. After bowing to them she should bid farewell to them.

25. О Narada, the woman who performs this excellent Koki lavra la attains happiness and conjugal bliss in the course of seven births.

26-28. On the full moon day in the month of Sravana is the holy rite of Vedopakarma1 (i.e. inauguration ofVedic stu­dies). On this day the rite of Tarpana unto the Devas, sages and the Pitrs is to be performed throbgh the Mantras of the Yajurveda. (The followers of the Yajurveda perform this rite of Upakarma on the day). The followers of Rgveda (i.e. Bah- vfcas) perform this on the Caturdasi day and the followers of the Samaveda perform this in the month of Bhadrapada (on the Caturthi day). The worship of the sages is performed in the manner laid down in one’s own Sakha (branch of the Vedas). The Raksa (holy string) should be tied round the hand in accor­dance with the injunctions.

29. White Mustard seeds, unbroken raw rice-grains and black mustard are washed in water kept in a bell-metal vessel and then tied in a red silk cloth with a saffron-smeared thread. The devotee then worships Devas and prays to Vishnu and others. Delighted in mind, the devotee should lay down to a Brahmana and get the thread tied round his wrist by him.

30-31. Thereafter, he gives Dakshina to Brahmanas and begins the study of the Vedas. After ritualistically dismissing the seven sages, he should wear a new sacred thread made by himself and coloured with saffron, etc. According to his capacity he should feed the prominent Brahmanas and he himself should take only a single meal on that day.

32. О Brahmana, if this Vrata is performed, it makes atone­ment for all omissions and commissions in the Vedic study. If the Vedic rites are forgotten or are performed in contravention of the injunctions, this holy rite rectifies it.

33-34. The holy rite of UmamaheSvara Vrata is to be performed on the full moon day in the month of Bhadrapada.

1. Vnhpdkarma it simply updkarma and means opening, beginning. Naraya^a on Ajvaldyana Gr. S. III. 5.1 states that updkarma or ирдкатаaа is the ceremony marking tbe (re-) beginning of Vedic Studies. Various dates and varieties of details of the updrkarma are given by Kane in HD. II. ii. pp. 807-818. Due to its performance on Sraoaqa Nakfatra in the month of Sravapa, it came to be known as Srdaapo in Marathi. The tradition of Vedic studies is lost and what the elderly people do now is to change their Tqjtopartla on this day with or without the performance of the rite of Updkarma, The ritual given by the NP is different from the traditional one prescribed in the gfkja sHtras.

The devotee takes a single meal on the previous day i.e. Catur- dashi day, assiduously worships Shiva. With palms joined in reverence he should pray thus: “O Lord, I shall perform holy Vrata (vow) tomorrow.” After intimating thus to the Lord, the devotee takes up the excellent Vrata.

35. At night, he sleeps near the deity and gets up in the last watch (Yama) of the night. After carrying out the routine such as voiding of excrement and washing, etc. the devotee applies Bhasma and wears Rudraksa.

36. He should worship Sankara correctly with differ­ent kinds of Upacaras, fragrant dowers, leaves of Bilva, incense lights and diverse kinds ofNaivedya.

37. Then the scholarly devotee should observe fast till sunset. After the moonrise, he worships the deity once again and keeps awake at night.

38-41. Carefully and alertly, the devotee should perform this rite for fifteen years. In the last year, in the course of its Utsarga rite (valedictory and concluding rite), he should get two gold images made, that of Uma and that of Mahesa. He should get ready fifteen excellent posts made of gold, silver or clay. In one of the pots should be placed the two images cover­ed with a cloth. He should bathe them in Paftcamrta first and then in pure water. Thereafter he shall worship deity with the sixteen Upacaras. Then fifteen Brahmanas are fed with sweet cooked rice and Dakshinas too are given.

42-43a. He should give pots to the preceptor. Each of the pots is accompanied by a Murti (image) of the Lord. By performing this holy rite named Uma Maheivara, the devotee becomes famous in the world and the receptacle of all riches.

43b-44. On this very same day, the holy rite of shakra- Vrata also is to be observed. Early in the morning, the devotee takes his bath and worships the ruler of the Devas, in accord­ance with the injunctions, with scents and other Upacaras and different articles ofNaivedya in heaps.

45. Then O, Brahmana, he should duly feed the invited Brahmanas and others who had come as visitors. He shall feed the indigent and the helpless also.

46. О Brahmana, this Sakravrata must be performed every year by a king or any other rich man who wishes for plenty of food-grains.

47-48. The holy rite named Kojagara1 is to be observed on the full moon day in the month of Asvina. The devotee takes the holy dip in accordance with the injunctions. He observes fast and subdues his sense-organs. A gold image of goddess Lakshmi is placed in a pot made of copper or clay. It is covered with a cloth and worshipped with different kinds of Upacaras.

49. In the evening when the moon has risen, he should light lamps made of gold, silver or clay after filling them with ghee.

50-51. They should be a hundred thousands, fifty thou­sand, ten thousand, one thousand or hundred in number. Milk puddings are prepared in a huge quantity with plenty of sugar and ghee. They shall be kept in many vessels in the bright moonlight. When the night has advanced by a full Yama (three hours), the devotee shall offer milk puddings as Naivedya to Lakshmi.

52. With great devotion he should then feed the Brahmanas with the milk puddings. All of them then keep awake for the whole of the night with songs and auspicious instrumental music and dances.

53-54. The next day before dawn, the devotee takes his bath and dedicates the gold image to the preceptor. (It is said) that on this night goddess Mahalakshmi with the gestures of granting boon and fearlessness in her lotus-like hands moves over the Earth saying — ко jagarti (who is keeping awake) on this Earth? I shall give wealth to that person who keeps awake and worships me.”

55. This Vrata should be performed every year. It propitiates Lakshmi. It yields prosperity in this world and bliss in the other world after death.

1. W. 47-55 describe the KojAgara Vrata or Kaumudi Mahotsava mentioned in Sanskrit and Prakrit Literature, Purajpas aad mediaeval digests. The NP. does not mention dice-playing on that night.

56. On the full moon day in the month of Karttika, Lord Karttikeya should be visited for the attainment of Brahmin- hood again (i.e. in the next birth) and for the conquest of all enemies.

57. On this very same day, Tripurotsava (the festival of Tripura) should be performed by celebrating illuminations (of buildings, ghats etc.), О excellent Brahmana, this festival of light at night-fall is conducive to the happiness of all living beings.

58. Insects, locusts, mosquitoes, trees and the living beings that move about in water or dry land are not reborn after seeing these lights. They attain liberation.

59-61. О Brahmana, at the time of the moon^rise the six Krttikas must be worshipped. So also Karttikeya, Khadgi, Varuna and Hutasana (Fire-God) are to be worshipped with scents and fragrant flowers, incense, lights, extensive Naivedyas, excellent cooked rice, fruits, vegetable and by propitiation of the fire-god and the Brahmanas. Thus after bowing down and worshipping the Devas, light should be offered outside the house.

62-64. Very near the lamps, a beautiful square-shaped pit fourteen Angulas deep should be made and sprinkled with sandal water. After filling it with milk of cows, the devotee should put in it an image of a fish made of gold and exquisite in every limb, and with eyes constituted of pearls. Uttering the Mantra, ‘Obeisance to the great Fish’ the devotee should worship it with scents and other things and offer it to a Brahmana.

65. О excellent Brahmana, the charitable gift of the ocean of Milk1 has been recounted to you by me. Thanks to the power of this charitable gift, the devotee rejoices in the presence of Hari.

66. О Narada, by performing the rite of Vrsotsarga (setting a bull-calf free) during the night, the devotee attains Rudra’s region. No doubt need be entertained in this respect.

1. W. 62-65 describe the JCfira-sdgara dana (gift of the milky ocean). The whole procedure is symbolic.

67. For the profuse abundance of all desired benefits, an Adhaka-measure of salt should be offered to ft quiet Brahmana alongwith gold, on the full moon day in the month of Margashlrsha.

68-69. Formerly, this universe was abandoned by Lakshmi. So Hari, Indra, Soma, Tisya and Brhaspati — these five made the universe still more dignified and decorated by means of the sports of festivities of blessedness on the full moon day coinciding with the Pushya constellation.

70. Hence, for the increase of all conjugal bliss and good fortune he (the Vratin) should smear his body with the Kalka (minced pieces after being boiled in a decoction) of white mustard and take his bath when there is the conjunction of Pushya and the full moon.

71-72a. He should pour over his body, water, in which all medicinal herbs are put. He should wear new silk clothes. After seeing, touching and bowing to all the auspicious articles, he should worship Hari, Sakra, Indu, Pusya and Ijya (i.e. Jupiter, Brhaspati) with scents and other Upacaras.

72b-73. After performing Нота he should propitiate the Brahmanas by feeding them with milk puddings. О Brahmana, by performing this Vrata that increases the pleasure of Rama (Lakshmi) and destroys Alakshmi (Misfortune), the devotee rejoices here and hereafter.

74-76a. On the full moon day in the month of Magha, the following should be offered as charitable gifts: — gingelly seeds, cotton or woollen blanket, jewels, bodice, turban, shoes or cash presents. By giving these charitable gifts according to his affluence, the devotee rejoices in heaven. He who worships Lord Sankara duly, attains the benefit of a Horse-sacrifice and is honoured in Vishnu’s world.

76b-78. The holy rite of Holika-worship1 is to be observed on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna. The devotee collects all types of wood and cow-dung cakes. After duly kind­ling fire therein, by means of extensive Mantras destructive of Raksasas, the devotee repeats this Mantra — “O Holi, you have been made by people of childish traits who are afraid of blood­sucking Ogresses. Hence I shall worship you. Be the bestower of prosperity on the living beings.”

1. W. 76b-81 deal with Holika-worship. The NP. says that it is the celebration of burning Kama or the ogress Holikfi. There is a little obscenity attended with this celebration, only Bengal is free from it, as they celebrate the Doli-ydtrd of КгДО on this day, and engage a priest to perform worship before the bone-fire. This religious element persisted since the period of the NP. (or even before) in Bengal.

79. By repeating this Mantra, more and more wood is thrown in and the fire is made brighter. The devotees go round it and carry on the festivities with songs and instrumental music.

80-81. (There are two opinions about the burning of Holika). (one opinion): This ogress Holika was a terror to Prahlada. Hence, people burn her with wood to the accompaniment of songs and instrumental music. This is the burning of the Samvatsara (year). In the opinion of others, it is the burning of Kama. Thus О leading Brahmana, you shall know that there are many traditions in the world.

82. The two days of festival at the end of a fortnight are the full moon and the new moon. Hence the Ama vrata1 (the holy rite on New Moon days) is described. О Brahmana, listen to their separate nature. This Vrata is a great favourite of the manes.

83-84. On the new moon days of the months of Chaitra and Vaisakha the worship of Pitrs is recommended. The Sraddha in accordance with the injunction governing festival days and in accordance with one’s affluence is to be performed. The feeding of Brahmanas and charitable gifts of cows etc. in particular, are highly meritorious on the new moon days, in all the months.

It is a very ancient festival and was called Holika in east India (Sahara on Purvamlmdthsd I. 3. 15-23). Hemldri calls this Hutasani as we do now.

1. In W. 82-96 the NP# groups together Amd-Vratas i.c. Vratas to be observed on the new-moon days. As this day is specially sacred to the manes (Pitfs) different trdddhas are prescribed on these days.

85. The Vrata of Savitri is to be observed on the new moon day in the month of Jyeshtha. О Narada, its rules of procedure are the same as for the festival of the full moon day in the month of Jyestha.

86. О Brahmana, in the months of Asa^ha, Sravana and Bhadrapada (when Purnimanta or) ending with the full moon day, the following rites are to be performed, and they are endless in their benefits. The rites are Sraddha of manes (ancestors), charitable gift, Нота and the worship of the Devas.

87-88a. О Brahmana, Kusas grow in the fields of gingelly seeds. In the afternoon of the new moon day in the month of Bhadrapada, the devotee repeats the Mantra of Virifici (god Brahma) and cuts those Kusa grasses saying ‘Hum phat\ These grasses can be used always in all holy rites. But the other Kusa grasses can be used only once.

88b-89a. On the new moon day in the month of Asvina, Sraddha and Tarpana of the Pitrsare particularly recommended. They must be performed in the waters of Ganga. In the holy centre of Gaya, it yields liberation.

89b-91a. On the new moon day in the month of Karttika, lights should be offered as gifts in temples of gods, river banks, parks, tanks, cowpens, market places, monasteries and other places. Worship of Lakshmi is performed on this day. Gold and silver whether made into ornaments or not (are dealt in on this day). Playing at dice throughout the year, predicts gain or loss exactly as one wins or loses.

91b-92a. On this day, worship of cows is laid down in the following manner viz.: the horns and other limbs are painted; barley and other grains are given; cows are bowed to and circumambulated.

92b-93a. In the month of Margaslrsa also, there is Pitf Puja (worship of the manes) by means of Sraddhas and feeding of Brahmanas, observances of the restraints of celibacy etc. as well as Japa, Нота, Arcana and other rites.

93b-96. О leading Brahmana, in the months of Pausha and Magha, the Sraddhas pferformed to the Pitrs are more efficacious. If on the New Moon Day in the month of Phalguna, the day is combined with Karnapata (?) an<d the Sun (i.e. prob. Vyatipata, Sravana Naksatra and the Sun are found on that day), performance of mere Sraddha or feeding of Brahmanas is more efficacious (in giving good fruit) than even at Gaya (their performance at Gaya); charitable gifts etc. are the bestowers of ail benefit if made on the new moon day. If it falls on a Monday the benefit is still more. О sage, thus in brief, I have recounted to you the duties on the different Tithis. In all these instances there are some special cases. Those are mentioned in other Puranas.

1. This is the concluding chapter of the original Nfoada Purina which consisted of four padas (catufpddasamayuktam V. 26). Here the interlocutors disperse as follows.

(1) The Kumaras, the reciters of the NP. are worshipped by Narada. They went to god Shiva and learnt the Saiva Agama. After this they visited god Brahma and lastly god Vishnu at the Badari forest (W. 1-5).

(2) Bidding good-bye to Saunaka and other Brahmanas, Suta went to his preceptor Vyasa (W. 48-49).

(3) Saunaka and other Brahmanas remained there in the Naimisha forest and resumed their Salta (sacrificial session) V. 49.

(4) W. in this chapter 26-47 is the eulogy of the NP. and of the benefit derived form hearing NP. This is called phalairuti which marks the end of a particular work.

These verses show that the original NP. was completed here at the end of this chapter.


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