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Subject-1. Introduction. Purpose of theory of evolution.

Lecture complex

Subject-1. Introduction. Purpose of theory of evolution.

Tezsisy.1. Main lines of biological evolution.

2. Purpose of theory of evolution

3. A place of theory of evolution in system of biological sciences.

4. Evolution studying methods.

5. Main sections of theory of evolution.

Biological evolution significantly differs from others evolution. The unique processes of self-reproduction of macromolecules and live organisms concealing in themselves almost unlimited opportunities of transformation of live systems among generations are her cornerstone.

Biological evolution is diverse on processes and results. Biological evolution – irreversible and to a certain extent the directed historical development of wildlife which is followed by change of genetic structure of populations, formation of adaptations, education and extinction of types, transformations of biogeocenoses and biospheres in general.

Compliance of the developing live system to conditions of its existence is always result of biological evolution. Achievement of this compliance is interfaced to primary distribution of one and death of other discrete biological systems.

The purpose of theory of evolution – detection of regularities of development of the organic world for the subsequent management of this process.

The mankind is anxious with the grandiose changes happening in the biosphere under the influence of anthropogenous factors now.

For short term because of insufficient knowledge of regularities of evolution of the biosphere, unreasonable intervention of the person in development of natural systems there were serious consequences – violation of natural balance in a number of areas of the planet. Detailed consequences will be also even more dangerous in the future in the absence of evidence-based recommendations and the organizations of the relation of the person with the biosphere. In modern science much attention is paid to studying of evolutionary process, and all biological disciplines are engaged in it. Based on data of special disciplines, the theory of evolution studies is general regularities and driving forces of historical development of life, for the first time in the general form are opened by Ch. Darwin.

Place of theory of evolution in system of biological sciences. The theory of evolution takes the central place in the huge and diverse building of modern biology, is in a sense its methodological contents.

Evolutionary approach became a basis of outlook of modern biology. He allows to consider wildlife in dynamics, in interrelation of its elements and in connection with the abiotic environment. Evolutionary approach is important in all without exception biology areas: - the description separate group of the facts perhaps and out of evolutionary interpretation, but is natural – the scientific explanation of any facts in biology out of evolutionary approach is impossible.

Evolution studying methods. Process of evolution is so difficult and various on mechanisms and results that it can't be studied with sufficient completeness, applying any one method of research.

1) the genetic method – studying genetic – comparative data is entered by Ch. Darwin.

2) the comparative method – similarity of organisms can show relationship of the compared forms.


1) the actualism - triumphed in modern natural sciences, is integrally combined when studying evolyutsenny process with the principles of historicism – the present – a key to knowledge of the past.

2) historicism – a key to studying present is knowledge of the past.

Main sections of theory of evolution. Evolutionary doctrines – the wide interdisciplinary area of biology including a little large and in different degree of the sections developed now.

I – History of emergence and development of evolutionary ideas.

II – The doctrine about microevolution

III – Makroevolyution


Main literature.

1. Konstantinov A. V. Bases of the theory of evolution of M., "Higher school", 1979

2. Paramonov A. A. Darvinizm. M. "Education", 1999

3. Yablokov A. V. Yusufov A. G. Theory of evolution of M., "Higher school", 1981

Additional literature

1. C.X. Karpekov Main concepts of natural knowledge of M., "UNITY" 1998

2. V. M. Naydysh. Concept of modern natural sciences of M., "Gardaripi", 2000.


Main literature.

1. Константинов А. В. Основы теории эволюции М., «Высшая школа», 2000

2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Additional literatures.

3. Тагайбекова Д.С. Практикум по теории эволюции, Шымкент. ЮКГУ.2007

9.Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.

10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г.

Subject-4. Evolutionary concept of Ge. B. Lamarck


Theses. 1. Ge. B. Lamarck and his doctrine.

2. Doctrine Zh assessment. B. Lamarck


In the XIX century there is the most considerable event in the history of development of evolutionary thought – Ch. Darwin formulates the theory of evolution in 1842-1853. However the theory of evolution as a complete frame of reference, proving development of the nature, was created before emergence of Darvinism: it was created by works of the French biologist J.B. Lamarck and nearby directly Ch. Darwin's predecessors in the first half of the XIX century.

Doctrine Zh.B assessment. Lamarck.

Philosophical views and the argument of evolutionary views of J.B. Lamarck repeatedly served as a subject of fair criticism. His views are based on deism (from armor. deus-god) – a matter is primary also in itself is passive, about its development is defined "by the creator of all real". Having been fond of idea about gradual and general change of types and their transformation into other types. Lamarck began to deny reality of existence of types in the nature. It seemed to it that it is enough to expel from biology the concept "look" as dispute between creationism and a transformizm will automatically stop. At undoubted progressiveness of views of Lamarck his concept of understanding of the reasons of evolution was wrong, on the substance of physiophilosophical, with the expressed idealism elements (internal aspiration to progress, initial expediency of any reaction to the changed conditions). Nevertheless we have to pay tribute to this outstanding thinker who offered the first complete concept of evolution of the organic world.

Evolutionary views of Lamarck were poorly reasoned by the actual material and weren't widely adopted among contemporaries. However subsequently (at the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX century) his some views found new distribution in hypotheses of inheritance of the acquired properties or adequate variability ("neolamarkizm").


Main literature.

2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991


Additional literatures.

5.Грант В. Эволюционный процесс М.Мир, 1998 г.

9Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.

10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г.


Main literature.

1. Константинов А. В. Основы теории эволюции М., «Высшая школа», 2000

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

4.Шарова И.Х. Промблемы теорий эволюций. М,.Знание,1981

Additional literatures.

1. С. X. Карпеков Основные концепции естественных знаний М., «ЮНИТИ» 1998

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.

10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г.

12.Шеппард Ф. Естественный отбор и наследственность. М., 2000 г.

18. Константинов А.В.Основы эволюционной теории. 2-изд. Минск,

Высшая школа, 1998.

Дополнительные литературы.

1. С. X. Карпеков Основные концепции естественных знаний М., «ЮНИТИ» 1998

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.

10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г.

12.Шеппард Ф. Естественный отбор и наследственность. М., 2000 г.

18. Константинов А.В.Основы эволюционной теории. 2-изд. Минск,

Высшая школа, 1998.


Дополнительные литературы.

1. С. X. Карпеков Основные концепции естественных знаний М., «ЮНИТИ» 1998

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.

10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г.

12.Шеппард Ф. Естественный отбор и наследственность. М., 2000 г.

18. Константинов А.В.Основы эволюционной теории. 2-изд. Минск,

Высшая школа, 1998.


Дополнительные литературы.

1. С. X. Карпеков Основные концепции естественных знаний М., «ЮНИТИ» 1998

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.

10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г.

12.Шеппард Ф. Естественный отбор и наследственность. М., 2000 г.

18. Константинов А.В.Основы эволюционной теории. 2-изд. Минск,

Высшая школа, 1998.

Дополнительные литературы.

1. С. X. Карпеков Основные концепции естественных знаний М., «ЮНИТИ» 1998

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.

10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г.

12.Шеппард Ф. Естественный отбор и наследственность. М., 2000 г.

18. Константинов А.В.Основы эволюционной теории. 2-изд. Минск,

Высшая школа, 1998.

Дополнительные литературы.

1. С. X. Карпеков Основные концепции естественных знаний М., «ЮНИТИ» 1998

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.

10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г.

12.Шеппард Ф. Естественный отбор и наследственность. М., 2000 г.

18. Константинов А.В.Основы эволюционной теории. 2-изд. Минск,

Высшая школа, 1998.


Hereditary variability.

Дополнительные литературы.

9Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.

10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г.

11.Ильин А.Я. Философия и теория эволюции. М., 2004 г.

12.Шеппард Ф. Естественный отбор и наследственность. М., 2000 г.


Ponyatie of the population.

Genetic system

The concept of the population. Population - the smallest independent evolutionary structure. Species, subspecies, groups of several populations close naturally also possess intrinsic evolutionary fate, but they are not basic (meaning indivisible) unit of life. In the evolutionary process is indivisible unit population, always serving as environmental, morphophysiological finally, most importantly, the genetic unity.

Any changes to the individuals to any evolutionary processes themselves can not lead, individually and discretely changes occur yl g of the group to become exposed to those or other evolutionary factors, it is possible only within the population as a long-term, an organized group of individuals that group that indivisible without losing its integrity and other properties (and in this sense is elementary) and has its own evolutionary destiny.

Main characteristics of the population as ekologogenetical system.

Key environmental characteristics of the population - the value (in occupied space and the number of individuals), age and sex structure, and population dynamics

Population range. Own space (area) is one of the important criteria for the population. Sure, as a part of the population has some type of habitat. Individuals outside of this area come from the population. Of course, the area of ​​the population may grow, but for this population should learn this new space. This will only happen after turning it into a must for every ecological niche population. Space (area) occupied by the population can not be the same as for the different species and within species. For example, in a large mixed forest middle zone of the country, occupying more or less homogeneous areas of land in place can grow a small group of trees, no shrubs or perennial grasses, separated from other such groups of individuals of this species distance, the irresistible for pollen.

The number of individuals in the population. Due to the size range of populations can vary considerably and the number of individuals in the populations. In insects, plants and small open spaces the number of individuals in some populations can reach hundreds of thousands and millions of individuals. On the other hand, animal and plant populations may be relatively small in number.

Population dynamics. Population size (spatial and number of individuals) are subject to constant fluctuations. Causes of population dynamics in space and time are extremely diverse and in a general way to reduce the influence of biotic and abiotic factors. So, on one of the small islands near the coast of southwestern England lives in the wild population of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). For the first time on a large number of oscillations of the evolutionary significance of individuals in populations noticed SS Bushels (1905), he called them the waves of life. These waves play the role of one of the factors of evolution, changing dramatically, and non-genetic composition of populations.

The age structure of the population. The population consists of different age and sex of individuals. For each species, or even for each population within a species characteristic ratio their age group. These ratios affect overall survival, time to reach sexual maturity, intensity of reproduction - especially produced in the process of evolution as adaptation to specific conditions.

Sex composition of the population. It is known that the genetic sex determination mechanism ensures cleavage offspring sex in the ratio of 1: 1 (primary sex ratio). Because of the unequal viability of male and female body is the primary relationship has sometimes markedly different from the secondary (typical at birth in mammals) and even more markedly different from the tertiary characteristic of adults. Knowledge of the ecological structure of the population (including the value of the population and its dynamics in space and time, age and sex composition and other characteristics of the individuals studied population ecology) - a must-depth study of populations as units of evolution in nature.

Genetic heterogeneity of the population. SS Bushels (1926), based on the formula of Hardy, considered the real situation evolving in nature. Mutations usually occur and persist in the recessive state and do not violate the general appearance of the population; population saturated mutations "like a sponge with water."

Genetic unity of the population. One of the most important findings of population genetics - the position of the genetic unity of the population, despite the heterogeneity of its constituent individuals (or perhaps precisely because of this heterogeneity), any population is a complex genetic system, which is in dynamic equilibrium. Population - the lowest number on the genetic system that can continue to exist for an indefinite number of generations.

Population waves. Under natural conditions, periodic fluctuations in the number of different organisms are very common. In Figure 57 is shown as an example of changes in population size of predator and prey. We see that in different years, a sharp increase and decline in the numbers of animals, and changes in the number of the victim as to outstrip the number of predators. Chetverikov one of the first to draw attention to the periodic fluctuations in population size. Fluctuations in the number of individuals comprising the population are called population waves.

Thus, the basic genetic characteristics of the population - a constant genetic heterogeneity, internal genetic unity and dynamic equilibrium of individual genotypes (alleles). These characteristics determine the organization of the

Basic literature

2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991


2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991



2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991

The struggle for existence

Prerequisites of natural selection. According to Darwin, evolution of species in nature is determined by factors similar to those that determine the evolution of cultural forms. A prerequisite for the evolution of species is genetic variation. Darwin here distinguishes between the types of variation which he identified with regard to cultural forms, noting the special importance of uncertainty (individual) variability. He believed that the individual minor changes organisms leads to the formation of their species. That's why the evidence of variability of species he begins with an analysis of individual variability that exists in nature.

Предпосылки естественного отбора. По Дарвину, эволюция видов в природе обусловливается факторами, аналогичными тем, которые определяют эволюцию культурных форм. Предпосылкой эволюции видов является наследственная изменчивость. Дарвин и здесь различает те типы изменчивости, которые он выделил в отношении культурных форм, отмечая особую значимость неопределенной (индивидуальной) изменчивости. Он считал, что незначительные индивидуальные изменения организмов ведет к образованию их разновидностей. Вот почему доказательства изменяемости видов он начинает с анализа индивидуальной изменчивости, существующей в природе.

genetic variation- наследственная изменчивость

natural selection -естественного отбора

cultural forms- cultural forms.

Variation-разновидность, изменение

variability of species- изменчивости


The intensity of the reproduction of organisms. The ability to breed - one of the basic properties of all living things. In nature there is a tendency of organisms to unlimited expansion. Timiryazev gives the following example to illustrate this situation. Dandelion on approximate calculations, gives a hundred seeds. Of these, the following year can grow hundred plants each of which also gives a hundred seeds.

Интенсивность размножения организмов. Способность к размножению - одно из основных свойств всего живого. В природе наблюдается тенденция организмов к неограниченному размножению. К. А. Тимирязев приводит следующий пример, иллюстрирующий это положение. Одуванчик, по приближенным подсчетам, дает сто семян. Из них на следующий год может вырасти сто растений, каждое из которых тоже дает по сто семян.

reproduction of organisms- размножения организмов

ability to breed- Способность к размножению

tendency of organisms- тенденция организмов

unlimited expansion- неограниченному размножению

Dandelion- Одуванчик

approximate calculations- приближенным подсчетам

seeds- семян

Charles Darwin gives evidence of the existence in nature of variability among them the so-called "controversial views". They are similar in form of systematic position, in which it is difficult to say they species or subspecies only more difficult species. Blurred boundaries between species due to the questionable existence of transitional forms between them and the neighboring species. Because of this, the various descriptions of the flora and fauna of the same area can contain a different number of species.

Чарльз Дарвин приводит доказательства существования в природе изменчивости и среди них так называемые "сомнительные виды". К ним относятся близкие по систематическому положению формы, в отношении которых трудно сказать виды они или всего лишь подвиды более трудного вида. Неясность границ между сомнительными видами обусловлено, существование переходных форм между ними и соседними видами. Из-за этого различные описания флоры и фауны одной и той же местности могут содержать разное количество видов.

Evidence- доказательства

existence in nature- существования в природе

controversial views-"сомнительные виды".

Blurred boundaries- Неясность границ

neighboring species- соседними видами


Another proof of the variability of species, Darwin believed that species having large areas of distribution with a variety of conditions of existence, as a rule, form a number of geographical subspecies.

Другим доказательством изменчивости видов Дарвин считал тот факт, что виды, имеющие большие ареалы распространения с разнообразными условиями существования, как правило, образуют ряд географических подвидов.

proof of the variability- доказательством изменчивости

distribution- распространения

geographical subspecies- географических подвидов

The struggle for existence. The most important place in the theory of natural selection is the concept of the struggle for existence. According to Darwin, the struggle for existence is a result of the trend of organisms of any kind to the unlimited reproduction. What forces carried out the elimination of the offspring in nature? Darwin drew attention to the broader relationship between organisms and their relationship with the environment. Predator, in order to live, must eat, and the food he serves herbivores. Herbivore to live, eats many thousands of meadow plants. The plants are destroyed by insects. Insects also are food for insectivorous birds, which in turn are destroyed by birds of prey.

Борьба за существования. Важнейшее место в теории естественного отбора занимает концепция борьбы за существование. Согласно Дарвину, борьба за существование является результатом тенденции организмов любого вида к безграничному размножению. Какие же силы осуществляют элиминацию части потомства в природе? Дарвин обращает внимание на широкую взаимосвязь между организмами и их связь с окружающей средой. Хищник, для того чтобы жить, должен питаться, и пищей ему служат травоядные животные. Травоядное животное, чтобы жить, поедает многие тысячи луговых растений. Растения уничтожаются насекомыми. Насекомые же являются кормом для насекомоядных птиц, которые в свою очередь истребляются хищными птицами.


2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991


2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991

Дополнительные литературы.

12.Шеппард Ф. Естественный отбор и наследственность. М., 2000 г


2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991



2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991


2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991



2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991

Дополнительные литературы.

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991



2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991


2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

5.Иорданский Н.Н.Основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991

Subject -26. anthropogeny

Abstracts. 1. Human evolution.

2. Similarities and pour into the structure of the human body and animals.

3. Drivers anthropogenes.

Human evolution. Despite the fact that the problem (anthropogenes - the emergence of man - from a purely zoological point of view are private phylogenetic question, traditionally included in the presentation of the foundations of evolutionary theory. The reason for that, on the one hand - great methodological significance of the materialist solution to the question of the origin of man, and with other - an opportunity to see how the laws of organic evolution, acting at the level of biological form of motion of matter, giving way to another, related to the emergence of the social form of motion of matter.

Similarities and pour into the structure of the human body and animals. Man, though is the owner of consciousness, high intelligence, the creator of the major cities, skyscrapers, jet planes, giant icebreakers and other wonders, has a number of similarities with the higher animals in the structure of his body.

Rudimentary organs and atavism in humans. In humans, there are vestigial organs. One of them - the appendix of the cecum (the appendix), 2-3 cm long. In all animals that eat roughage, well developed cecum and appendix. There food undigested in the stomach, finally digested.

In mammals, animal ears are very mobile, as provided with special muscles, resulting in their movement. In humans, these muscles and ears are rudimentary.

The man sometimes observed phenomena of atavism. Examples of this are the cases of children born with a tail or thick hairy pokrovom, extra nipples.

The similarity in the embryo development of man and animals. Humans and other multicellular animals their individual development begins with the fertilized egg - the zygote.

Similarities and differences in the structure of the human body and the great apes. According to the structure of the body and features of the physiological properties of all wildlife apes Nai closer to the man. In the structure of the skeleton and internal organs of apes and humans there are very many similarities. In the skeleton as apes and humans accrued 12-13 pairs of ribs, 5-6 sacral vertebrae.

Differences in the structure of the human body and the great apes. The volume of the human brain is about 1400-1650 cm3 and apes - 600 cm3. The surface of the cerebral cortex of the human brain in the middle of 1250 cm3, and apes, it is less than about 3.5 times. Apes are not capable of abstract thought, as they have underdeveloped cerebral cortex, especially its frontal, temporal, and other departments. Each species of apes featured on one is closer to the man, and on the other is farther away.

Drivers anthropogenes. The question naturally arises, what it consists of the driving factors (forces) of human origins - anthropogenes? Darwin showed that the main factors of organic evolution - genetic variation, struggle for existence and natural selection - may be applicable also to the evolution of man.

Biological factors, although of great importance in the origin of man, but they are clearly not sufficient to explain anthropogenes. In this process, along with biological played an important role as well and social factors.

Monkeys are not immediately passed to the upright posture. Environmental change - the transition from their forests to life on the open places - has led some apes to the emergence of mutation - the ability to walk upright, which over millions of years, improved and maintained as a result of the struggle for existence and natural selection.

So, in the formation of man from apes importance imeli transition to upright posture, hands-free, making tools, social life, the use of a mixed meal, the use of fire and the development of the second signal system.


1. Константинов А. В. Основы теории эволюции М., «Высшая школа», 2000

2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

4.Банина Н.Н. Закономерности прогрессивной эволюции. П., 1998 г.

8. Харитонов В.М. Антропология. М., 2004 г.

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.


1. Константинов А. В. Основы теории эволюции М., «Высшая школа», 2000

2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

4.Банина Н.Н. Закономерности прогрессивной эволюции. П., 1998 г.

8. Харитонов В.М. Антропология. М., 2004 г.

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.


1. Константинов А. В. Основы теории эволюции М., «Высшая школа», 2000

2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

4.Шарова И.Х. Промблемы теорий эволюций. М,.Знание,1981

5.Иорданский Н.Н.основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

Дополнительные литературы.

4.Банина Н.Н. Закономерности прогрессивной эволюции. П., 1998 г.

5.Грант В. Эволюционный процесс М.Мир, 1998 г.

8. Харитонов В.М. Антропология. М., 2004 г.

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.


1. Константинов А. В. Основы теории эволюции М., «Высшая школа», 2000

2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

4. Шарова И.Х. Промблемы теорий эволюций. М,.Знание,1981

5.Иорданский Н.Н.основы теории эволюции. М,.1998

Дополнительные литературы.

4.Банина Н.Н. Закономерности прогрессивной эволюции. П., 1998 г.

8. Харитонов В.М. Антропология. М., 2004 г.

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г

Topic - 30. Noosphere


1. The noosphere - the stage of development of the biosphere.

2. Violation of the laws of nature under the influence of man.

3. Protection of the biosphere.

Noosphere - the stage of development of the biosphere. Vernadsky first to realize that the man has become a geological force capable of transforming nature on a large scale. He noted that people embraced his life, culture entire biosphere that we are witnessing the creation of a new biosphere, unprecedentedly powerful geological factors.

Academician Vernadsky believed in the human mind. He was convinced that humanity will find a way to preserve the biological balance of the planet. Biosphere, in his opinion, should be transformed into the noosphere - the sphere of the mind, created primarily the development of science, the scientific understanding of the processes and based on it the labor of man. Only man is able to take on management functions development of the planet as a whole.

Violation of natural laws under the influence of man. Man - the element of the biosphere. Early in its history, it has the same effect on the course of geochemical processes, like any other type of heterotrophic organisms. However, due to the development of science and technology mankind has become a powerful geochemical force. In nature there is no such fast-flowing geological process, which could be compared to human activities, especially now that he is armed with a huge arsenal of effects on nature.

Violation of the oxygen balance of the Earth. The freshness of the air, the content of oxygen associated with the intensive process of photosynthesis of green plants. The oxygen we breathe and which is used as an oxidant during the combustion of fossil fuels, formed 2-3 thousand. Years of photosynthetic activity of plants around the world, both land and sea, as the trees and microscopic algae.

Water pollution. For drinking, irrigation, technological needs of the person need clean water.

Purity of water - the result of biogenic processes, t. E. Protsessov biological treatment of all small and large ponds.

Cleanliness of the waters of Lake Baikal is not due simply to the fact that it runs 300 relatively pure Siberian rivers. These rivers carry with them turbidity, suspended matter, the remains of dead organisms.

Conserve soil fertility. Soil, air, water - the waste products of many tens of thousands of species of organisms.

Species diversity. World population is growing postoyanno, currently it increased by 172 per minute to 250 thousand. Per day and 90 million. Per year and by 2000 will be about 6.5 billion.

The protection of the biosphere. The fragile shell of the Earth planet separates from the world of space, where all the space pervades cosmic radiation, where the vacuum is replaced by a monstrous pressure and weightlessness - colossal forces of gravity, saves from space cold and heat. To do this, align the value of emissions with the possibility of absorption or assimilation of the Earth's biosphere, t. E. With the possibility of self-purification; should, in addition, to establish service monitoring of the environment - monitoring.

Protection of the living world. Each species has a unique gene pool. To survive and not lose valuable properties, it must reside in their communities, participate in intraspecific and interspecific struggle.


1. Константинов А. В. Основы теории эволюции М., «Высшая школа», 2000

2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

Дополнительные литературы.

4.Банина Н.Н. Закономерности прогрессивной эволюции. П., 1998 г.

8. Харитонов В.М. Антропология. М., 2004 г.

9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г.


Lecture complex

Subject-1. Introduction. Purpose of theory of evolution.

Tezsisy.1. Main lines of biological evolution.

2. Purpose of theory of evolution

3. A place of theory of evolution in system of biological sciences.

4. Evolution studying methods.

5. Main sections of theory of evolution.

Biological evolution significantly differs from others evolution. The unique processes of self-reproduction of macromolecules and live organisms concealing in themselves almost unlimited opportunities of transformation of live systems among generations are her cornerstone.

Biological evolution is diverse on processes and results. Biological evolution – irreversible and to a certain extent the directed historical development of wildlife which is followed by change of genetic structure of populations, formation of adaptations, education and extinction of types, transformations of biogeocenoses and biospheres in general.

Compliance of the developing live system to conditions of its existence is always result of biological evolution. Achievement of this compliance is interfaced to primary distribution of one and death of other discrete biological systems.

The purpose of theory of evolution – detection of regularities of development of the organic world for the subsequent management of this process.

The mankind is anxious with the grandiose changes happening in the biosphere under the influence of anthropogenous factors now.

For short term because of insufficient knowledge of regularities of evolution of the biosphere, unreasonable intervention of the person in development of natural systems there were serious consequences – violation of natural balance in a number of areas of the planet. Detailed consequences will be also even more dangerous in the future in the absence of evidence-based recommendations and the organizations of the relation of the person with the biosphere. In modern science much attention is paid to studying of evolutionary process, and all biological disciplines are engaged in it. Based on data of special disciplines, the theory of evolution studies is general regularities and driving forces of historical development of life, for the first time in the general form are opened by Ch. Darwin.

Place of theory of evolution in system of biological sciences. The theory of evolution takes the central place in the huge and diverse building of modern biology, is in a sense its methodological contents.

Evolutionary approach became a basis of outlook of modern biology. He allows to consider wildlife in dynamics, in interrelation of its elements and in connection with the abiotic environment. Evolutionary approach is important in all without exception biology areas: - the description separate group of the facts perhaps and out of evolutionary interpretation, but is natural – the scientific explanation of any facts in biology out of evolutionary approach is impossible.

Evolution studying methods. Process of evolution is so difficult and various on mechanisms and results that it can't be studied with sufficient completeness, applying any one method of research.

1) the genetic method – studying genetic – comparative data is entered by Ch. Darwin.

2) the comparative method – similarity of organisms can show relationship of the compared forms.


1) the actualism - triumphed in modern natural sciences, is integrally combined when studying evolyutsenny process with the principles of historicism – the present – a key to knowledge of the past.

2) historicism – a key to studying present is knowledge of the past.

Main sections of theory of evolution. Evolutionary doctrines – the wide interdisciplinary area of biology including a little large and in different degree of the sections developed now.

I – History of emergence and development of evolutionary ideas.

II – The doctrine about microevolution

III – Makroevolyution


Main literature.

1. Konstantinov A. V. Bases of the theory of evolution of M., "Higher school", 1979

2. Paramonov A. A. Darvinizm. M. "Education", 1999

3. Yablokov A. V. Yusufov A. G. Theory of evolution of M., "Higher school", 1981

Additional literature

1. C.X. Karpekov Main concepts of natural knowledge of M., "UNITY" 1998

2. V. M. Naydysh. Concept of modern natural sciences of M., "Gardaripi", 2000.


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