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Topic-14. artificial selection

Abstracts. 1. Artificial selection

2. methodical selection and its types.

3. unconscious selection

Artificial selection. In his book "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" (1859) and "Changes domestic animals and cultivated plants" (1868), Darwin described the diversity of livestock breeds and analyzed their origin. He noted the variety of breeds of cattle, of which there are about 400. They differ in a number of attributes: color, shape of the body, the degree of development of the skeleton and muscles, the presence and shape of horns. Scientist studied in detail the question of the origin of these rocks, and came to the conclusion that all European breeds of cattle, despite the great differences between them, are descended from two ancestors, domesticated by man.

Extremely diverse and breeds of domestic sheep, their more than two hundred, but they come from a limited number of ancestors - mouflon and argali. Different breeds of domestic pigs derived also from two ancestors, who in the process of domestication have changed many of the features of its structure. Unusually diverse breeds of dogs, rabbits, chickens and other livestock.

Дарвин различает два вида искусственного отбора - методический, или сознательный, и бессознательный отбор.

The essence of methodical selection is as follows: Getting Started, the breeder has set itself a specific task for those signs that he wants to develop in this breed. Above all, these features must be economically valuable, and some of them have to meet the aesthetic needs of a person.

Artificial selection is carried out in two forms: individual and mass selection. When selecting individual plants stand out with appropriate signs and their seeds are collected separately. The seeds of each plant were sown in each study followed. Individual selection can be carried out once or several times. With a massive selection of all selected seeds, plants with desirable characteristics are mixed. The following year, held their seeding and selection is repeated. Mass selection can be single or multiple. The basis of selection of animals are also laws of heredity, genetic variation, artificial selection, genetic science open and evolutionary theory.

The basic method, which is widely used in animal breeding, crossbreeding is blocked. Uses two types of crossing:

a) mating unrelated animals allows transfer Celes-shaped signs on different genotype of organisms to their offspring. Of these hybrids, generations are selected and bred by mating individuals that meet the requirements. New breeds of domestic animalsare also created by crossing them distant from each other forms. On the basis of fine-wool sheep crossing with wild mountain sheep in Kazakhstan arharskimi new breed arharomerinosnyh sheep.

Obtained in this manner forms in most cases have a high productivity and viability;

b) crossing related animals used in cases where you want to transfer the genes responsible for valuable traits opredelennoy breed in the homozygous state. The result is a more or less stable fixation valuable traits, i.e. breed improved.

Unconscious selection is made by man without a certain, predetermined task. Darwin showed that such selection is indeed the case. For example, the farmer has two cows, wanting to use one of them for meat slaughter one that gives less milk; of chickens for meat he uses poorest layers.

Darwin pointed out the conditions conducive to the conduct of artificial selection:

- High degree of variability of organisms.

- A large number of individuals subject to selection.

- The Art of the breeder.

- Elimination of random individuals.

- A sufficiently high value of these animals or plants to humans.


2. Парамонов А. А. Дарвинизм. М. «Просвещение», 1999

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

6.Варонцов Н.Н. Сухорукова Л.Н. Эволюция органического мира М.,1991

Topic-15. Natural selection - the driving and guiding force of evolution

Abstracts. 1. Background of natural selection

The struggle for existence

Prerequisites of natural selection. According to Darwin, evolution of species in nature is determined by factors similar to those that determine the evolution of cultural forms. A prerequisite for the evolution of species is genetic variation. Darwin here distinguishes between the types of variation which he identified with regard to cultural forms, noting the special importance of uncertainty (individual) variability. He believed that the individual minor changes organisms leads to the formation of their species. That's why the evidence of variability of species he begins with an analysis of individual variability that exists in nature.

Предпосылки естественного отбора. По Дарвину, эволюция видов в природе обусловливается факторами, аналогичными тем, которые определяют эволюцию культурных форм. Предпосылкой эволюции видов является наследственная изменчивость. Дарвин и здесь различает те типы изменчивости, которые он выделил в отношении культурных форм, отмечая особую значимость неопределенной (индивидуальной) изменчивости. Он считал, что незначительные индивидуальные изменения организмов ведет к образованию их разновидностей. Вот почему доказательства изменяемости видов он начинает с анализа индивидуальной изменчивости, существующей в природе.

genetic variation- наследственная изменчивость

natural selection -естественного отбора

cultural forms- cultural forms.

Variation-разновидность, изменение

variability of species- изменчивости


The intensity of the reproduction of organisms. The ability to breed - one of the basic properties of all living things. In nature there is a tendency of organisms to unlimited expansion. Timiryazev gives the following example to illustrate this situation. Dandelion on approximate calculations, gives a hundred seeds. Of these, the following year can grow hundred plants each of which also gives a hundred seeds.

Интенсивность размножения организмов. Способность к размножению - одно из основных свойств всего живого. В природе наблюдается тенденция организмов к неограниченному размножению. К. А. Тимирязев приводит следующий пример, иллюстрирующий это положение. Одуванчик, по приближенным подсчетам, дает сто семян. Из них на следующий год может вырасти сто растений, каждое из которых тоже дает по сто семян.

reproduction of organisms- размножения организмов

ability to breed- Способность к размножению

tendency of organisms- тенденция организмов

unlimited expansion- неограниченному размножению

Dandelion- Одуванчик

approximate calculations- приближенным подсчетам

seeds- семян

Charles Darwin gives evidence of the existence in nature of variability among them the so-called "controversial views". They are similar in form of systematic position, in which it is difficult to say they species or subspecies only more difficult species. Blurred boundaries between species due to the questionable existence of transitional forms between them and the neighboring species. Because of this, the various descriptions of the flora and fauna of the same area can contain a different number of species.

Чарльз Дарвин приводит доказательства существования в природе изменчивости и среди них так называемые "сомнительные виды". К ним относятся близкие по систематическому положению формы, в отношении которых трудно сказать виды они или всего лишь подвиды более трудного вида. Неясность границ между сомнительными видами обусловлено, существование переходных форм между ними и соседними видами. Из-за этого различные описания флоры и фауны одной и той же местности могут содержать разное количество видов.

Evidence- доказательства

existence in nature- существования в природе

controversial views-"сомнительные виды".

Blurred boundaries- Неясность границ

neighboring species- соседними видами


Another proof of the variability of species, Darwin believed that species having large areas of distribution with a variety of conditions of existence, as a rule, form a number of geographical subspecies.

Другим доказательством изменчивости видов Дарвин считал тот факт, что виды, имеющие большие ареалы распространения с разнообразными условиями существования, как правило, образуют ряд географических подвидов.

proof of the variability- доказательством изменчивости

distribution- распространения

geographical subspecies- географических подвидов

The struggle for existence. The most important place in the theory of natural selection is the concept of the struggle for existence. According to Darwin, the struggle for existence is a result of the trend of organisms of any kind to the unlimited reproduction. What forces carried out the elimination of the offspring in nature? Darwin drew attention to the broader relationship between organisms and their relationship with the environment. Predator, in order to live, must eat, and the food he serves herbivores. Herbivore to live, eats many thousands of meadow plants. The plants are destroyed by insects. Insects also are food for insectivorous birds, which in turn are destroyed by birds of prey.

Борьба за существования. Важнейшее место в теории естественного отбора занимает концепция борьбы за существование. Согласно Дарвину, борьба за существование является результатом тенденции организмов любого вида к безграничному размножению. Какие же силы осуществляют элиминацию части потомства в природе? Дарвин обращает внимание на широкую взаимосвязь между организмами и их связь с окружающей средой. Хищник, для того чтобы жить, должен питаться, и пищей ему служат травоядные животные. Травоядное животное, чтобы жить, поедает многие тысячи луговых растений. Растения уничтожаются насекомыми. Насекомые же являются кормом для насекомоядных птиц, которые в свою очередь истребляются хищными птицами.

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