Сверцов А.Н. Главное направление эволюционного процесса. М., 1998Additional literatures. 1. С. X. Карпеков Основные концепции естественных знаний М., «ЮНИТИ» 1998 9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г. 10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г. 12.Шеппард Ф. Естественный отбор и наследственность. М., 2000 г. 18. Константинов А.В.Основы эволюционной теории. 2-изд. Минск, Высшая школа, 1998. Topic-6. The evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin 1. Basics of the theory 2. Variability organisms in the domestication state 3. Artificial selection 4. The variability of organisms in nature 5. The struggle for existence and natural selection
The basic tenets of the theory. Charles Darwin's theory, known as the theory of natural selection is one of the pinnacles of the scientific thought of the XIX century. However, its importance goes far beyond its time and beyond biology: Darwin's theory of natural history became the basis of the materialist worldview. Darwin's theory of Lamarck opposing concepts, not only for its consistently materialistic conclusions, but all over your system. She is a wonderful example of research, based on the enormous amount of reliable scientific evidence, the analysis of which led Darwin to coherent system commensurate conclusions. The data for the study of the theory of Darwin collected over the years. The first sketch of the theory was written in 1842, but (it's time - visual example of scientific prudence and integrity!) Was not published for many years, since Darwin continued to collect and analyze new data to support his views. Darwin's great work "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" was published only in 1859 It is known that stimulus expedite the publication of Darwin's work it was the work of A. Wallace independently came to a close evolutionary conclusions. Both papers were presented at the same time in 1858, at a meeting of the Linnean Society, and London, and Wallace, reading the work of Darwin, fully admitted his priority. Darwin analyzed the evolutionary process is much broader and deeper than Wallace, and as a tribute due respect to the latter, we have every reason to call the author of Darwin's theory of natural selection. Of course, we can not in the pages of this book to give a complete presentation of the grand work of Darwin and restrict ourselves to a brief summary of his theory needed to clarify its relationship with the modern theory of evolution. Artificial selection. Since the main form of variability is uncertain, it is clear that the recognition of genetic variability of individuals is not enough to explain the process of developing new breeds of animal or plant varieties. You must specify another force that on the basis of minor differences of individuals forms a stable and important breed characteristics. The answer, Darwin found in actual practice breeders who produce artificial selection for breeding only those individuals who have interesuyuschimi human traits. As a result of this selection from generation to generation, these signs become more pronounced. The selection is the creative force, transforming private differences of individuals in signs typical for all members of the breed or the variety. If in the XIX century. breeders were already methodical and goal-directed selection, at the earlier stages of development of human society, when people were just starting to domesticate animals and cultivate useful some edible plants, primitive herdsmen were unconscious artificial selection, leaving the tribe of those animals that get along better with the person and better serve its purpose. Thus were formed the first breed animals. Darwin pointed out the conditions conducive to the conduct of artificial selection: 1) the high degree of variation in organisms; 2) a large number of individuals undergoing screening; 3) The art of the breeder; 4) elimination of random mating among individuals undergoing screening; 5) sufficiently high value of these animals or plants to humans. It should be noted that, emphasizing the crucial role in the process of evolutionary change organisms selection is based on the uncertain variability, Darwin admitted the possibility of transformations based on the variability and exercise action or exercise of explaining it is this relatively smaller mass of bones and wing bones of legs large mass in domestic ducks, compared with the wild or greater development of the udder of cows and goats in countries where these animals are used not only for meat and milk. Finally, analyzing the breeds of domestic animals, Darwin came to the conclusion that all the rocks of this type (for example, about 150 breeds of pigeons), no matter how great the differences between them, are descended from one or a few species of wild ancestors. Therefore, by selecting a person to greatly increase the diversity of organisms. If artificial selection has been the main force, using which a man could in a relatively short time to create numerous breeds of domestic animals and plant varieties that are significantly different from their wild ancestors, it is logical to assume that similar processes may contribute to evolutionary changes and also in nature. Variability of organisms in nature. Darwin collected numerous evidence that variability various types of organisms in nature very large and its shape is fundamentally similar to the variability forms of domestic animals and plants. The struggle for existence and natural selection. Comparing all the collected information about the variability of organisms in the wild and tamed state and the role of artificial selection for breeding breeds of domestic animals and plants, Darwin came to the opening of the creative force that leads and guides the evolutionary process in nature - natural selection, "Since birth much more individuals of each species than many of them can survive, and since, it should be-fore, there is constantly a struggle for existence, it follows from this that any creature that is not a difficult and rarely changing conditions of his life, although slightly, change in a direction favorable for it will be more likely to survive and thus subjected to natural selection. Because of the strict principle of heredity selected species will seek to reproduce in his new and modified form. " Основная литература. 1. Константинов А. В. Основы теории эволюции М., «Высшая школа», 2000 3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004 4.Шарова И.Х. Промблемы теорий эволюций. М,.Знание,1981 7.Сверцов А.Н. Главное направление эволюционного процесса. М., 1998 Дополнительные литературы. 1. С. X. Карпеков Основные концепции естественных знаний М., «ЮНИТИ» 1998 9. Билич ГЛ., Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс. Ботаника 2т.М., 2005 г. 10.Билич Г.Л.,Крыжановский В.А. Биология полный курс.Зоология. Зт. М.,2005 г. 12.Шеппард Ф. Естественный отбор и наследственность. М., 2000 г. 18. Константинов А.В.Основы эволюционной теории. 2-изд. Минск, Высшая школа, 1998.
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