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Subject-5. Scientific and socioeconomic prerequisites of emergence of theory of evolution of Ch. Darwin


Theses. 1. Socioeconomic and scientific prerequisites of emergence of Darvinism.

2. Ch. Darwin's travel

3. Creation of the theory

Revolutionary revolution in natural sciences was made podlinkno by the scientific theory of evolution developed by Ch. Darwin. The Darwinism remains over 100 years true and gains development and confirmation by data of modern sciences on the nature. What promoted development of the theory of evolution by Ch. Darwin only 50 years later after creation of theory of evolution by J.B. Lamarck?

Socioeconomic and scientific prerequisites of emergence of Darvinism. In the first half of the XIX century in countries of Western Europe, especially in England, capitalism which stimulated development of science intensively developed. Demand of the industry for raw materials and the population of the growing cities for food promoted selection development. Selectors by a gibridikzation and selection removed new breeds of cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, birds and grades of agricultural and ornamental plants. Impressive progress of a practical deyaktelnost of the person on transformation of house plants and animals indirectly, but convincingly testified against ideas of an invariance of types in the nature. These selections were used by Ch. Darwin at creation of the doctrine about iskuskstvenny selection.

The big role in preparation of Darvinism was played by concrete researches and a number of the theoretical generalizations developed in XVIII and in the first half of the XIX century. So, Zh. Kyuvye created a paleontoklogiya, laid the geochronology foundation. Given to comparative morphology and anatomy (I. V. Goethe's researches, G. Bronna) testified to a unified plan of a structure of vertebrata the zhivotknykh: similarity in details of a skeleton, muscles, vessels, nerves. Issledokvaniya of comparative embryology of K. E. von Ber was led to thought of unity of an origin of chordate animals: on the ranknikh development stages germs found amazing similarity. The cellular theory developed by T. Shvann, an ubezhdakla in unity of an origin of a plant and animal life. I. Kant's works laid the foundation of ideas of possibility of evolution of space bodies. The geologist Ch. Layel developed the theory of evolution of Earth. These. and others fakt1 weren't coordinated with the doctrine about an invariance of the world in any way and waited for a scientific explanation.

Ingenious mind of Ch. Darwin managed to generalize huge actual material in the light of evolutionary ideas, to connect harmonous system of reasonings.

In different areas of biology to the first quarter of the XIX century huge actual material was saved up, koktory needed generalization. For such generalization new approaches were necessary. Practice of a rural hozyaykstvo demanded creation of the theory, koktory would allow to develop further methods of selection work.

All this also defined substantially that obstoyatelkstvo what exactly in England — — it developed one of the countries of the world which are most developed in the economic relation in the middle of the XIX century of a condition for creation of the theory of evolution. Honor of its creation it is indisputable belongs to Charlz Darwin — one of the greatest scientists of all times and the people.

Ch. Darwin (1809 — 1882) in youth trusts in the Bible, is going to become the rural pastor and is engaged in a zokologiya as the amateur naturalist. In 22 years Ch. Darwin for five years leaves England and as a natukralist (without salary) sails in round-the-world travel on the ekskpeditsionny vessel "Beagle" of the angkliysky admiralty. "Beagle" rounded the globe, having passed from the South round South America, visited waters of Australia and New Zealand, rounded Africa from the South. During parking of the ship Ch. Darwin collected botanical, paleontologic and zoological collections, made geological observations.

Ch. Darwin's travel. "Traveling by the ship of Her Majesty "Beagle" as a natukralist, I was struck with some facts concerning a raspredekleniye of organic beings in South America and the geological relations between former and sovkremenny inhabitants of this konktinent. These facts as it will be visible from the final chapters of this book, it kakzhtsya, light to some stekpena an origin of species — this secret from secrets". So "Introduction" in "An origin of vikd begins...".

Traveling across South America, Ch. Darwin notices that it is more logical to explain variety of fauna with slowly current processes of change of forms, than otkdelny acts of creation. Nakhodka fossil huge broknenosets — relatives nowadays the zhikvushchikh of forms — leads him to a conclusion about relationship died out and the sushchekstvuyushchikh of forms. The culmination, from the point of view of formation the evoklyutsionnykh of views, was isslekdovany florae and faunae of Galapagos Islands where Ch. Darwin on the example of distinctions between close types of vyyurok, turtles, lizards saw as if process of evolution in operation.

Ch. Darwin comes back to England in 1836 the convinced evolutionist. The dlitelkny period of development of the harmonous theory of the evolution based on opening of the mechanism of evolutionary process begins. Analyzing history of a vyvekdeniye of breeds of pigeons, dogs and creation of highly productive grades of cultural plants, Ch. Darwin is convinced that distinctions between breeds and grades result from selection and preimushchestvenkny reproduction of those individuals at whom desirable property or a sign are most expressed. Such known to the person since the most ancient times artificial selection can be or unconscious (when the best individuals leave for reproduction, without reflecting on the end results), or methodical (when the selector sets the purpose on improvement of a certain sign or property). Novelty of approach of Ch. Darwin to an explanation of evolution of pets and cultural plants consisted that he saw the creative beginning in activity of the person. A key to an objyaskneniye of a variety of house forms, Ch. Darwin emphasized, consists in ability of the person to accumulate changes by selection, but it isn't simple in the facts of variability and heredity as was considered earlier. Studying of history of creation of breeds and grades led to an important conclusion that the majority has them monofiletichesky (from one root) an origin. In the mechanism of action of artificial selection for accumulation of distinctions among generations of H. Darwin saw a prototype of the main mechanism of evolutionary process — action of natural selection.

All the time a post of the termination of a putekshestviye Ch. Darwin devotes to processing of the received supervision. In 1839 there is a first book which brought it wide popularity in scientific community "Travel of a natukralist round the world by the ship "Beagle". Pass four more years filled with experiences with plants, cultivation of pigeons, continuation of processing zoological and the boktanicheskikh of collections. On notebooks it was succeeded to restore that else in 1837 Ch. Darwin for the first time comes to idea of a natural otbokr. In 1842 Ch. Darwin does a draft sketch of the theory of estestvenkny selection. In two years it expands work with 35 to 230 pages and in connection with an ill health, being not confident in a work zaverksheniye, asks to publish it after death.

Creation of the theory. Health improves. At this time all reading society is excited with emergence of anonymous books "Traces of Natural History of Creation" (R. Chambers, vposkledstviya the active defender of the theory of Ch. Darwin was their author). Sharp criticism of these books from the different parties (R. Chambers, giving a set of convincing dokakzatelstvo of existence of evolution, the sverkhjestekstvennykh of forces recognized participation in it) and a skeptical otnoksheniye of friends to its work zasktavlyat Ch. Darwin to postpone a pubklikation of almost ready work in an exhaustive way to dokukmentirovat each of the put-forward provisions. In 1858 this work made 2000 pages and, according to the author, on two thirds was ready to the publication. However Ch. Darwin didn't finish it.

At this time Ch. Darwin receives the letter from the young zoologist Alfred Wallace to examine a request and in case of approval to present the manuscript of its small article "About Aspiration of Versions to an Unlimited Deviation from Initial Type" to the magazine. Article in the reduced option contained bases of the same theory to which Ch. Darwin came irrespective of A. Wallace in 1842. At first Ch. Darwin is going to submit A. Wallace's article and on this matter not to act. But on a nastokyaniye of friends he decides to publish and own article under the name "About change of organic beings in natural state...". Ch. Layel and J. Guker submit to linnean society at the same time both articles and the copy of one of early letters of Darwin.

All documents were opublikovakna in 1858. These events force Ch. Darwin to publish sokrashchenkny option prepared много years of work — "An origin of species by natural selection, or Preservation of the favored breeds in fight for life". All 1250 copies of the first London edition which appeared to the public on November 24, 1859 dispersed in some days.

Even if Ch. Darwin wouldn't leave us the theory of natural selection, we would have the right to consider him as one of outstanding naturalists. Only one list of its ledgers shows, are how deep and versatily there were its interests:

1839. "Travel of the naturalist round the world by the ship "Beagle"

1842. "Structure and distribution of coral reeves"

1844. "Geological supervision over volcanic ostrokva"

1846. "Geological supervision over South America"

1851 — 1854 "Usonogy crayfish" (t.1-2)

1859. "An origin of species by a natural otbokr, or Preservation the blakgopriyatstvuyemykh of breeds in fight for life"

1862. "Pollination of orchids"

1865. "Movements and habits lakzyashchikh of plants"

1868. "Change of pets and cultural plants" (in 2 t.)

1871. "Origin of the person and sexual selection"

1872. "Expression of emotions at the person and animals"

1875. "Insectivorous plants"

1876. "Action of cross-pollination and self-pollination in flora"

1877. "Various forms of flowers

at plants of the same look"

1879. "Erasmus Darwin's life"

1880. "Ability to the movement

at plants"

1881. "Formation of a vegetable layer of the earth деятельностью earthworms and supervision over their obrakzy of life"

Ch. Darwin died in Down where he lived after return from round-the-world travel, is buried in Vestkminstersky abbey, near I. Newton.


Main literature.

1. Константинов А. В. Основы теории эволюции М., «Высшая школа», 2000

3. Яблоков А. В. Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное учение М., «Высшая школа», 2004

4.Шарова И.Х. Промблемы теорий эволюций. М,.Знание,1981

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