Exercise 27. Point out what parts are detached and by what they are expressed.1. Now their laughter joined together, seized each other and held close, harmoniously, (adverbial modifier) intertwined through each other's fabric and substance. (attribute) (Stone) 2. Huckleberry Finn was there, with his dead cat. (detached object) (Twain) 3. We reached the station, with only a minute or two to spare. (adverbial modifier) (Collins) 4. Blind and almost senseless (att), like a bird caught in a snare (adv mod of comparison), he still heard the sharp slam of the door. (Cronin) 5. As he strode along he was conscious, within himself (manner), of a deep, pervading sense of power. (Cronin) 6. With his hands by his sides (adv mod of attendant circumstances), he strolled very slowly and inconspicuously, down the border. (Cronin) 7. One summer, during a brief vacation at Knocke, his visit had come to the notice of Harrington Brande. (Cronin) 8. We are very poor, senor, with many mouths to feed, (predicative) and these fish would make a good meal for us. (Cronin) 9. Unbelievingly, (adverb) his eyes fixed, lips tightly compressed, Brande stared at the advancing youth. (Cronin) 10. He remembered her brave and hardy, with a small-boned (object) eager face, enriched with weather and living. (Sadnborn) 11. The girls had met and were strolling, arm in arm, (adv mod of manner) through the rose arbor. (place) (Douglas) 12. Stout, middle-aged, full of energy, clad in a grease-stained dark blue print dress (attribute)... she bustled backwards and forwards from the kitchen to the dining-room. (Prichard) 13. She had become very drab and unattractive, with all the hard work, no doubt. (adv) (Prichard) 14. But, for all that, (concession) they had a very pleasant walk. (Dickens) Exercise 28. 1. He had lived with this block for several months now (adv. mod. of time; a noun with accompanying words, an adverb), studied it in every light, from every angle, in every degree (adv mod of manner; nouns with acc words) of heat and cold (objects; nouns in cc). (Stone) 2. He felt discouraged, strangely empty. (predicatives within a compound nominal predicate; participle II, adjective) (Cronin) 3. There were tangerines and apples (subjects; nouns) stained with strawberry pink. (Mansfield) 4. He came in slowly, hesitated (adv mod of manner; participle II), took up a toothpick from a dish on the top of the piano, and went out again. (simple predicates) (Mansfield) 5. But I was exceedingly nice, a trifle diffident, appropriately(manner) reverential. (predicatives within a compound nominal predicate) (Mansfield) 6. From the edge of the sea came a ripple and whisper (subjects; nouns). (Wells) 7. They went side by side, hand in hand, silently toward the hedge. (adv mod of manner; prepositional phrases, an adverb) (Galsworthy) 8. The light outside had chilled, and threw a chalky whiteness on the river. (simple predicates; verbs) (Galsworthy) 9. Thousands of sheets must be printed, dried, cut. (homogeneous parts within a compound modal predicate; verbs) (Heym) 10. Opening the drawer he took from the sachet a handkerchief and the framed photograph of Fleur. (objects; nouns) (Galsworthy) 11. The Captain was mostly concerned about himself, his own comfort, his own safety. (objects; a pronoun, nouns) (Heym) 12. Her mother was speaking in her low, pleasing, slightly metallic voice. (attributes; participle I, and adjectives) (Galsworthy) 13. And suddenly she burst into tears of disappointment, shame and overstrain. (objects; or maybe attributes; nouns) (Galsworthy) 14. She extended a slender hand and smiled (simple predicates) pleasantly and naturally. (adv mod of manner; adverbs) (Wales) 15. Then, without a word of warning, without the shadow of a provocation, he bit that poodle's near foreleg. (adv mod of manner/att circumstances; prepositional phrases) (Jerome /C- Jerome) 16. It could be smashed by violence but never forced to fulfil. (homogeneous parts within a compound modal predicate) (Stone) 17. Never before had the friar(монах) had such power and never had his voice rung out with such a clap of doom. (simple predicates; verbs) - compound sentence, lexical repetition, parallel construction Ex 29 5. The prior'shearty, warm-cheekedfacewent dark at the mention ofSavonarola'sname. Declarative, affirmative, 2- member sentence, extended, full, subj: face – noun in common case, personal definite, predicate: compound nominal(link verb to go in the past form + nominal part(predicative) expressed by an adj), homogeneous attributes expressed by adj and part II, 2 attributes: nouns in the genitive case, at the mention – adv modifier of time, expressed by noun in common case + preposition,direct obj expressed by a noun in common case (Stone) 6. Ah, to be a soldier, Michelangelo, to fight in mortal combat, to kill the enemy with sword and lance, conquer new lands and all their women? Thatisthe life! (Stone) 1Declarative, -, one – member: inf sentence, extended, elliptical, independent elements: interjection ah, direct address: Michelangelo, detached subjs expressed by inf construction and a bare inf. 2. exclamatory, 2-member sentence, extended, full, subj – demonstrative pronoun, personal, definite, predicate – link verb to be – compound nominal predicate, simple nominal predicative expressed by a noun in common case. 7. Hesaiditin a very mature, man-to-mantone. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete, two-member sentence; definite personal sentence; the subject expressed by a personal pronoun; the predicate expressed by simple verbal predicate; it- direct object, expressed by personal pronoun; adv. Modifier of manner expressed by 1)adjective, 2)set expression) 8. Evidently, George and the sheriffwere getting alongin a very friendly way, for all the former's bitter troubles and lack of means. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete, two-member sentence; definite personal sentence; the subject expressed by nouns in the common case; a simple predicate expressed by a phraseological unit; an adv. Modifier of manner expressed by noun with accompanying words, adv. Modifier of concession expressed by nouns with accompanying words; the close attribute expressed by adjectives; the parenthesis expressed by modal words) 11. Suddenlyall the differencesbetween life and deathbecameapparent (легко) различимый. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. Subj. expressed by noun with accompanying words; the predicate - the compound nominal predicate; the attribute – close; the adv. Mod. Of manner expressed by adverb) 12. Michelangelobegan to see picturesin his mind: of struggles борьба between men, of the rescue спасение of women, of the wounded, the dying. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. The Subj. expressed by a proper noun; the predicate – compound aspect verbal predicate (mixed type), direct obj – pictures, adv.mod. of place; homogeneous attributes (от слова pictures(какие?): of struggles between men, of the rescue of women, of the wounded, the dying) 13. I ama thousand timescleverer andmore charmingthan that creature, for all her wealth. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. Subj. expressed by a personal pronoun, the compound nominal predicate: link-verb to be + homogeneous predicatives, expressed by comparative degree of adj, adv. Mod. Of 1) degree expressed by a numeral, 2) degree,3) comparison, 4) concession), for all her wealth. – detached part 14. Iam not accustomedto having more than one drink. (declarative affirmative, extended, complete two-member; Subj. exp by a personal pronoun; Compound Nominal Predicate by a link-verb to be in the negative form and participle II; indirect prepositional object by a gerundial phrase; adv mod of degree by an adverb) 15. Bertoldo, Ifeel the needto be solitary, to workbeyond all eyes, even yours. (declarative affirmative, two-member, complete, extended; Subj exp by a personal pronoun, simple verbal Predicate by a link-verb ‘to feel’ and a noun; homogeneous attributes expressed by infinitives; adv mod of place or manner; a detached attribute; direct address ‘Bertoldo’ – independent part) 16. Miss Fultonlaidher moonbeamfingerson his cheeks and smiledher sleepy smile. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence.. Miss Fulton - The Subj. expressed by personal name; laid, smiled -the predicate –simple verbal; fingers -direct object expressed by a noun; her moonbeam, - her sleepy -the close attribute; on his cheeks- adv.mod. of place; her sleepy smile- the adv. Mod. Of manner expressed by a noun with accompanying words) Miss – close apposition, cognate obj –(a smile) 17. Sallyfound itdifficult to visitanybodyherself. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. The Subj. expressed by personal name; the predicate-? the compound nominal predicate(link verb to find+ predicative difficult; formal object expressed by a personal pronoun it,anybody- direct objects expressed by personal and indefinite pronouns; herself- the adv. Mod. Of manner expressed by pronoun) 18. And surely, no manin his senseswantsthedisastrous consequences of this rushto goany further. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. the subject expressed by noun; the simple verbal predicate; 1) attribute expressed by a set-phrase; 2) attribute expressed by adj.; 3) attribute expressed by noun with accomp. Words; complex object expressed by a noun + inf.; 1) adv. Mod. Of 1) manner (it is detached) expressed by an adv., 2) manner expressed by adv.) 19. To drawonedoes not needbigmuscles. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, impersonal, complete two-member sentence. The subject expressed by the indefinite pronoun; the simple predicate; complex object expressed by the inf.; direct object expressed by a noun; attribute expressed by an adj.) 20. And yet, as though overcome, sheflung down бросилась on a couch and pressedher handsto her eyes. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. The subj. expressed by personal pronoun; simple verbal predicate expressed by 1) phrasal verb; and yet - a parenthesis; 1) adv.mod. of manner expressed by a verb and a conjunction, 2) adv.mod. of place,3) adv.mod. of place; direct object expressed by a noun and a pronoun)
21. Itwas asimpleface and could have been handsome, in spite of its saffron жёлто-оранжевый цвет colouring, but for the soft, full mouth. (Cronin) declarative affirmative, two-member, complete, extended, Demonstrative subj IT, predicate compound nominal: link-verb to be in the past form + predicative expressed by a noun in common case verbal modal predicate(exp by a modal verb can in the perfect form), adverbial modifier of concession(expressed by conj, a noun in a common case, + adj, adverbial modifier of condition: here we can observe 2 homogeneous adjs(если будем рассматривать отдельно) expressed by a noun in a common case+ adj). 22. The Lieutenant [le'tenənt], without cap, sword [sɔ:d]/ 1) меч or gloves, and much improved in temper and spirits by his meal,chooses the lady'ssideof the room, and waits, much at his ease, for Napoleonto begin. (Shaw) declarative affirmative, two-member, complete, extended, the subj – close apposition denoting a rank, simple verbal predicate, The For-to-Infinitive Construction: for Napoleonto begin, detached attributes or adv modifiers of manner: expressed by nouns and accompanying words, detached adv mod of manner.(or degree(much?) 23. With his strange, hawking [hɔ:k] распространять cry and the jangle of the cansthe milk-boywenthis rounds. (Mansfield) declarative affirmative, two-member, complete, extended, subj expressed by a noun in CC, compound nominal predicate link verb to go in past form + personal pronoun in the obj case+ noun in plural /or this all “ went his rounds” can be treated as a phraseological phrase), adv mod of manner( With his strange, hawking [hɔ:k] распространять cry and the jangle of the cans). 24. The man and daughter, the mother being dead, brought their l etterfrom a church in West Tennessee and were accepted forthwith into fellowship. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. The Subj. expressed by nouns; the predicates –simple verbal; direct objects expressed by nouns;close attribute expressed by pronoun; the adv. Mod. Of place expressed by a noun with accompanying words; the adv. Mod. Of manner expressed by adv; the mother being dead - detached adv.mod. expressed by nominative absolute participial constraction) 25. Hecould not bringhimselfto faceStanek. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. The Subj. expressed by personal pronoun;the predicate- compound verbal modal predicate;direct object expressed by pronoun; the adv. Mod. Of place expressed by noun;close attribute expressed by personal name) 26. Therewas a two-storey newwing,with a smartbathroombetweeneachtwobedrooms and almost up-to-datefittings. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. The Subj. expressed by noun; the predicates –simple verbal; there -adv.mod. of place; betweenbedrooms and fittings - adv.mod. of place; two-storey new- close attributes expressed by adv; a smart - close attribute expressed by adjective; bathroom- direct objects expressed by noun;each two-close attributes expressed by an edj and numeral; up-to-date- close attributes expressed by an edj) 27. Her [Aileen's]eyesgleamed almost pleadingly for all herhauteur, like a spirited collie's, and hereventeethshowed beautifully. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. The Subj. expressed by nouns; the predicates –simple verbal; direct objects expressed by noun;close attribute expressed by pronouns; the adv. Mod. Of degree expressed by an adv; the adv. Mod. Of manner expressed by adverbs) 28. In the afternoon, leaning from my window, Isawhim passdown the street, walkingtremulously and carrying the bag. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. subj. Expressed by personal pronoun; simple verbal predicate; him; the bag – direct objects; homogeneous attributes (expr. By verbs); adv. Mod. Of 1) time; 2) manner expr. By participial phrase; 3) of place; 4) of manner) 29. Amazed and amused, theywatchedwhitemenscurrying снующих about the ridge хребет, digging and burrowinginto the earthlikegreatrats крысики. (Declarative, affirmative, extended, complete two-member sentence. The subj. expressed by personal pronoun; simple verbal predicate; men – direct object; white (an adj.), scurrying, digging,burrowing – homogeneous attributes expressed by participles; adv.mod. of 1) manner (participle II); 2) place; 3)place; 4)comparison; great – attribute) 30. Hesat downby the oak tree, in the sun, his fur coat thrown open, his hat roofing with its flat top the pale square of his face. (Galsworthy) declarative affirmative, two-member, complete, extended, subj expressed by a personal pronoun he, simple verbal predicate, 1. Adv mod of place expressed by a noun and accompanying words, 2. Adv mod of place expressed by a noun in the common case + preposition “in”, 3,4 adv modS of attendant circumstances – expressed by a noun and accompanying words(если что, то среди них есть participle II) THE COMPOUND AND COMPLEX SENTENCES Exercise 1. Point out the coordinate clauses (mark the elliptical ones) and comment on the way they are joined. 1. It was high summer, and the hay harvest was almost over. (causative ccordination) (Lawrence) 2. All the rooms were brightly lighted, but there seemed to be complete silence in the house. (adversative coordination) (Murdoch) 3. One small group was playing cards, [another sat about a table and drank, or, tiring of that, adjourned to a large room to dance to the music of the victrola or player-piano]. (asyndetically) (Dreiser) 4. His eyes were bloodshot and heavy, his face a deadly white, and his body bent as if with age. (elliptical) (Dickens) 5. He only smiled, however, [ and there was comfort in his hearty rejoinder], [ for there seemed to be a whole sensible world behind it]. (Priestley) 6. You'll either sail this boat correctly or you'll never go out with me again. (disjunctive) (Dreiser) 7. Time passed, and she came to no conclusion, nor did any opportunities come her way for making a closer study of Mischa. (copulative, adversative) (Murdoch) 8. She often enjoyed Annette's company, yet (=но) the child made her nervous. (adversative c.) (Murdoch) 9. She ran through another set of rooms, breathless, her feet scarcely touching the surface of the soft carpets; then a final doorway suddenly and unexpectedly let her out into the street. (asydentically) (Murdoch) 10. It was early afternoon, but very dark outside (adversative c.), and the lamps had already been turned on. (causative c., elliptical) (Murdoch) 11. A large number of expensive Christmas cards were arrayed on the piano; while (=a) upon the walls dark evergreens, tied into various clever swags of red and silver ribbon, further proclaimed the season. (copulative c.) (Murdoch) 12. Brangwen never smoked cigarettes, yet he took the one offered, fumbling painfully with thick fingers, blushing to the roots of his hair. (adversative) (Lawrence) Exercise 2. Define the kinds of subordinate clauses (subject, object and predicative clauses). Translate into Russian.*масса запутанности* 1. Miss Casement stopped what she was doing and stared at Rainsborough. (Murdoch) obj clause connected with the principle clause by means of the connective “what” 2. What you saw tonight was an ending. Subj clause is connected by means of connective “what” (Murdoch) 3. About what was to come she reflected not at all. Obj clause is connected with the principal clause by means of connective by prep “about” (Murdoch) 4. It's odd how it hurts at these times not to be part of your proper family. Subj clause Is connected with the principle clause by means of a conjunctive pronoun “how” (Murdoch) 5. The trouble with you, Martin, is that you are always looking for a master. Predicative clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “that” (Murdoch) 6. Suddenly realizing what had happened, she sprang бростаться, прыгнуть to her feet. Predicative, Но если еще в нем смотреть, то там есть obj clause is connected with the principal clause asyndetically (Caldwell) 7. "It looks as though spring will never come," she remarked. Predicative clause is connected asyndetically 2 independent clauses(a sentence containing direct speech) (Caldwell) 8. I want you to sit here beside me and listen to what I have to say. Obj clause introduced by a preposition “ to” (Caldwell) 9. Who and what he was, Martin never learned. Obj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the connectives “what” and “who” (London) 10. That I am hungry and you are aware of it are only ordinary phenomena, and there's no disgrace. бесчестье; унижение subj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “that” (London) 11. What he would do next he did not know. Obj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the connective “what” (London) 12. It was only then that I realized that she was travelling too. Subj clause introductory IT is used in the principle clause, is connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “that” (Murdoch) 13. What I want is to be paid for what I do. 1. Subj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the connective “what”, 2. Obj clause is introduced by a preposition “for”, is connected with the principle clause by means of the connective “what” (London) 14. I cannot help thinking there is something wrong about that closet. Obj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the construction “there is” (Dickens) -15. And what is puzzling m e is why they want me now. Subj clause is connected with the principle clause synthetically by means of the connective “what” (London) 16. That was what I came to find out. Predicative clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the connective “what” (London) 17. What I want to know is when you're going to get married. Subj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the connective “what” (London) 18. Her fear was lest чтобы не, как бы не they should stay for tea.. Predicative clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the negative conj “lest” (Ch. Bronte) 19. That they were justified in this she could not but admit. Obj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “that” (London) 20. What was certain was that I could not now sleep again. Subj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “that” (Murdoch) 21. What vast огромный, обширный wound that catastrophe had perhaps made in Georgie's proud and upright spirit I did not know. Obj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the connective “what” (Murdoch) 22. After several weeks what he had been waiting for happened. (London) 23. And let me say to you in the profoundest глубокий; серьёзный and most faithful seriousness that what you saw tonight willhave no sequel. продолжение (Murdoch) 24. I understand all that, but what I want to know is whether or not you have lost faith in me(потерял ли ты веру в меня)? Predicative clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “whether” (London) 25. He could recall with вспоминать startling clarity what previously had been dim and evasive (object) [ɪ'veɪsɪv]/ 1) уклончивый recollections of childhood incidents, early schooling and young manhood. (Caldwell) 26. It's been my experience that as a rule the personality of a human being presents as much of a complexity as the medical history of a chronic invalid. Subj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “that” (Caldwell) 27. He [Cowperwood] had taken no part in the war, and he felt sure that he could only rejoice in обладать its conclusion — not as a patriot, but as a financier. Obj clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “that” (Dreiser) 28. He felt as if the ocean separated him from his past care, and welcomed the new era of life which was dawning for him.(predicative) Predicative clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “as if” (Thackeray) 29. It was noticeable to all that even his usual sullen smile had disappeared. Subj clauseis connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “that” (Caldwell) 30. That I had no business with two women on my hands already, to go falling in love with a third troubled me comparatively сравнительно little. (Murdoch) 31. I only write down what seems to me to be the truth. Obj clauseis introduced by the preposition “down”, is connected with the principle clause by means of the connective “what” (Murdoch) 32. Believe me, believe us, it is what is best for you. predicative clause is connected with the principle clause by means of the connective “what” (Murdoch) 33. Pleasantly excited by what she was doing, she momentarily моментально; мгновенно expected somebody to stop her and remind her that she had forgotten to buy the evening paper and had failed to take the bus home at the usual time. Obj clauseis connected with the principle clause by means of the conjunction “that” (Caldwell) 34. I dislike what you call his trade. Obj clauseis connected with the principle clause by means of the connective “what” (Murdoch)
Exercise 3. Define the kinds of attributive clauses. Translate into Russian. 1. "Everybody who (restrictive) makes the kind of blunder (промах) I did should apologize," he remarked (высказаться) with a pronounced nodding of his head. (Caldwell) 2. Rachel had become aware of the fact that (appositive) she was talking loudly. (Swinnerton) 3. He took after his blond father, who (non-restrictive) had been a painter. Rosa took after her dark-haired mother, who had been a Fabian. (Murdoch) 4. What we are interested in, as author and reader, is the fact that (appositive) publishing in England is now an integral (цельный) part of big business. (Fox) 5. The first thing (restrictive) Martin did next morning was to go counter both to Brissenden's advice and command. (London) 6. The invalid, whose (restrictive) strength was now sufficiently restored, threw off his coat, and rushed towards the sea, with the intention of plunging in, and dragging the drowning man ashore.(на берег) (Dickens) 7. He was suddenly reminded of the crumpled (мятый) money (restrictive) he had snatched (урвать) from the table and burned in the sink. (Caldwell) 8. Georgie, who (non-restrictive) is now twenty-six, had been an undergraduate at Cambridge, where (non-restrictive) she had taken a degree in economics. (Murdoch) 9. He would speak for hours about them to Harry Esmond; and, indeed, he could have chosen few subjects more likely to interest the unhappy young man, whose (non-restrictive) heart was now as always devoted to these ladies; and who (non-restrictive) was thankful to all who (restrictive) loved them, or praised them, or wished them well. (Thackeray) 10. I hardly know why I came to the conclusion that (appositive) you don't consider it an altogether fortunate attachment. (Pinero) 11. He walked to the window and stood there looking at the winter night that (restrictive) had finally come upon them. (Caldwell) 12. What terrified her most was that she found deep in her heart a strong wish that (appositive) Mischa might indeed want to reopen negotiations. (Murdoch) 13. Directly in front of her window was a wide terrace with a stone parapet which swept round to what she took to be the front of the house, which (restrictive) faced the sea more squarely. (Murdoch) 14. He spent half the week in Cambridge, where (restrictive) he lodged with his sister and lent his ear to neurotic undergraduates, and the other half in London, where (restrictive) he seemed to have a formidable number of well-known patients. (Murdoch) 15. I went upstairs to lie down and fell into the most profound and peaceful sleep that (appositive) I had experienced for a long time. (Murdoch) 16. "Palmer Anderson," said Georgie, naming Antonia's psychoanalyst, who (restrictive) was also a close friend of Antonia and myself. (Murdoch) 17. She looked to him much the same child as (restrictive) he had met six years ago... (Murdoch) 18. Rosa had the feeling that (restrictive) she was both recognized and expected. (Murdoch) 19. Maybe the reason you don't want to go to a specialist is because you don't want to change—you want to stay as you are. (restrictive) (Caldwell) 20. Gretta regarded him with a look on her face that (appositive) was unrevealing of her thoughts. (Caldwell) 21. Such light as there was from the little lamp fell now on his face, which looked horrible — for it was all covered with blood. (restrictive) (Priestley) 22. Three days after Gretta and Glenn Kenworthy's Saturday night party, which (non-restrictive) was still being talked about among those who (restrictive) had been present, Royd Fillmore presented a formal resignation to the governing board of Medical Square Clinic. (Caldwell)
Exercise 4. Define the kinds of attributive clauses and punctuate accordingly. 1. That is all I can tell you (attributive relative restrictive). (London) 2. He was under the impression that an attempt was going to be made to convict him (attributive appositive). (Dreiser) 3. Whenever she came, which was often, she came quite noisily. (attributive relative non-restrictive continuative). (Dreiser) 4. The things her father said seemed meaningless and neutral. (attributive relative restrictive)5. Then she came to New York where she remained two years. ( attributive relative non-restrictive)6. I opened Palmer's close-fitting hall door, which is always unlocked, and ushered Dr. Klein inside. (attributive relative non-restrictive). 7. What happened was the last thing that any of them expected to happen. (attributive relative restrictive).8. I shook out my scarf which was damp and soggy мокрый. (attributive relative non-restrictive)9. She had no idea where she was going. (att appositive)10. There were times when I wanted to stop the car and tell him to get out. (attributive relative restrictive).11. His hair, which was short sleek and black, was just visible beneath the capacious brim of a low-crowned brown hat. (attributive relative non-restrictive). 12. But he could see now no reason why he should not smoke. (att appositive).13. The bar was crowded with men, which she had expected it to be, and at first she was not able to find a place to sit down. ( attributive relative non-restrictive continuative ) Exercise 5. Insert who, whom, that, which, as. 1. One oil lamp was lit in the bow, and the girl whom (who/ that) Mr. Tench had spotted from the bank began to sing gently a melancholy, sentimental and contended song about a rose that(which) had been stained with true love's blood. (Greene) 2. None of us who/that were there will ever forget that day. (Greene) 3. I don't believe all that they write in these books. (Greene) 4. The great protective cover under which the Germans had operated was torn from them. (Heym) 5. I call her probably the very worst woman that ever lived in the world... (Dickens) 6. I saved such of the equipment as could not be replaced, and I saved the personnel... (Heym) 7. Pettinger was pleased that Prince Yasha, who was a cool observer and a military man... estimated the situation exactly as he, himself, did. (Heym) 8. There was a feeling in the air and a look on faces which/that he did not like. (Galsworthy) 9. All that I can remember is that you gave a beautiful performance. (Thornton) ![]() ![]() ЧТО ТАКОЕ УВЕРЕННОЕ ПОВЕДЕНИЕ В МЕЖЛИЧНОСТНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЯХ? Исторически существует три основных модели различий, существующих между... ![]() Система охраняемых территорий в США Изучение особо охраняемых природных территорий(ООПТ) США представляет особый интерес по многим причинам... ![]() Что делать, если нет взаимности? А теперь спустимся с небес на землю. Приземлились? Продолжаем разговор... ![]() ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ ВО ВЗРОСЛОЙ ЖИЗНИ? Если вы все еще «неправильно» связаны с матерью, вы избегаете отделения и независимого взрослого существования... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: