XII. What types of a litter (сміття) do you see most often in your town and where?Стр 1 из 11Следующая ⇒ 21/74-2012-02
«ЗАТВЕРДЖУЮ» Директор АДІ ДВНЗ «ДонНТУ» М. М. Чальцев 19.04.2012 р.
Кафедра «Іноземні мови»
Горлівка – 2012 УДК 811.111(07) Методичні вказівки до виконання практичних робіт з дисципліни «Англійська мова» (для студентів 2-го курсу напряму підготовки 6.040106 «Екологія, охорона навколишнього середовища та збалансоване природокористування») [Електронний ресурс] / укладач: М. В. Борисова. – Електрон. дані. – Горлівка: ДВНЗ «ДонНТУ» АДІ, 2012. – 1 електрон. опт. диск (CD-R); 12 см. – Систем. вимоги: Pentium; 32 МВ RAM; WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP; MS Word 2000. – Назва з титул. екрану.
Методичні вказівки призначені для розвитку комунікативних вмінь та навичок різних видів мовленнєвої діяльності, а також навичок анотування та реферування літератури за спеціальністю.
Укладач: Борисова М. В. Відповідальний за випуск: Мараховська Т. А., к.філол.н., доц.
Рецензент: Бельмаз Я. М., д.пед.н., проф.,
© Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Донецький національний технічний університет» Автомобільно-дорожній інститут, 2017
ВСТУП Методичні вказівки призначено для студентів 2 курсу напряму підготовки «Екологія, охорона навколишнього середовища та збалансоване природокористування» денної форми навчання. Усім текстам, що розміщені в методичних вказівках, передують передтекстові вправи, спрямовані на запам’ятовування складних для вимови слів, розрізнення значень інтернаціональних та багатозначних слів і термінів; після кожного тексту подається велика кількість вправ на вдосконалення володіння термінологічною лексикою студентами: розрізнення синонімів, антонімів, переклад слів, словосполучень та речень іноземною та українською мовами тощо. Тематика текстів, комунікативна спрямованість вправ сприяють активізації навчальної діяльності студентів та досягненню цілей навчання іноземної мови в технічному вузі. Мета вказівок – розвиток комунікативних вмінь та навичок різних видів мовленнєвої діяльності, а також навичок анотування та реферування літератури за спеціальністю. При відборі текстів автори прагнули того, щоб кожний текст мав загальнонауковий характер (був зрозумілий і корисний студентам напряму підготовки «Екологія, охорона навколишнього середовища та збалансоване природокористування») та був насичений лексикою, яка пов’язана з науковою роботою. Активний лексичний і граматичний мінімум визначається темами вказівок. Для коректного відображення транскрипційних знаків на комп’ютері необхідно встановити шрифт PhoneticTM.
PRE-TEXT EXERCISES I. Memorize the pronunciation of the following words: 1. To occur [q’kW] – виникати. 2. To cause [kLz] – викликати. 3. A particulate [pqtIkju’lIt] – частка. 4. A substance [‘sAbst(q)ns] – речовина. 5. Fuel [‘fjuql] – паливо. 6. Vehicle [‘vJikl] – транспортний засіб. 7. Garbage [‘gRbIG] – сміття. 8. To reverse [rI’vE:s] – відвернути. 9. Refinery [rI’faInqrI] – очисний завод. 10. To discharge [dIs’CQ:G] – вивільняти. 11. Ammonia [q’mqVnjq] – аміак, нашатирний спирт. 12. Hydrocarbon [‘haIdrqV’kQ:bqn] – вуглеводень. 13. Acid [‘xsId] – кислота. 14. Sulphur oxide [‘sAlfq ‘oksaId] – окис сірки. 15. Lead [led] – свинець. 16. A refuse [‘refju:s] – тверді відходи. 17. Impurities [im’pjuqrItIz] – домішки. 18. To irritate [IrI’teIt] – подразнювати. 19. Pneumonia [nju(:)’mqVnjq] – запалення легенів. 20. Poisonous [‘pOIznqs] – отруйний. 21. To alter [‘Lltq] – змінювати. 22. Fertility [fE:’tIlItI] – родючість. II. Read international words and give their Ukrainian equivalents: form, gas, motor, process, automobile, problem, material, respiratory, standard, limit, atmosphere, concentration.
III. While translating the text keep in mind the different meanings of the words: Contribute – 1) робити пожертви; 2) робити внесок, співпрацювати; 3) сприяти. Plant – 1) рослина; 2) завод, фабрика. Number – 1) число, сума, цифра; 2) кількість; 3) номер, екземпляр. Stream – 1) потік, джерело; 2) напрямок, течія; 3) клас, сформований з урахуванням можливостей учнів.
IV. Word-combinations to remember: 1. To dirty the air – забруднювати повітря. 2. To result chiefly from smth – виникати головним чином через щось. 3. To contribute to pollution – сприяти забрудненню. 4. Dust and pollen – пил та пилок. 5. Natural pollutants – природні забруднювачі. 6. To harm fabrics – шкодити тканині 7. Oil refinery – нафтоочисний завод. 8. Metal smelting plant – металоплавкий завод. 9. Solid wastes – тверді відходи. 10. To be banned – бути забороненим. 11. Air passages and lungs – повітряні шляхи та легені. 12. To reduce resistance – зменшувати опір. 13. Government emission standards – норми викиду шкідливих речовин, що затверджені урядом. 14. To stunt the growth – затримувати рост. 15. To be closely related to smth – бути тісно пов’язаним з чимось. 16. Forest and grasslands – ліси та пасовиська. 17. To harm livestock – шкодити крупній рогатій худобі. AIR POLLUTION Air pollution occurs when wastes dirty the air. People produce most of the wastes that cause air pollution. Such wastes can be in the form of gases or particulates. These substances result chiefly from burning fuel to power motor vehicles and to heat buildings. Industrial processes and the burning of garbage also contribute to air pollution. Natural pollutants include dust, pollen, soil particles, and naturally occurring gases. The rapid growth of population and industry and the increased use of automobiles and airplanes have made air pollution a serious problem. The air we breathe has become so filled with pollutants that it can cause health problems. Polluted air also harms plants, animals, building materials, and fabrics. Air pollution also causes damage to the environment that cannot be reversed. Industrial processes produce a wide range of pollutants. Oil refineries discharge ammonia, hydrocarbons, organic acids and sulphur oxides. Metal smelting plants give off large amounts of sulfur oxides and particulates containing lead and other metals. Burning of solid wastes often creates a visible form of air pollution – thick, black smoke. The burning of garbage, leaves, and other refuse is banned in most countries. Forest fires also contribute to air pollution. In rural areas and in developing countries, the burning of forests and grasslands to clear areas for farming is a major source of air pollution. When people breathe polluted air, the impurities can irritate their air passages and their lungs. Ozone reduces resistance to colds and pneumonia. In London in 1952 about 4000 people died of respiratory diseases during a «killer smog». Today such extreme events are rare because of government emission standards, which limit pollutants released by factories and other sources. However, air pollution still contributes to a large number of deaths each year. Air pollutants can stunt the growth of crops, harm livestock and destroy crops as well. Forests also have been damaged by air pollution. Some pollutants are not poisonous but can cause damage by altering the earth’s atmosphere. Air pollution is closely related to other forms of pollution. Acid rain pollutes lakes and streams and, in high concentrations, can harm soil fertility.
I. Try to identify the part of speech of the following words according to the word-building elements: pollution, chiefly, naturally, growth, pollutant, environment, visible, developing, impurities, resistance, government, death, poisonous, concentration, fertility.
II. Translate the following words: dirty – to dirty; a cause – to cause; a result – to result; a heat – to heat; use – to use; breath – to breathе; harm – to harm; a discharge – to discharge; damage – to damage; a form – to form; a smoke – to smoke a refuse – to refuse; a limit – to limit; a release – to release; clear – to clear.
III. Find the synonyms to the following words: 1. Livestock a) contamination 2. Soil b) to manufacture 3. To destroy c) mainly 4. To give off d) waste, refuse 5. Garbage e) to discharge, to release 6. Chiefly f) to damage 7. To produce g) ground 8. Pollution h) cattle
IV. Find out antonyms: 1. Rapid a) urban 2. To develop b) to clear 3. To increase c) to reduce 4. To dirty d) to stunt 5. Rural e) slow
V. Translate into Ukrainian: to dirty the air, to cause air pollution, burning fuel, to be filled with pollutants, to cause damage to the environment, oil refineries, to discharge ammonia, metal smelting plants, to create a visible form of pollution, to clear areas for farming, to reduce resistance to colds, government emission standards, to harm livestock, to alter the earth’s atmosphere, to harm soil fertility. VI. Translate into English: забруднювати повітря, опалення приміщень, промисловий процес, викликати проблеми зі здоров’ям, широкий спектр забруднювачів, вивільняти велику кількість оксиду сірки, спалення твердих відходів, зменшувати опір, вмирати від респіраторних хвороб, знищувати посіви, кислотний дощ, шкодити родючості землі.
VII. The following words all have similar meanings: spoil, ruin, harm, damage, destroy, mar. Which would you be most likely to use to talk about the following? 1. A car after a slight accident. 2. A day of your holiday when things went badly. 3. A building after a bad storm. 4. A building after heavy bombing. 5. People’s lungs in a polluted city. 6. A meal after too much cooking. 7. A view from the top of a hill after the building of a road. 8. A businessman or woman who is bankrupt. VIII. Complete the following sentences: 1. Air pollution occurs.... 2. Industrial processes and the burning of garbage also.... 3. The rapid growth of population and industry and the increased use of automobiles and airplanes.... 4. Oil refineries discharge... 5. Burning of solid wastes often creates a visible form of air pollution.... 6. When people breathe polluted air.... 7. Today such extreme events are rare because of.... 8. Air pollutants can stunt the growth..., harm..., and destroy.... 9. Some pollutants are not poisonous but.... IX. Correct the statements if necessary using the phrases of agreement or disagreement: 1. People produce most of the wastes that cause air pollution. 2. Wastes that pollute the air can be in the form of liquids, gases and particles. 3. Polluted air harms mainly people. 4. Burning of solid wastes creates thick, black smoke. 5. The burning of garbage and other refuse is legal in most countries. 6. The burning of forests and grasslands in rural areas is a minor source of air pollution. 7. Polluted air can aggravate asthma and bronchitis. 8. Dying of a «killer smog» has become frequent today. 9. Pollutants that aren’t poisonous, don't damage the environment. 10. Air pollution is closely related to water and soil pollution. X. Answer the following questions: 1. When does air pollution occur? 2. What contributes to air pollution? 3. What do oil refineries discharge? 4. What does burning of solid wastes often create? 5. What is a major source of air pollution in rural areas and in developing countries? 6. What happened in London in 1952? 7. Why such extreme events are so rare today?
XI. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Гази, які утворюються внаслідок використання пального в автомобілях, шкодять повітрю. 2. Швидке зростання населення, підвищене використання автомобілів та літаків, розвиток промисловості – усе це перетворило забруднення повітря в значну проблему. 3. Забруднене повітря шкодить рослинам, тваринам, будівельним матеріалам, тканині, а головне – викликає значні порушення здоров’я в людей. 4. Спалення твердих відходів часто створює видиму форму забруднення повітря – щільний чорний дим, тому спалення сміття та листя заборонено в багатьох країнах. 5. У сільських місцевостях та у країнах, що розвиваються, спалення лісів із метою звільнення площі для фермерства – це найбільше джерело забруднення повітря. 6. Коли люди вдихають забруднене повітря, домішки можуть подразнювати їх повітряні шляхи та легені. 7. Забруднювачі повітря можуть затримувати ріст зернових рослин, шкодити крупній рогатій худобі. 8. Деякі забруднювачі не отруйні, але вони шкодять, змінюючи атмосферу Землі.
Trees in Danger Millions of years before animals lived on land, there were trees on the Earth. But today trees are in a serious danger. In the 1970s many of the elm trees in Europe were killed by Dutch elm disease. Now an even great danger is threatening the forests and woods of Europe from northern Sweden to southern Italy. This danger attacks all trees – deciduous trees like oak, beech and birch as well as coniferous trees like fir and pine. First the branches turn yellow and brown. Then the trees’ needles or leaves fall. The roots and the trunk shrink. Finally the trees die. In the Black Forest in southern Germany 75 % of the trees have been damaged or killed. But what is killing the trees? Nobody knows exactly. But it is probably air pollution or acid rain. Factories, power stations and cars emit tons of smoke into the air. This smoke contains sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These substances mix with water vapour in the atmosphere and form sulphuric acid and nitric acid. Sunlight turns these acids into poisonous oxidants which fall in rain or snow onto the trees. What can be done about acid rain? Why don’t governments do something to save the trees? Unfortunately, acid rain doesn't always fail on the countries which produce the pollution. The winds carry the poisonous substances from one country to another. Why should the people of one country pay to save another country’s trees? In other parts of the world trees are threatened by people, not by pollution. The great rain forests of Asia and South America are being destroyed for firewood and building material. Something must be done. Trees are important because they provide a home for many other plants and animals too. They protect the flowers which grow on the forest floor. They provide food for insects, reptiles, birds and mammals. They protect the soil from the wind and the rain. Most important of all, the forests are the lungs of the planet. Trees produce the oxygen which we breathe. If the trees die, we will, too. Words and word-combinations to the text: elm trees – в’яз; deciduous trees like oak, beech and birch – листяні дерева, а саме: дуб, бук та береза; coniferous trees like fir and pine – хвойні дерева, а саме: ялина та сосна; needles –голки; roots – коріння; trunk – стовбур; to shrink – засихати; insects, reptiles, birds and mammals – комахи, рептилії, птахи та ссавці.
Answer these questions: 1. What disease killed many of the elm trees in Europe in the 1970s? 2. What danger threatens all kinds of trees in Europe now? 3. What are the stages of this disease? 4. Why doesn’t acid rain always fall on the countries which produce the pollution? 5. What else threatens the trees in other parts of the world? 6. Why is it important to save trees?
Put the statements into their logical order: How the acid rain is formed; a) sunlight turns these acids into poisonous substances; b) smoke contains sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxid;. c) poisonous substances fall in rain or snow onto the trees; d) plants emit tons of smoke into the air; e) these substances mix with water vapour in the atmosphere and form toxic acids.
XIV. Do you know that: 1. During the Princely and Hetman periods in Ukraine, efforts to conserve forests and wildlife were, at best, sporadic. In 1883 the first natural reserve Askania-Nova was established in the Kherson steppes. The first environmental protection society in Ukraine (and the Russian Empire) was organized in 1910 at the initiative of P.Buzuk. More nature reserves (заповідник) were established in the 1920s than in any other decade. The largest nature reserves are the Black Sea, Polissia, Yalta, the Carpathian Mountains and Askania-Nova. They maintain the biological community in a more or less unmodified form. Ukraine has 123 national parks, among them botanical gardens, dendrological parks such as Sofiivka, memorial parks and wooden parks. 2. June 5th is World Environment Day according to a decision of the
XV. Discuss: 1. The problem of air pollution, its causes and effects. 2. Cars emit carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, etc., that pollute the air and cause noise and jams (пробки на дорогах). Discuss: a) How can we plan and integrate cars into our towns? b) How can we get motorists to drive less in the centre of the towns? c) What would happen to the centre of our towns if they were completly closed to private cars? You might use the suggested expressions in your discussion: we need / want...; be reasonable about it, please; I see what you mean, but...; there is smth in your point, but...; I think I have a good chance of doing smth...; I XVI. Speak on the following problems: 1. Environmentally friendly tourism, its advantages and disadvantages. 2. Keeping endangered species of animals in the zoos is said to help preserve them. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? 3. Modern industry and agriculture, eco-friends or eco-foes? UNIT 2 WATER POLLUTION PRE-TEXT EXERCISES I. Memorize the pronunciation of the following words: 1. Contamination [kqntxmI’neIS(q)n] – забруднення. 2. Sewage [‘sju(:)IG] – стічні води, нечистоти. 3. To affect [q’fekt] – впливати, шкодити. 4. Ocean [‘qVS(q)n] – світовий океан. 5. Beneath [bI’nJD] – під, внизу. 6. Cycle [‘saIkl] – цикл, період. 7. Acid [‘xsId] – кислота. 8. To poison [‘pOIzn] – отруювати, псувати. 9. Aquatic [q’kwxtIk] – водний. 10. Appalling [q’pO:lIN] – жахливий, страшний. 11. To threaten [‘Tretn] – загрожувати. 12. Recreation [rekrI’eIS(q)n] – відпочинок, поновлення здоров’я, одужання. 13. Oxygen [‘OksIGqn] – кисень. 14. Compound [‘kOmpaVnd] – сполука. 15. Dioxide [daI’OksaId] – двоокис. 16. Nitrogen [‘naItrOGqn] – азот. 17. Scarce [skFqs] – недостатній, рідкісний, дефіцитний. 18. Precious [‘preSqs] – дорогоцінний
II. Translate the following international words: toxic, chemical, metal, ocean, organization, system, cycle, farm, business, form, thermal, automobile, energy.
III. While translating the text keep in mind different meanings of the words: Oil – 1) олія; 2) нафта; 3) мастило. To occur – 1) відбуватися; 2) зустрічатися, траплятися; 3) збагнути. To spread – 1) розгортатися поверхнею; 2) поширюватися (про чутки, хвороби); 3) випрoмінювати. Ground – 1) земля, ґрунт; 2) ділянка землі; 3) причина, мотив; 4) фон. Free – 1) вільний, незалежний; 2) безкоштовний; 3) відкритий, доступний.
IV. Words to remember: 1. Toxic chemicals – токсичні хімікати. 2. To affect surface waters – впливати на поверхневі води. 3. Natural cleansing process – природній очисний процес. 4. To poison aquatic plants – отруювати водні рослини. 5. To spread diseases – розповсюджувати хвороби. 6. To enjoy bodies of water – насолоджуватися водними просторами. 7. To take something for granted – вважати доведеним, сприймати як належне. 8. To respect the precious resource – поважати цінне джерело. 9. Water supply – водопостачання. 10. To prevent smb from doing smth – заважати комусь щось робити. 11. To spill oil – розливати нафту (на поверхні води). 12. Offshore wells – морська скважина. 13. To float to shore – припливти до берега. 14. Thermal pollution – теплове забруднення. 15. Ground water – ґрунтові води. 16. To function properly – функціонувати, діяти необхідним чином. 17. To be left – залишитися. WATER POLLUTION Water pollution is the contamination of water by sewage, toxic chemicals, metals, oils or other substances. It can affect such surface waters as rivers, lakes, and oceans, as well as the water beneath the earth’s surface, called ground water. Water pollution can harm many species of plants and animals. According to the World Health Organization about 5 million people die every year from drinking polluted water. In a healthy water system a cycle of natural processes turns wastes into useful or harmless substances. Water pollution occurs when people put so much waste into a water system that its natural cleansing processes cannot function properly. Some waste such as oil, industrial acids, or farm pesticides poisons aquatic plants and animals. Water pollution comes from businesses, farms, homes, industries and other sources. It includes sewage, industrial chemicals, agricultural chemicals and livestock wastes. The effects of water pollution are appalling. Water polluted with human and animal wastes can spread many diseases. The careless release of toxic wastes, primarily into waste dumps, threatens ground water supplies. Pollution prevents people from enjoying some bodies of water for recreation. Oil spilled from ships or offshore wells may float to shore. It can kill water wildlife. Another form of water pollution is the clean but heated water discharged by power plants into waterways. This heated water, called thermal pollution, harms fish and aquatic plants by reducing the amount of oxygen in the water. Acid rain forms when water vapour in the air reacts with certain chemical compounds. These compounds, including sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, come largely from the burning of coal, gasoline and oil. Most automobiles, factories and power plants burn such fuels for energy. High concentrations of acid rain can harm forests and soil. The best things in life are free. But because water is free we often take it for granted. A few years ago people thought that the supply of clean water in the world was limitless. Today, many water supplies have been ruined by pollution and sewage. Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last beginning to respect this precious resource and to fight to protect what is left of the water supply. TEXT-BASED ASSIGNMENTS
I. Find out synonyms: 1) to protect a) to influence 2) pollution b) horrible, terrible 3) to occur c) rest, relaxation 4) ground d) gasoline 5) disease e) sickness 6) fuel f) soil 7) recreation g) to happen 8) appalling h) contamination 9) to affect i) to defend
II. Find out antonyms: 1) to protect a) to gather 2) limited b) above 3) to reduce c) sufficient 4) heated d) to do good 5) to prevent e) to allow 6) healthy f) cold 7) to do harm g) ill, sick 8) beneath h) to increase 9) to spread i) to attack 10) scarce j) limitless
III. Translate the words; state their part of speech according to the word-building elements: organization, polluted, healthy, useful, harmless, cleansing, industrial, agricultural, careless, limitless.
VI. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian: water pollution, earth’s surface, many species of plants, to die from drinking polluted water, harmless substances, to function properly, industrial acids, farm pesticides, livestock waste, to be discharged by plants, acid rain, to be ruined by pollution and sewage, precious resource.
V. Translate the following word-combinations into English: водне забруднення, стічні води, впливати на поверхневі води, ґрунтові води, перетворювати відходи на безпечні речовини, природний очисний процес, отруювати, водні рослини, сільськогосподарські хімікати та добрива, розповсюджувати хвороби, насолоджуватися водним простором, підігріта вода, бути безкоштовним, окис азоту.
VI. These nouns all refer to different kinds of waste. Match them with their definitions: garbage, refuse, scrap, litter, trash, junk, debris, sewage. 1. Something worthless or of low quality. 2. Waste material to be thrown away. 3. The remains of smth broken into pieces or destroyed. 4. Old useless things. 5. Small things, usually paper, that have been thrown away. 6. Waste material of any kind. 7. Liquid waste from people's houses and buildings. 8. Rubbish collected or thrown away from people’s houses. 9. Waste metal.
VII. Correct the statements if necessary using the phrases of agreement or disagreement:
1. Water pollution is the contamination of water by sewage, toxic chemicals and other substances. 2. Water pollution doesn’t harm any species of plants and animals. 3. In polluted water a cycle of natural processes turns wastes into useful substances. 4. Pollution allows people to enjoy some bodies of water for recreation. 5. Heated water harms fish and aquatic plants by increasing the amount of oxygen in the water. 6. Acid rains form when water vapour in the air reacts with certain chemical compounds. 7. The best things in life are very expensive, that is why we always try to save them. VIII. Answer the following questions using the phrases given below: As far as I know, as far as I can judge, in my opinion, to my mind, for all I know, it is evident that… 1. What is water pollution? 2. Where does water pollution come from? 3. What are the effects of water pollution? 4. What can polluted water spread? 5. What can kill water wildlife? 6. How does acid rain form? 7. What did people think about water a few years ago? 8. What can we see today?
IX. Translate the given sentences: 1. Забруднення води – це засмічення води різними відходами, токсичними хімікатами, металами та іншими речовинами. 2. Відповідно до даних Світової Організації Охорони Здоров’я, близько 5 млн людей вмирають кожного року від випивання забрудненої води. 3. Наслідки забруднення води – жахливі, оскільки вода, забруднена людськими та тваринними відходами, може розповсюджувати багато хвороб. 4. Інша форма забруднення води – це чиста, але підігріта вода, яку електростанції скидають у систему водопостачання. 5. Кислотні дощі утворюються тоді, коли вода, яка випаровується в повітря, вступає в реакцію із певними хімічними домішками (двоокисом сірки та оксидом азоту). 6. Значні концентрації кислотних дощів можуть шкодити лісам та ґрунту. 7. Найкращі речі в житті – безкоштовні, але оскільки вода безкоштовна, то ми часто сприймаємо її як належне. 8. Кілька років тому люди думали, що постачання чистої води не обмежене, але зараз, коли об’єми питної води обмежені, ми, нарешті, починаємо шанувати цей коштовний ресурс і захищати те, що лишилося. UNIT 3 SOIL POLLUTION PRE-TEXT EXERCISES I. Memorize the pronunciation of the following words: 1. Layer [‘leIq] – шар. 2. Fungus (fungi – множина) [‘fANgqs] – гриб, грибок. 3. Nutrient [‘njHtrIqnt] – поживна речовина. 4. Fertilizer [‘fE:tIlaIzq] – добриво. 5. Irrigation [IrI’geIS(q)n] – полив, ірригація, зрошення. 6. Drainage [‘dreInIG] – дренаж, сток, каналізація. 7. To evaporate [I’vepqreIt] – випаровуватися, розчинятися в повітрі. 8. To dispose [dIs’pqVz] – розміщати, розташовувати. 9. Discarded [‘dIska:dId] – відкинутий. 10. Hazardous [‘hxzqdqs] – небезпечний, ризикований. 11. Disaster [dI’za:stq] – біда, нещастя. 12. Bacterium (bacteria – множина) [bxk’tIqrIqm] – бактерія, мікроб, мікроорганізм. 13. Pesticide [‘pestIsaId] – пестицид, засіб боротьби зі шкідниками. 14. Spoil [‘spO:Il] – відкинутий ґрунт, відвал.
II. Translate the following international words: farmer, bacteria, pesticides, organism, form, office, plastic, automobile, material, problem, method, toxin, radiation, metal, compost.
III. While translating the text keep in mind different meanings of the words: Healthy – 1) здоровий (незабруднений); 2) корисний; 3) безпечний. A layer – 1) шар, прошарок; 2) рівень. Poor – 1) бідний, малозабезпечений; 2) поганий; 3) неродючий (про землю); 4) недостатній. To pass – 1) іти, проходити; 2) перетинати, переїжджати; 3) циркулювати, розповсюджуватися; 4) переходити в інші руки (у спадок).
IV. Word-combinations to remember: 1. To break down wastes – перероблювати відходи. 2. To overuse fertilizers – зловживати добривами. 3. To dispose of solid garbage – розташовувати тверді відходи. 4. To account for smth – складати, становити. 5. Municipal solid waste – міські тверді відходи. 6. Junked automobile – непридатний, непотрібний автомобіль. 7. Scrap metal – залишки, шматки металу, металобрухт. 8. Leftover materials – залишки (їжі). 9. Disease-carrying animals – тварини, що переносять хвороби. 10. To seep into ground water – проникати, потрапляти у ґрунтові води. 11. To rotate crops – чергувати сільскогосподарські культури. 12. Genetically engineered plants – генетично модифіковані рослини. 13. To be resistant to pest – бути стійкими до шкідників. 14. Open dump – відкрите звалище відходів. 15. A landfill – сміттєзвалище. 16. The mishandling or accidental release – нераціональне, неправильне користування або випадковий викид. SOIL POLLUTION Soil pollution is the destruction of the earth’s thin layer of healthy, productive soil, where much of our food is grown. Without fertile soil, farmers could not grow enough food to support people. Healthy soil depends on bacteria, fungi, and small animals; they break down wastes in the soil and release nutrients. These nutrients help plants grow. Fertilizes and pesticides can limit the ability of soil organisms to process wastes. As a result, farmers who overuse fertilizers and pesticides can destroy their soil’s productivity. A number of other human activities can also damage soil. The irrigation of soil in the areas with poor drainage can leave water standing in fields. When this standing water evaporates, the soil is made too salty for growing crops. Many scientists believe that acid rain can also reduce soil fertility. Solid waste is probably the most visible form of pollution. Every year people dispose of tons of solid garbage. Industrial wastes account for the majority of the discarded material. Solid waste from homes, offices and stores is called municipal solid waste. It includes paper, plastic, bottles and cans. Other waste consists of junked automobiles, scrap metal, leftover materials from agricultural processes, and mining wastes know as spoil. The handling of spoil waste is a problem because most disposal methods damage the environment. Open dumps ruin the natural beauty of the land and provide a home for rats and other disease-carrying animals. Both open dumps and landfills may contain toxins that seep into ground water or flow into streams and lakes. The mishandling or accidental release of hazardous waste has caused a number of disasters around the world. Some hazardous waste can seriously harm the health of people, wildlife and plants. These pollutants include radiation, pesticides and heavy metals. Pesticides can travel great distances and can be blown by the wind to other areas. They can also flow with rainwater into nearby streams or can seep through the soil into ground water. Some pesticides can remain in the environment for many years and pass from one organism to another. Scientists and farmers are developing ways to grow food that require less fertilizers and pesticides. Many farmers rotate their crops from year to year reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. Some farmers use compost and other fertilizers that are less harmful to the soil. Scientists are also developing genetically engineered plants that are resistant to certain pests. TEXT-BASED ASSIGNMENTS
I. Find out synonyms: 1. Disaster a) strong 2. Hazardous b) to eliminate, to erase 3. Dump c) to arrange 4. Scrap d) leftover 5. To dispose e) landfill 6. Garbage f) dangerous 7. Healthy g) catastrophe
II. Translate the words; state their part of speech according to the word-building elements: destruction, productive, healthy, productivity, activity, salty, industrial, fertility, agricultural, mishandling, hazardous, chemical, harmful, resistant, genetically, to overuse.
III. Match the words with their definitions: 1. Spoil a) an apparatus for obtaining metal from ore 2. To seep b) to fight or struggle against smb / smth 3. Smelter c) waste 4. To combat d) to flow slowly and in small quantities through smth 5. Hazardous e) thrown out oraway 6. Discarded f) dangerous I. IV. Give Ukrainian equivalents: soil pollution, thin layer of productive soil, fertile soil, to break down wastes, to process wastes, to overuse fertilizers, the irrigation of soil, standing water, to dispose of solid garbage, leftover materials, the mishandling of hazardous waste, to harm the health of people, to spray on crops, genetically engineered plants.
V. Give English equivalents: знищення тонкого шару родючої землі, виробляти поживні речовини, обробляти відходи, автомобілі на металобрухт, тверді відходи, випадкове вивільнення шкідливих відходів, розпилювати на посіви, дощова вода, потребувати добрив, бути стійким до певних шкідників.
VI. Correct the statements if necessary using the phrases of agreement or disagreement: 1. Soil pollution is the destruction of the earth’s thin layer of healthy productive soil. 2. Farmer can always grow enough food without fertile soil. 3. Fertilizers and pesticides cannot limit the ability of soil organisms to process wastes. 4. Farmers who underuse fertilizers can destroy soil’s productivity. 5. Solid waste is the most visible form of pollution. 6. Every year people dispose of kilograms of solid garbage. 7. Paper, plastic, bottles and cans – all this discarded material can be called rural solid waste. 8. Open dumps and landfills may contain toxins that seep into ground water.
UNIT 4 GREENHOUSE EFFECT PRE-TEXT EXERCISES I. Memorize the pronunciation of the following words: 1. Exist [Ig’zIst] – існувати. 2. Fossil [‘fOsl] – викопний. 3. Methane [‘mi:TeIn] – метан, болотний газ. 4. Photosynthesis [fqVtqV’sInTIsIs] – фотосинтез. 5. Chiefly [‘CJflI] – головним чином. 6. Severity [sI’verItI] – суворість (клімату). 7. Beneficial [benI’fIS(q)l] – сприятливий. 8. Impact [‘Impxkt] – вплив. 9. Coastal [‘kqVst(q)l] – береговий, прибережний. 10. Extinct [Iks’tINkt] – вимираючий. 11. Efficient [I’fIS(q)nt] – дієвий, ефективний. 12. Particular [pq’tIkjulq] – особливий, окремий. 13. Device [dI’vaIs] – пристрій, механізм.
II. Translate the following international words: system, norm, information, organization, creditor, to analyze, group.
III. While translating the text keep in mind the different meanings of the words: To remove – 1) переміщуватися на інше місце; 2) знімати (одяг); 3) видаляти; 4) вбивати. Space – 1) простір, територія; 2) відстань; 3) проміжок часу, строк; 4) космос. Sheet – 1) простирадло; 2) аркуш; 3) газета; 4) шар, пласт. Pattern – 1) модель, зразок; 2) система, структура, принцип; 3) стиль, характер. Part – 1) частка; 2) участь у роботі, роль; 3) частина тіла; 4) том, серія; 5) сторона (у спорі).
IV. Word-combinations to remember: 1. Greenhouse effect – парниковий ефект. 2. Glass roof – скляний дах. 3. To trap heat – поглинати тепло. 4. Fossil fuels – викопні види палива. 5. Cloud droplets and soot – краплі з хмар та сажа, кіптява. 6. Industrial facilities – обладнання заводів. 7. Solar energy – сонячна енергія. 8. Evaporated water – випарована вода. 9. To alter the ecology – змінити екологію. 10. Rainfall patterns – характер розподілу кількості опадів. 11. To melt polar ice – розтоплювати полярний льод. 12. Ocean currents – океанічні течії. 13. Ice sheets – зсуви льоду. 14. The threat of flooding – загроза повені. 15. To inhabit areas – населяти території. 16. To adopt efficient process – запровадити ефективні процеси. 17. А light bulb – електрична лампочка. 18. To be densely populated – бути щільно населеним. 19. To force to migrate – бути змушеним мігрувати. 20. To become extinct – ставати вимираючим видом. 21. The emissions of greenhouse gases – викиди парникових газів GREENHOUSE EFFECT Greenhouse effect is a warming of the lower atmosphere and surface of a planet by a complex process involving sunlight, gases and particles in the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is so named because the atmosphere acts much like the glass roof and walls of a greenhouse, trapping heat from the sun. On the earth the greenhouse effect began long before human beings existed. However, recent human activity may have added to the effect. Since the mid-1800’s, human activities – chiefly the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and the clearing of land – have increased the amounts of heat-trapping atmospheric gases, called greenhouse gases. The chief greenhouse gases are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone. The greenhouse particles include cloud droplets, soot, and dust. The burning of fossil fuels produces the greenhouse gas – carbon dioxide. Most of this burning takes place in automobiles, electric power plants, and industrial facilities. The clearing of land increases the amount of carbon dioxide that trees and other plants remove from the atmosphere in a process called photosynthesis. The earth’s surface reflects about 15 percent of the solar energy that reaches it back toward space. The remaining energy heats the lands and seas. The warmed lands and seas then send most of the heat back into the atmosphere, chiefly as infrared rays and in evaporated water. The increase in surface temperature, which is called global warming, could alter the ecology of many parts of the earth. For example, global warming could change rainfall patterns, melt enough polar ice to raise the sea level, increase the severity of tropical storms, and lead to shifts in plant and animal populations. Ocean currents and wind patterns could change, making some areas cooler than they are now. One remote possibility is that a warming of northern regions will result in more winter snowfall, casing some ice sheets. Continued global warming could have a beneficial impact in some areas and a harmful impact in others. For example, people could begin to farm in regions where it is currently too cold. At the same time, global warming could cause sea levels to rise and increase the threat of flooding in low-lying coastal areas, many of which are densely populated. A rapid and large-scale climate change could severely harm the earth's ecosystems (the living organisms and physical environment in particular areas). For example, such a change could make it difficult for many species to survive in the regions they now inhabit. Some could be forced to migrate, while others could become extinct. Because global warming might do much harm, many scientists recommend a reduction in the emissions of greenhouse gases. For example, manufacturers would adopt more efficient processes to produce goods. Makers of electrical equipment would introduce more efficient motors, light bulbs and other devices. TEXT-BASED ASSIGNMENTS I. Try to identify the part of speech of the following words according to the word-building elements: accounting, industrialized, creditor, rapidly, economically, reliably, organizational, to revolutionize, available, digestible, effective.
II. Find out synonyms: 1. Impact a) to change 2. Chiefly b) to live 3. Beneficial c) mainly 4. To exist d) favourable 5. To alter e) influence 6. Device f) machine
III. Find out antonyms: 1. Beneficial a) to do good 2. Increase b) easy 3. Warming c) slow 4. Lower d) meltdown 5. Northern e) harmful 6. Snowfall f) reduction 7. Rapid g) cooling 8. Difficult h) higher 9. To harm i) southern
IV. Match the words with their definitions: 1. Population a). formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and a source of hydrogen (as water) 2. Solar b). the rays situated outside the visible spectrum at its red end 3. Dense c). the exterior or upper boundary of an object or body 4. Soot d). to make different without changing into something else 5. Photosynthesis e). the organisms inhabiting a particular locality 6. Surface f). having a high mass per unit volume 7. Infrared rays g). the fine powder consisting chiefly of carbon that colors smoke 8. Alter h). produced or operated by the action of the sun's light or heat
V. Give Ukrainian equivalents: a warming of the atmosphere, to involve sunlight, a glass roof of the greenhouse, heat-trapping atmospheric gases, to reflect solar energy, infrared rays, evaporated water, to change rainfall patterns, ocean currents, to cause ice sheets, the threat of flooding, to become extinct, the emission of gases. VI. Translate the following word combinations into English: cкладні процеси, скляний дах, очищення землі, залишок енергії, інфрачервоні промені й випарoвана вода, танення полярного льоду, негативний вплив, низинні прибережні території, бути щільно населеним, сильно шкодити екосистемі землі, змусити мігрувати, бути під загрозою зникнення. VII. Correct the statements if necessary using the phrases of agreement or disagreement:
1. Greenhouse effect is a cooling of the lower atmosphere and surface of a planet. 2. The greenhouse effect is so named because the atmosphere acts much like the glass roof and walls of a greenhouse. 3. The increases in animal species have enlarged the amounts of heat trapping atmospheric gases. 4. The burning of fossil fuels produces the greenhouse gas – nitrogen oxide. 5. The earth’s surface reflects about 50 percent of the solar energy. 6. The increase in surface temperature could alter the ecology of many parts of the earth. 7. Because global warning might do much harm, many scientists recommend an increase in the emissions of greenhouse gases. VIII. Answer the following questions: 1. What is greenhouse effect? 2. Why is the greenhouse effect so named? 3. What are the greenhouse gases? 4. What do the greenhouse particles include? 5. What human activities have increased the amounts of heat-trapping atmospheric gases? 6. How many percents of the solar energy does the earth’s surface reflect? 7. How can global warming influence the ecology of many parts of the earth? 8. In what way do scientists recommend people to behave in order to reduce the speed of global warming? 9. What is photosynthesis?
IX. Translate into English: 1. Парниковий ефект – це нагрівання нижчих шарів атмосфери та поверхні Землі. 2. На Землі парниковий ефект розпочався задовго до появи людей. 3. Починаючи із середини 1800-х років, діяльність людини і очищення землі збільшили кількість атмосферних газів, що поглинають тепло. 4. Очищення землі зменшує кількість двоокису вуглецю, який дерева та інші рослини видаляють з атмосфери в процесі, що називається фотосинтез. 5. Поверхня Землі відбиває біля 15 відсотків сонячної енергії, а залишок енергії нагріває землю й моря. 6. Глобальне потепління може змінити кількість опадів, викликати танення полярного льоду й підвищити рівень моря, зробити більш суворими тропічні шторми. 7. Такі зміни можуть ускладнити виживання багатьох видів тварин і рослин у тих регіонах, де вони зараз мешкають. 8. Оскільки глобальне потепління може сильно зашкодити людству, вчені рекомендують зменшити кількість вихлопних газів. X. Read the following text, try to catch the plot of it: Ozone hole Since the late 1970’s, scientists have observed a seasonal depletion (thinning) of ozone over Antarctica. The amount of zone decreases by up to 50 percent for about two months, creating an ozone hole. Scientists believe the winter weather in Antarctica promotes the production of chemicals that can destroy ozone. In the winter – from June to September – Antarctica is extremely cold, and it is dark for long periods. Swirling winds above Antarctica stop normal patterns of air circulation. In spring an increase in sunlight triggers (давати початок, викликати) chemical reactions that destroy ozone. As a result, the ozone hole forms. By the end of November the reactions that deplete ozone stop. Air from non-polar regions flows into the polar area raising the amount of ozone to normal levels. Scientists have also discovered that a much less severe ozone hole occurs over the Arctic in late winter. Scientists measure ozone in the upper atmosphere with instruments on aircraft, balloons, and satellites.
XI. Read the following dialogue, try to act it out: Mayor of Pickering (маленьке містечко) (M.), Mrs. Wilkins (W.), the second speaker (Sp. 2), Mr. Turner (T.), Mrs. Armstrong (A.). M.: Now colleagues, meeting to order! I remind all of you that the purpose of this meeting is to hear the concerns and suggestions of the citizens of our city so that Pickering will become an even better place to live in. The subject of tonight’s meeting is keeping Pickering clean. Anyone who wishes to speak may step toward the microphones. Yes, go ahead, Ma’am. W.: Good evening, Mr. Mayor. My name is Agnes Wilkins and I’ve lived in Pickering all my life I think the city is not doing enough to keep the rubbish off the streets, in my neighbourhood the dustman only comes around 3 times a week. I suggest that more dustmen be employed so that they could collect rubbish daily. Then we wouldn’t have piles of rubbish on our streets that can easily cause the spread of disease. M.: Thank you, Mrs. Wilkins. Actually, our study is already under way to find out how much a daily collection would cost. The report is to be out in February. Next speaker, please. Sp. 2: I agree with Mrs. Wilkins’s suggestions, but in my opinion, it doesn’t go far enough. In addition to collecting rubbish daily, we need a better recycling system: paper, glass and plastic can all be recycled. Why don’t we have recycling bins in every neighbourhood. Then we could dramatically reduce the amount of rubbish that needs collecting in the first place and save natural resources at the same time. M.: I’m pleased to say that the government has just announced that it will make money available to cities that wish to start recycling programs. By this time next year the program should be working in Pickering. Next speaker, please. T.: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I get extremely upset when I see all the litter on our streets. There is fast food packaging everywhere and people drop chocolate bar wrappers without a second thought. Why are the laws controlling litter in the city not properly enforced? If people knew that they would be fined they would think twice before dropping litter on the pavements. M.: Ah, there is a real need for such an improvement. In fa ЧТО ТАКОЕ УВЕРЕННОЕ ПОВЕДЕНИЕ В МЕЖЛИЧНОСТНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЯХ? Исторически существует три основных модели различий, существующих между... ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ ВО ВЗРОСЛОЙ ЖИЗНИ? Если вы все еще «неправильно» связаны с матерью, вы избегаете отделения и независимого взрослого существования... Что вызывает тренды на фондовых и товарных рынках Объяснение теории грузового поезда Первые 17 лет моих рыночных исследований сводились к попыткам вычислить, когда этот... Живите по правилу: МАЛО ЛИ ЧТО НА СВЕТЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ? Я неслучайно подчеркиваю, что место в голове ограничено, а информации вокруг много, и что ваше право... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: