Защита диссертации, защищать диссертациюAs one can see from unit 375, there is nothing of this kind in England, although the oral (examination) or viva fulfills basically the same function. Defend and defence can be used as translations, so long as one bears in mind that they are not real equivalents. In some cases one can avoid the difficulty by re-phrasing the sentence. e.g. В 1965 году он защитил кандидатскую/докторскую диссертацию. In 1965 he was awarded his candidate's/doctor's degree. XVII. RESEARCH Research The most detailed definition of this word is given by Webster: "studious inquiry or examination, esp. investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws." In higher educational establishments research is often contrasted with teaching. e.g. a. The job combines teaching and research. b. He spent so much time on teaching that there was not much left for research. Another example can be found under research fellow in the next unit. Research can be translated as исследование, (научно-) исследовательская работа, научная работа or наука, depending on the context. The word research is usually uncountable, as in the examples given above. A particular investigation is not called a research but a piece of research (or an investigation/study). Sometimes, however, research is used countably in the plural.
e.g. a. His researches produced some interesting results. Research may also be used as a verb, often into. e.g. b. He is researching into the More often, however, the expressions to do research or to be engaged in research are used in this sense (see below). The prepositions on-, in and into are used with the noun research, as follows. On is used with a more or less specific subject. e.g. е. I'm doing research on place names/Shelley/the history of the trade union movement. In is used with the field of investigation. e.g. d. He is famous for his research in linguistics/history /microbiology. Into occurs less often, mainly with words such as problem, cause, relation, origin. e.g. е. Recent research into the causes of heart disease has led to some important discoveries. 384. Research is used in the following expressions: to do research (on/in/into smth.) e.g. a. He's doing research on programmed learning. b. Very little research has been done in this field. To do research with no adverbial modifier specifying the subject or field often means to be a postgraduate student, or, as this is also called, a research student. e.g. е. Students who get first-class degrees are usually given the opportunity to (stay on and/to) do research. d. — What are you going to do next year"? — I've applied to do research but I shan't know whether I've been accepted or not until the end of the month. To be engaged in research (on/in/into smth.) This has the same meaning as to do research but is confined to formal style and is not used in the sense of to be a research student. e.g. е. At the moment Professor Harris is engaged on (important) research on juvenile delinquency. To carry out research (on/in/into smth.) This is sometimes used as an alternative to to be engaged in research. It is also formal style. Research work This is sometimes used in such sentences as: f. He wants to devote more time to his research work. However, research alone is quite enough in such cases. Research worker This means someone doing research, usually full-time, not in combination with teaching (see below). Researcher is used in the sense of anyone doing research, whether a full-time research worker or, for example, a university teacher who also does research. research student —a postgraduate, that is, someone doing research under the direction of a supervisor (AmE advisor) — "(научный) руководитель". Research fellow/fellowship A research fellow is a postgraduate who has been awarded a research fellowship, meaning a special scholarship to do research for a certain period. Research fellows often do some teaching as well. research subject/topic —a subject on which one is doing research, often one for a thesis research establishment/organisation/institute, etc. (see unit 386 below) 385. The field of research can be specified in one of the foJ scientific research —in the natural sciences (see unit 415) medical/linguistic/historical/educational research, etc. industrial research —research directly for industry, in contrast to academic research in a university or similar in- stitution (see unit 391). Research Establishments Research establishment and research organisation are general terms. Particular establishments or organisations are called by one of the following names: research institute —the most common e.g. The Grasslands Research Institute
The Institute Research centre e.g. The Clinical Research Centre Research station e.g. The Forest Research Station (research) unit e.g. The Unit of Plant Physiology Unit tends to imply a smaller section within some larger establishment. (research) laboratory e.g. The Road Research Laboratory Government research establishments are generally grouped together in research associations, each governed by a research council. e.g. The Agricultural/Medical Research Council 387. Research workers Research worker, as mentioned above, is a general term. Research workers at British universities are divided into two grades, usually called research associates and senior research associates. Some institutions use assistant instead of associate: research assistant and senior research assistant. In institutions which have both research associates and research assistants, research associates are more senior. Another variation, used mainly in government research establishments for science and technology, is experimental officer and senior experimental officer. When stating the profession of someone doing full-time research in the natural sciences, one can use the expressions research scientist, or the more specific research biologist/chemist/physicist.
e.g. He's a research scientist. biologist I chemist I physicist. There are no generally-used equivalents for the humanities. Translating "наука, научный, ученый" 388. наука When наука refers only to the natural sciences, the word science can be used without ambiguity (see unit 415). Science is also used when the particular branch is specified, for example: естественные науки — natural science or the natural sciences точные науки — the exact sciences биологические!физические!химические науки — biological/ physical/chemical science or the biological/physical/chemical sciences математические науки — mathematical science or the mathematical sciences медицинские науки — medical science общественные науки — social science or the social sciences We also speak of linguistic science. Not all науки can be translated in this way. We do not usually speak of economic science, historical science, geographical science, philosophical science, philological science, psychological science, pedagogical science, although we may say, for example: the science of economics/history, etc. in the sense of a systematic study based on facts. The subjects listed above are usually referred to simply as economics, history, geography, philosophy, philology, (but see unit 409) psychology, education (see unit 398). The branch of наука may be specified in other ways, not only by an adjective placed before the word itself, and here also science may be used as a translation. e.g. а. Лингвистика — наука о языке. Linguistics is the science of language. b. Социология — относительно молодая наука. Sociology is a relatively young science. When наука is used in a general sense, as in the expressions: c. заниматься наукой е. наука и жизнь d. посвятить себя науке f. отрасль науки the question of translation is more complex, because there is no corresponding general term in modern English. Science has acquired a narrower application (see unit 415), and no other word has taken its place as a general term. Therefore the translation of наука depends on the aspect expressed in the given situation, the usual possibilities being research, scholarship, learning and knowledge. Research is the most appropriate when we mean the carrying out of systematic investigations in some field (see unit 383). It is the best translation in such cases as (е) and (d) above. e. to do research or to be engaged in research Academic work is sometimes used in such cases, but this is less exact as a translation of наука, because it often includes not only research but teaching in a higher educational establishment (see unit 391). Scholarship can be used to denote research, especially in the arts, or humanities, and could therefore replace research in example (d) if the situation is appropriate. Learning is a possible translation in examples (е) and (f). е. learning and life This is by no means an ideal translation, since learning tends to refer mainly to arts subjects when used in this way. However, it may be taken here in its general, verbal sense, and in any case it is less ambiguous than science. f. branch of learning (see also unit 407) Knowledge could be used instead of learning in (f). It also has the same meaning as наука in the sentence A doctoral thesis must be an original contribution to knowledge. Академия наук can be translated literally as Academy of Sciences, since this is accepted as a loan translation for something which does not exist in Britain. In Britain a similar function is fulfilled by the various learned societies (see unit 407), such as the Royal Society, for natural scientists, and being a member of a learned society is comparable to being a member of the Academy of Sciences. Although the term academy of sciences is an international one, it is doubtful whether it would be correctly understood by the average English person, and an explanation may be necessary in some cases. Кандидат/доктор наук are also translated literally in most cases, as candidate/doctor of sciences (see unit 379). 389. научный Scientific can be used in a general sense only in certain cases such as:
scientific It's unscientific. — Это ненаучно. Even here, however, the word scholarly is preferred by some people, especially with reference to the arts. In other cases scientific usually has a narrower application than научный and such expressions as scientific work/ society/article/conference refer only to the natural sciences. Moreover, scientific in such cases does not necessarily imply research; it may mean simply "relating to the natural sciences", in contrast to the arts (see unit 415, meaning 2). We therefore need a different word for научный in such cases. As with наука, research is sometimes the best translation. e.g. научная работа — research (work) (see units 383, 384) научный работник — research worker or researcher старший/младший научный сотрудник — senior/junior research associate (see unit 387) научно-исследовательский институт — research institute Scholarly work is used by some people in formal style in the sense of research (work) (see unit 413). Learned is a more appropriate translation of научный in the following expressions: научное общество — learned society However, this is not appropriate for a student society. Студенческое научное общество is best translated as students' research society (although there are no such societies in England, student societies being mainly recreational). научный труд — learned work Note that work here is used countably, in contrast to its uncountable use in research/scholarly work. научный журнал — (learned) journal (see below) научная статья — learned article научный язык — learned/academic language научное слово — learned word Except for the first two expressions, learned here tends to refer mainly to arts subjects. Scientific can be used instead with reference to the natural sciences, but, as stated above, the resulting expressions will not necessarily imply investigation. In the following cases the word научный need not be translated separately, because that concept is expressed by English noun. научный доклад — paper (see unit 294) научный журнал — journal A journal is usually, although not always, learned. Less serious publications are generally called magazines. научный руководитель — supervisor However, supervisor is understood in this sense only within the context of higher education and research. 390. ученый Unfortunately, there is no English word which applies equally to all branches of knowledge, and the word ученый must therefore be translated in different ways, depending on the context. Scientist can be used with reference to the natural sci- ences. However, it must be remembered that a scientist is not necessarily engaged in research (see unit 415). Scholar is often the best translation with reference to the arts (see unit 413). Sometimes the combined expression scientists and scholars is used with general reference. This awkward phrase indicates the need for a general term which the language has not yet produced. Researcher is sometimes used to denote anyone who carries out research, in any field (see unit 384). Academic (as a noun) can be used in some cases. Although it is not an exact equivalent (see unit 391), it has the advantage of referring equally to the arts and the sciences. Two examples of its use in the sense of "ученый" can be found in units 75 and 76. ![]() ![]() Живите по правилу: МАЛО ЛИ ЧТО НА СВЕТЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ? Я неслучайно подчеркиваю, что место в голове ограничено, а информации вокруг много, и что ваше право... ![]() Система охраняемых территорий в США Изучение особо охраняемых природных территорий(ООПТ) США представляет особый интерес по многим причинам... ![]() Конфликты в семейной жизни. Как это изменить? Редкий брак и взаимоотношения существуют без конфликтов и напряженности. Через это проходят все... ![]() ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ, КОГДА МЫ ССОРИМСЯ Не понимая различий, существующих между мужчинами и женщинами, очень легко довести дело до ссоры... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: