An English/French/German composition/essayThis is more common than a composition/essay in English/French/German in such sentences as: — We've got to write an English composition for homework. a composition/essay subject/topic
e.g. a. Here is a list of essay subjects/topics for the 3rd year. b. — We've got an essay for homework. Theme is not used in the sense of a (composition/essay) subject or topic. However, a novel, play or other work of art has one or more themes (meaning "general ideas"), so that we can say, for example: — I've got to write an essay on the theme of jealousy in to write a composition/essay on (some subject) or about (smth/smb) e.g. — For homework I want you to write a composition on/about a train journey. On is more specific than about here. Giving a Talk/Paper 293. talk (п & v), speak To give a talk means "to speak informally on some subject in everyday, non-academic language". Students may be asked to give talks in language classes, in order to practise expressing themselves at length in the foreign language and sometimes also to introduce a discussion of the subject by the whole group. For example, a teacher may say to one of his students: — Next week I'd like you to give a (short) talk about/on education in the Soviet Union. * See ENGLISH AT LEISURE by JanePovey, Moscow 1978, unit 52. 138 or — For next week I want you to prepare a (short) talk on... Talk may also be used as a verb. e.g. Next week Га like you to talk (for a few minutes) about/on... However, the verb speak is on the whole more common in this situation, because it expresses more clearly that one person will speak and the others listen. The talk can begin as follows:
— I'd like to say a few words about... tell you (something) about... — The subject of my talk is... — My subject is.,. Paper This is more serious, more academic, than a talk. It is defined in the SOED as: "a written or printed essay, dissertation, or article on some particular topic; now esp. a communication read to a learned society". The distinctive characteristics of a paper are that it is: 1. academic; 2. written out in full, usually for the purpose of being read aloud at a seminar, conference, or meeting of a learned society. It may or may not be published afterwards. Sometimes paper is used of something which is published in a journal without being read first, in the sense of a learned article. Paper as defined above corresponds in most cases to (научный) доклад or, less often, научная статья. The verb read or give is used with paper. e.g. He read/gave a paper at the seminar/conference. Report In traditional British English this word is connected with practical or administrative matters, not academic work. It is defined in the SOED as, among other things: "a formal statement of the results of an investigation, or of any matter on which definite information is required, made by some person instructed or required to do so". For example, the secretary of a society makes an annual report on the activities of the society and the treasurer gives a report on how the society's money has been spent. Committees make, and often publish reports on their findings.* In this sense report corresponds te отчет. Recently the word report has acquired a new use. It now also denotes an account (written or oral) of the results of a study or investigation carried out by one or more pupils/ students as part of their work in some subject (see project, unit 412). This use is mainly American, but is coming into British English, especially in connection with project work. The verb to make is used with report in such situations. e.g. One of the students made a report on education in England. Making Notes 296. One may say to make notes or to take notes, but the two verbs are not interchangeable. When reading a book or article, for example, one makes notes, when listening to someone speak one takes notes. e.g. a. Read the book carefully and make some notes (on b. Did you take notes at the lecture? To make a note of smth. means "to write down some fact or other piece of information", for example, someone's telephone number. e.g. е. — /'// just make a note of your telephone number. If someone has taken notes at a lecture, for example, and wants to rewrite them more clearly and neatly for future reference, the expression to copy up is used, not rewrite. e.g. d. — /'// copy up the notes at home. Copy (up) is also used when someone misses a lecture and wants to tyave some notes. e.g. е. — / missed Professor Brown's lecture but I copied up the notes.
lecture notes?
notes on Professor Brown's lecture? * Official reports are often called by the name of the chairman of the committee, for example, the Robbins Report on higher education, 1963 {chairman Lord Robbins) and the James Report on teacher training, 1972 (chairman Lord James). Simply lecture cannot be used in the sense of lecture net». Notes is followed by the preposition on. e.g. g. Will you lend me your notes on Shakespeare/the use of tensed? The subject can also be specified by such expressions as: grammar/literature/philosophy notes Revision 297. To revise in the context of teaching and learning means to go over material again, in order to consolidate knowledge ("закреплять знания"). For example, teachers often revise what has already been taught before introducing new material. e.g. a. (Teacher to class) — First I want to revise what we did last lesson. b. (Education lecturer to student teachers) — It is important to revise each topic before going on to a new one.... Revision is essential at every stage. Learners also revise. e.g. е. (Teacher to class) — For homework I want you to revise the use of the present perfect. Revision is used as follows:
I want to do some revision, we're going to do... e. — This is a revision exercise. f. — On Monday we shall have a revision lesson. meaning that the lesson will be spent revising previous material Revise and revision in such cases correspond to повторить (материал), повторение. These words are also used in connection with tests and examinations in the sense of "готовиться (к)" (see unit 337). To repeat, repetition are not used in the above sense. To repeat means to say or do something again in exactly the same way. Thus to repeat a lesson means to give the same lesson again, using more or less the same words. It is not possible to say repeat the material. One must say either revise the material or go over the material again. Schoolchildren are sometimes told that they must repeat a piece of work if it is so badly done that the teacher refuses to accept it. This means to do it again properly. To review is sometimes used in the sense of revise. However, it is less specific, and corresponds rather to просматривать (заново) than to повторять, at least in British English. To recapitulate, recapitulation are not used in any of the above senses in education. However, the abbreviated form to recap is sometimes used in conversation. For example, having come to the end of a rather long and complicated explanation, a teacher may say: — And now Г11 recap. He then summarises what he has previously said. However, recap should not be overused, and should on no account be used as a synonym of revise. Translations of Some Soviet Terms Here are suggested translations for those Soviet terms connected with language work which have no exact English equivalent. 298. аспект Aspect is not used in the specific sense which аспект has in Soviet institutions, where the teaching of, for example, a language, is divided into a certain number of аспекты such as домашнее чтение, письменная практика and so on. However, as there is no corresponding division in England, aspect can be used as a translation, bearing in mind that it is not a native use of the word. In some cases the word subject can be used instead of aspect. Strictly speaking, this is a wider term, corresponding to предмет, but it is sometimes used of a subdivision within a subject. e.g. a. (One teacher to another) — What subject do you take the first year for? — Translation. However, in this type of example it is very common to avoid a noun altogether and say: b.— What do you take the first year for? 299. Some, but by no means all, of the names of the various aspects have English equivalents, and in certain cases loan translations are the only solution. Устная практика Oral work seems to be the best translation. Oral practice is not usual in England, although it is clear enough. Разговор Conversation is an acceptable translation if the lessons are devoted to a more or less natural exchange of ideas on some subject (see unit 272). In cases where разговор includes prepared talks and other more organised activities, oral work/lesson is more appropriate. письменная практика — written composition (see unit 290) or written work or written English/French, etc. depending on the situation. Written practice is not usual in England. Перевод — translation Художественный перевод and газетный перевод can be translated as translation of passages from literature and translation of newspaper articles respectively, although in England there are not usually separate classes for these types. Домашнее чтение There is no class of this type in England. Senior pupils in schools and students have set books (see unit 219) and this expression can sometimes be used to denote the books read for домашнее чтение. e.g. a.— Here is a list of set books for the 3rd year. b.— "Oliver Twist" is our set book for this term. However, set books are generally read from the literary, not the linguistic point of view. The class is called a literature class, or something more specific, for example, a medieval/ Renaissance/modern literature class. There seems to be no alternative to the loan translation home reading as the name of the Soviet class, although this is not clear to English people unfamiliar with the Soviet system. Аналитическое чтение There is no class of this type in most English institutions and the loan translation analytical reading appears to be the only possibility. Фонетика — phonetics Theoretical phonetics is not usual; simply phonetics is enough. However, if the lesson involves simply pronunciation practice, with no theory, it would be better to call it pronunciation practice. Грамматика — grammar Теоретическая грамматика can be translated as grammatical theory. Theoretical grammar is not usual in England, because grammar is by definition theoretical, although it has a practical application. Практическая грамматика can be translated simply as grammar. история языка — history of the language or philology (see unit 409) As regards various types of language work, many of the words and phrases given in units 282-293 can be used with reference to both the English and the Soviet system. However, the types of work called in Russian пересказ and изложение are not widely practised in England and these words therefore need special treatment here. Пересказ, пересказать If the passage is an English one, (oral) reproduction can be used. In the case of narrative passages, the verbs reproduce and (re)tell are possible. e.g. a. Reproduce/(re)tell the story (in your own words). If the passage is not a story, reproduce or give can be used with the main points, for example: b. Reproduce/Give the main points of the passage (in English). (Re)tell is not possible here, and such sentences as Retell the passage/text/article are incorrect. If the passage is a Russian one, and the main points are to be given in English, this is a free translation, and one can say, for example: е. — Give a free translation of the passage. lish. Те render should not be used to translate пересказать (устно или письменно). As explained in unit 287, render is a little-used synonym of translate. It is therefore meaningless to say: d.*— You are not to translate the passage/text, but to render it. Instead one should say, for example: е. — You are not to translate everything, lust (give) the main points. In England teachers who want to find out whether their pupils/students have read and understood a story, or other passage and can use its vocabulary generally prefer to ask a series of questions, which are answered by different people. Изложение In the case of an English passage to be reproduced in English, (written) reproduction can be used (see unit 288). If it is a story, one may say, for example: — Write the story in your own words. Rewrite should not be used in this sense, since it tends to imply deliberate modification of the original. In the case of a Russian passage, free translation is to be recommended, as for пересказ (see unit 300). 302. курсовая работа There is nothing equivalent to this in most English universities and colleges. Arts students (i.e. students of the humanities) write essays regularly throughout each year, and in some newer institutions they also do projects (see unit 412), but none of these seem to occupy the specific place of курсовая работа in their course of studies. Essay or project can be used to translate работа. An essay may range in length from 3-4 pages to about 20, and may involve a lot of reading and/or collecting of material (see also unit 290). Курсовая is difficult to translate in such a way as to make a good combination with essay and project. The only possibilities seem to be yearly or firstlsecondlthirdlfourth-year. This gives the following possible translations: yearly essay/project or first/second/third/fourth-year essay/project e.g. a. First-year essays must be given in by April 30th. b. (Teacher to students) — You should be starting c. (One student to another) — Have you finished your As these word combinations do not sound very natural, it is better to omit the modifier yearly or first/second-year, etc. whenever the context makes this possible. ![]() ![]() Конфликты в семейной жизни. Как это изменить? Редкий брак и взаимоотношения существуют без конфликтов и напряженности. Через это проходят все... ![]() Что будет с Землей, если ось ее сместится на 6666 км? Что будет с Землей? - задался я вопросом... ![]() Живите по правилу: МАЛО ЛИ ЧТО НА СВЕТЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ? Я неслучайно подчеркиваю, что место в голове ограничено, а информации вокруг много, и что ваше право... ![]() Что делать, если нет взаимности? А теперь спустимся с небес на землю. Приземлились? Продолжаем разговор... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: