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Four yugas, Manvantaras, the day of Brahma and the description of Varsa

Janamejaya said: — О most intelligent Brahmana, you please speak out the number of yugas in the Manvantaras and also enlighten me on the length of the day of Brahma.

Vaishampayana said: О subjugator of the enemies, it is the sun which divides the days and nights of the human beings. Now starting from the worldly calculations you listen to the calculations known as Dvipardha- Brahm calculation.

By these standards, two fortnights make a month. The people who are well versed in calculations of time, consider as one day and night of the Pitra(manes). The dark fortnight is treated as the day for the manes while the bright fortnight is treated as the night for them. The people of wisdom, well versed in the tattuas, have treated uttarayana as the day for the gods and Daksinayana as their night.

О king fifteen nimesas make a kastha, while three kasthas make a kala. Thirty kalas make a muhmata and the wise people treat thirty muhUrtas comprising of a day and night, which are formed with the movement of the sun and the moon. Particularly with the rise and setting of the sun and moon over the land surrounding the Meru mountains, the days and nights are reckoned.

A fortnight is comprised of fifteen days and nights. Two fortnights make a month and two months make a rtu(season).

Three rtus (seasons) make an ayana(equinoxial point). Two ayanas make a year. The people who are well-versed in calculation, have given the names of Daksinayana and Uttarayama to both the ayanas.

Ten years of the gods make a day and night of Manu.

Ten fortnights of Manu make one month and artu comprises of twelve months of Manu. The wise people well versed in the tattvas, have admitted the ayana comprising of three rtus and two ayanas form a year.

(This means that seventy two thousand years of gods, make one year of Manu.) О king, four thousand years of gods make a Satyayuga. Its calculation is for four hundred years and its sandhyansa is of the same duration.

(The initial period of the yuga is called sandhya and the end of the yuga is known as Sandhyamsa.) The Tretayuga comprises of three thousand years and its sandhyamsa is of the same duration.

Similarly Dvapara yuga is said to be of two thousand years and its Sandhya is of equal duration while same is the case with its Sandhyamsa.

According to this calculation, the people with wisdom, the duration of Kaliyuga has been stated to be of a thousand years. Its Sandhya also is of a hundred years and similar is the length of its Sandhyamsa.

It is said that the Caturyuga compraises of twelve thousand years. By this divine standard you can calculate the years of the yugas.

(This means' that Satyayuga, Tretayuga, Dvapara and Kaliyuga form one Caturyugi, which has the duration of twelve thousand years.) Satyayuga, Tretayuga, Dvapara and Kaliyuga all the four are known as Caturyuga. О best of kings, the people with wisdom have conceived a Manvantara having the duration of seventy one caturyugas and a little more. (Because the one fourth part of a thousand comes to the same.) It is also divided into ayanas viz: uttarayana, and Daksinayana.

After the lapse of Uttarayana, Manu is absorbed in Brahman. Then another Manu takes his place for the same period.

О Rdjendra, the sages well-versed in the tattvas have described a year of Brahma, equivalent to the period of ten thousand Manus.

О best of the race of Bharata, the day of Brahma has been treated to be a kalpa and the intelligent people have said that the night of Brahma comprises of a thousand yugas. During this period the forest and the earth is submerged in the water. After the completion of a thousand Caturyugas, the day of Brahma starts and the period when it comes to an end, is called the Kalpa. О king, Caturyugi comprises of four Yugas like Satyayuga and others and a period little more than seventy one caturyugi is called a Manvatara. Thus I have narrated the description of fourteen Manus, which increases one’s glory. These influential Prajapati Manus have been described in the Vedas as well as the Paranas. with the reciting of their names, one is bestowed with enormous riches.

There are several destructions in a Manvantara and after the distruction, many more creations come up. These can not be describe in hundred of years.

О Bharata, best of the Bharatas, almost in all the Manvataras, it is heard that many times the destructions and creations continue.

The destruction which is caused at the end of a Manvatara, only the Tapas, Brahmacarya, the gods possessing the knowledge of sastras besides the saptarsis survive.

After the completion of a thousand Caturyugas, the Kalpa comes to an end. At that point of time all the Bhiitas with the falling of the rays of the twelve Aditya are reduced to ashes.

The twelve Adityas also, (having lost their lustre) getting extinguished like the fire, under the leadership of Brahma, all the yogis and gods are absorbed in the body of lord Narayana-Hari, who is a great Yoglsvara, form of yoga, great god, Ksetrajna, infallible, best of the gods and omnipresent.

Lord Narayana at the end of a Kalpa and at the begining of the new Kalpa, again created all the creatures and living beings. He is invisible eternal god. The universe as a whole belongs to him.

(The dissolution is caused at the time of susupti, therefore) when the entire universe is submerged in the oceanic waters, then it is night time and Narayana enjoys sleep for a thousand years of Brahma.

The period for which Brahma (or Visnu) enjoys yoganidra it constitutes the sight for him.

When the night ends at the lapse of a thousand caturyugas, then Pitamaha lord Brahma, wakes up. Then the desire of creation develops in him. At that point of time his actions and memory represent the one of the earlier kalpa.

О adorable one, at that point of time, the places for gods also exist. But there is the change for the living beings. О best of Sharata’s race, having been reduced to ashes with the rays of the sun, all the bhutas, the gods, the Rishis, Gandharavas, yaksas, pisacas, serpents, Raksasas and others also are reborn in the same yuga.

As the symptoms of the seasons appear on the aarrival of the seasons, similarly with the lapse of the night of Aralma, the living beings in various forms, like earlier ones, reappear.

О adorable one, the creator of the people or living beings, emerging from Narayana, again engage themselves in the creation of the Bhutas. Such of the bhutas, humans, gods and the flsis, shedding away the sinful ways (which are common in a person and get purified merging Brahman, they are never reborn again).

Lord Parmatma, who is competent, in the day of the country thousand yugas, creating a Sahasra-caturyugi night, create and destroy the living beings regularly.

Mahadeva lord Harinarayana, is omnipresent in gross and subtle form. О immensely wise king, the present vaivasta Manu also is the aniza of the same. In the context of the vrsni dynasty, I shall highlight, the ancient creation of the same. О best of the Bharatas, Lord Shri Hari — the supreme soul was born in the Vrsni vansa for the welfare of the people.

Here ends Chapter 8, of the Harivansa - Parva of the Harivansa Purana of khilabhaga of the Mahabharata relating to the four yugas, Manvantaras, the day of Brahma and the description of varsa.(Vrs.l-45, P.T. = 531).

Chapter 9

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