Семинар, семинарское занятие — seminarКонсультация This word is difficult to translate into English in an educational context. If it denotes a regular meeting between a teacher and 1-5 students to discuss some topic they are studying, then the word tutorial can be used as an approximate translation. (See unit 276 above.) e.g. а. давать консультацию — to give a tutorial e.g. b. У меня консультация. — I've got a tutorial. In cases where tutorial is not appropriate, a paraphrase generally has to be used. e.g. с. У меня консультация. — I've got someone/a student coming to see me (about...) d. давать консультацию — to help smb. with....; e. попросить консультацию — to ask someone's help Although consultation is rarely used with reference to academic matters, the verb to consult sometimes occurs in this context. e.g. f. You'd better consult Professor Brown about the historical aspect. (Note that in English consult means "to ask for advice", not "to give advice",) More often, however, consult, like consultation, tends to imply asking advice on practical rather than academic matters. e-g- g- (Young graduate to head of department) — Professor Brown, I'd like to consult you about my application to do research. h. (One teacher to another)— Why wasn't I consulted about the examination arrangements? It is also used with reference to doctors and other professional people (to consult a doctor/lawyer). There is nothing in English institutions corresponding to the type of консультация held before examinations. This type can only be approximately translated as, for example, pre-examination question session. If it is necessary to express the concept fully, one can describe it as a class/meeting to answer questions arising from revision (see unit 297). XII. TYPES OF LESSON ACTIVITY AND LANGUAGE WORK 278. The usual types of lesson activity are listed below, to The following words are used in connection with various types of work and will therefore be dealt with first. Oral, written These two contrasting adjectives are used in the expressions oral/written work, work here being uncountable. e.g. a. In the junior forms they do a lot of oral work but later more attention is paid to written work. When speaking of, for example, a written exercise or translation, or a composition, we call it a piece of (written) work. e.g. b. This is a good piece of work. Orally/in writing are the corresponding adverbials. e.g. е. to do an exercise orally/in writing In written form is possible but unusual, at least in conversation. Text This has the same meaning as текст but in language work it tends to be confined to formal style, especially lectures and articles on methods of teaching. In conversation and in language textbooks passage is more usual (see below). Passage This is a piece of prose, verse, or even music, of indefinite length. It is usually not complete in itself, although it may be. For example, a teacher may write a passage to illustrate the use of a particular construction, tense, etc. Passage is often used in such expressions as: a reading passage—a passage for reading, either complete in itself, or taken from a story or novel a translation passage—a passage for translation a comprehension passage—a passage followed by questions, to test pupils'/students' understanding If the passage is taken from a novel or story, it may be followed by from.
e.g. This is a passage from "The Power and the Glory". Graham Greene. With the name of the author, of may be used, e.g. a passage of Shakespeare However, this is more common with the great writers of the past than with modern, lesser-known writers. If a passage is taken from a novel or story, the word отрывок may be used as a translation. However, текст is often more appropriate, since the concept of passage is not related to completeness or incompleteness.The latter idea is expressed in English by extract. In many cases where a Soviet teacher uses текст, his English counterpart tends to use not text but passage. e.g. а. Переведите текст. — Translate the (following) passage, b. хороший текст для перевода — a good passage for translation or a good translation passage с. У вас есть текст? — Have you got a copy (of the passage)? Passage should not be confused with paragraph ("абзац"). Here is an illustration of the usage of passage, extract and paragraph. At the end of the lesson the teacher gives out some typed sheets and says: — For homework I want you to translate this passage by Muriel Spark. It's an extract from "The Bachelors". But you can leave out the third paragraph, because it's too complicated. At the next lesson he says: — Have you all got a copy (of the passage)? Right, Jean, will you translate the first paragraph, please. Reading ![]() ![]() Что способствует осуществлению желаний? Стопроцентная, непоколебимая уверенность в своем... ![]() ЧТО И КАК ПИСАЛИ О МОДЕ В ЖУРНАЛАХ НАЧАЛА XX ВЕКА Первый номер журнала «Аполлон» за 1909 г. начинался, по сути, с программного заявления редакции журнала... ![]() Что будет с Землей, если ось ее сместится на 6666 км? Что будет с Землей? - задался я вопросом... ![]() Что вызывает тренды на фондовых и товарных рынках Объяснение теории грузового поезда Первые 17 лет моих рыночных исследований сводились к попыткам вычислить, когда этот... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: