Head teacher, headmaster/mistressThese words denote the head of a school. Head teacher is a general term. e.g. There will be a meeting of head teachers on May 12th. In a particular school headmaster (if it is a man) or headmistress (if it is a woman) is used. Simply head is often used in non-formal situations. e.g. (One teacher to another) — I've got to go and see the head at break. Deputy head teacher Besides deputising for the head teacher, the deputy head is often responsible for the timetable and various other practical matters, and fur discipline in all but serious cases, which are dealt with by the head teacher himself. Deputy headmaster/mistress and deputy head are used in the same way as headmaster / mistress and head (see unit 67). In some schools the deputy head teacher is called the second master/mistress or the senior master/mistress. In mixed schools there may be both a senior/second master and a senior/ second mistress, the latter having special responsibility for the girls. Head of department This is the teacher in charge of the teaching of a particular subject or group of subjects throughout the school. For example, there are usually several English teachers in a school, and together they form the English department. The most senior is the head of (the) department and is responsible for directing and coordinating the work of the group, choosing textbooks, etc. The head of department may also be called senior... master/mistress, for example senior English mistress. Parent-teacher association (РТА) Most schools have such an association, which is like a committee on which parents and teachers are represented. It acts as a permanent link between parents and staff, and gives parents an opportunity to help the school in various ways. Meetings between staff and parents are usually called parents meetings/evenings. e.g. There will be a first-form parents meeting/evening on Friday at 7 o'clock. IN THE SOVIET UNION 71. Директор школы can be translated as head teacher or Заведующий учебной частью can be translated in one of the following ways, depending on the function performed: (1) deputy head teacher/master/mistress or senior master/ (2) head of the primary/secondary school/department (see (3) head of the English/history/physics department, or Родительский комитет can be translated as parents' committee. HIGHER AND FURTHER EDUCATION IN ENGLAND 72. As already mentioned, the universities are independent, Universities 73. There is considerable variation in structure and terminol tween Оxbridge and the rest (see units 29-36). The terms which follow arе used in most, but not all universities, that is, the civic universities, London and at least some of the new universities. Oxbridge terminology is too varied and complicated for inclusion. 74. court, council, senate These are the three governing bodies; their functions may be briefly summarised as follows: The court is the supreme governing body, but in practice its powers are limited. The council is responsible for finance. The senate ['senit] is the chief academic authority; it coord nates and approves the work of the various faculties. 75. chancellor The official head of an English university is called the chancellor. However, this does not correspond to the Russian ректор, because the chancellorship is an honorary and ceremonial appointment. The chancellor is not an academic (ученый), but a public figure who attends university functions such as the degree ceremony but has nothing to do with the running of the university. For example, the chancellor of London University is Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. 76. vice-chancellor The vice-chancellor is the effective head of the university. He is an eminent academic, who is responsible for the general policy and organisation of the university. 77. registrar The registrar is responsible for dealing with applications, admission and registration of new students. He may also have other duties. 78. secretary Some institutions have a secretary instead of a registrar, and he carries out the duties listed above. In others there is both a secretary and a registrar, with separate responsibilities. This secretary, who is usually a man, should not be confused with the many women secretaries who work in the vari- ous university offices, doing routine administrative and clerical work, typing, etc. Treasurer, bursar Treasurer is defined in the SOED as: "one who is responsible for the funds of a public body, or of any corporation, association, society or club". Bursar is defined as: "treasurer, esp. of a college". It is clear from this that the word bursar is more restricted in its usage than treasurer, but as many universities have both a treasurer and bursar these definitions are not sufficient to differentiate them. In practice the difference seems to be that the treasurer is responsible for the general finances of the institution, whereas the bursar deals with domestic matters such as planning and development, maintenance (i.e. repairs, etc.) and cleaning. The term domestic bursar is used in some institutions. 80. Universities organise their academic work in a variety These ways are outlined in WHICH UNIVERSITY 1977 as follows: "In all the older universities subjects are taught in individual departments which are in turn grouped into faculties covering the main subject groupings, for example, arts, science, engineering, social science. Sometimes social sciences are incorporated in the arts faculty; law, education, theology, medicine, etc. usually form faculties of their own... In all the universities founded after the Second World War, after and including Keele (see units 34-36 — /. P.), the traditional faculty structure has been avoided in an attempt to prevent over-specialisation and to encourage students to study across the accepted subject boundaries. One form of organisation, pioneered by Sussex, is the school, which embraces a range of related subjects, but is devoted to studying them in relation to a particular theme: English and European Studies, African and Asian Studies, social studies. Essex and East Anglia also have schools, although departments are stronger at Essex. Kent's faculties are more like Sussex schools than traditional faculties. Lancaster, Keele and some of the technological universities have boards of studies; York and Warwick have structures closer to the older universities." The following description of faculties and departments applies to the older universities, especially the civic universities and London. How many faculties there are, what they are called and what subjects each includes varies to some extent from one university to another, even among universities of the same type. As an illustration, here is a list of the faculties at four of the largest civic universities: Birmingham Bristol Arts Arts Science and Engineering Science Medicine and Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Commerce and Social Science Law Social Sciences Manchester Nottingham Arts Arts Science Pure Science Technology Applied Science Medicine Agricultural Science Law Medicine Economic & Social Studies Law & Social Sci- Business Administration ences Theology Education The various faculties will now be treated in turn, taking as the basis these four civic universities. ![]() ![]() ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ ВО ВЗРОСЛОЙ ЖИЗНИ? 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