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Faculty of arts/arts faculty

The faculty of arts is the official name of the faculty. In non-formal style the arts faculty is more common. (For this use of arts, see unit 392.) It will be seen from the lists of faculties given above that the same name is used in all four universities. It is also the one used in nearly all other English universities. The subjects usually taught in the arts faculty are as follows:

English (language and literature) French

German often referred to collectively as modern Ian-Spanish guages.

Italian Both language and literature are included. Russian

Latin often called collectively

Latin Greek (i.e. ancient Greek) History
often called collectively classics

Greek (i.e. ancient Greek) classics History Philosophy

There are some other subjects, for example, drama, Amer-

ican literature and oriental languages, which are taught in this faculty in some universities.

The word гуманитарный can be used in translating arts faculty into Russian, giving факультет гуманитарных


Faculty of science/science faculty

This faculty exists in all English universities, although, as can be seen from the lists of faculties given above, its exact name varies, and it may be combined with what are usually separate faculties or, on the contrary, subdivided. For example, at Birmingham there is a joint faculty of sci­ence and engineering; at Nottingham, on the other hand, there are three science faculties: pure science (called simply science at most universities), applied science (called engineering or technology elsewhere), and agricultural science (only taught at certain universities, and usually called simply agriculture).

Social science is a science in a different sense and will be discussed in unit 86.

However, in spite of some variations in usage, the usual title is the faculty of science or, in less formal style, the sci­ence faculty. This faculty teaches the subjects usually known as the sciences, or, strictly speaking, the natural sciences, viz. biology, chemistry, physics and their branches. In addi­tion it often includes subjects related to the above, for exam­ple, geology, geography. (The usage of the word science is discussed in unit 415.)

The name of this faculty can be translated as факультет естественных наук.

83. faculty of engineering/technology, engineering/technology

Most English universities have a separate faculty of engi­neering, although at Birmingham, for example, it is combined with the science faculty. The name of the faculty varies, however, and this may cause confusion. At some universities, Manchester, for example, it is called the faculty of technology; at others, Nottingham, for example, it is called the faculty of applied science. These three words (engineering, technology and applied science) are strictly speaking not synonymous. Technology is a broader term than engineering and includes all studies related to industry. Applied science is used in contrast to pure science, pure in this case meaning "theoretical". Pure science is that which is usually referred to simply as

science, and which was considered in the previous unit. How­ever, although the three terms are not in general synonyms, they are synonymous in this case, since in practice more or less the same subjects are taught in the faculties concerned, whether the name of the faculty is the faculty of engineering, technology or applied science.

Faculty of medicine/medical faculty

This name is self-explanatory. Sometimes, however, the term medical school is used instead, and this may lead to confusion. A medical school may be one of two things. Firstly, it may be a synonym for medical faculty. The medical faculty is the only one which is commonly referred to as a school in the civic universities, although usage differs at Oxbridge and the new universities. Secondly, medical school may denote a train­ing establishment for doctors attached to a big hospital. Students of these schools take the same examinations as students of the medical faculties of universities. Hospitals with their own medical schools are known as teaching hospi­tals. The expression to be at medical school means "to be stud­ying medicine", either at a university or a teaching hospital.

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