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Кафедра «Иностранные языки – 3»



Методические указания по выполнению

Контрольной работы № 2

Для самостоятельной работы студентов

Первого курса заочной формы обучения

Обучающихся по всем направлениям

Квалификация (степень) бакалавр


Кафедра «Иностранные языки – 3»


Одобрено кафедрой «Иностранные языки -3»


Иностранный язык (английский). Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы №1 для самостоятельной работы студентов первого курса заочной формы обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям, квалификация (степень) бакалавр. –

М.: Финуниверситет, 2016.

Составила: ст. преподаватель Широгалина В. И.



Структура курса…………………………………….…….....................4 стр.

Цели и задачи обучения………………….........................................4 стр.

Самостоятельная работа.........................................................................6 стр.

Выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление

контрольных работ...........................................................................7 стр.

Вариант № 1………………………………………………………… 10 стр.

Вариант № 2……………………………………………………………15 стр.

Вариант № 3…………………………………………………………....20 стр.

Вариант № 4…………………………………………………………….25 стр.

Вариант № 5…………………………………………………………….30 стр.

Вариант №6............................................................................................ 35 стр.

Вариант №7..............................................................................................40 стр.

Вариант №8..............................................................................................45 стр.

Вариант №9..............................................................................................50 стр.

Вариант №10............................................................................................55 стр.






Структура курса

За курс обучения студенты выполняют две контрольные работы, сдают зачет и экзамен. Обучение иностранному языку предполагает следующие формы работы:

- аудиторные групповые занятия под руководством преподавателя;

- обязательная самостоятельная работа по заданию преподавателя,

выполняемая во внеаудиторное время;

- индивидуальная самостоятельная работа студентов на занятии

под руководством преподавателя;

- групповые предэкзаменационные консультации.

Цели и задачи обучения

В процессе обучения достигаются следующие цели:

практическая цель – подготовка будущих бакалавров к практическому использованию иностранного языка в профессиональной и личностной деятельности;

образовательная цель – расширение знаний студентов о стране изучаемого языка в области политики, национальной культуры и экономики, расширение кругозора студента, совершенствование культуры его мышления, общения и речи;

воспитательная цель – формирование стремления к использованию знания иностранного языка в своей профессиональной деятельности, воспитание у студентов уважительного отношения к духовным и материальным ценностям других стран и народов.

Основной целью курса является овладение студентами коммуникативной компетенцией, которая в дальнейшем позволит пользоваться иностранным языком в различных областях профессиональной деятельности, в научной и практической работе, в общении с зарубежными партнерами, для самообразования и других целей.

К концу курса обучения студенты должны владеть следующими умениями и навыками:


· Умение читать и понимать с использованием и без использования словаря тексты, содержащие изученный языковой материал. Умение составлять вопросы по содержанию прочитанного текста и отвечать на вопросы. Умение сделать сообщение по содержанию прочитанного текста.


Говорение и аудирование

· Умение участвовать в несложной беседе по пройденным устным темам;

· Умение использовать формы речевого этикета;

· Умение понять небольшие по объему звучащие аутентичные тексты, содержащие изученный языковой материал и выполнить задания на проверку понимания на слух.


· В результате обучения у студентов должно сформироваться умение читать со словарем и без словаря тексты по специальности. При обучении поисковому чтению с выборочным извлечением информации развивается умение быстро находить нужную информацию, опуская несущественные детали.

· Основные умения при данном виде чтения:

- определять тему, выделять основную мысль;

- выбирать из текста основные факты, опуская второстепенные;

- прогнозировать содержание текста по заголовку, началу текста;

- догадываться о значении ключевых слов и обходить незнакомые слова, которые не препятствуют пониманию основного содержания.

Самостоятельная работа

На заочном отделении основное время на изучение дисциплины “Иностранный язык” приходится на самостоятельную работу. Особое внимание уделяется самостоятельной работе студентов с учебно-методическими материалами. Посещение практических занятий необходимо дополнять систематической работой по учебно-методическим пособиям и компьютерным программам, подготовленным кафедрой.

Самостоятельная работа студентов в процессе усвоения иностранных языков включает в себя:

- работу с образовательными ресурсами портала

- использование платформы Rosetta Stone;

- выполнение заданий, рекомендованных учебными пособиями

- выполнение тестовых заданий, представленных в печатном и электронном виде

- работу с электронными обучающими программами (КОПР)

- выполнение домашних заданий

- выполнение контрольных работ

- подготовка к зачетам и экзаменам

Преобладающая роль в учебном процессе отводится самостоятельной работе студента-заочника с учебно-методическими материалами, поэтому особое внимание обращается на необходимость индивидуального использования КОПР (компьютерных обучающих программ), позволяющих в значительной степени компенсировать ограниченные возможности аудиторного общения студента с преподавателем.

Особенностью заочного обучения является то, что объем самостоятельной работы студента по выработке речевых навыков и умений значительно превышает объем практических аудиторных занятий с преподавателем, поэтому для того, чтобы добиться успеха, необходимы систематические самостоятельные занятия.


Выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление

Контрольных работ

Студенты заочной формы обучения выполняют контрольные работы, предусмотренные учебным планом. Работы выполняются студентами на базе знаний, полученных в результате изучения курса.

Контрольная работа является результатом самостоятельного труда студента. Выполнение контрольной работы позволяет студентам закрепить полученные знания, развить умение работать с грамматическим и лексическим материалом учебника и учебных пособий.

Задачи выполнения контрольной работы:

1.Проверить усвоение грамматического материала и его практического использования для переводов по заданным темам.

2.Проверить усвоение лексического материала курса по заданным темам.

Порядок оформления контрольной работы для студентов заочной формы обучения:

Получив контрольную работу, необходимо:

1) изучить методические рекомендации по работе с материалом учебника;

2) проработать грамматический и лексический материал уроков;

3) выполнить упражнения, относящиеся к грамматическому и лексическому материалу уроков;

4) оформить работу в соответствии с действующими стандартами.

Выполнение контрольных работ носит обучающий характер и проводится с учетом того, что этот вид работы является не только одной из форм обучения студентов грамматике иностранного языка, но и способом расширения словарного запаса. Наряду с этим происходит контроль самостоятельной работы студентов, одной из форм которого является работа над ошибками, допущенными студентами в контрольных работах.

Выполнение контрольных работ способствует развитию навыков перевода с иностранного языка на русский язык, что является одной из задач обучения иностранному языку.

· Контрольные задания составлены в десяти вариантах. Номер варианта следует выбирать в соответствии с первой буквой фамилии студента.


  № варианта
А, Б, В  
Г, Д, Е,  
Ж, З, И,  
К, Л, М  
Н, О, П  
П, Р, С,  
Т, У, Ф,  
Х, Ц, Ч,  
Ш, Щ  
Э, Ю, Я  


· Контрольные задания выполняются на компьютере. На титульном листе указывается фамилия студента, номер группы, номер контрольной работы и фамилия преподавателя, у которого занимается студент. В конце работы должна быть поставлена подпись студента и дата выполнения задания.

· Контрольные задания должны быть выполнены в той последовательности, в которой они даны.

· Выполненную контрольную работу необходимо сдать преподавателю для проверки и рецензирования в установленные сроки.

· Если контрольная работа выполнена без соблюдения изложенных выше требований, она возвращается студенту без проверки.

· Электронную версию контрольной работы можно найти на портале Финансового университета.

Variant I

IV. a) КОПР № 3, 4

VI. a) КОПР № 1

b) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. I don't mind........ my coworkers with their assignments.

a) helping b) to help


2. When I was younger, I didn't like.........presentations, but now I don't mind public speaking.

a) to give b) giving


3. Could you keep........on the report while I make some phone calls?

a) to work b) working


4. After hours of negotiating, we managed........an agreement.

a) to reach b) reaching


5. I prefer.......remotely.

a) to work b) working


6. We should finish......... the software before giving it to users.

a) testing b) to test






A. Read this text.

Auction History


1. The word “auction” is derived from the Latin augere which means “to increase” or “augment”. In an auction each consumer makes a bid for the product, and the highest bid wins. The exact date and time that auctions were first organized is not exactly known. Historians agree on one thing - auctions have been around for a very long time.

2. In the 5th century, the Greeks held auctions to sell women for the purpose of marriage. The Romans were the first to organize sales of goods at auction. The Chinese used auctions to sell surplus property to raise money for their religious leaders and temples.

3. The Вritish organized regular auctions of books and art in the 1600’s. In some parts of England during the 17th and 18th centuries “auction by candle” was used for the sale of goods and leasehold. This auction began by lighting a candle after which bids were offered in ascending order until the candle burnt out. The high bid won the auction. In the late 17th century auctions came to be held in coffeehouses and taverns throughout London. Such auctions were held daily, and catalogues were printed. In the early 18th century the great auction houses were created: Sotheby’s and Christie’s. English auction is also known as an open ascending price auction. This type of auction is the most common form of auction in use today.

4. Over the years auctioneering has been progressing and changing, and today it remains more popular than ever. Mostly everything can be sold by auction: antiques, household items, automobiles, land, livestock, designer clothes, etc. Auctioning is becoming more and more common on the World Wide Web, and auctioning websites have become very big business.


B) F (False)

C) NG (Not Given)

1. In Вabylon auctions of women for marriage were held annually.

2. The Greeks were the first to organize sales of goods at auction.

3. The ascending price auction is the most common today.




Variant №2

IV. a) КОПР № 3,4

VI. а) КОПР № 1

b)) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. I enjoy....... to work - it gives me time to be by myself and to think.

a) to drive b) driving

2. I am good at......... with colleagues.

a) to communicate b) communicating

3. Julia is interested in........ her own business.

a) starting b) to start


4. After hours of negotiating, we managed........an agreement.

a) to reach b) reaching

5. They came........a new car.

a) purchasing b) to purchase

6. If we don't constantly innovate, we risk........behind our competitors.

a) to fail b) failing



A. Read this text.

B) F (False)

C) NG (Not Given)

1. Inflation occurs when money loses some of its value.

2. Sometimes low interest rates on loans make people lend money to buy houses or cars.

3. People with fixed incomes suffer most of all from rising inflation.



Variant №3

IV. a) КОПР № 3,4

VI. а) КОПР № 1

b)) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...


1. I am interested in........more about your special offers.

a) to hear b) hearing


2. I like........colleagues if they come to me with a problem.

a) helping b) to help


3. The buyers want....... our terms of payment.

a) knowing b) to know


4. You don't need........ into an argument over this.

a) to get b) getting


5. We should........ the software before giving it to users.

a) testing b) test


6. Did the company promise.......you a permanent job?

a) to give b) giving





A. Read this text.

International Trade

1. Trade happens because people need or want things that they don’t have. Trade between countries happens for the same reason. Some countries, for example, have natural resources, like coal, oil or wood which other countries might want to buy. They try to sell the goods, products or services that they have too much to other countries. They earn money from these sales and then can buy the things that they themselves need and cannot produce on their own. Both producers and consumers profit from international trade. Even though many nations have a lot of different goods to export there are countries that depend only on one or two products to get money. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other countries of the Middle East depend on oil exports, because it is the only thing that they can sell.

2. The difference between what a country exports and what it imports is called the balance of trade. If a country exports more than it imports we call this a trade surplus. And if a country pays more for its imports than it gets for its exports it has a trade deficit. In some countries the government controls all trade and in others it allows companies and firms to trade freely. However, all governments control trade in some way. Sometimes a government forbids companies to buy or sell dangerous or illegal products, or military technology.

3. Many governments try to help their own industries by making it more difficult to import foreign products. They put import taxes on foreign goods to make products more expensive and their own products cheaper. European countries, for example, may limit the number of cars that are imported from Japan or the USA. They want their people to buy European cars. We call this strategy protectionism because governments want to protect their companies and industries.


B) F (False)

C) NG (Not Given)


1. Both manufacturers and consumers profit from international trade.


2. Many countries in Asia have an absolute advantage in producing electronic goods.


3. If a country imports more than it exports we call this a trade surplus.




Variant №4

IV. a) КОПР №3, 4

VI. a) КОПР № 1

b) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. Tom agreed....... me with the work.

a) to help b) helping


2. They recommend.........insurance with the product.

a) purchasing b) to purchase


3. He managed........the job on time.

a) finishing b) to finish


4. They mentioned........a new car last week.

a) buying b) to buy


5. I really enjoy.......new skills.

a) to learn b) learning


6.They guarantee.........the work before 5 o'clock.

a) to finish b) finishing







A. Read this text

B) F (False)

C) NG (Not Given)


1. Only a decade ago it was only Russian energy giants, or resources producers, that had moved into the global marketplace.

2. Many businesses and clients do not try to replicate their business models from home in Asian markets.

3. Russian companies moving into Asian markets are often attracted to China primarily for its business culture and laws.



Variant №5

IV. a) КОПР №3,4.

VI. a) КОПР № 1

b) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. After hours of negotiating, we managed........an agreement.

a) to reach b) reaching


2. Younger people prefer........for items electronically.

a) to pay b) paying


3. There is no need..........a chief marketing officer.

a) to hire b) hiring


4. We determined.......... the project by the end of the next year.

a) finishing b) to finish


5. He is interested in........his own business.

a) starting b) to start


6. They guarantee.........the work before 5 o'clock.

a) to finish b) finishing





A. Read this text

Banks and Banking

1. A bank is a financial institution that works with the money that the people give it. If you give your money to a bank, it not only protects it but pays you interest rates so that it can work with the money. This is one of the reasons why people save their money in a bank. Without banks the world’s economy would not be able to grow. Investors would not find the money they need for new projects. Industries could not buy new machines and modern technology.

2. Banking has a long tradition. In Mesopotamia bankers kept gold and silver for people and lent it to others. Ancient Rome and Greece had similar banking systems to the ones we have today. During the Middle Ages Italy was the centre of European banking. Florence and Venice became known as two cities in which many people earned their money through banking. The Medici family dominated Florence for over two centuries and set up Europe’s largest bank in the 15th century.

3. The first worldwide banking crisis emerged during the Great Depression in 1929. Many citizens lost their jobs and their savings as banks crashed. In 1933 American president Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill in which the government guaranteed the savings of depositors if a bank went bankrupt. In 2008 a banking crisis hit America and spread throughout the world. Banks gave homeowners mortgages without checking their financial backgrounds. House prices began to drop and banks lost a lot of money. Governments in many countries had to give them money and prevent them from becoming bankrupt.

4. The world’s largest banks are located in Europe, the United States and Japan. In most cases they operate in many countries of the world. Modern banks offer their customers many other services as well. They tell them how they can make money with investments in stocks and bonds. Credit cards are given to customers as a cash-free way of buying things.


B) F (False)

C) NG (Not Given)


1. If you keep your money in a bank, it not only protects it but pays you interest rates.

2. The first worldwide political crisis emerged during the Great Depression in 1929.

3. The banks give customers cheque books and credit cards to use instead of cash.




Variant № 6

IV. a) КОПР №3,4.

VI. a) КОПР № 1

b) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. After hours of negotiating, we managed........an agreement.

a) to reach b) reaching


2. Younger people prefer........for items electronically.

a) to pay b) paying


3. Julia is interested in........ her own business.

a) starting b) to start

4. I am interested in........more about your special offers.

a) to hear b) hearing


5. They must increase the salary....... the right applicants.

a) to attract b) attracting


6. We should finish......... the software before giving it to users.

a) testing b) to test





A. Read this text.


1.Your shirt was made in Mexico and your shoes in China. Your CD player comes from Japan. Today goods are made and sold all over the world, thanks to globalization. We can exchange goods, money and ideas faster and cheaper than ever before. Modern communication and technology, like the Internet, cell phones or satellite TV help us in our daily lives. Globalization is not new. For thousands of years people have been trading goods and travelling across great distances. During the Middle Ages, merchants travelled along the Silk Road, which connected Europe and China. The modern age of globalization started with the Industrial Revolution at the end of the 18th century.

2. Today it is easier for companies to work in other countries. The Internet gives them the chance of reaching more customers around the world. However, there is a growing debate over globalization. Governments are in favour of globalization because the economy can grow. Other people are not so sure that there are only advantages. Here are some arguments from both sides. Globalization lets countries do what they can do best. If, for example, you buy cheap steel from another country you don’t have to make your own steel. You can focus on computers or other things. Globalization gives you a larger market. Consumers also profit from globalization. Products become cheaper and you can get new goods more quickly.

3. But globalization causes unemployment in industrialized countries because firms move their factories to places where they can get cheaper workers. Globalization may lead to more environmental problems. A company may want to build factories in other countries because environmental laws are not as strict as they are at home. Globalization can lead to financial problems. Some of the poorest countries in the world, especially in Africa, may get even poorer. Many experts say that we need a different kind of globalization in our world today.


B) F (False)

C) NG (Not Given)

1.For thousands of years people have been trading commodities and travelling across great distances.

2. Early forms of globalization existed during the Roman Empire.

3. Consumers don't profit from globalization.







Variant № 7

IV. a) КОПР №3,4.

VI. a) КОПР № 1

b) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. Did the company promise.......you a permanent contract?

a) to give b) giving


2. I really enjoy.........new skills.

a) to learn b) learning


3. Don't forget.......a letter with your CV.

a) to include b) including


4. I can't remember..... in the application form.

a) to send b) sending


5. Don't accept anything - you must go on........for your ideal job.

a) to look b) looking


6. They must increase the salary....... the right applicants.

a) to attract b) attracting





A. Read this text.

B) F (False)

C) NG (Not Given)

1. People knew how many coins they needed to buy something because they

had a great value.

2. Paper money had many benefits.

3. Before money was invented people use a system called bartering.






Variant № 8

IV. a) КОПР №3,4.

VI. a) КОПР № 1

b) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. Don't forget.......a letter with your CV.

a) to include b) including


2. After hours of negotiating, we managed........an agreement.

a) to reach b) reaching


3. Julia is interested in........ her own business.

a) starting b) to start


4. We determined.......... the project by the end of the next year.

a) finishing b) to finish

5. I like........colleagues if they come to me with a problem.

a) helping b) to help


6. The buyers want....... our terms of payment.

a) knowing b) to know





A. Read this text.

Merger is the combination of two or more companies into a single corporate entity that often takes on a new name. Mergers enable the companies to share the resources and to increase the level of their strength. In some instances, mergers take place in order to expand the business operations towards a different region.

There are many advantages that the companies gain through mergers such as increase in the sales revenue and market share in the industry, increase in tax efficiency. Further, mergers reduce the cost, increase the profits and increase the shareholder’s value in both merged companies.

3. Takeover or acquisition is a combination in which one firm, the acquirer, purchases and absorbs the operation of another firm, the acquired. Usually in a takeover, a larger company is acquiring a smaller company. The acquisition takes place with the motive of increasing the market share and to increase the level of company performance with the acquired resources to the company.

B) F (False)

C) NG (Not Given)


1.There are many disadvantages that the companies get through mergers.

2. Mergers give the companies the opportunity to share the resources and to increase the level of their strength.

3. Companies are encouraged to takeover other companies by an investment






Variant № 9

IV. a) КОПР №3,4.

VI. a) КОПР № 1

b) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. They guarantee........ the work before 5 o'clock.

a) finishing b) to finish


2. I have lost my job so I 'll have to get used....... much less.

a) to spending b) to spend


3. Julia is interested in........ her own business.

a) starting b) to start


4. Could you continue......on the report while I make some phone calls?

a) to work b) working


5. He managed........the job on time.

a) finishing b) to finish


6. I like..........colleagues if they come to me with a problem.

a) helping b) to help






A. Read this text.

The Factors of Production

1. The factors of production are resources that are the building blocks of the

economy; they are what people use to produce goods and services. Economists

divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and


2. The first factor of production is land, but this includes any natural resource used

to produce goods and services. This includes not just land, but anything that comes

from the land. The second factor of production is labor. Labor is the effort that

people contribute to the production of goods and services. If you have ever been paid

for a job, you have contributed labor resources to the production of goods or

services. The income earned by labor resources is called wages.

3. The third factor of production is capital. Think of capital as the machinery, tools

and buildings humans use to produce goods and services. Some common examples

of capital include hammers, forklifts, conveyer belts, computers, and delivery vans.

Capital differs based on the worker and the type of work being done.

4. The fourth factor of production is entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur is a person

who combines the other factors of production - land, labor, and capital - to earn a

profit. The most successful entrepreneurs are innovators who find new ways produce

goods and services or who develop new goods and services to bring to market.

Without the entrepreneur combining land, labor, and capital in new ways, many of the

innovations we see around us would not exist. Think of the entrepreneurship of

Henry Ford or Bill Gates. Entrepreneurs are a vital engine of economic growth.

Entrepreneurs thrive in economies where they have the freedom to start businesses

and buy resources freely. The payment to entrepreneurship is profit.


B) F (False)

C) NG (Not Given)


1. Economists divide the factors of production into land, labor and capital.


2. Entrepreneurs have the freedom to start businesses and buy resources freely.

3. Division of labor make the production process more efficient.






Variant № 10

IV. a) КОПР №3,4.

VI. a) КОПР № 1

b) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. Let me begin by.......you something about our company's history.

a) tell b) telling


2. We risk....... a lot of money.

a) having b) to have


3. We managed.........an important customer.

a) acquiring b) to acquire


4. They guarantee........the work before 5 o'clock.

a) to finish b) finishing


5.Julia is interested in........ her own business.

a) starting b) to start


6. If we don't constantly innovate, we risk.........behind our competitors.

a) to fall b) falling






A. Read this text.



B) F (False)

C) NG (Not Given)


1. The Fed can influence the ability of companies to fire employees.

2. Before the founding of the Federal Reserve System, the United States underwent several financial crises.

3. The Federal Reserve can make decisions without the permission from the President or Congress.


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